/* * $Id$ * * (C) 2006-2010 see AUTHORS * * This file is part of mplayerc. * * Mplayerc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Mplayerc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "CompositionObject.h" #include "../DSUtil/GolombBuffer.h" CompositionObject::CompositionObject() { m_rtStart = 0; m_rtStop = 0; m_pRLEData = NULL; m_nRLEDataSize = 0; m_nRLEPos = 0; m_nColorNumber = 0; memsetd (m_Colors, 0xFF000000, sizeof(m_Colors)); } CompositionObject::~CompositionObject() { delete[] m_pRLEData; } void CompositionObject::SetPalette (int nNbEntry, HDMV_PALETTE* pPalette, bool bIsHD) { m_nColorNumber = nNbEntry; for (int i=0; i 0) nPaletteIndex = 0; } else { nCount = (bSwitch&0x3F) <<8 | (SHORT)GBuffer.ReadByte(); nPaletteIndex = 0; } } else { if (!(bSwitch & 0x40)) { nCount = bSwitch & 0x3F; nPaletteIndex = GBuffer.ReadByte(); } else { nCount = (bSwitch&0x3F) <<8 | (SHORT)GBuffer.ReadByte(); nPaletteIndex = GBuffer.ReadByte(); } } } if (nCount>0) { if (nPaletteIndex != 0xFF) // Fully transparent (§ FillSolidRect (spd, nX, nY, nCount, 1, m_Colors[nPaletteIndex]); nX += nCount; } else { nY++; nX = 0; } } } } void CompositionObject::RenderDvb(SubPicDesc& spd, SHORT nX, SHORT nY) { if (m_pRLEData) { CGolombBuffer gb (m_pRLEData, m_nRLEDataSize); SHORT sTopFieldLength; SHORT sBottomFieldLength; sTopFieldLength = gb.ReadShort(); sBottomFieldLength = gb.ReadShort(); DvbRenderField (spd, gb, nX, nY, sTopFieldLength); DvbRenderField (spd, gb, nX, nY+1, sBottomFieldLength); } } void CompositionObject::DvbRenderField(SubPicDesc& spd, CGolombBuffer& gb, SHORT nXStart, SHORT nYStart, SHORT nLength) { //FillSolidRect (spd, 0, 0, 300, 10, 0xFFFF0000); // Red opaque //FillSolidRect (spd, 0, 10, 300, 10, 0xCC00FF00); // Green 80% //FillSolidRect (spd, 0, 20, 300, 10, 0x100000FF); // Blue 60% //return; SHORT nX = nXStart; SHORT nY = nYStart; INT64 nEnd = gb.GetPos()+nLength; while (gb.GetPos() < nEnd) { BYTE bType = gb.ReadByte(); switch (bType) { case 0x10 : Dvb2PixelsCodeString(spd, gb, nX, nY); break; case 0x11 : Dvb4PixelsCodeString(spd, gb, nX, nY); break; case 0x12 : Dvb8PixelsCodeString(spd, gb, nX, nY); break; case 0x20 : gb.SkipBytes (2); break; case 0x21 : gb.SkipBytes (4); break; case 0x22 : gb.SkipBytes (16); break; case 0xF0 : nX = nXStart; nY += 2; break; default : ASSERT(FALSE); break; } } } void CompositionObject::Dvb2PixelsCodeString(SubPicDesc& spd, CGolombBuffer& gb, SHORT& nX, SHORT& nY) { BYTE bTemp; BYTE nPaletteIndex = 0; SHORT nCount; bool bQuit = false; while (!bQuit && !gb.IsEOF()) { nCount = 0; nPaletteIndex = 0; bTemp = (BYTE)gb.BitRead(2); if (bTemp != 0) { nPaletteIndex = bTemp; nCount = 1; } else { if (gb.BitRead(1) == 1) // switch_1 { nCount = 3 + (SHORT)gb.BitRead(3); // run_length_3-9 nPaletteIndex = (BYTE)gb.BitRead(2); } else { if (gb.BitRead(1) == 0) // switch_2 { switch (gb.BitRead(2)) // switch_3 { case 0 : bQuit = true; break; case 1 : nCount = 2; break; case 2 : // if (switch_3 == '10') nCount = 12 + (SHORT)gb.BitRead(4); // run_length_12-27 nPaletteIndex = (BYTE)gb.BitRead(2); // 4-bit_pixel-code break; case 3 : nCount = 29 + gb.ReadByte(); // run_length_29-284 nPaletteIndex = (BYTE)gb.BitRead(2); // 4-bit_pixel-code break; } } else nCount = 1; } } if (nX+nCount > m_width) { ASSERT (FALSE); break; } if (nCount>0) { FillSolidRect (spd, nX, nY, nCount, 1, m_Colors[nPaletteIndex]); nX += nCount; } } gb.BitByteAlign(); } void CompositionObject::Dvb4PixelsCodeString(SubPicDesc& spd, CGolombBuffer& gb, SHORT& nX, SHORT& nY) { BYTE bTemp; BYTE nPaletteIndex = 0; SHORT nCount; bool bQuit = false; while (!bQuit && !gb.IsEOF()) { nCount = 0; nPaletteIndex = 0; bTemp = (BYTE)gb.BitRead(4); if (bTemp != 0) { nPaletteIndex = bTemp; nCount = 1; } else { if (gb.BitRead(1) == 0) // switch_1 { nCount = (SHORT)gb.BitRead(3); // run_length_3-9 if (nCount != 0) nCount += 2; else bQuit = true; } else { if (gb.BitRead(1) == 0) // switch_2 { nCount = 4 + (SHORT)gb.BitRead(2); // run_length_4-7 nPaletteIndex = (BYTE)gb.BitRead(4); // 4-bit_pixel-code } else { switch (gb.BitRead(2)) // switch_3 { case 0 : nCount = 1; break; case 1 : nCount = 2; break; case 2 : // if (switch_3 == '10') nCount = 9 + (SHORT)gb.BitRead(4); // run_length_9-24 nPaletteIndex = (BYTE)gb.BitRead(4); // 4-bit_pixel-code break; case 3 : nCount = 25 + gb.ReadByte(); // run_length_25-280 nPaletteIndex = (BYTE)gb.BitRead(4); // 4-bit_pixel-code break; } } } } if (nX+nCount > m_width) { ASSERT (FALSE); break; } if (nCount>0) { FillSolidRect (spd, nX, nY, nCount, 1, m_Colors[nPaletteIndex]); nX += nCount; } } gb.BitByteAlign(); } void CompositionObject::Dvb8PixelsCodeString(SubPicDesc& spd, CGolombBuffer& gb, SHORT& nX, SHORT& nY) { BYTE bTemp; BYTE nPaletteIndex = 0; SHORT nCount; bool bQuit = false; while (!bQuit && !gb.IsEOF()) { nCount = 0; nPaletteIndex = 0; bTemp = gb.ReadByte(); if (bTemp != 0) { nPaletteIndex = bTemp; nCount = 1; } else { if (gb.BitRead(1) == 0) // switch_1 { nCount = (SHORT)gb.BitRead(7); // run_length_1-127 if (nCount == 0) bQuit = true; } else { nCount = (SHORT)gb.BitRead(7); // run_length_3-127 nPaletteIndex = gb.ReadByte(); } } if (nX+nCount > m_width) { ASSERT (FALSE); break; } if (nCount>0) { FillSolidRect (spd, nX, nY, nCount, 1, m_Colors[nPaletteIndex]); nX += nCount; } } gb.BitByteAlign(); }