/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Gabest * http://www.gabest.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "usfsubtitles.h" #include #define DeclareNameAndValue(pNode, name, val) \ CComBSTR name; \ pNode->get_nodeName(&name); \ name.ToLower(); \ CComVariant val; \ pNode->get_nodeValue(&val); \ #define BeginEnumAttribs(pNode, pChild, name, value) \ {CComPtr pAttribs; \ if(SUCCEEDED(pNode->get_attributes(&pAttribs)) && pAttribs != NULL) \ { \ CComPtr pChild; \ for(pAttribs->nextNode(&pChild); pChild; pChild = NULL, pAttribs->nextNode(&pChild)) \ { \ #define EndEnumAttribs }}} #define BeginEnumChildren(pNode, pChild) \ {CComPtr pChild, pNext; \ for(pNode->get_firstChild(&pChild); pChild; pNext = NULL, pChild->get_nextSibling(&pNext), pChild = pNext) \ { \ #define EndEnumChildren }} static CStringW GetText(CComPtr pNode) { CComBSTR bstr; pNode->get_text(&bstr); return(CStringW(bstr)); } static CStringW GetXML(CComPtr pNode) { CComBSTR bstr; pNode->get_xml(&bstr); CStringW str(bstr); str.Remove('\r'); str.Replace('\n', ' '); for(size_t i = 0; (i = str.Find(L" ", i)) >= 0; ) { for(++i; i < str.GetLength() && (str[i] == '\n' || str[i] == ' ');) str.Delete(i); } return(str); } static CStringW GetAttrib(CStringW attrib, CComPtr pNode) { CStringW ret; BeginEnumAttribs(pNode, pChild, name, val) { DeclareNameAndValue(pChild, name, val); if(CStringW(name) == attrib && val.vt == VT_BSTR) // TODO: prepare for other types { ret = val.bstrVal; break; } } EndEnumAttribs return(ret); } static int TimeToInt(CStringW str) { CAtlList sl; int i = 0; for(CStringW token = str.Tokenize(L":.,", i); !token.IsEmpty(); token = str.Tokenize(L":.,", i)) sl.AddHead(token); if(sl.GetCount() > 4) return(-1); int time = 0; int mul[4] = {1,1000,60*1000,60*60*1000}; POSITION pos = sl.GetHeadPosition(); for(i = 0; pos; i++) { const WCHAR* s = sl.GetNext(pos); WCHAR* tmp = NULL; int t = wcstol(s, &tmp, 10); if(s >= tmp) return(-1); time += t * mul[i]; } return(time); } static DWORD StringToDWORD(CStringW str) { if(str.IsEmpty()) return(0); if(str[0] == '#') return((DWORD)wcstol(str, NULL, 16)); else return((DWORD)wcstol(str, NULL, 10)); } static DWORD ColorToDWORD(CStringW str) { if(str.IsEmpty()) return(0); DWORD ret = 0; if(str[0] == '#') { ret = (DWORD)wcstol(str.TrimLeft('#'), NULL, 16); } else { g_colors.Lookup(CString(str), ret); } ret = ((ret&0xff)<<16)|(ret&0xff00ff00)|((ret>>16)&0xff); return(ret); } static int TranslateAlignment(CStringW alignment) { return !alignment.CompareNoCase(L"BottomLeft") ? 1 : !alignment.CompareNoCase(L"BottomCenter") ? 2 : !alignment.CompareNoCase(L"BottomRight") ? 3 : !alignment.CompareNoCase(L"MiddleLeft") ? 4 : !alignment.CompareNoCase(L"MiddleCenter") ? 5 : !alignment.CompareNoCase(L"MiddleRight") ? 6 : !alignment.CompareNoCase(L"TopLeft") ? 7 : !alignment.CompareNoCase(L"TopCenter") ? 8 : !alignment.CompareNoCase(L"TopRight") ? 9 : 2; } static int TranslateMargin(CStringW margin, int wndsize) { int ret = 0; if(!margin.IsEmpty()) { ret = wcstol(margin, NULL, 10); if(margin.Find('%') >= 0) ret = wndsize * ret / 100; } return(ret); } //////////////// CUSFSubtitles::CUSFSubtitles() { } CUSFSubtitles::~CUSFSubtitles() { } bool CUSFSubtitles::Read(LPCTSTR fn) { VARIANT_BOOL vb; CComPtr pDoc; if(FAILED(pDoc.