/* * $Id$ * * (C) 2003-2006 Gabest * (C) 2006-2010 see AUTHORS * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #include "stdafx.h" #include #include #include "DirectVobSubFilter.h" #include "TextInputPin.h" #include "DirectVobSubPropPage.h" #include "VSFilter.h" #include "systray.h" #include "../../../DSUtil/MediaTypes.h" #include "../../../SubPic/MemSubPic.h" #include "../../../SubPic/SubPicQueueImpl.h" #include #include /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*removeme*/ bool g_RegOK = true;//false; // doesn't work with the dvd graph builder //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Constructor // CDirectVobSubFilter::CDirectVobSubFilter(LPUNKNOWN punk, HRESULT* phr, const GUID& clsid) : CBaseVideoFilter(NAME("CDirectVobSubFilter"), punk, phr, clsid) , m_nSubtitleId((DWORD_PTR)-1) , m_fMSMpeg4Fix(false) , m_fps(25) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); m_hdc = 0; m_hbm = 0; m_hfont = 0; { LOGFONT lf; memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(lf)); lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET; lf.lfOutPrecision = OUT_CHARACTER_PRECIS; lf.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lf.lfQuality = ANTIALIASED_QUALITY; HDC hdc = GetDC(NULL); lf.lfHeight = -MulDiv(10, GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY), 72); ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc); lf.lfWeight = FW_BOLD; _tcscpy(lf.lfFaceName, _T("Arial")); m_hfont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf); } theApp.WriteProfileString(ResStr(IDS_R_DEFTEXTPATHES), _T("Hint"), _T("The first three are fixed, but you can add more up to ten entries.")); theApp.WriteProfileString(ResStr(IDS_R_DEFTEXTPATHES), _T("Path0"), _T(".")); theApp.WriteProfileString(ResStr(IDS_R_DEFTEXTPATHES), _T("Path1"), _T("c:\\subtitles")); theApp.WriteProfileString(ResStr(IDS_R_DEFTEXTPATHES), _T("Path2"), _T(".\\subtitles")); m_fLoading = true; m_hSystrayThread = 0; m_tbid.hSystrayWnd = NULL; m_tbid.graph = NULL; m_tbid.fRunOnce = false; m_tbid.fShowIcon = (theApp.m_AppName.Find(_T("zplayer"), 0) < 0 || !!theApp.GetProfileInt(ResStr(IDS_R_GENERAL), ResStr(IDS_RG_ENABLEZPICON), 0)); HRESULT hr = S_OK; m_pTextInput.Add(new CTextInputPin(this, m_pLock, &m_csSubLock, &hr)); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); CAMThread::Create(); m_frd.EndThreadEvent.Create(0, FALSE, FALSE, 0); m_frd.RefreshEvent.Create(0, FALSE, FALSE, 0); memset(&m_CurrentVIH2, 0, sizeof(VIDEOINFOHEADER2)); } CDirectVobSubFilter::~CDirectVobSubFilter() { CAutoLock cAutoLock(&m_csQueueLock); if(m_pSubPicQueue) m_pSubPicQueue->Invalidate(); m_pSubPicQueue = NULL; if(m_hfont) { DeleteObject(m_hfont); m_hfont = 0; } if(m_hbm) { DeleteObject(m_hbm); m_hbm = 0; } if(m_hdc) { DeleteObject(m_hdc); m_hdc = 0; } for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < m_pTextInput.GetCount(); i++) delete m_pTextInput[i]; m_frd.EndThreadEvent.Set(); CAMThread::Close(); } STDMETHODIMP CDirectVobSubFilter::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppv) { CheckPointer(ppv, E_POINTER); return QI(IDirectVobSub) QI(IDirectVobSub2) QI(IFilterVersion) QI(ISpecifyPropertyPages) QI(IAMStreamSelect) __super::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(riid, ppv); } // CBaseVideoFilter void CDirectVobSubFilter::GetOutputSize(int& w, int& h, int& arx, int& ary) { CSize s(w, h), os = s; AdjustFrameSize(s); w = s.cx; h = s.cy; if(w != os.cx) { while(arx < 100) arx *= 10, ary *= 10; arx = arx * w / os.cx; } if(h != os.cy) { while(ary < 100) arx *= 10, ary *= 10; ary = ary * h / os.cy; } } HRESULT CDirectVobSubFilter::Transform(IMediaSample* pIn) { HRESULT hr; REFERENCE_TIME rtStart, rtStop; if(SUCCEEDED(pIn->GetTime(&rtStart, &rtStop))) { double dRate = m_pInput->CurrentRate(); m_tPrev = m_pInput->CurrentStartTime() + dRate*rtStart; REFERENCE_TIME rtAvgTimePerFrame = rtStop - rtStart; if(CComQIPtr pSC2 = m_pSubClock) { REFERENCE_TIME rt; if(S_OK == pSC2->GetAvgTimePerFrame(&rt)) rtAvgTimePerFrame = rt; } m_fps = 10000000.0/rtAvgTimePerFrame / dRate; } // { CAutoLock cAutoLock(&m_csQueueLock); if(m_pSubPicQueue) { m_pSubPicQueue->SetTime(CalcCurrentTime()); m_pSubPicQueue->SetFPS(m_fps); } } // BYTE* pDataIn = NULL; if(FAILED(pIn->GetPointer(&pDataIn)) || !pDataIn) return S_FALSE; const CMediaType& mt = m_pInput->CurrentMediaType(); BITMAPINFOHEADER bihIn; ExtractBIH(&mt, &bihIn); bool fYV12 = (mt.subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_YV12 || mt.subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_I420 || mt.subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_IYUV); int bpp = fYV12 ? 8 : bihIn.biBitCount; DWORD black = fYV12 ? 0x10101010 : (bihIn.biCompression == '2YUY') ? 