/* * $Id$ * * (C) 2003-2006 Gabest * (C) 2006-2010 see AUTHORS * * This file is part of mplayerc. * * Mplayerc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Mplayerc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "mplayerc.h" #include #include #include #include "RealMediaWindowlessSite.h" #include "../../DSUtil/DSUtil.h" using namespace DSObjects; void DSObjects::ExtractRects(REGION* pRegion) { LPRGNDATA lpRgnData; DWORD sizeNeeed = GetRegionData((HRGN)pRegion->pOSRegion, 0, NULL); lpRgnData = (LPRGNDATA)DNew char[sizeNeeed]; DWORD returnValue = GetRegionData((HRGN)pRegion->pOSRegion, sizeNeeed, lpRgnData); UNUSED_ALWAYS(returnValue); PN_VECTOR_DELETE(pRegion->rects); pRegion->numRects = lpRgnData->rdh.nCount; pRegion->extents.left = lpRgnData->rdh.rcBound.left; pRegion->extents.top = lpRgnData->rdh.rcBound.top; pRegion->extents.right = lpRgnData->rdh.rcBound.right; pRegion->extents.bottom = lpRgnData->rdh.rcBound.bottom; if(lpRgnData->rdh.nCount) { pRegion->rects = DNew PNxRect[lpRgnData->rdh.nCount]; // now extract the information. for(int j = 0; j < (int) lpRgnData->rdh.nCount; j++) { RECT* pRect = (RECT*)lpRgnData->Buffer; pRegion->rects[j].left = pRect[j].left; pRegion->rects[j].top = pRect[j].top; pRegion->rects[j].right = pRect[j].right; pRegion->rects[j].bottom = pRect[j].bottom; } } PN_VECTOR_DELETE(lpRgnData); } REGION* DSObjects::RMACreateRectRegion(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { REGION* retVal = DNew REGION; retVal->pOSRegion = (void*)CreateRectRgn(left, top, right, bottom); ExtractRects(retVal); return retVal; } void DSObjects::RMASubtractRegion(REGION* regM, REGION* regS, REGION* regD) { CombineRgn((HRGN)regD->pOSRegion, (HRGN)regM->pOSRegion, (HRGN)regS->pOSRegion, RGN_DIFF); ExtractRects(regD); } void DSObjects::RMAUnionRegion(REGION* reg1, REGION* reg2, REGION* regD) { CombineRgn((HRGN)regD->pOSRegion, (HRGN)reg1->pOSRegion, (HRGN)reg2->pOSRegion, RGN_OR); ExtractRects(regD); } void DSObjects::RMAIntersectRegion(REGION* reg1, REGION* reg2, REGION* regD) { CombineRgn((HRGN)regD->pOSRegion, (HRGN)reg1->pOSRegion, (HRGN)reg2->pOSRegion, RGN_AND); ExtractRects(regD); } BOOL DSObjects::RMAEqualRegion(REGION* reg1, REGION* reg2) { return EqualRgn((HRGN)reg1->pOSRegion, (HRGN)reg2->pOSRegion) && !memcmp(®1->extents, ®2->extents, sizeof(PNxRect)) ? TRUE : FALSE; } void DSObjects::RMADestroyRegion(REGION* reg) { if(reg) DeleteObject((HRGN)reg->pOSRegion), PN_VECTOR_DELETE(reg->rects); PN_DELETE(reg); } REGION* DSObjects::RMACreateRegion() { return RMACreateRectRegion(0,0,0,0); } // // CRealMediaWindowlessSite // CRealMediaWindowlessSite::CRealMediaWindowlessSite(HRESULT& hr, IUnknown* pContext, CRealMediaWindowlessSite* pParentSite, IUnknown* pUnkOuter) : CUnknown(NAME("CRealMediaWindowlessSite"), pUnkOuter, &hr) , m_pContext(pContext) , m_pParentSite(pParentSite) , m_pCCF(pContext) , m_fDamaged(false), m_fInRedraw(false), m_fIsVisible(true) , m_lZOrder(0) , m_pRegion(NULL), m_pRegionWithoutChildren(NULL) { m_size.cx = m_size.cy = 0; m_position.x = m_position.y = 0; memset(&m_lastBitmapInfo, 0, sizeof(m_lastBitmapInfo)); hr = S_OK; if(!m_pContext || !m_pCCF) { hr = E_POINTER; return; } m_pCCF->CreateInstance(CLSID_IRMAValues, (void**)&m_pValues); } CRealMediaWindowlessSite::~CRealMediaWindowlessSite() { POSITION pos = m_pChildren.