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DOMDocument)) || FAILED(pDoc->put_async(VARIANT_FALSE)) || FAILED(pDoc->load(CComVariant(fn), &vb)) || vb != VARIANT_TRUE) return(false); styles.RemoveAll(); effects.RemoveAll(); texts.RemoveAll(); if(!ParseUSFSubtitles(CComQIPtr(pDoc))) return(false); POSITION pos = styles.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { style_t* def = styles.GetNext(pos); if(def->name.CompareNoCase(L"Default")) continue; POSITION pos2 = styles.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos2) { style_t* s = styles.GetNext(pos2); if(!s->name.CompareNoCase(L"Default")) continue; if(s->fontstyle.face.IsEmpty()) s->fontstyle.face = def->fontstyle.face; if(s->fontstyle.size.IsEmpty()) s->fontstyle.size = def->fontstyle.size; if(s->fontstyle.color[0].IsEmpty()) s->fontstyle.color[0] = def->fontstyle.color[0]; if(s->fontstyle.color[1].IsEmpty()) s->fontstyle.color[1] = def->fontstyle.color[1]; if(s->fontstyle.color[2].IsEmpty()) s->fontstyle.color[2] = def->fontstyle.color[2]; if(s->fontstyle.color[3].IsEmpty()) s->fontstyle.color[3] = def->fontstyle.color[3]; if(s->fontstyle.italic.IsEmpty()) s->fontstyle.italic = def->fontstyle.italic; if(s->fontstyle.weight.IsEmpty()) s->fontstyle.weight = def->fontstyle.weight; if(s->fontstyle.underline.IsEmpty()) s->fontstyle.underline = def->fontstyle.underline; if(s->fontstyle.alpha.IsEmpty()) s->fontstyle.alpha = def->fontstyle.alpha; if(s->fontstyle.outline.IsEmpty()) s->fontstyle.outline = def->fontstyle.outline; if(s->fontstyle.shadow.IsEmpty()) s->fontstyle.shadow = def->fontstyle.shadow; if(s->fontstyle.wrap.IsEmpty()) s->fontstyle.wrap = def->fontstyle.wrap; if(s->pal.alignment.IsEmpty()) s->pal.alignment = def->pal.alignment; if(s->pal.relativeto.IsEmpty()) s->pal.relativeto = def->pal.relativeto; if(s->pal.horizontal_margin.IsEmpty()) s->pal.horizontal_margin = def->pal.horizontal_margin; if(s->pal.vertical_margin.IsEmpty()) s->pal.vertical_margin = def->pal.vertical_margin; if(s->pal.rotate[0].IsEmpty()) s->pal.rotate[0] = def->pal.rotate[0]; if(s->pal.rotate[1].IsEmpty()) s->pal.rotate[1] = def->pal.rotate[1]; if(s->pal.rotate[2].IsEmpty()) s->pal.rotate[2] = def->pal.rotate[2]; } break; } pos = texts.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { text_t* t = texts.GetNext(pos); if(t->style.IsEmpty()) t->style = L"Default"; } return(true); } bool CUSFSubtitles::ConvertToSTS(CSimpleTextSubtitle& sts) { sts.m_name = metadata.language.text; sts.m_encoding = CTextFile::UTF8; sts.m_dstScreenSize = CSize(640, 480); sts.m_fScaledBAS = true; sts.m_defaultWrapStyle = 1; // TODO: map metadata.language.code to charset num (windows doesn't have such a function...) int charSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET; POSITION pos = styles.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { style_t* s = styles.GetNext(pos); if(!s->name.CompareNoCase(L"Default") && !s->fontstyle.wrap.IsEmpty()) { sts.m_defaultWrapStyle = !s->fontstyle.wrap.CompareNoCase(L"no") ? 2 : !s->fontstyle.wrap.CompareNoCase(L"auto") ? 1 : 1; } STSStyle* stss = DNew STSStyle; if(!stss) continue; if(!s->pal.horizontal_margin.IsEmpty()) stss->marginRect.left = stss->marginRect.right = TranslateMargin(s->pal.horizontal_margin, sts.m_dstScreenSize.cx); if(!s->pal.vertical_margin.IsEmpty()) stss->marginRect.top = stss->marginRect.bottom = TranslateMargin(s->pal.vertical_margin, sts.m_dstScreenSize.cy); stss->scrAlignment = TranslateAlignment(s->pal.alignment); if(!s->pal.relativeto.IsEmpty()) stss->relativeTo = !s->pal.relativeto.CompareNoCase(L"window") ? 