0x80108010 : 0; CSize sub(m_w, m_h); CSize in(bihIn.biWidth, bihIn.biHeight); if(FAILED(Copy((BYTE*)m_pTempPicBuff, pDataIn, sub, in, bpp, mt.subtype, black))) return E_FAIL; if(fYV12) { BYTE* pSubV = (BYTE*)m_pTempPicBuff + (sub.cx*bpp>>3)*sub.cy; BYTE* pInV = pDataIn + (in.cx*bpp>>3)*in.cy; sub.cx >>= 1; sub.cy >>= 1; in.cx >>= 1; in.cy >>= 1; BYTE* pSubU = pSubV + (sub.cx*bpp>>3)*sub.cy; BYTE* pInU = pInV + (in.cx*bpp>>3)*in.cy; if(FAILED(Copy(pSubV, pInV, sub, in, bpp, mt.subtype, 0x80808080))) return E_FAIL; if(FAILED(Copy(pSubU, pInU, sub, in, bpp, mt.subtype, 0x80808080))) return E_FAIL; } // SubPicDesc spd = m_spd; CComPtr pOut; BYTE* pDataOut = NULL; if(FAILED(hr = GetDeliveryBuffer(spd.w, spd.h, &pOut)) || FAILED(hr = pOut->GetPointer(&pDataOut))) return hr; pOut->SetTime(&rtStart, &rtStop); pOut->SetMediaTime(NULL, NULL); pOut->SetDiscontinuity(pIn->IsDiscontinuity() == S_OK); pOut->SetSyncPoint(pIn->IsSyncPoint() == S_OK); pOut->SetPreroll(pIn->IsPreroll() == S_OK); // BITMAPINFOHEADER bihOut; ExtractBIH(&m_pOutput->CurrentMediaType(), &bihOut); bool fInputFlipped = bihIn.biHeight >= 0 && bihIn.biCompression <= 3; bool fOutputFlipped = bihOut.biHeight >= 0 && bihOut.biCompression <= 3; bool fFlip = fInputFlipped != fOutputFlipped; if(m_fFlipPicture) fFlip = !fFlip; if(m_fMSMpeg4Fix) fFlip = !fFlip; bool fFlipSub = fOutputFlipped; if(m_fFlipSubtitles) fFlipSub = !fFlipSub; // { CAutoLock cAutoLock(&m_csQueueLock); if(m_pSubPicQueue) { CComPtr pSubPic; if(SUCCEEDED(m_pSubPicQueue->LookupSubPic(CalcCurrentTime(), pSubPic)) && pSubPic) { CRect r; pSubPic->GetDirtyRect(r); if(fFlip ^ fFlipSub) spd.h = -spd.h; pSubPic->AlphaBlt(r, r, &spd); } } } CopyBuffer(pDataOut, (BYTE*)spd.bits, spd.w, abs(spd.h)*(fFlip?-1:1), spd.pitch, mt.subtype); PrintMessages(pDataOut); return m_pOutput->Deliver(pOut); } // CBaseFilter CBasePin* CDirectVobSubFilter::GetPin(int n) { if(n < __super::GetPinCount()) return __super::GetPin(n); n -= __super::GetPinCount(); if(n >= 0 && n < m_pTextInput.GetCount()) return m_pTextInput[n]; n -= m_pTextInput.GetCount(); return NULL; } int CDirectVobSubFilter::GetPinCount() { return __super::GetPinCount() + m_pTextInput.GetCount(); } HRESULT CDirectVobSubFilter::JoinFilterGraph(IFilterGraph* pGraph, LPCWSTR pName) { if(pGraph) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); if(!theApp.GetProfileInt(ResStr(IDS_R_GENERAL), ResStr(IDS_RG_SEENDIVXWARNING), 0)) { unsigned __int64 ver = GetFileVersion(_T("divx_c32.ax")); if(((ver >> 48)&0xffff) == 4 && ((ver >> 32)&0xffff) == 2) { DWORD dwVersion = GetVersion(); DWORD dwWindowsMajorVersion = (DWORD)(LOBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion))); DWORD dwWindowsMinorVersion = (DWORD)(HIBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion))); if(dwVersion < 0x80000000 && dwWindowsMajorVersion >= 5) { AfxMessageBox(IDS_DIVX_WARNING); theApp.WriteProfileInt(ResStr(IDS_R_GENERAL), ResStr(IDS_RG_SEENDIVXWARNING), 1); } } } /*removeme*/ if(!g_RegOK) { DllRegisterServer(); g_RegOK = true; } } else { if(m_hSystrayThread) { SendMessage(m_tbid.hSystrayWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); if(WaitForSingleObject(m_hSystrayThread, 10000) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 0, _T("CALL THE AMBULANCE!!!"))); TerminateThread(m_hSystrayThread, (DWORD)-1); } m_hSystrayThread = 0; } } return __super::JoinFilterGraph(pGraph, pName); } STDMETHODIMP CDirectVobSubFilter::QueryFilterInfo(FILTER_INFO* pInfo) { CheckPointer(pInfo, E_POINTER); ValidateReadWritePtr(pInfo, sizeof(FILTER_INFO)); if(!get_Forced()) return __super::QueryFilterInfo(pInfo); wcscpy(pInfo->achName, L"DirectVobSub (forced auto-loading version)"); pInfo->pGraph = m_pGraph; if(m_pGraph) m_pGraph->AddRef(); return S_OK; } // CTransformFilter HRESULT CDirectVobSubFilter::SetMediaType(PIN_DIRECTION dir, const CMediaType* pmt) { HRESULT hr = __super::SetMediaType(dir, pmt); if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; if(dir == PINDIR_INPUT) { CAutoLock cAutoLock(&m_csReceive); REFERENCE_TIME atpf = pmt->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo ? ((VIDEOINFOHEADER*)pmt->Format())->AvgTimePerFrame : pmt->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo2 ? ((VIDEOINFOHEADER2*)pmt->Format())->AvgTimePerFrame : 0; m_fps = atpf ? 10000000.0 / atpf : 25; if (pmt->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo2) m_CurrentVIH2 = *(VIDEOINFOHEADER2*)pmt->Format(); InitSubPicQueue(); } else if(dir == PINDIR_OUTPUT) { } return hr; } HRESULT CDirectVobSubFilter::CheckConnect(PIN_DIRECTION dir, IPin* pPin) { if(dir == PINDIR_INPUT) { } else if(dir == PINDIR_OUTPUT) { } return __super::CheckConnect(dir, pPin); } HRESULT CDirectVobSubFilter::CompleteConnect(PIN_DIRECTION dir, IPin* pReceivePin) { if(dir == PINDIR_INPUT) { CComPtr pFilter; // needed when we have a decoder with a version number of 3.x if(SUCCEEDED(m_pGraph->FindFilterByName(L"DivX MPEG-4 DVD Video Decompressor ", &pFilter)) && (GetFileVersion(_T("divx_c32.ax")) >> 48) <= 4 || SUCCEEDED(m_pGraph->FindFilterByName(L"Microcrap MPEG-4 Video Decompressor", &pFilter)) || SUCCEEDED(m_pGraph->FindFilterByName(L"Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Decompressor", &pFilter)) && (GetFileVersion(_T("mpg4ds32.ax")) >> 48) <= 3) { m_fMSMpeg4Fix = true; } } else if(dir == PINDIR_OUTPUT) { if(!m_hSystrayThread) { m_tbid.graph = m_pGraph; m_tbid.dvs = static_cast(this); DWORD tid; m_hSystrayThread = CreateThread(0, 0, SystrayThreadProc, &m_tbid, 0, &tid); } // HACK: triggers CBaseVideoFilter::SetMediaType to adjust m_w/m_h/.. and InitSubPicQueue() to realloc buffers m_pInput->SetMediaType(&m_pInput->CurrentMediaType()); } return __super::CompleteConnect(dir, pReceivePin); } HRESULT CDirectVobSubFilter::BreakConnect(PIN_DIRECTION dir) { if(dir == PINDIR_INPUT) { if(m_pOutput->IsConnected()) { m_pOutput->GetConnected()->Disconnect(); m_pOutput->Disconnect(); } } else if(dir == PINDIR_OUTPUT) { // not really needed, but may free up a little memory CAutoLock cAutoLock(&m_csQueueLock); m_pSubPicQueue = NULL; } return __super::BreakConnect(dir); } HRESULT CDirectVobSubFilter::StartStreaming() { // WARNING : calls to m_pGraph member functions from here will generate deadlock with Haali Renderer // within MPC-HC (reason is CAutoLock's variables in IFilterGraph functions overriden by CFGManager class) m_fLoading = false; InitSubPicQueue(); m_tbid.fRunOnce = true; put_MediaFPS(m_fMediaFPSEnabled, m_MediaFPS); return __super::StartStreaming(); } HRESULT CDirectVobSubFilter::StopStreaming() { InvalidateSubtitle(); return __super::StopStreaming(); } HRESULT CDirectVobSubFilter::NewSegment(REFERENCE_TIME tStart, REFERENCE_TIME tStop, double dRate) { m_tPrev = tStart; return __super::NewSegment(tStart, tStop, dRate); } // REFERENCE_TIME CDirectVobSubFilter::CalcCurrentTime() { REFERENCE_TIME rt = m_pSubClock ? m_pSubClock->GetTime() : m_tPrev; return (rt - 10000i64*m_SubtitleDelay) * m_SubtitleSpeedMul / m_SubtitleSpeedDiv; // no, it won't overflow if we use normal parameters (__int64 is enough for about 2000 hours if we multiply it by the max: 65536 as m_SubtitleSpeedMul) } void CDirectVobSubFilter::InitSubPicQueue() { CAutoLock cAutoLock(&m_csQueueLock); m_pSubPicQueue = NULL; m_pTempPicBuff.Free(); m_pTempPicBuff.Allocate(4*m_w*m_h); const GUID& subtype = m_pInput->CurrentMediaType().subtype; BITMAPINFOHEADER bihIn; ExtractBIH(&m_pInput->CurrentMediaType(), &bihIn); m_spd.type = -1; if(subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_YV12) m_spd.type = MSP_YV12; else if(subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_I420 || subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_IYUV) m_spd.type = MSP_IYUV; else if(subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_YUY2) m_spd.type = MSP_YUY2; else if(subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB32) m_spd.type = MSP_RGB32; else if(subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24) m_spd.type = MSP_RGB24; else if(subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB565) m_spd.type = MSP_RGB16; else if(subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB555) m_spd.type = MSP_RGB15; m_spd.w = m_w; m_spd.h = m_h; m_spd.bpp = (m_spd.type == MSP_YV12 || m_spd.type == MSP_IYUV) ? 8 : bihIn.biBitCount; m_spd.pitch = m_spd.w*m_spd.bpp>>3; m_spd.bits = (void*)m_pTempPicBuff; CComPtr pSubPicAllocator = new CMemSubPicAllocator(m_spd.type, CSize(m_w, m_h)); CSize video(bihIn.biWidth, bihIn.biHeight), window = video; if(AdjustFrameSize(window)) video += video; ASSERT(window == CSize(m_w, m_h)); pSubPicAllocator->SetCurSize(window); pSubPicAllocator->SetCurVidRect(CRect(CPoint((window.cx - video.cx)/2, (window.cy - video.cy)/2), video)); HRESULT hr = S_OK; m_pSubPicQueue = m_fDoPreBuffering ? (ISubPicQueue*)new CSubPicQueue(10, false, pSubPicAllocator, &hr) : (ISubPicQueue*)new CSubPicQueueNoThread(pSubPicAllocator, &hr); if(FAILED(hr)) m_pSubPicQueue = NULL; UpdateSubtitle(false); if(m_hbm) { DeleteObject(m_hbm); m_hbm = NULL; } if(m_hdc) { DeleteDC(m_hdc); m_hdc = NULL; } struct { BITMAPINFOHEADER bih; DWORD mask[3]; } b = {{sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), m_w, -(int)m_h, 1, 32, BI_BITFIELDS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF}; m_hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); m_hbm = CreateDIBSection(m_hdc, (BITMAPINFO*)&b, DIB_RGB_COLORS, NULL, NULL, 0); BITMAP bm; GetObject(m_hbm, sizeof(bm), &bm); memsetd(bm.bmBits, 0xFF000000, bm.bmHeight*bm.bmWidthBytes); } bool CDirectVobSubFilter::AdjustFrameSize(CSize& s) { int horizontal, vertical, resx2, resx2minw, resx2minh; get_ExtendPicture(&horizontal, &vertical, &resx2, &resx2minw, &resx2minh); bool fRet = (resx2 == 1) || (resx2 == 2 && s.cx*s.cy <= resx2minw*resx2minh); if(fRet) { s.cx <<= 1; s.cy <<= 1; } int h; switch(vertical&0x7f) { case 1: h = s.cx * 9 / 16; if(s.cy < h || !!(vertical&0x80)) s.cy = (h + 3) & ~3; break; case 2: h = s.cx * 3 / 4; if(s.cy < h || !!(vertical&0x80)) s.cy = (h + 3) & ~3; break; case 3: h = 480; if(s.cy < h || !!(vertical&0x80)) s.cy = (h + 3) & ~3; break; case 4: h = 576; if(s.cy < h || !!