/* * (C) 2003-2006 Gabest * (C) 2006-2013 see Authors.txt * * This file is part of MPC-HC. * * MPC-HC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MPC-HC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #pragma once #include #include class CStreamSwitcherFilter; class CStreamSwitcherPassThru : public IMediaSeeking, public CMediaPosition { protected: CStreamSwitcherFilter* m_pFilter; public: CStreamSwitcherPassThru(LPUNKNOWN, HRESULT* phr, CStreamSwitcherFilter* pFilter); DECLARE_IUNKNOWN STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppv); // IMediaSeeking methods STDMETHODIMP GetCapabilities(DWORD* pCapabilities); STDMETHODIMP CheckCapabilities(DWORD* pCapabilities); STDMETHODIMP SetTimeFormat(const GUID* pFormat); STDMETHODIMP GetTimeFormat(GUID* pFormat); STDMETHODIMP IsUsingTimeFormat(const GUID* pFormat); STDMETHODIMP IsFormatSupported(const GUID* pFormat); STDMETHODIMP QueryPreferredFormat(GUID* pFormat); STDMETHODIMP ConvertTimeFormat(LONGLONG* pTarget, const GUID* pTargetFormat, LONGLONG Source, const GUID* pSourceFormat); STDMETHODIMP SetPositions(LONGLONG* pCurrent, DWORD CurrentFlags, LONGLONG* pStop, DWORD StopFlags); STDMETHODIMP GetPositions(LONGLONG* pCurrent, LONGLONG* pStop); STDMETHODIMP GetCurrentPosition(LONGLONG* pCurrent); STDMETHODIMP GetStopPosition(LONGLONG* pStop); STDMETHODIMP SetRate(double dRate); STDMETHODIMP GetRate(double* pdRate); STDMETHODIMP GetDuration(LONGLONG* pDuration); STDMETHODIMP GetAvailable(LONGLONG* pEarliest, LONGLONG* pLatest); STDMETHODIMP GetPreroll(LONGLONG* pllPreroll); // IMediaPosition properties STDMETHODIMP get_Duration(REFTIME* plength); STDMETHODIMP put_CurrentPosition(REFTIME llTime); STDMETHODIMP get_StopTime(REFTIME* pllTime); STDMETHODIMP put_StopTime(REFTIME llTime); STDMETHODIMP get_PrerollTime(REFTIME* pllTime); STDMETHODIMP put_PrerollTime(REFTIME llTime); STDMETHODIMP get_Rate(double* pdRate); STDMETHODIMP put_Rate(double dRate); STDMETHODIMP get_CurrentPosition(REFTIME* pllTime); STDMETHODIMP CanSeekForward(LONG* pCanSeekForward); STDMETHODIMP CanSeekBackward(LONG* pCanSeekBackward); }; class CStreamSwitcherInputPin; class CStreamSwitcherAllocator : public CMemAllocator { protected: CStreamSwitcherInputPin* m_pPin; CMediaType m_mt; bool m_fMediaTypeChanged; public: CStreamSwitcherAllocator(CStreamSwitcherInputPin* pPin, HRESULT* phr); #ifdef _DEBUG ~CStreamSwitcherAllocator(); #endif STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) NonDelegatingAddRef(); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) NonDelegatingRelease(); STDMETHODIMP GetBuffer( IMediaSample** ppBuffer, REFERENCE_TIME* pStartTime, REFERENCE_TIME* pEndTime, DWORD dwFlags); void NotifyMediaType(const CMediaType& mt); }; interface __declspec(uuid("DA395FA3-4A3E-4D85-805E-0BEFF53D4BCD")) IStreamSwitcherInputPin : public IUnknown { STDMETHOD_(bool, IsActive)() PURE; }; class CStreamSwitcherInputPin : public CBaseInputPin, public IPinConnection, public IStreamSwitcherInputPin { friend class CStreamSwitcherAllocator; CStreamSwitcherAllocator m_Allocator; BOOL m_bSampleSkipped; BOOL m_bQualityChanged; BOOL m_bUsingOwnAllocator; CAMEvent m_evBlock; bool m_fCanBlock; HRESULT Active(); HRESULT Inactive(); HRESULT QueryAcceptDownstream(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* pmt); HRESULT InitializeOutputSample(IMediaSample* pInSample, IMediaSample** ppOutSample); HANDLE m_hNotifyEvent; public: CStreamSwitcherInputPin(CStreamSwitcherFilter* pFilter, HRESULT* phr, LPCWSTR pName); DECLARE_IUNKNOWN STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppv); CMediaType& CurrentMediaType() { return m_mt; } IMemAllocator* CurrentAllocator() { return m_pAllocator; } bool IsUsingOwnAllocator() { return m_bUsingOwnAllocator == TRUE; } void Block(bool fBlock); CCritSec m_csReceive; // pure virtual HRESULT CheckMediaType(const CMediaType* pmt); // virtual HRESULT