/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Gabest * http://www.gabest.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "Node.h" #include "NodeFactory.h" #include "Exception.h" #include "Split.h" #include namespace ssf { Node::Node(NodeFactory* pnf, CStringW name) : m_pnf(pnf) , m_type('?') , m_name(name) , m_priority(PNormal) , m_predefined(false) , m_parent(NULL) { ASSERT(m_pnf); } void Node::AddTail(Node* pNode) { if(POSITION pos = m_nodes.Find(pNode)) // TODO: slow { m_nodes.MoveToTail(pos); return; } m_nodes.AddTail(pNode); m_name2node[pNode->m_name] = pNode; } bool Node::IsNameUnknown() { return m_name.IsEmpty() || !!iswdigit(m_name[0]); } bool Node::IsTypeUnknown() { return m_type.IsEmpty() || m_type == '?'; } bool Node::IsType(CStringW type) { return m_type == type; } void Node::GetChildDefs(CAtlList& l, LPCWSTR type, bool fFirst) { CAtlList rdl[3]; if(fFirst) { if(Definition* pDef = m_pnf->GetDefByName(m_type)) { pDef->GetChildDefs(rdl[pDef->m_priority], type, false); } } POSITION pos = m_nodes.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { if(Node* pNode = m_nodes.GetNext(pos)) { pNode->GetChildDefs(rdl[pNode->m_priority], type, false); } } for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(rdl)/sizeof(rdl[0]); i++) { l.AddTailList(&rdl[i]); } } // Reference Reference::Reference(NodeFactory* pnf, CStringW name) : Node(pnf, name) { } Reference::~Reference() { } void Reference::GetChildDefs(CAtlList& l, LPCWSTR type, bool fFirst) { CAtlList rdl[3]; POSITION pos = m_nodes.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { if(Definition* pDef = dynamic_cast(m_nodes.GetNext(pos))) { if(!type || pDef->m_type == type) // TODO: faster lookup { rdl[pDef->m_priority].AddTail(pDef); } } } for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(rdl)/sizeof(rdl[0]); i++) { l.AddTailList(&rdl[i]); } } void Reference::Dump(OutputStream& s, int level, bool fLast) { if(m_predefined) return; CStringW tabs(' ', level*4); // s.PutString(tabs + '\n' + tabs + L" {\n"); s.PutString(L" {\n"); POSITION pos = m_nodes.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { Node* pNode = m_nodes.GetNext(pos); if(Definition* pDef = dynamic_cast(pNode)) { pDef->Dump(s, level + 1, pos == NULL); } } s.PutString(tabs + '}'); } // Definition Definition::Definition(NodeFactory* pnf, CStringW name) : Node(pnf, name) , m_status(node) , m_autotype(false) { } Definition::~Definition() { RemoveFromCache(); } bool Definition::IsVisible(Definition* pDef) { Node* pNode = m_parent; while(pNode) { if(pNode->m_name2node.Lookup(pDef->m_name)) { return true; } pNode = pNode->m_parent; } return false; } void Definition::AddTail(Node* pNode) { // if(Reference* pRef = dynamic_cast(pNode)) { ASSERT(m_status == node); m_status = node; if(IsTypeUnknown() && !pNode->IsTypeUnknown()) { m_type = pNode->m_type; m_autotype = true; } RemoveFromCache(pNode->m_type); } __super::AddTail(pNode); } Definition& Definition::operator[] (LPCWSTR type) { Definition* pRetDef = NULL; if(m_type2def.Lookup(type, pRetDef)) return *pRetDef; pRetDef = DNew Definition(m_pnf, L""); pRetDef->m_priority = PLow; pRetDef->m_type = type; m_type2def[type] = pRetDef; CAtlList l; GetChildDefs(l, type); while(!l.IsEmpty()) { Definition* pDef = l.RemoveHead(); pRetDef->m_priority = pDef->m_priority; pRetDef->m_parent = pDef->m_parent; if(pDef->IsValue()) { pRetDef->SetAsValue(pDef->m_status, pDef->m_value, pDef->m_unit); } else { pRetDef->m_status = node; pRetDef->m_nodes.AddTailList(&pDef->m_nodes); } } return *pRetDef; } void Definition::RemoveFromCache(LPCWSTR type) { if(!type) { POSITION pos = m_type2def.GetStartPosition(); while(pos) delete m_type2def.GetNextValue(pos); } else if(StringMapW::CPair* p = m_type2def.Lookup(type)) { delete p->m_value; m_type2def.RemoveKey(type); } } bool Definition::IsValue(status_t s) { return s ? m_status == s : m_status != node; } void Definition::SetAsValue(status_t s, CStringW v, CStringW u) { ASSERT(s != node); m_nodes.RemoveAll(); m_name2node.RemoveAll(); m_status = s; m_value = v; m_unit = u; } void Definition::SetAsNumber(CStringW v, CStringW u) { SetAsValue(number, v, u); Number n; GetAsNumber(n); // will throw an exception if not a number } template void Definition::GetAsNumber(Number& n, StringMapW* n2n) { CStringW str = m_value; str.Replace(L" ", L""); n.value = 0; n.unit = m_unit; n.sign = 0; if(n2n) { if(m_status == node) throw Exception(_T("expected value type")); if(StringMapW::CPair* p = n2n->Lookup(str)) { n.value = p->m_value; return; } } if(m_status != number) throw Exception(_T("expected number")); n.sign = str.Find('+') == 0 ? 