@echo off rem An all in one script which demonstrates how to sync all locale rc files to the latest mplayerc.rc. rem It will try to patch existing local rc files first, then sync them to mplayerc.rc. rem Then it will overwrite rc files with new rc ones, and after that it will generate the text files. rem This is only an example. echo Get the latest mplayerc.rc from repository first... svn cat -r head ../mplayerc.rc > $$TEMP$$.old if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 goto :NOSVNCLI echo ---------------------- for %%i in (*.rc) do echo Patching file %%i & perl patch.pl -i text\%%i.txt %%i & echo ---------------------- echo ---------------------- echo Generating new rc files... perl rcfile.pl -b $$TEMP$$.old del $$TEMP$$.old echo ---------------------- copy newrc\*.rc . echo ---------------------- echo Generating new string files... copy ..\mplayerc.rc . perl rcstrings.pl -a del mplayerc.rc echo ---------------------- goto :END :NOSVNCLI echo You'll need svn command line tool to use this script. echo Or you can just checkout the head revision of mplayerc.rc file by yourself, echo put it somewhere and then use the -b option to point to it. :END pause