CheckConnect(IPin* pPin); HRESULT CompleteConnect(IPin* pReceivePin); // IPin STDMETHODIMP QueryAccept(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* pmt); STDMETHODIMP ReceiveConnection(IPin* pConnector, const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* pmt); STDMETHODIMP GetAllocator(IMemAllocator** ppAllocator); STDMETHODIMP NotifyAllocator(IMemAllocator* pAllocator, BOOL bReadOnly); STDMETHODIMP BeginFlush(); STDMETHODIMP EndFlush(); STDMETHODIMP EndOfStream(); // IMemInputPin STDMETHODIMP Receive(IMediaSample* pSample); STDMETHODIMP NewSegment(REFERENCE_TIME tStart, REFERENCE_TIME tStop, double dRate); // IPinConnection STDMETHODIMP DynamicQueryAccept(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* pmt); STDMETHODIMP NotifyEndOfStream(HANDLE hNotifyEvent); STDMETHODIMP IsEndPin(); STDMETHODIMP DynamicDisconnect(); // IStreamSwitcherInputPin STDMETHODIMP_(bool) IsActive(); }; class CStreamSwitcherOutputPin : public CBaseOutputPin, public IStreamBuilder { CComPtr m_pStreamSwitcherPassThru; CComPtr m_pPinConnection; HRESULT QueryAcceptUpstream(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* pmt); public: CStreamSwitcherOutputPin(CStreamSwitcherFilter* pFilter, HRESULT* phr); DECLARE_IUNKNOWN STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppv); CMediaType& CurrentMediaType() { return m_mt; } IMemAllocator* CurrentAllocator() { return m_pAllocator; } IPinConnection* CurrentPinConnection() { return m_pPinConnection; } // pure virtual HRESULT DecideBufferSize(IMemAllocator* pAllocator, ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES* pProperties); // virtual HRESULT CheckConnect(IPin* pPin); HRESULT BreakConnect(); HRESULT CompleteConnect(IPin* pReceivePin); HRESULT CheckMediaType(const CMediaType* pmt); HRESULT GetMediaType(int iPosition, CMediaType* pmt); // IPin STDMETHODIMP QueryAccept(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* pmt); // IQualityControl STDMETHODIMP Notify(IBaseFilter* pSender, Quality q); // IStreamBuilder STDMETHODIMP Render(IPin* ppinOut, IGraphBuilder* pGraph); STDMETHODIMP Backout(IPin* ppinOut, IGraphBuilder* pGraph); }; class CStreamSwitcherFilter : public CBaseFilter, public IAMStreamSelect { friend class CStreamSwitcherInputPin; friend class CStreamSwitcherOutputPin; friend class CStreamSwitcherPassThru; CAtlList m_pInputs; CStreamSwitcherInputPin* m_pInput; CStreamSwitcherOutputPin* m_pOutput; CCritSec m_csState, m_csPins; HRESULT CompleteConnect(PIN_DIRECTION dir, CBasePin* pPin, IPin* pReceivePin); protected: void SelectInput(CStreamSwitcherInputPin* pInput); public: CStreamSwitcherFilter(LPUNKNOWN lpunk, HRESULT* phr, const CLSID& clsid); virtual ~CStreamSwitcherFilter(); DECLARE_IUNKNOWN STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppv); int GetPinCount(); CBasePin* GetPin(int n); int GetConnectedInputPinCount(); CStreamSwitcherInputPin* GetConnectedInputPin(int n); CStreamSwitcherInputPin* GetInputPin(); CStreamSwitcherOutputPin* GetOutputPin(); bool m_fResetOutputMediaType; void ResetOutputMediaType() { m_fResetOutputMediaType = true; } // override these virtual HRESULT CheckMediaType(const CMediaType* pmt) = 0; virtual HRESULT Transform(IMediaSample* pIn, IMediaSample* pOut); virtual CMediaType CreateNewOutputMediaType(CMediaType mt, long& cbBuffer); virtual void OnNewOutputMediaType(const CMediaType& mtIn, const CMediaType& mtOut) {} // and maybe these virtual HRESULT DeliverEndOfStream(); virtual HRESULT DeliverBeginFlush(); virtual HRESULT DeliverEndFlush(); virtual HRESULT DeliverNewSegment(REFERENCE_TIME tStart, REFERENCE_TIME tStop, double dRate); // IAMStreamSelect STDMETHODIMP Count(DWORD* pcStreams); STDMETHODIMP Info(long lIndex, AM_MEDIA_TYPE** ppmt, DWORD* pdwFlags, LCID* plcid, DWORD* pdwGroup, WCHAR** ppszName, IUnknown** ppObject, IUnknown** ppUnk); STDMETHODIMP Enable(long lIndex, DWORD dwFlags); };