0 : !s->pal.relativeto.CompareNoCase(L"video") ? 1 : 0; stss->borderStyle = 0; if(!s->fontstyle.outline.IsEmpty()) stss->outlineWidthX = stss->outlineWidthY = wcstol(s->fontstyle.outline, NULL, 10); if(!s->fontstyle.shadow.IsEmpty()) stss->shadowDepthX = stss->shadowDepthY = wcstol(s->fontstyle.shadow, NULL, 10); for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { DWORD color = ColorToDWORD(s->fontstyle.color[i]); int alpha = (BYTE)wcstol(s->fontstyle.alpha, NULL, 10); stss->colors[i] = color & 0xffffff; stss->alpha[i] = (BYTE)(color>>24); stss->alpha[i] = stss->alpha[i] + (255 - stss->alpha[i]) * min(max(alpha, 0), 100) / 100; } if(!s->fontstyle.face.IsEmpty()) stss->fontName = s->fontstyle.face; if(!s->fontstyle.size.IsEmpty()) stss->fontSize = wcstol(s->fontstyle.size, NULL, 10); if(!s->fontstyle.weight.IsEmpty()) stss->fontWeight = !s->fontstyle.weight.CompareNoCase(L"normal") ? FW_NORMAL : !s->fontstyle.weight.CompareNoCase(L"bold") ? FW_BOLD : !s->fontstyle.weight.CompareNoCase(L"lighter") ? FW_LIGHT : !s->fontstyle.weight.CompareNoCase(L"bolder") ? FW_SEMIBOLD : wcstol(s->fontstyle.weight, NULL, 10); if(stss->fontWeight == 0) stss->fontWeight = FW_NORMAL; if(!s->fontstyle.italic.IsEmpty()) stss->fItalic = s->fontstyle.italic.CompareNoCase(L"yes") == 0; if(!s->fontstyle.underline.IsEmpty()) stss->fUnderline = s->fontstyle.underline.CompareNoCase(L"yes") == 0; if(!s->pal.rotate[0].IsEmpty()) stss->fontAngleZ = wcstol(s->pal.rotate[0], NULL, 10); if(!s->pal.rotate[1].IsEmpty()) stss->fontAngleX = wcstol(s->pal.rotate[1], NULL, 10); if(!s->pal.rotate[2].IsEmpty()) stss->fontAngleY = wcstol(s->pal.rotate[2], NULL, 10); stss->charSet = charSet; sts.AddStyle(WToT(s->name), stss); } pos = texts.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { text_t* t = texts.GetNext(pos); if(!t->pal.alignment.IsEmpty()) { CStringW s; s.Format(L"{\\an%d}", TranslateAlignment(t->pal.alignment)); t->str = s + t->str; } CRect marginRect; marginRect.SetRectEmpty(); if(!t->pal.horizontal_margin.IsEmpty()) marginRect.left = marginRect.right = TranslateMargin(t->pal.horizontal_margin, sts.m_dstScreenSize.cx); if(!t->pal.vertical_margin.IsEmpty()) marginRect.top = marginRect.bottom = TranslateMargin(t->pal.vertical_margin, sts.m_dstScreenSize.cy); WCHAR rtags[3][8] = {L"{\\rz%d}", L"{\\rx%d}", L"{\\ry%d}"}; for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if(int angle = wcstol(t->pal.rotate[i], NULL, 10)) { CStringW str; str.Format(rtags[i], angle); t->str = str + t->str; } } if(t->style.CompareNoCase(L"Default") != 0) { POSITION pos = styles.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { style_t* s = styles.GetNext(pos); if(s->name == t->style && !s->fontstyle.wrap.IsEmpty()) { int WrapStyle = !s->fontstyle.wrap.CompareNoCase(L"no") ? 2 : !s->fontstyle.wrap.CompareNoCase(L"auto") ? 1 : 1; if(WrapStyle != sts.m_defaultWrapStyle) { CStringW str; str.Format(L"{\\q%d}", WrapStyle); t->str = str + t->str; } break; } } } // TODO: apply effects as {\t(..)