(vertical&0x80)) s.cy = (h + 3) & ~3; break; } if(horizontal == 1) { s.cx = (s.cx + 31) & ~31; s.cy = (s.cy + 1) & ~1; } return(fRet); } STDMETHODIMP CDirectVobSubFilter::Count(DWORD* pcStreams) { if(!pcStreams) return E_POINTER; *pcStreams = 0; int nLangs = 0; if(SUCCEEDED(get_LanguageCount(&nLangs))) (*pcStreams) += nLangs; (*pcStreams) += 2; // enable ... disable (*pcStreams) += 2; // normal flipped return S_OK; } #define MAXPREFLANGS 5 int CDirectVobSubFilter::FindPreferedLanguage(bool fHideToo) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); int nLangs; get_LanguageCount(&nLangs); if(nLangs <= 0) return(0); for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < MAXPREFLANGS; i++) { CString tmp; tmp.Format(IDS_RL_LANG, i); CString lang = theApp.GetProfileString(ResStr(IDS_R_PREFLANGS), tmp); if(!lang.IsEmpty()) { for(ptrdiff_t ret = 0; ret < nLangs; ret++) { CString l; WCHAR* pName = NULL; get_LanguageName(ret, &pName); l = pName; CoTaskMemFree(pName); if(!l.CompareNoCase(lang)) return(ret); } } } return(0); } void CDirectVobSubFilter::UpdatePreferedLanguages(CString l) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CString langs[MAXPREFLANGS+1]; int i = 0, j = 0, k = -1; for(; i < MAXPREFLANGS; i++) { CString tmp; tmp.Format(IDS_RL_LANG, i); langs[j] = theApp.GetProfileString(ResStr(IDS_R_PREFLANGS), tmp); if(!langs[j].IsEmpty()) { if(!langs[j].CompareNoCase(l)) k = j; j++; } } if(k == -1) { langs[k = j] = l; j++; } // move the selected to the top of the list while(k > 0) { CString tmp = langs[k]; langs[k] = langs[k-1]; langs[k-1] = tmp; k--; } // move "Hide subtitles" to the last position if it wasn't our selection CString hidesubs; hidesubs.LoadString(IDS_M_HIDESUBTITLES); for(k = 1; k < j; k++) { if(!langs[k].CompareNoCase(hidesubs)) break; } while(k < j-1) { CString tmp = langs[k]; langs[k] = langs[k+1]; langs[k+1] = tmp; k++; } for(i = 0; i < j; i++) { CString tmp; tmp.Format(IDS_RL_LANG, i); theApp.WriteProfileString(ResStr(IDS_R_PREFLANGS), tmp, langs[i]); } } STDMETHODIMP CDirectVobSubFilter::Enable(long lIndex, DWORD dwFlags) { if(!(dwFlags & AMSTREAMSELECTENABLE_ENABLE)) return E_NOTIMPL; int nLangs = 0; get_LanguageCount(&nLangs); if(!(lIndex >= 0 && lIndex < nLangs+2+2)) return E_INVALIDARG; int i = lIndex-1; if(i == -1 && !m_fLoading) // we need this because when loading something stupid media player pushes the first stream it founds, which is "enable" in our case { put_HideSubtitles(false); } else if(i >= 0 && i < nLangs) { put_HideSubtitles(false); put_SelectedLanguage(i); WCHAR* pName = NULL; if(SUCCEEDED(get_LanguageName(i, &pName))) { UpdatePreferedLanguages(CString(pName)); if(pName) CoTaskMemFree(pName); } } else if(i == nLangs && !m_fLoading) { put_HideSubtitles(true); } else if((i == nLangs+1 || i == nLangs+2) && !m_fLoading) { put_Flip(i == nLangs+2, m_fFlipSubtitles); } return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CDirectVobSubFilter::Info(long lIndex, AM_MEDIA_TYPE** ppmt, DWORD* pdwFlags, LCID* plcid, DWORD* pdwGroup, WCHAR** ppszName, IUnknown** ppObject, IUnknown** ppUnk) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); int nLangs = 0; get_LanguageCount(&nLangs); if(!(lIndex >= 0 && lIndex < nLangs+2+2)) return E_INVALIDARG; int i = lIndex-1; if(ppmt) *ppmt = CreateMediaType(&m_pInput->CurrentMediaType()); if(pdwFlags) { *pdwFlags = 0; if(i == -1 && !m_fHideSubtitles || i >= 0 && i < nLangs && i == m_iSelectedLanguage || i == nLangs && m_fHideSubtitles || i == nLangs+1 && !m_fFlipPicture || i == nLangs+2 && m_fFlipPicture) { *pdwFlags |= AMSTREAMSELECTINFO_ENABLED; } } if(plcid) *plcid = 0; if(pdwGroup) *pdwGroup = 0x648E51; if(ppszName) { *ppszName = NULL; CStringW str; if(i == -1) str = ResStr(IDS_M_SHOWSUBTITLES); else if(i >= 0 && i < nLangs) get_LanguageName(i, ppszName); else if(i == nLangs) str = ResStr(IDS_M_HIDESUBTITLES); else if(i == nLangs+1) { str = ResStr(IDS_M_ORIGINALPICTURE); if(pdwGroup) (*pdwGroup)++; } else if(i == nLangs+2) { str = ResStr(IDS_M_FLIPPEDPICTURE); if(pdwGroup) (*pdwGroup)++; } if(!str.IsEmpty()) { *ppszName = (WCHAR*)CoTaskMemAlloc((str.GetLength()+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); if(*ppszName == NULL) return S_FALSE; wcscpy(*ppszName, str); } } if(ppObject) *ppObject = NULL; if(ppUnk) *ppUnk = NULL; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CDirectVobSubFilter::GetClassID(CLSID* pClsid) { if(pClsid == NULL) return E_POINTER; *pClsid = m_clsid; return NOERROR; } STDMETHODIMP CDirectVobSubFilter::GetPages(CAUUID* pPages) { CheckPointer(pPages, E_POINTER); pPages->cElems = 7; pPages->pElems = (GUID*)CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(GUID)*pPages->cElems); if(pPages->pElems == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; int i = 0; pPages->pElems[i++] = __uuidof(CDVSMainPPage); pPages->pElems[i++] = __uuidof(CDVSGeneralPPage); pPages->pElems[i++] = __uuidof(CDVSMiscPPage); pPages->pElems[i++] = __uuidof(CDVSTimingPPage); pPages->pElems[i++] = __uuidof(CDVSColorPPage); pPages->pElems[i++] = __uuidof(CDVSPathsPPage); pPages->pElems[i++] = __uuidof(CDVSAboutPPage); return NOERROR; } // IDirectVobSub STDMETHODIMP CDirectVobSubFilter::put_FileName(WCHAR* fn) { HRESULT hr = CDirectVobSub::put_FileName(fn); if(hr == S_OK && !Open()) { m_FileName.Empty(); hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CDirectVobSubFilter::get_LanguageCount(int* nLangs) { HRESULT hr = CDirectVobSub::get_LanguageCount(nLangs); if(hr == NOERROR && nLangs) { CAutoLock cAutolock(&m_csQueueLock); *nLangs = 0; POSITION pos = m_pSubStreams.