/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Gabest * http://www.gabest.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #pragma once #include #include "../decss/VobFile.h" #include "VobSubFile.h" #pragma pack(push) #pragma pack(1) typedef struct { WORD perm_displ : 2; WORD ratio : 2; WORD system : 2; WORD compression : 2; WORD mode : 1; WORD letterboxed : 1; WORD source_res : 2; WORD cbrvbr : 2; WORD line21_2 : 1; WORD line21_1 : 1; } vidinfo; typedef struct { BYTE vob, cell; DWORD tTime, tOffset, tTotal; DWORD start, end; int iAngle; bool fDiscontinuity; } vc_t; typedef struct { int nAngles; CAtlArray angles[10]; int iSelAngle; RGBQUAD pal[16]; WORD ids[32]; } PGC; typedef struct VSFRipperData_t { CSize vidsize; vidinfo vidinfo; CAtlArray pgcs; int iSelPGC; bool fResetTime, fClosedCaption, fForcedOnly; bool fClose, fBeep, fAuto; // only used by the UI externally, but may be set through the parameter file bool fCloseIgnoreError; CAtlArray selvcs; CAtlMap selids; void Reset(); void Copy(struct VSFRipperData_t& rd); } VSFRipperData; typedef struct {__int64 start, end; DWORD vc;} vcchunk; #pragma pack(pop) // note: these interfaces only meant to be used internally with static linking // // IVSFRipperCallback // [uuid("9E2EBB5C-AD7C-452f-A48B-38685716AC46")] interface IVSFRipperCallback : public IUnknown { STDMETHOD (OnMessage) (LPCTSTR msg) PURE; STDMETHOD (OnProgress) (double progress /*0->1*/) PURE; STDMETHOD (OnFinished) (bool fSucceeded) PURE; }; // IVSFRipperCallbackImpl #ifndef QI #define QI(i) (riid == __uuidof(i)) ? GetInterface((i*)this, ppv) : #endif class IVSFRipperCallbackImpl : public CUnknown, public IVSFRipperCallback { protected: DECLARE_IUNKNOWN STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppv) { return QI(IVSFRipperCallback) __super::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(riid, ppv); } // IVSFRipperCallback STDMETHODIMP OnMessage(LPCTSTR msg) {return S_FALSE;} STDMETHODIMP OnProgress(double progress /*0->1*/) {return S_FALSE;} STDMETHODIMP OnFinished(bool fSucceeded) {return S_FALSE;} public: IVSFRipperCallbackImpl() : CUnknown(NAME("IVSFRipperCallbackImpl"), NULL) {} }; // // IVSFRipper // [uuid("69F935BB-B8D0-43f5-AA2E-BBD0851CC9A6")] interface IVSFRipper : public IUnknown { STDMETHOD (SetCallBack) (IVSFRipperCallback* pCallback) PURE; STDMETHOD (LoadParamFile) (CString fn) PURE; STDMETHOD (SetInput) (CString infn) PURE; STDMETHOD (SetOutput) (CString outfn) PURE; STDMETHOD (GetRipperData) (VSFRipperData& rd) PURE; STDMETHOD (UpdateRipperData) (VSFRipperData& rd) PURE; STDMETHOD (Index) () PURE; STDMETHOD (IsIndexing) () PURE; STDMETHOD (Abort) (bool fSavePartial) PURE; }; class CVobSubFileRipper : public CVobSubFile, protected CAMThread, public IVSFRipper { private: bool m_fThreadActive, m_fBreakThread, m_fIndexing; enum {CMD_EXIT, CMD_INDEX}; DWORD ThreadProc(); bool Create(); // typedef enum {LOG_INFO, LOG_WARNING, LOG_ERROR} log_t; void Log(log_t type, LPCTSTR lpszFormat, ...); void Progress(double progress); void Finished(bool fSucceeded); // CCritSec m_csAccessLock; CString m_infn, m_outfn; CVobFile m_vob; VSFRipperData m_rd; bool LoadIfo(CString fn); bool LoadVob(CString fn); bool LoadChunks(CAtlArray& chunks); bool SaveChunks(CAtlArray& chunks); // CCritSec m_csCallback; CComPtr m_pCallback; public: CVobSubFileRipper(); virtual ~CVobSubFileRipper(); DECLARE_IUNKNOWN STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppv); // IVSFRipper STDMETHODIMP SetCallBack(IVSFRipperCallback* pCallback); STDMETHODIMP LoadParamFile(CString fn); STDMETHODIMP SetInput(CString infn); STDMETHODIMP SetOutput(CString outfn); STDMETHODIMP GetRipperData(VSFRipperData& rd); STDMETHODIMP UpdateRipperData(VSFRipperData& rd); STDMETHODIMP Index(); STDMETHODIMP IsIndexing(); STDMETHODIMP Abort(bool fSavePartial); };