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { DestroyChild(m_pChildren.GetNext(pos)); } RMADestroyRegion(m_pRegion); RMADestroyRegion(m_pRegionWithoutChildren); } STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppv) { return QI2(IRMASite) QI2(IRMASite2) QI2(IRMASiteWindowless) QI2(IRMAVideoSurface) (m_pValues && m_pValues->QueryInterface(riid, ppv) == PNR_OK) ? PNR_OK : CUnknown::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(riid, ppv); } // public void CRealMediaWindowlessSite::GetTopLeft(PNxPoint* pPoint) { pPoint->x += m_position.x; pPoint->y += m_position.y; if(m_pParentSite) { m_pParentSite->GetTopLeft(pPoint); } } REGION* CRealMediaWindowlessSite::GetRegion() { return m_pRegion; } // private void CRealMediaWindowlessSite::RecomputeRegion() { if(m_pParentSite) { m_pParentSite->RecomputeRegion(); } else { InternalRecomputeRegion(); } } void CRealMediaWindowlessSite::InternalRecomputeRegion() { ComputeRegion(); POSITION pos = m_pChildren.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { CRealMediaWindowlessSite* pSite = (CRealMediaWindowlessSite*)(IRMASite*)m_pChildren.GetNext(pos); if(pSite) { pSite->InternalRecomputeRegion(); } } } void CRealMediaWindowlessSite::ComputeRegion() { REGION* pTempRegion = NULL; if(m_pRegion) { pTempRegion = RMACreateRegion(); RMAUnionRegion(pTempRegion, m_pRegion, pTempRegion); RMADestroyRegion(m_pRegion); } if(m_pRegionWithoutChildren) { RMADestroyRegion(m_pRegionWithoutChildren); } PNxPoint topleft = {0,0}; GetTopLeft(&topleft); if(IsSiteVisible()) { m_pRegionWithoutChildren = RMACreateRectRegion(topleft.x, topleft.y, topleft.x + m_size.cx, topleft.y + m_size.cy); if(m_pParentSite) { RMAIntersectRegion(m_pRegionWithoutChildren, m_pParentSite->m_pRegionWithoutChildren, m_pRegionWithoutChildren); POSITION pos = m_pParentSite->m_pChildren.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { CRealMediaWindowlessSite* pSiblingSite = (CRealMediaWindowlessSite*)(IRMASite*)m_pParentSite->m_pChildren.GetNext(pos); if(pSiblingSite != this) { INT32 zOrder; pSiblingSite->GetZOrder(zOrder); if(zOrder > m_lZOrder && pSiblingSite->IsSiteVisible()) { pSiblingSite->SubtractSite(m_pRegionWithoutChildren); } } } } m_pRegion = RMACreateRegion(); RMAUnionRegion(m_pRegion, m_pRegionWithoutChildren, m_pRegion); POSITION pos = m_pChildren.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { CRealMediaWindowlessSite* pChildSite = (CRealMediaWindowlessSite*)(IRMASite*)m_pChildren.GetNext(pos); if(pChildSite->IsSiteVisible()) { pChildSite->SubtractSite(m_pRegion); } } } else { m_pRegionWithoutChildren = RMACreateRectRegion(0,0,0,0); m_pRegion = RMACreateRectRegion(0,0,0,0); } if(pTempRegion && !RMAEqualRegion(m_pRegion, pTempRegion)) { ForceRedraw(); } RMADestroyRegion(pTempRegion); } void CRealMediaWindowlessSite::SubtractSite(REGION* pRegion) { PNxPoint topLeft; memset(&topLeft, 0, sizeof(PNxPoint)); GetTopLeft(&topLeft); REGION* pTempRegion = RMACreateRectRegion(topLeft.x, topLeft.y, topLeft.x + m_size.cx, topLeft.y + m_size.cy); RMASubtractRegion(pRegion, pTempRegion, pRegion); RMADestroyRegion(pTempRegion); } void CRealMediaWindowlessSite::UpdateZOrder(CRealMediaWindowlessSite* pUpdatedChildSite, INT32 lOldZOrder, INT32 lNewZOrder) { POSITION pos = m_pChildren.