/* The values below correspond to the icon indexes. * The order should be exactly the same as in the mpciconlib.rc file. * There should be no gaps in the numbering. So be careful * when adding/removing icons. */ #define IDI_AVI_ICON 0 #define IDI_MPG_ICON 1 #define IDI_MP4_ICON 2 #define IDI_MKV_ICON 3 #define IDI_OGM_ICON 4 #define IDI_FLV_ICON 5 #define IDI_WMV_ICON 6 #define IDI_MOV_ICON 7 #define IDI_RM_ICON 8 #define IDI_MP3_ICON 9 #define IDI_OGG_ICON 10 #define IDI_AAC_ICON 11 #define IDI_MKA_ICON 12 #define IDI_WMA_ICON 13 #define IDI_RA_ICON 14 #define IDI_WAV_ICON 15 #define IDI_MPA_ICON 16 #define IDI_CDA_ICON 17 #define IDI_MPC_ICON 18 #define IDI_FLAC_ICON 19 #define IDI_ALAC_ICON 20 #define IDI_PLC_ICON 21 #define IDI_D2V_ICON 22 #define IDI_MID_ICON 23 #define IDI_AIFF_ICON 24 #define IDI_AU_ICON 25 #define IDI_IVF_ICON 26 #define IDI_FLIC_ICON 27 #define IDI_BIK_ICON 28 #define IDI_RATDVD_ICON 29 #define IDI_ROQ_ICON 30 #define IDI_RT_ICON 31 #define IDI_DRC_ICON 32 #define IDI_DSM_ICON 33 #define IDI_SWF_ICON 34 #define IDI_OTHER_ICON 35 #define IDI_DVDA_ICON 36 #define IDI_DVDF_ICON 37 #define IDI_NONE -1 // Next default values for new objects // #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 39 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 40001 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1001 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101 #endif #endif