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) (*nLangs) += m_pSubStreams.GetNext(pos)->GetStreamCount(); } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CDirectVobSubFilter::get_LanguageName(int iLanguage, WCHAR** ppName) { HRESULT hr = CDirectVobSub::get_LanguageName(iLanguage, ppName); if(!ppName) return E_POINTER; if(hr == NOERROR) { CAutoLock cAutolock(&m_csQueueLock); hr = E_INVALIDARG; int i = iLanguage; POSITION pos = m_pSubStreams.GetHeadPosition(); while(i >= 0 && pos) { CComPtr pSubStream = m_pSubStreams.GetNext(pos); if(i < pSubStream->GetStreamCount()) { pSubStream->GetStreamInfo(i, ppName, NULL); hr = NOERROR; break; } i -= pSubStream->GetStreamCount(); } } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CDirectVobSubFilter::put_SelectedLanguage(int iSelected) { HRESULT hr = CDirectVobSub::put_SelectedLanguage(iSelected); if(hr == NOERROR) { UpdateSubtitle(false); } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CDirectVobSubFilter::put_HideSubtitles(bool fHideSubtitles) { HRESULT hr = CDirectVobSub::put_HideSubtitles(fHideSubtitles); if(hr == NOERROR) { UpdateSubtitle(false); } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CDirectVobSubFilter::put_PreBuffering(bool fDoPreBuffering) { HRESULT hr = CDirectVobSub::put_PreBuffering(fDoPreBuffering); if(hr == NOERROR) { InitSubPicQueue(); } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CDirectVobSubFilter::put_Placement(bool fOverridePlacement, int xperc, int yperc) { HRESULT hr = CDirectVobSub::put_Placement(fOverridePlacement, xperc, yperc); if(hr == NOERROR) { UpdateSubtitle(true); } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CDirectVobSubFilter::put_VobSubSettings(bool fBuffer, bool fOnlyShowForcedSubs, bool fReserved) { HRESULT hr = CDirectVobSub::put_VobSubSettings(fBuffer, fOnlyShowForcedSubs, fReserved); if(hr == NOERROR) { // UpdateSubtitle(false); InvalidateSubtitle(); } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CDirectVobSubFilter::put_TextSettings(void* lf, int lflen, COLORREF color, bool fShadow, bool fOutline, bool fAdvancedRenderer) { HRESULT hr = CDirectVobSub::put_TextSettings(lf, lflen, color, fShadow, fOutline, fAdvancedRenderer); if(hr == NOERROR) { // UpdateSubtitle(true); InvalidateSubtitle(); } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CDirectVobSubFilter::put_SubtitleTiming(int delay, int speedmul, int speeddiv) { HRESULT hr = CDirectVobSub::put_SubtitleTiming(delay, speedmul, speeddiv); if(hr == NOERROR) { InvalidateSubtitle(); } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CDirectVobSubFilter::get_MediaFPS(bool* fEnabled, double* fps) { HRESULT hr = CDirectVobSub::get_MediaFPS(fEnabled, fps); CComQIPtr pMS = m_pGraph; double rate; if(pMS && SUCCEEDED(pMS->GetRate(&rate))) { m_MediaFPS = rate * m_fps; if(fps) *fps = m_MediaFPS; } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CDirectVobSubFilter::put_MediaFPS(bool fEnabled, double fps) { HRESULT hr = CDirectVobSub::put_MediaFPS(fEnabled, fps); CComQIPtr pMS = m_pGraph; if(pMS) { if(hr == NOERROR) { hr = pMS->SetRate(m_fMediaFPSEnabled ? m_MediaFPS / m_fps : 1.0); } double dRate; if(SUCCEEDED(pMS->GetRate(&dRate))) m_MediaFPS = dRate * m_fps; } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CDirectVobSubFilter::get_ZoomRect(NORMALIZEDRECT* rect) { return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP CDirectVobSubFilter::put_ZoomRect(NORMALIZEDRECT* rect) { return E_NOTIMPL; } // IDirectVobSub2 STDMETHODIMP CDirectVobSubFilter::put_TextSettings(STSStyle* pDefStyle) { HRESULT hr = CDirectVobSub::put_TextSettings(pDefStyle); if(hr == NOERROR) { UpdateSubtitle(true); } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CDirectVobSubFilter::put_AspectRatioSettings(CSimpleTextSubtitle::EPARCompensationType* ePARCompensationType) { HRESULT hr = CDirectVobSub::put_AspectRatioSettings(ePARCompensationType); if(hr == NOERROR) { UpdateSubtitle(true); } return hr; } // IDirectVobSubFilterColor STDMETHODIMP CDirectVobSubFilter::HasConfigDialog(int iSelected) { int nLangs; if(FAILED(get_LanguageCount(&nLangs))) return E_FAIL; return E_FAIL; // TODO: temporally disabled since we don't have a new textsub/vobsub editor dlg for dvs yet // return(nLangs >= 0 && iSelected < nLangs ? S_OK : E_FAIL); } STDMETHODIMP CDirectVobSubFilter::ShowConfigDialog(int iSelected, HWND hWndParent) { // TODO: temporally disabled since we don't have a new textsub/vobsub editor dlg for dvs yet return(E_FAIL); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CDirectVobSubFilter2::CDirectVobSubFilter2(LPUNKNOWN punk, HRESULT* phr, const GUID& clsid) : CDirectVobSubFilter(punk, phr, clsid) { } HRESULT CDirectVobSubFilter2::CheckConnect(PIN_DIRECTION dir, IPin* pPin) { CPinInfo pi; if(FAILED(pPin->QueryPinInfo(&pi))) return E_FAIL; if(CComQIPtr(pi.pFilter)) return E_FAIL; if(dir == PINDIR_INPUT) { CFilterInfo fi; if(SUCCEEDED(pi.pFilter->QueryFilterInfo(&fi)) && !wcsnicmp(fi.achName, L"Overlay Mixer", 13)) return(E_FAIL); } else { } return __super::CheckConnect(dir, pPin); } HRESULT CDirectVobSubFilter2::JoinFilterGraph(IFilterGraph* pGraph, LPCWSTR pName) { if(pGraph) { BeginEnumFilters(pGraph, pEF, pBF) { if(pBF != (IBaseFilter*)this && CComQIPtr(pBF)) return E_FAIL; } EndEnumFilters // don't look... we will do some serious graph hacking again... // // we will add dvs2 to the filter graph cache // - if the main app has already added some kind of renderer or overlay mixer (anything which accepts video on its input) // and // - if we have a reason to auto-load (we don't want to make any trouble when there is no need :) // // This whole workaround is needed because the video stream will always be connected // to the pre-added filters first, no matter how high merit we have. if(!get_Forced()) { BeginEnumFilters(pGraph, pEF, pBF) { if(CComQIPtr(pBF)) continue; CComPtr pInPin = GetFirstPin(pBF, PINDIR_INPUT); CComPtr pOutPin = GetFirstPin(pBF, PINDIR_OUTPUT); if(!pInPin) continue; CComPtr pPin; if(pInPin && SUCCEEDED(pInPin->ConnectedTo(&pPin)) || pOutPin && SUCCEEDED(pOutPin->ConnectedTo(&pPin))) continue; if(pOutPin && GetFilterName(pBF) == _T("Overlay Mixer")) continue; bool fVideoInputPin = false; do { BITMAPINFOHEADER bih = {sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 384, 288, 1, 16, '2YUY', 384*288*2, 0, 0, 0, 0}; CMediaType cmt; cmt.majortype = MEDIATYPE_Video; cmt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_YUY2; cmt.formattype = FORMAT_VideoInfo; cmt.pUnk = NULL; cmt.bFixedSizeSamples = TRUE; cmt.bTemporalCompression = TRUE; cmt.lSampleSize = 384*288*2; VIDEOINFOHEADER* vih = (VIDEOINFOHEADER*)cmt.AllocFormatBuffer(sizeof(VIDEOINFOHEADER)); memset(vih, 0, sizeof(VIDEOINFOHEADER)); memcpy(&vih->bmiHeader, &bih, sizeof(bih)); vih->AvgTimePerFrame = 400000; if(SUCCEEDED(pInPin->QueryAccept(&cmt))) { fVideoInputPin = true; break; } VIDEOINFOHEADER2* vih2 = (VIDEOINFOHEADER2*)cmt.AllocFormatBuffer(sizeof(VIDEOINFOHEADER2)); memset(vih2, 0, sizeof(VIDEOINFOHEADER2)); memcpy(&vih2->bmiHeader, &bih, sizeof(bih)); vih2->AvgTimePerFrame = 400000; vih2->dwPictAspectRatioX = 384; vih2->dwPictAspectRatioY = 288; if(SUCCEEDED(pInPin->QueryAccept(&cmt))) { fVideoInputPin = true; break; } } while(false); if(fVideoInputPin) { CComPtr pDVS; if(ShouldWeAutoload(pGraph) && SUCCEEDED(pDVS.CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(CDirectVobSubFilter2)))) { CComQIPtr(pDVS)->put_Forced(true); CComQIPtr(pGraph)->AddFilterToCache(pDVS); } break; } } EndEnumFilters } } else { } return __super::JoinFilterGraph(pGraph, pName); } HRESULT CDirectVobSubFilter2::CheckInputType(const CMediaType* mtIn) { HRESULT hr = __super::CheckInputType(mtIn); if(FAILED(hr) || m_pInput->IsConnected()) return hr; if(!ShouldWeAutoload(m_pGraph)) return VFW_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED; GetRidOfInternalScriptRenderer(); return NOERROR; } bool CDirectVobSubFilter2::ShouldWeAutoload(IFilterGraph* pGraph) { TCHAR blacklistedapps[][32] = { _T("WM8EUTIL."), // wmp8 encoder's dummy renderer releases the outputted media sample after calling Receive on its input pin (yes, even when dvobsub isn't registered at all) _T("explorer."), // as some users reported thumbnail preview loads dvobsub, I've never experienced this yet... _T("producer."), // this is real's producer _T("GoogleDesktopIndex."), // Google Desktop _T("GoogleDesktopDisplay."), // Google Desktop _T("GoogleDesktopCrawl."), // Google Desktop }; for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < countof(blacklistedapps); i++) { if(theApp.m_AppName.Find(blacklistedapps[i]) >= 0) return(false); } int level; bool m_fExternalLoad, m_fWebLoad, m_fEmbeddedLoad; get_LoadSettings(&level, &m_fExternalLoad, &m_fWebLoad, &m_fEmbeddedLoad); if(level < 0 || level >= 2) return(false); bool fRet = false; if(level == 1) fRet = m_fExternalLoad = m_fWebLoad = m_fEmbeddedLoad = true; // find text stream on known splitters if(!fRet && m_fEmbeddedLoad) { CComPtr pBF; if((pBF = FindFilter(CLSID_OggSplitter, pGraph)) || (pBF = FindFilter(CLSID_AviSplitter, pGraph)) || (pBF = FindFilter(L"{34293064-02F2-41D5-9D75-CC5967ACA1AB}", pGraph)) // matroska demux || (pBF = FindFilter(L"{0A68C3B5-9164-4a54-AFAF-995B2FF0E0D4}", pGraph)) // matroska source || (pBF = FindFilter(L"{149D2E01-C32E-4939-80F6-C07B81015A7A}", pGraph)) // matroska splitter || (pBF = FindFilter(L"{9AB95E90-1F37-427e-9B3D-257FB0CB25F7}", pGraph)) // Haali's matroska splitter (?) || (pBF = FindFilter(L"{55DA30FC-F16B-49fc-BAA5-AE59FC65F82D}", pGraph)) // Haali's matroska splitter || (pBF = FindFilter(L"{52B63861-DC93-11CE-A099-00AA00479A58}", pGraph)) // 3ivx splitter || (pBF = FindFilter(L"{6D3688CE-3E9D-42F4-92CA-8A11119D25CD}", pGraph)) // our ogg source || (pBF = FindFilter(L"{9FF48807-E133-40AA-826F-9B2959E5232D}", pGraph)) // our ogg splitter || (pBF = FindFilter(L"{803E8280-F3CE-4201-982C-8CD8FB512004}", pGraph)) // dsm source || (pBF = FindFilter(L"{0912B4DD-A30A-4568-B590-7179EBB420EC}", pGraph)) // dsm splitter || (pBF = FindFilter(L"{3CCC052E-BDEE-408a-BEA7-90914EF2964B}", pGraph)) // mp4 source || (pBF = FindFilter(L"{61F47056-E400-43d3-AF1E-AB7DFFD4C4AD}", pGraph))) // mp4 splitter { BeginEnumPins(pBF, pEP, pPin) { BeginEnumMediaTypes(pPin, pEM, pmt) { if(pmt->majortype == MEDIATYPE_Text || pmt->majortype == MEDIATYPE_Subtitle) { fRet = true; break; } } EndEnumMediaTypes(pmt) if(fRet) break; } EndEnumFilters } } // find file name CStringW fn; BeginEnumFilters(pGraph, pEF, pBF) { if(CComQIPtr pFSF = pBF) { LPOLESTR fnw = NULL; if(!pFSF || FAILED(pFSF->GetCurFile(&fnw, NULL)) || !fnw) continue; fn = CString(fnw); CoTaskMemFree(fnw); break; } } EndEnumFilters if((m_fExternalLoad || m_fWebLoad) && (m_fWebLoad || !