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { CRealMediaWindowlessSite* pSite = (CRealMediaWindowlessSite*)(IRMASite*)m_pChildren.GetNext(pos); INT32 lItsOldZOrder; pSite->GetZOrder(lItsOldZOrder); if(pSite != pUpdatedChildSite) { if(lOldZOrder < lNewZOrder) { if(lItsOldZOrder >= lOldZOrder && lItsOldZOrder < lNewZOrder) { pSite->SetInternalZOrder(lItsOldZOrder-1); } } else { if(lItsOldZOrder >= lNewZOrder && lItsOldZOrder < lOldZOrder) { pSite->SetInternalZOrder(lItsOldZOrder+1); } } } else { pSite->SetInternalZOrder(lNewZOrder); } } } void CRealMediaWindowlessSite::SetInternalZOrder(INT32 lZOrder) { m_lZOrder = lZOrder; } // IRMASiteWindowless STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::EventOccurred(PNxEvent* /*IN*/ pEvent) { return PNR_NOTIMPL; /* not necessary within our implementation */ } STDMETHODIMP_(PNxWindow*) CRealMediaWindowlessSite::GetParentWindow() { return NULL; } // IRMASite STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::AttachUser(IRMASiteUser* /*IN*/ pUser) { HRESULT hr = PNR_FAIL; if(m_pUser) { return PNR_UNEXPECTED; } if(CComQIPtr pOuterSite = GetOwner()) { hr = pUser->AttachSite(pOuterSite); } if(PNR_OK == hr) { m_pUser = pUser; } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::DetachUser() { HRESULT hr = PNR_OK; if(!m_pUser) { return PNR_UNEXPECTED; } hr = m_pUser->DetachSite(); if(PNR_OK == hr) { m_pUser = NULL; } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::GetUser(REF(IRMASiteUser*) /*OUT*/ pUser) { HRESULT hr = PNR_OK; if(!m_pUser) { return PNR_UNEXPECTED; } (pUser = m_pUser)->AddRef(); return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::CreateChild(REF(IRMASite*) /*OUT*/ pChildSite) { HRESULT hr = PNR_OK; CComPtr pSite = (IRMASite*)DNew CRealMediaWindowlessSite(hr, m_pContext, this); if(FAILED(hr) || !pSite) { return E_FAIL; } pChildSite = pSite.Detach(); m_pChildren.AddTail(pChildSite); return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::DestroyChild(IRMASite* /*IN*/ pChildSite) { if(POSITION pos = m_pChildren.Find(pChildSite)) { m_pChildren.RemoveAt(pos); return PNR_OK; } return PNR_UNEXPECTED; } STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::AttachWatcher(IRMASiteWatcher* /*IN*/ pWatcher) { if(m_pWatcher) { return PNR_UNEXPECTED; } if(m_pWatcher = pWatcher) { m_pWatcher->AttachSite((IRMASite*)this); } return PNR_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::DetachWatcher() { if(!m_pWatcher) { return PNR_UNEXPECTED; } m_pWatcher->DetachSite(); m_pWatcher = NULL; return PNR_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::SetPosition(PNxPoint position) { HRESULT hr = PNR_OK; if(m_pWatcher) { hr = m_pWatcher->ChangingPosition(m_position, position); } if(PNR_OK == hr) { m_position = position; POSITION pos = m_pPassiveWatchers.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { m_pPassiveWatchers.GetNext(pos)->PositionChanged(&position); } RecomputeRegion(); } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::GetPosition(REF(PNxPoint) position) { position = m_position; return PNR_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::SetSize(PNxSize size) { HRESULT hr = PNR_OK; if(m_pWatcher) { hr = m_pWatcher->ChangingSize(m_size, size); } if(PNR_OK == hr && size.cx != 0 && size.cy != 0) { m_size = size; POSITION pos = m_pPassiveWatchers.