} after usf's standard clearly defines them sts.Add(t->str, true, t->start, t->stop, WToT(t->style), _T(""), _T(""), marginRect); } return(true); } bool CUSFSubtitles::ParseUSFSubtitles(CComPtr pNode) { DeclareNameAndValue(pNode, name, val); if(name == L"usfsubtitles") { // metadata BeginEnumChildren(pNode, pChild) { DeclareNameAndValue(pChild, name, val); if(name == L"metadata") { ParseMetadata(pChild, metadata); } } EndEnumChildren // styles BeginEnumChildren(pNode, pChild) { DeclareNameAndValue(pChild, name, val); if(name == L"styles") { BeginEnumChildren(pChild, pGrandChild) // :) { DeclareNameAndValue(pGrandChild, name, val); if(name == L"style") { CAutoPtr s(DNew style_t); if(s) { ParseStyle(pGrandChild, s); styles.AddTail(s); } } } EndEnumChildren } } EndEnumChildren // effects BeginEnumChildren(pNode, pChild) { DeclareNameAndValue(pChild, name, val); if(name == L"effects") { BeginEnumChildren(pChild, pGrandChild) // :) { DeclareNameAndValue(pGrandChild, name, val); if(name == L"effect") { CAutoPtr e(DNew effect_t); if(e) { ParseEffect(pGrandChild, e); effects.AddTail(e); } } } EndEnumChildren } } EndEnumChildren // subtitles BeginEnumChildren(pNode, pChild) { DeclareNameAndValue(pChild, name, val); if(name == L"subtitles") { BeginEnumChildren(pChild, pGrandChild) // :) { DeclareNameAndValue(pGrandChild, name, val); if(name == L"subtitle") { CStringW sstart = GetAttrib(L"start", pGrandChild); CStringW sstop = GetAttrib(L"stop", pGrandChild); CStringW sduration = GetAttrib(L"duration", pGrandChild); if(sstart.IsEmpty() || (sstop.IsEmpty() && sduration.IsEmpty())) continue; int start = TimeToInt(sstart); int stop = !sstop.IsEmpty() ? TimeToInt(sstop) : (start + TimeToInt(sduration)); ParseSubtitle(pGrandChild, start, stop); } } EndEnumChildren } } EndEnumChildren return(true); } BeginEnumChildren(pNode, pChild) { if(ParseUSFSubtitles(pChild)) { return(true); } } EndEnumChildren return(false); } void CUSFSubtitles::ParseMetadata(CComPtr pNode, metadata_t& m) { DeclareNameAndValue(pNode, name, val); if(name == L"title") { m.title = GetText(pNode); } else if(name == L"date") { m.date = GetText(pNode); } else if(name == L"comment") { m.comment = GetText(pNode); } else if(name == L"author") { BeginEnumChildren(pNode, pChild) { DeclareNameAndValue(pChild, name, val); if(name == L"name") m.author.name = GetText(pChild); else if(name == L"email") m.author.email = GetText(pChild); else if(name == L"url") m.author.url = GetText(pChild); } EndEnumChildren return; } else if(name == L"language") { m.language.text = GetText(pNode); m.language.code = GetAttrib(L"code", pNode); } else if(name == L"languageext") { m.languageext.text = GetText(pNode); m.languageext.code = GetAttrib(L"code", pNode); } BeginEnumChildren(pNode, pChild) { ParseMetadata(pChild, metadata); } EndEnumChildren } void CUSFSubtitles::ParseStyle(CComPtr pNode, style_t* s) { DeclareNameAndValue(pNode, name, val); if(name == L"style") { s->name = GetAttrib(L"name", pNode); } else if(name == L"fontstyle") { ParseFontstyle(pNode, s->fontstyle); return; } else if(name == L"position") { ParsePal(pNode, s->pal); return; } BeginEnumChildren(pNode, pChild) { ParseStyle(pChild, s); } EndEnumChildren } void CUSFSubtitles::ParseFontstyle(CComPtr pNode, fontstyle_t& fs) { fs.face = GetAttrib(L"face", pNode); fs.size = GetAttrib(L"size", pNode); fs.color[0] = GetAttrib(L"color", pNode); fs.color[1] = GetAttrib(L"back-color", pNode); fs.color[2] = GetAttrib(L"outline-color", pNode); fs.color[3] = GetAttrib(L"shadow-color", pNode); fs.italic = GetAttrib(L"italic", pNode); fs.weight = GetAttrib(L"weight", pNode); fs.underline = GetAttrib(L"underline", pNode); fs.alpha = GetAttrib(L"alpha", pNode); fs.outline = GetAttrib(L"outline-level", pNode); fs.shadow = GetAttrib(L"shadow-level", pNode); fs.wrap = GetAttrib(L"wrap", pNode); } void CUSFSubtitles::ParsePal(CComPtr pNode, posattriblist_t& pal) { pal.alignment = GetAttrib(L"alignment", pNode); pal.relativeto = GetAttrib(L"relative-to", pNode); pal.horizontal_margin = GetAttrib(L"horizontal-margin", pNode); pal.vertical_margin = GetAttrib(L"vertical-margin", pNode); pal.rotate[0] = GetAttrib(L"rotate-z", pNode); pal.rotate[1] = GetAttrib(L"rotate-x", pNode); pal.rotate[2] = GetAttrib(L"rotate-y", pNode); } void CUSFSubtitles::ParseEffect(CComPtr pNode, effect_t* e) { DeclareNameAndValue(pNode, name, val); if(name == L"effect") { e->name = GetAttrib(L"name", pNode); } else if(name == L"keyframes") { BeginEnumChildren(pNode, pChild) { DeclareNameAndValue(pChild, name, val); if(name == L"keyframe") { CAutoPtr k(DNew keyframe_t); if(k) { ParseKeyframe(pChild, k); e->keyframes.AddTail(k); } } } EndEnumChildren return; } BeginEnumChildren(pNode, pChild) { ParseEffect(pChild, e); } EndEnumChildren } void CUSFSubtitles::ParseKeyframe(CComPtr pNode, keyframe_t* k) { DeclareNameAndValue(pNode, name, val); if(name == L"keyframe") { k->position = GetAttrib(L"position", pNode); } else if(name == L"fontstyle") { ParseFontstyle(pNode, k->fontstyle); return; } else if(name == L"position") { ParsePal(pNode, k->pal); return; } } void CUSFSubtitles::ParseSubtitle(CComPtr pNode, int start, int stop) { DeclareNameAndValue(pNode, name, val); if(name == L"text" || name == L"karaoke") { CAutoPtr t(DNew text_t); if(t) { t->start = start; t->stop = stop; t->style = GetAttrib(L"style", pNode); t->effect = GetAttrib(L"effect", pNode); ParsePal(pNode, t->pal); ParseText(pNode, t->str); texts.AddTail(t); } return; } // else if BeginEnumChildren(pNode, pChild) { ParseSubtitle(pChild, start, stop); } EndEnumChildren } void CUSFSubtitles::ParseText(CComPtr pNode, CStringW& str) { DeclareNameAndValue(pNode, name, val); CStringW prefix, postfix; if(name == L"b") { prefix = L"{\\b1}"; postfix = L"{\\b}"; } else if(name == L"i") { prefix = L"{\\i1}"; postfix = L"{\\i}"; } else if(name == L"u") { prefix = L"{\\u1}"; postfix = L"{\\u}"; } else if(name == L"font") { fontstyle_t fs; ParseFontstyle(pNode, fs); if(!fs.face.IsEmpty()) {prefix += L"{\\fn" + fs.face + L"}"; postfix += L"{\\fn}";} if(!fs.size.IsEmpty()) {prefix += L"{\\fs" + fs.size + L"}"; postfix += L"{\\fs}";} if(!fs.outline.IsEmpty()) {prefix += L"{\\bord" + fs.outline + L"}"; postfix += L"{\\bord}";} if(!fs.shadow.IsEmpty()) {prefix += L"{\\shad" + fs.shadow + L"}"; postfix += L"{\\shad}";} for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if(!fs.color[i].IsEmpty()) { CStringW s; s.Format(L"{\\%dc&H%06x&}", i+1, ColorToDWORD(fs.color[i])); prefix += s; s.Format(L"{\\%dc}", i+1); postfix += s; } } } else if(name == L"k") { int t = wcstol(GetAttrib(L"t", pNode), NULL, 10); CStringW s; s.Format(L"{\\kf%d}", t / 10); str += s; return; } else if(name == L"br") { str += L"\\N"; return; } else if(name == L"#text") { str += GetXML(pNode); return; } BeginEnumChildren(pNode, pChild) { CStringW s; ParseText(pChild, s); str += s; } EndEnumChildren str = prefix + str + postfix; } void CUSFSubtitles::ParseShape(CComPtr pNode) { // no specs on this yet }