/* * $Id$ * * (C) 2006-2011 see AUTHORS * * This file is part of mplayerc. * * Mplayerc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Mplayerc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "VMROSD.h" #include "mplayerc.h" #define SEEKBAR_HEIGHT 60 #define SLIDER_BAR_HEIGHT 10 #define SLIDER_CURSOR_HEIGHT 30 #define SLIDER_CURSOR_WIDTH 15 CVMROSD::CVMROSD(void) { m_Color[OSD_TRANSPARENT] = RGB( 0, 0, 0); m_Color[OSD_BACKGROUND] = RGB( 32, 40, 48); m_Color[OSD_BORDER] = RGB( 48, 56, 62); m_Color[OSD_TEXT] = RGB(224, 224, 224); m_Color[OSD_BAR] = RGB( 64, 72, 80); m_Color[OSD_CURSOR] = RGB(192, 200, 208); m_Color[OSD_DEBUGCLR] = RGB(128, 136, 144); m_penBorder.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, m_Color[OSD_BORDER]); m_penCursor.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 4, m_Color[OSD_CURSOR]); m_brushBack.CreateSolidBrush(m_Color[OSD_BACKGROUND]); m_brushBar.CreateSolidBrush (m_Color[OSD_BAR]); m_debugBrushBack.CreateSolidBrush(m_Color[OSD_DEBUGCLR]); m_debugPenBorder.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, m_Color[OSD_BORDER]); m_nMessagePos = OSD_NOMESSAGE; m_bSeekBarVisible = false; m_bCursorMoving = false; m_pMFVMB = NULL; m_pVMB = NULL; m_pMVTO = NULL; memset(&m_BitmapInfo, 0, sizeof(m_BitmapInfo)); m_FontSize = 0; m_OSD_Font = _T(""); } CVMROSD::~CVMROSD(void) { m_MemDC.DeleteDC(); } void CVMROSD::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { if (m_pWnd && (m_pVMB || m_pMFVMB)) { if (m_bSeekBarVisible) { m_bCursorMoving = false; m_bSeekBarVisible = false; Invalidate(); } UpdateBitmap(); } } void CVMROSD::UpdateBitmap() { CAutoLock Lock(&m_Lock); CRect rc; CWindowDC dc (m_pWnd); CalcRect(); m_MemDC.DeleteDC(); memset(&m_BitmapInfo, 0, sizeof(m_BitmapInfo)); if (m_MemDC.CreateCompatibleDC (&dc)) { BITMAPINFO bmi = {0}; HBITMAP hbmpRender; ZeroMemory( &bmi.bmiHeader, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) ); bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = m_rectWnd.Width(); bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = - (int) m_rectWnd.Height(); // top-down bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; hbmpRender = CreateDIBSection( m_MemDC, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, NULL, NULL, NULL ); m_MemDC.SelectObject (hbmpRender); if (::GetObject(hbmpRender, sizeof(BITMAP), &m_BitmapInfo) != 0) { // Configure the VMR's bitmap structure if (m_pVMB) { ZeroMemory(&m_VMR9AlphaBitmap, sizeof(m_VMR9AlphaBitmap) ); m_VMR9AlphaBitmap.dwFlags = VMRBITMAP_HDC | VMRBITMAP_SRCCOLORKEY; m_VMR9AlphaBitmap.hdc = m_MemDC; m_VMR9AlphaBitmap.rSrc = m_rectWnd; m_VMR9AlphaBitmap.rDest.left = 0; m_VMR9AlphaBitmap.rDest.top = 0; m_VMR9AlphaBitmap.rDest.right = 1.0; m_VMR9AlphaBitmap.rDest.bottom = 1.0; m_VMR9AlphaBitmap.fAlpha = 1.0; m_VMR9AlphaBitmap.clrSrcKey = m_Color[OSD_TRANSPARENT]; } else if (m_pMFVMB) { ZeroMemory(&m_MFVideoAlphaBitmap, sizeof(m_MFVideoAlphaBitmap) ); m_MFVideoAlphaBitmap.params.dwFlags = MFVideoAlphaBitmap_SrcColorKey; m_MFVideoAlphaBitmap.params.clrSrcKey = m_Color[OSD_TRANSPARENT]; m_MFVideoAlphaBitmap.params.rcSrc = m_rectWnd; m_MFVideoAlphaBitmap.params.nrcDest.right = 1; m_MFVideoAlphaBitmap.params.nrcDest.bottom = 1; m_MFVideoAlphaBitmap.GetBitmapFromDC = TRUE; m_MFVideoAlphaBitmap.bitmap.hdc = m_MemDC; } m_MemDC.SetTextColor(m_Color[OSD_TEXT]); m_MemDC.SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT); } if(m_MainFont.GetSafeHandle()) { m_MemDC.SelectObject(m_MainFont); } DeleteObject(hbmpRender); } } void CVMROSD::Start (CWnd* pWnd, IVMRMixerBitmap9* pVMB) { m_pVMB = pVMB; m_pMFVMB = NULL; m_pMVTO = NULL; m_pWnd = pWnd; UpdateBitmap(); } void CVMROSD::Start (CWnd* pWnd, IMFVideoMixerBitmap* pMFVMB) { m_pMFVMB = pMFVMB; m_pVMB = NULL; m_pMVTO = NULL; m_pWnd = pWnd; UpdateBitmap(); } void CVMROSD::Start (CWnd* pWnd, IMadVRTextOsd* pMVTO) { m_pMFVMB = NULL; m_pVMB = NULL; m_pMVTO = pMVTO; m_pWnd = pWnd; } void CVMROSD::Stop() { if(m_pVMB) { m_pVMB.Release(); } if(m_pMFVMB) { m_pMFVMB.Release(); } if(m_pMVTO) { m_pMVTO.Release(); } m_pWnd = NULL; } void CVMROSD::CalcRect() { if (m_pWnd) { m_pWnd->GetClientRect(&m_rectWnd); m_rectSeekBar.left = m_rectWnd.left + 10; m_rectSeekBar.right = m_rectWnd.right - 10; m_rectSeekBar.top = m_rectWnd.bottom - SEEKBAR_HEIGHT; m_rectSeekBar.bottom = m_rectSeekBar.top + SEEKBAR_HEIGHT; } } void CVMROSD::DrawRect(CRect* rect, CBrush* pBrush, CPen* pPen) { if (pPen) { m_MemDC.SelectObject (pPen); } else { m_MemDC.SelectStockObject(NULL_PEN); } if (pBrush) { m_MemDC.SelectObject (pBrush); } else { m_MemDC.SelectStockObject(HOLLOW_BRUSH); } m_MemDC.Rectangle (rect); } void CVMROSD::DrawSlider(CRect* rect, __int64 llMin, __int64 llMax, __int64 llPos) { m_rectBar.left = rect->left + 10; m_rectBar.right = rect->right - 10; m_rectBar.top = rect->top + (rect->Height() - SLIDER_BAR_HEIGHT) / 2; m_rectBar.bottom = m_rectBar.top + SLIDER_BAR_HEIGHT; if (llMax == llMin) { m_rectCursor.left = m_rectBar.left; } else { m_rectCursor.left = m_rectBar.left + (long)((m_rectBar.Width() - SLIDER_CURSOR_WIDTH) * llPos / (llMax-llMin)); } m_rectCursor.right = m_rectCursor.left + SLIDER_CURSOR_WIDTH; m_rectCursor.top = rect->top + (rect->Height() - SLIDER_CURSOR_HEIGHT) / 2; m_rectCursor.bottom = m_rectCursor.top + SLIDER_CURSOR_HEIGHT; DrawRect (rect, &m_brushBack, &m_penBorder); DrawRect (&m_rectBar, &m_brushBar); DrawRect (&m_rectCursor, NULL, &m_penCursor); } void CVMROSD::DrawMessage() { if (m_BitmapInfo.bmWidth*m_BitmapInfo.bmHeight*(m_BitmapInfo.bmBitsPixel/8) == 0) { return; } if (m_nMessagePos != OSD_NOMESSAGE) { CRect rectText (0,0,0,0); CRect rectMessages; m_MemDC.DrawText (m_strMessage, &rectText, DT_CALCRECT); rectText.InflateRect(20, 10); switch (m_nMessagePos) { case OSD_TOPLEFT : rectMessages = CRect (10, 10, min((rectText.right + 10),(m_rectWnd.right - 10)), (rectText.bottom + 10)); break; case OSD_TOPRIGHT : default : rectMessages = CRect (max(10,m_rectWnd.right-10-rectText.Width()), 10, m_rectWnd.right-10, rectText.bottom + 10); break; } DrawRect (&rectMessages, &m_brushBack, &m_penBorder); DWORD uFormat = DT_SINGLELINE|DT_CENTER|DT_VCENTER|DT_NOPREFIX; if(rectText.right > (m_rectWnd.right - 20)) { m_strMessage = _T(" ") + m_strMessage; uFormat = uFormat|DT_END_ELLIPSIS; } m_MemDC.DrawText (m_strMessage, &rectMessages, uFormat); } } void CVMROSD::DrawDebug() { if ( !m_debugMessages.IsEmpty() ) { CString msg, tmp; POSITION pos; pos = m_debugMessages.GetHeadPosition(); msg.Format(_T("%s"), m_debugMessages.GetNext(pos)); while(pos) { tmp = m_debugMessages.GetNext(pos); if ( !tmp.IsEmpty() ) { msg.AppendFormat(_T("\r\n%s"), tmp); } } CRect rectText(0,0,0,0); CRect rectMessages; m_MemDC.DrawText(msg, &rectText, DT_CALCRECT); rectText.InflateRect(20, 10); int l, r, t, b; l = (m_rectWnd.Width() >> 1) - (rectText.Width() >> 1) - 10; r = (m_rectWnd.Width() >> 1) + (rectText.Width() >> 1) + 10; t = (m_rectWnd.Height() >> 1) - (rectText.Height() >> 1) - 10; b = (m_rectWnd.Height() >> 1) + (rectText.Height() >> 1) + 10; rectMessages = CRect(l, t, r, b); DrawRect(&rectMessages, &m_debugBrushBack, &m_debugPenBorder); m_MemDC.DrawText(msg, &rectMessages, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER); } } void CVMROSD::Invalidate() { CAutoLock Lock(&m_Lock); if (m_BitmapInfo.bmWidth*m_BitmapInfo.bmHeight*(m_BitmapInfo.bmBitsPixel/8) == 0) { return; } memsetd(m_BitmapInfo.bmBits, 0xff000000, m_BitmapInfo.bmWidth*m_BitmapInfo.bmHeight*(m_BitmapInfo.bmBitsPixel/8)); if (m_bSeekBarVisible) { DrawSlider(&m_rectSeekBar, m_llSeekMin, m_llSeekMax, m_llSeekPos); } DrawMessage(); DrawDebug(); if (m_pVMB) { m_VMR9AlphaBitmap.dwFlags &= ~VMRBITMAP_DISABLE; m_pVMB->SetAlphaBitmap(&m_VMR9AlphaBitmap); } else if (m_pMFVMB) { m_pMFVMB->SetAlphaBitmap (&m_MFVideoAlphaBitmap); } } void CVMROSD::UpdateSeekBarPos(CPoint point) { m_llSeekPos = (point.x - m_rectBar.left) * (m_llSeekMax-m_llSeekMin) / (m_rectBar.Width() - SLIDER_CURSOR_WIDTH); m_llSeekPos = max (m_llSeekPos, m_llSeekMin); m_llSeekPos = min (m_llSeekPos, m_llSeekMax); if (m_pWnd) { AfxGetApp()->GetMainWnd()->PostMessage(WM_HSCROLL, MAKEWPARAM((short)m_llSeekPos, SB_THUMBTRACK), (LPARAM)m_pWnd->m_hWnd); } } bool CVMROSD::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { bool bRet = false; if (m_pVMB || m_pMFVMB) { if (m_bCursorMoving) { UpdateSeekBarPos(point); Invalidate(); } else if (!m_bSeekBarVisible && AfxGetAppSettings().IsD3DFullscreen() && m_rectSeekBar.PtInRect(point)) { m_bSeekBarVisible = true; Invalidate(); } else if (m_bSeekBarVisible && !m_rectSeekBar.PtInRect(point)) { m_bSeekBarVisible = false; // Add new timer for removing any messages if (m_pWnd) { KillTimer(m_pWnd->m_hWnd, (long)this); SetTimer(m_pWnd->m_hWnd, (long)this, 