(wcsstr(fn, L"http://") || wcsstr(fn, L"mms://")))) { bool fTemp = m_fHideSubtitles; fRet = !fn.IsEmpty() && SUCCEEDED(put_FileName((LPWSTR)(LPCWSTR)fn)) || SUCCEEDED(put_FileName(L"c:\\tmp.srt")) || fRet; if(fTemp) m_fHideSubtitles = true; } return(fRet); } void CDirectVobSubFilter2::GetRidOfInternalScriptRenderer() { while(CComPtr pBF = FindFilter(L"{48025243-2D39-11CE-875D-00608CB78066}", m_pGraph)) { BeginEnumPins(pBF, pEP, pPin) { PIN_DIRECTION dir; CComPtr pPinTo; if(SUCCEEDED(pPin->QueryDirection(&dir)) && dir == PINDIR_INPUT && SUCCEEDED(pPin->ConnectedTo(&pPinTo))) { m_pGraph->Disconnect(pPinTo); m_pGraph->Disconnect(pPin); m_pGraph->ConnectDirect(pPinTo, GetPin(2 + m_pTextInput.GetCount()-1), NULL); } } EndEnumPins if(FAILED(m_pGraph->RemoveFilter(pBF))) break; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CDirectVobSubFilter::Open() { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CAutoLock cAutolock(&m_csQueueLock); m_pSubStreams.RemoveAll(); m_frd.files.RemoveAll(); CAtlArray paths; for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) { CString tmp; tmp.Format(IDS_RP_PATH, i); CString path = theApp.GetProfileString(ResStr(IDS_R_DEFTEXTPATHES), tmp); if(!path.IsEmpty()) paths.Add(path); } CAtlArray ret; GetSubFileNames(m_FileName, paths, ret); for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < ret.GetCount(); i++) { if(m_frd.files.Find(ret[i].fn)) continue; CComPtr pSubStream; if(!pSubStream) { CAutoPtr pVSF(new CVobSubFile(&m_csSubLock)); if(pVSF && pVSF->Open(ret[i].fn) && pVSF->GetStreamCount() > 0) { pSubStream = pVSF.Detach(); m_frd.files.AddTail(ret[i].fn.Left(ret[i].fn.GetLength()-4) + _T(".sub")); } } if(!pSubStream) { CAutoPtr pSSF(new ssf::CRenderer(&m_csSubLock)); if(pSSF && pSSF->Open(ret[i].fn) && pSSF->GetStreamCount() > 0) { pSubStream = pSSF.Detach(); } } if(!pSubStream) { CAutoPtr pRTS(new CRenderedTextSubtitle(&m_csSubLock)); if(pRTS && pRTS->Open(ret[i].fn, DEFAULT_CHARSET) && pRTS->GetStreamCount() > 0) { pSubStream = pRTS.Detach(); m_frd.files.AddTail(ret[i].fn + _T(".style")); } } if(pSubStream) { m_pSubStreams.AddTail(pSubStream); m_frd.files.AddTail(ret[i].fn); } } for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < m_pTextInput.GetCount(); i++) { if(m_pTextInput[i]->IsConnected()) m_pSubStreams.AddTail(m_pTextInput[i]->GetSubStream()); } if(S_FALSE == put_SelectedLanguage(FindPreferedLanguage())) UpdateSubtitle(false); // make sure pSubPicProvider of our queue gets updated even if the stream number hasn't changed m_frd.RefreshEvent.Set(); return(m_pSubStreams.GetCount() > 0); } void CDirectVobSubFilter::UpdateSubtitle(bool fApplyDefStyle) { CAutoLock cAutolock(&m_csQueueLock); if(!m_pSubPicQueue) return; InvalidateSubtitle(); CComPtr pSubStream; if(!m_fHideSubtitles) { int i = m_iSelectedLanguage; for(POSITION pos = m_pSubStreams.GetHeadPosition(); i >= 0 && pos; pSubStream = NULL) { pSubStream = m_pSubStreams.GetNext(pos); if(i < pSubStream->GetStreamCount()) { CAutoLock cAutoLock(&m_csSubLock); pSubStream->SetStream(i); break; } i -= pSubStream->GetStreamCount(); } } SetSubtitle(pSubStream, fApplyDefStyle); } void CDirectVobSubFilter::SetSubtitle(ISubStream* pSubStream, bool fApplyDefStyle) { CAutoLock cAutolock(&m_csQueueLock); if(pSubStream) { CAutoLock cAutolock(&m_csSubLock); CLSID clsid; pSubStream->GetClassID(&clsid); if(clsid == __uuidof(CVobSubFile)) { CVobSubSettings* pVSS = (CVobSubFile*)(ISubStream*)pSubStream; if(fApplyDefStyle) { pVSS->SetAlignment(m_fOverridePlacement, m_PlacementXperc, m_PlacementYperc, 1, 1); pVSS->m_fOnlyShowForcedSubs = m_fOnlyShowForcedVobSubs; } } else if(clsid == __uuidof(CVobSubStream)) { CVobSubSettings* pVSS = (CVobSubStream*)(ISubStream*)pSubStream; if(fApplyDefStyle) { pVSS->SetAlignment(m_fOverridePlacement, m_PlacementXperc, m_PlacementYperc, 1, 1); pVSS->m_fOnlyShowForcedSubs = m_fOnlyShowForcedVobSubs; } } else if(clsid == __uuidof(CRenderedTextSubtitle)) { CRenderedTextSubtitle* pRTS = (CRenderedTextSubtitle*)(ISubStream*)pSubStream; if(fApplyDefStyle || pRTS->m_fUsingAutoGeneratedDefaultStyle) { STSStyle s = m_defStyle; if(m_fOverridePlacement) { s.scrAlignment = 2; int w = pRTS->m_dstScreenSize.cx; int h = pRTS->m_dstScreenSize.cy; int mw = w - s.marginRect.left - s.marginRect.right; s.marginRect.bottom = h - MulDiv(h, m_PlacementYperc, 100); s.marginRect.left = MulDiv(w, m_PlacementXperc, 100) - mw/2; s.marginRect.right = w - (s.marginRect.left + mw); } pRTS->SetDefaultStyle(s); } pRTS->m_ePARCompensationType = m_ePARCompensationType; if (m_CurrentVIH2.dwPictAspectRatioX != 0 && m_CurrentVIH2.dwPictAspectRatioY != 0&& m_CurrentVIH2.bmiHeader.biWidth != 0 && m_CurrentVIH2.bmiHeader.biHeight != 0) { pRTS->m_dPARCompensation = ((double)abs(m_CurrentVIH2.bmiHeader.biWidth) / (double)abs(m_CurrentVIH2.bmiHeader.biHeight)) / ((double)abs((long)m_CurrentVIH2.dwPictAspectRatioX) / (double)abs((long)m_CurrentVIH2.dwPictAspectRatioY)); } else { pRTS->m_dPARCompensation = 1.00; } pRTS->Deinit(); } } if(!fApplyDefStyle) { int i = 0; POSITION pos = m_pSubStreams.