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { m_pPassiveWatchers.GetNext(pos)->SizeChanged(&size); } RecomputeRegion(); } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::GetSize(REF(PNxSize) size) { size = m_size; return PNR_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::DamageRect(PNxRect rect) { m_fDamaged = TRUE; return PNR_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::DamageRegion(PNxRegion region) { m_fDamaged = TRUE; return PNR_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::ForceRedraw() { // make sure we have a visible window and are not re-entering and we have damage if(!m_fInRedraw && m_fDamaged && m_fIsVisible) { m_fInRedraw = TRUE; PNxEvent event = {RMA_SURFACE_UPDATE, NULL, (IRMAVideoSurface*)this, NULL, 0, 0}; m_pUser->HandleEvent(&event); m_fInRedraw = FALSE; m_fDamaged = FALSE; } return PNR_OK; } // IRMASite2 STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::UpdateSiteWindow(PNxWindow* /*IN*/ pWindow) { return PNR_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::ShowSite(BOOL bShow) { m_fIsVisible = !!bShow; RecomputeRegion(); return PNR_OK; } STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) CRealMediaWindowlessSite::IsSiteVisible() { BOOL fIsVisible = m_fIsVisible; if(m_pParentSite) { fIsVisible = fIsVisible && m_pParentSite->IsSiteVisible(); } return fIsVisible; } STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::SetZOrder(INT32 lZOrder) { if(!m_pParentSite) { return PNR_UNEXPECTED; } if(lZOrder == -1 || lZOrder >= (INT32)m_pParentSite->GetNumberOfChildSites()) { lZOrder = m_pParentSite->GetNumberOfChildSites() - 1; } if(m_lZOrder != lZOrder) { m_pParentSite->UpdateZOrder(this, m_lZOrder, lZOrder); } m_lZOrder = lZOrder; return PNR_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::GetZOrder(REF(INT32) lZOrder) { if(!m_pParentSite) { return PNR_UNEXPECTED; } lZOrder = m_lZOrder; return PNR_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::MoveSiteToTop() { if(!m_pParentSite) { return PNR_UNEXPECTED; } return PNR_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::GetVideoSurface(REF(IRMAVideoSurface*) pSurface) { (pSurface = (IRMAVideoSurface*)this)->AddRef(); return PNR_OK; } STDMETHODIMP_(UINT32) CRealMediaWindowlessSite::GetNumberOfChildSites() { return (UINT32)m_pChildren.GetCount(); } STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::AddPassiveSiteWatcher(IRMAPassiveSiteWatcher* pWatcher) { m_pPassiveWatchers.AddTail(pWatcher); return PNR_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::RemovePassiveSiteWatcher(IRMAPassiveSiteWatcher* pWatcher) { if(POSITION pos = m_pPassiveWatchers.Find(pWatcher)) { m_pPassiveWatchers.RemoveAt(pos); return PNR_OK; } return PNR_UNEXPECTED; } STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::SetCursor(PNxCursor cursor, REF(PNxCursor) oldCursor) { return PNR_NOTIMPL; } // private void CRealMediaWindowlessSite::IntersectRect(PNxRect* pRect, PNxRect* pBox, PNxRect* pRetVal) { pRetVal->left = max(pRect->left, pBox->left); pRetVal->top = max(pRect->top, pBox->top); pRetVal->right = min(pRect->right, pBox->right); pRetVal->bottom = min(pRect->bottom, pBox->bottom); } // protected bool CRealMediaWindowlessSite::GetBltService(IRMAVideoSurface** ppBltService) { bool fRet = false; if(ppBltService) { if(m_pParentSite) { fRet = m_pParentSite->GetBltService(ppBltService); } else if(m_pBltService) { (*ppBltService = m_pBltService)->AddRef(); fRet = true; } } return(fRet); } void CRealMediaWindowlessSite::SetBltService(IRMAVideoSurface* pBltService) { m_pBltService = pBltService; } // IRMAVideoSurface STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::Blt(UCHAR* /*IN*/ pImageData, RMABitmapInfoHeader* /*IN*/ pBitmapInfo, REF(PNxRect) /*IN*/ inDestRect, REF(PNxRect) /*IN*/ inSrcRect) { BeginOptimizedBlt(pBitmapInfo); return OptimizedBlt(pImageData, inDestRect, inSrcRect); } STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::BeginOptimizedBlt(RMABitmapInfoHeader* /*IN*/ pBitmapInfo) { if(memcmp(&m_bitmapInfo, pBitmapInfo, sizeof(RMABitmapInfoHeader))) { memcpy(&m_bitmapInfo, pBitmapInfo, sizeof(RMABitmapInfoHeader)); // format of image has changed somehow. // do something here if this affects you. } /* CComPtr pBltService; GetBltService(&pBltService); if(!pBltService) return PNR_UNEXPECTED; RMA_COMPRESSION_TYPE ulType = (RMA_COMPRESSION_TYPE)-1; pBltService->GetPreferredFormat(ulType); if(pBitmapInfo->biCompression != ulType) return PNR_UNEXPECTED; */ return PNR_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::OptimizedBlt(UCHAR* /*IN*/ pImageBits, REF(PNxRect) /*IN*/ rDestRect, REF(PNxRect) /*IN*/ rSrcRect) { CComPtr pBltService; GetBltService(&pBltService); REGION* pRegion = GetRegion(); if(!pBltService || !pRegion) { return PNR_UNEXPECTED; } PNxPoint origin; memset(&origin, 0, sizeof(PNxPoint)); GetTopLeft(&origin); PNxRect adjustedDestRect; adjustedDestRect.left = rDestRect.left + origin.x; adjustedDestRect.top = rDestRect.top + origin.y; adjustedDestRect.right = rDestRect.right + origin.x; adjustedDestRect.bottom = rDestRect.bottom + origin.y; for(int i = 0; i < pRegion->numRects; i++) { PNxRect* pRect = pRegion->rects+i; // intersect the dest rect with the rect from the // region to get the final dest rect. PNxRect finalDestRect; IntersectRect(&adjustedDestRect, pRect, &finalDestRect); // now compute the src rect for this blt. double xStretch = (double) (rDestRect.right - rDestRect.left) / (double) (rSrcRect.right - rSrcRect.left); double yStretch = (double) (rDestRect.bottom - rDestRect.top) / (double) (rSrcRect.bottom - rSrcRect.top); PNxRect finalSrcRect; finalSrcRect.left = (INT32)((double)(finalDestRect.left-origin.x) / xStretch + 0.5); finalSrcRect.top = (INT32)((double)(finalDestRect.top-origin.y) / yStretch + 0.5); finalSrcRect.right = (INT32)((double)(finalDestRect.right-origin.x) / xStretch + 0.5); finalSrcRect.bottom = (INT32)((double)(finalDestRect.bottom-origin.y) / yStretch + 0.5); pBltService->Blt(pImageBits, &m_bitmapInfo, finalDestRect, finalSrcRect); } return PNR_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::EndOptimizedBlt() { memset(&m_bitmapInfo, 0, sizeof(m_bitmapInfo)); return PNR_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::GetOptimizedFormat(REF(RMA_COMPRESSION_TYPE) /*OUT*/ ulType) { ulType = m_bitmapInfo.biCompression; return PNR_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CRealMediaWindowlessSite::GetPreferredFormat(REF(RMA_COMPRESSION_TYPE) /*OUT*/ ulType) { CComPtr pBltService; GetBltService(&pBltService); if(!pBltService) { return PNR_UNEXPECTED; } return pBltService->GetPreferredFormat(ulType); }