1000, (TIMERPROC)TimerFunc); } Invalidate(); } else { bRet = false; } } return bRet; } bool CVMROSD::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { bool bRet = false; if (m_pVMB || m_pMFVMB) { if (m_rectCursor.PtInRect (point)) { m_bCursorMoving = true; bRet = true; } else if (m_rectSeekBar.PtInRect(point)) { bRet = true; UpdateSeekBarPos(point); Invalidate(); } } return bRet; } bool CVMROSD::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { bool bRet = false; if (m_pVMB || m_pMFVMB) { m_bCursorMoving = false; bRet = (m_rectCursor.PtInRect (point) || m_rectSeekBar.PtInRect(point)); } return bRet; } __int64 CVMROSD::GetPos() const { return m_llSeekPos; } void CVMROSD::SetPos(__int64 pos) { m_llSeekPos = pos; } void CVMROSD::SetRange(__int64 start, __int64 stop) { m_llSeekMin = start; m_llSeekMax = stop; } void CVMROSD::GetRange(__int64& start, __int64& stop) { start = m_llSeekMin; stop = m_llSeekMax; } void CVMROSD::TimerFunc(HWND hWnd, UINT nMsg, UINT nIDEvent, DWORD dwTime) { CVMROSD* pVMROSD = (CVMROSD*) nIDEvent; if (pVMROSD) { pVMROSD->ClearMessage(); } KillTimer(hWnd, nIDEvent); } void CVMROSD::ClearMessage() { CAutoLock Lock(&m_Lock); if (m_bSeekBarVisible) { return; } if (m_pVMB) { DWORD dwBackup = (m_VMR9AlphaBitmap.dwFlags | VMRBITMAP_DISABLE); m_VMR9AlphaBitmap.dwFlags = VMRBITMAP_DISABLE; m_nMessagePos = OSD_NOMESSAGE; m_pVMB->SetAlphaBitmap(&m_VMR9AlphaBitmap); m_VMR9AlphaBitmap.dwFlags = dwBackup; } else if (m_pMFVMB) { m_pMFVMB->ClearAlphaBitmap(); } else if (m_pMVTO) { m_pMVTO->OsdClearMessage(); } } void CVMROSD::DisplayMessage (OSD_MESSAGEPOS nPos, LPCTSTR strMsg, int nDuration, int FontSize, CString OSD_Font) { if (m_pVMB || m_pMFVMB) { if ( nPos != OSD_DEBUG ) { m_nMessagePos = nPos; m_strMessage = strMsg; } else { m_debugMessages.AddTail(strMsg); if ( m_debugMessages.GetCount() > 20 ) { m_debugMessages.RemoveHead(); } nDuration = -1; } int temp_m_FontSize = m_FontSize; CString temp_m_OSD_Font = m_OSD_Font; if (FontSize == 0) { m_FontSize = AfxGetAppSettings().nOSDSize; } else { m_FontSize = FontSize; } if (m_FontSize<10 || m_FontSize>26) { m_FontSize=20; } if (OSD_Font == _T("")) { m_OSD_Font = AfxGetAppSettings().strOSDFont; } else { m_OSD_Font = OSD_Font; } if((temp_m_FontSize != m_FontSize) || (temp_m_OSD_Font != m_OSD_Font)) { if(m_MainFont.GetSafeHandle()) { m_MainFont.DeleteObject(); } m_MainFont.CreatePointFont(m_FontSize*10, m_OSD_Font); m_MemDC.SelectObject(m_MainFont); } if (m_pWnd) { KillTimer(m_pWnd->m_hWnd, (long)this); if (nDuration != -1) { SetTimer(m_pWnd->m_hWnd, (long)this, nDuration, (TIMERPROC)TimerFunc); } } Invalidate(); } else if (m_pMVTO) { m_pMVTO->OsdDisplayMessage(strMsg, nDuration); } } void CVMROSD::DebugMessage( LPCTSTR format, ... ) { CString tmp; va_list argList; va_start(argList, format); tmp.FormatV(format, argList); va_end(argList); DisplayMessage(OSD_DEBUG, tmp); }