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { CComPtr pSubStream2 = m_pSubStreams.GetNext(pos); if(pSubStream == pSubStream2) { m_iSelectedLanguage = i + pSubStream2->GetStream(); break; } i += pSubStream2->GetStreamCount(); } } m_nSubtitleId = (DWORD_PTR)pSubStream; if(m_pSubPicQueue) m_pSubPicQueue->SetSubPicProvider(CComQIPtr(pSubStream)); } void CDirectVobSubFilter::InvalidateSubtitle(REFERENCE_TIME rtInvalidate, DWORD_PTR nSubtitleId) { CAutoLock cAutolock(&m_csQueueLock); if(m_pSubPicQueue) { if(nSubtitleId == -1 || nSubtitleId == m_nSubtitleId) m_pSubPicQueue->Invalidate(rtInvalidate); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CDirectVobSubFilter::AddSubStream(ISubStream* pSubStream) { CAutoLock cAutoLock(&m_csQueueLock); POSITION pos = m_pSubStreams.Find(pSubStream); if(!pos) m_pSubStreams.AddTail(pSubStream); int len = m_pTextInput.GetCount(); for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < m_pTextInput.GetCount(); i++) if(m_pTextInput[i]->IsConnected()) len--; if(len == 0) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; m_pTextInput.Add(new CTextInputPin(this, m_pLock, &m_csSubLock, &hr)); } } void CDirectVobSubFilter::RemoveSubStream(ISubStream* pSubStream) { CAutoLock cAutoLock(&m_csQueueLock); POSITION pos = m_pSubStreams.Find(pSubStream); if(pos) m_pSubStreams.RemoveAt(pos); } void CDirectVobSubFilter::Post_EC_OLE_EVENT(CString str, DWORD_PTR nSubtitleId) { if(nSubtitleId != -1 && nSubtitleId != m_nSubtitleId) return; CComQIPtr pMES = m_pGraph; if(!pMES) return; CComBSTR bstr1("Text"), bstr2(" "); str.Trim(); if(!str.IsEmpty()) bstr2 = CStringA(str); pMES->Notify(EC_OLE_EVENT, (LONG_PTR)bstr1.Detach(), (LONG_PTR)bstr2.Detach()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CDirectVobSubFilter::SetupFRD(CStringArray& paths, CAtlArray& handles) { CAutoLock cAutolock(&m_csSubLock); for(ptrdiff_t i = 2; i < handles.GetCount(); i++) { FindCloseChangeNotification(handles[i]); } paths.RemoveAll(); handles.RemoveAll(); handles.Add(m_frd.EndThreadEvent); handles.Add(m_frd.RefreshEvent); m_frd.mtime.SetCount(m_frd.files.GetCount()); POSITION pos = m_frd.files.GetHeadPosition(); for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; pos; i++) { CString fn = m_frd.files.GetNext(pos); CFileStatus status; if(CFileGetStatus(fn, status)) m_frd.mtime[i] = status.m_mtime; fn.Replace('\\', '/'); fn = fn.Left(fn.ReverseFind('/')+1); bool fFound = false; for(ptrdiff_t j = 0; !fFound && j < paths.GetCount(); j++) { if(paths[j] == fn) fFound = true; } if(!fFound) { paths.Add(fn); HANDLE h = FindFirstChangeNotification(fn, FALSE, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE); if(h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) handles.Add(h); } } } DWORD CDirectVobSubFilter::ThreadProc() { SetThreadPriority(m_hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST/*THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL*/); CStringArray paths; CAtlArray handles; SetupFRD(paths, handles); while(1) { DWORD idx = WaitForMultipleObjects(handles.GetCount(), handles.GetData(), FALSE, INFINITE); if(idx == (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 0)) // m_frd.hEndThreadEvent { break; } if(idx == (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1)) // m_frd.hRefreshEvent { SetupFRD(paths, handles); } else if(idx >= (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 2) && idx < (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + handles.GetCount())) { bool fLocked = true; IsSubtitleReloaderLocked(&fLocked); if(fLocked) continue; if(FindNextChangeNotification(handles[idx - WAIT_OBJECT_0]) == FALSE) break; int j = 0; POSITION pos = m_frd.files.GetHeadPosition(); for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; pos && j == 0; i++) { CString fn = m_frd.files.GetNext(pos); CFileStatus status; if(CFileGetStatus(fn, status) && m_frd.mtime[i] != status.m_mtime) { for(j = 0; j < 10; j++) { if(FILE* f = _tfopen(fn, _T("rb+"))) { fclose(f); j = 0; break; } else { Sleep(100); j++; } } } } if(j > 0) { SetupFRD(paths, handles); } else { Sleep(500); POSITION pos = m_frd.files.GetHeadPosition(); for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; pos; i++) { CFileStatus status; if(CFileGetStatus(m_frd.files.GetNext(pos), status) && m_frd.mtime[i] != status.m_mtime) { Open(); SetupFRD(paths, handles); break; } } } } else { break; } } for(ptrdiff_t i = 2; i < handles.GetCount(); i++) { FindCloseChangeNotification(handles[i]); } return 0; }