1 : str.Find('-') == 0 ? -1 : 0; str.TrimLeft(L"+-"); if(str.Find(L"0x") == 0) { if(n.sign) throw Exception(_T("hex values must be unsigned")); n.value = (T)wcstoul(str.Mid(2), NULL, 16); } else { CStringW num_string = m_value + m_unit; if(m_num_string != num_string) { Split sa(':', str); Split sa2('.', sa ? sa[sa-1] : L""); if(sa == 0 || sa2 == 0 || sa2 > 2) throw Exception(_T("invalid number")); float f = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < sa; i++) {f *= 60; f += wcstoul(sa[i], NULL, 10);} if(sa2 > 1) f += (float)wcstoul(sa2[1], NULL, 10) / pow((float)10, sa2[1].GetLength()); if(n.unit == L"ms") {f /= 1000; n.unit = L"s";} else if(n.unit == L"m") {f *= 60; n.unit = L"s";} else if(n.unit == L"h") {f *= 3600; n.unit = L"s";} m_num.value = f; m_num.unit = n.unit; m_num_string = num_string; n.value = (T)f; } else { n.value = (T)m_num.value; n.unit = m_num.unit; } if(n.sign) n.value *= n.sign; } } void Definition::GetAsString(CStringW& str) { if(m_status == node) throw Exception(_T("expected value type")); str = m_value; } void Definition::GetAsNumber(Number& n, StringMapW* n2n) {return GetAsNumber(n, n2n);} void Definition::GetAsNumber(Number& n, StringMapW* n2n) {return GetAsNumber(n, n2n);} void Definition::GetAsNumber(Number& n, StringMapW* n2n) {return GetAsNumber(n, n2n);} void Definition::GetAsBoolean(bool& b) { static StringMapW s2b; if(s2b.IsEmpty()) { s2b[L"true"] = true; s2b[L"on"] = true; s2b[L"yes"] = true; s2b[L"1"] = true; s2b[L"false"] = false; s2b[L"off"] = false; s2b[L"no"] = false; s2b[L"0"] = false; } if(!s2b.Lookup(m_value, b)) // m_status != boolean && m_status != number || { throw Exception(_T("expected boolean")); } } bool Definition::GetAsTime(Time& t, StringMapW& offset, StringMapW* n2n, int default_id) { Definition& time = (*this)[L"time"]; CStringW id; if(time[L"id"].IsValue()) id = time[L"id"]; else id.Format(L"%d", default_id); float scale = time[L"scale"].IsValue() ? time[L"scale"] : 1.0f; if(time[L"start"].IsValue() && time[L"stop"].IsValue()) { time[L"start"].GetAsNumber(t.start, n2n); time[L"stop"].GetAsNumber(t.stop, n2n); if(t.start.unit.IsEmpty()) t.start.value *= scale; if(t.stop.unit.IsEmpty()) t.stop.value *= scale; float o = 0; offset.Lookup(id, o); if(t.start.sign != 0) t.start.value = o + t.start.value; if(t.stop.sign != 0) t.stop.value = t.start.value + t.stop.value; offset[id] = t.stop.value; return true; } return false; } Definition::operator LPCWSTR() { CStringW str; GetAsString(str); return str; } Definition::operator float() { float d; GetAsNumber(d); return d; } Definition::operator bool() { bool b; GetAsBoolean(b); return b; } Definition* Definition::SetChildAsValue(CStringW path, status_t s, CStringW v, CStringW u) { Definition* pDef = this; Split split('.', path); for(size_t i = 0, j = split-1; i <= j; i++) { CStringW type = split[i]; if(pDef->m_nodes.IsEmpty() || !dynamic_cast(pDef->m_nodes.GetTail())) { EXECUTE_ASSERT(m_pnf->CreateRef(pDef) != NULL); } if(Reference* pRef = dynamic_cast(pDef->m_nodes.GetTail())) { pDef = NULL; POSITION pos = pRef->m_nodes.GetTailPosition(); while(pos) { Definition* pChildDef = dynamic_cast(pRef->m_nodes.GetPrev(pos)); if(pChildDef->IsType(type)) { if(pChildDef->IsNameUnknown()) pDef = pChildDef; break; } } if(!pDef) { pDef = m_pnf->CreateDef(pRef, type); } if(i == j) { pDef->SetAsValue(s, v, u); return pDef; } } } return NULL; } Definition* Definition::SetChildAsNumber(CStringW path, CStringW v, CStringW u) { Definition* pDef = SetChildAsValue(path, number, v, u); Number n; pDef->GetAsNumber(n); // will throw an exception if not a number return pDef; } void Definition::Dump(OutputStream& s, int level, bool fLast) { if(m_predefined) return; CStringW tabs(' ', level*4); CStringW str = tabs; if(m_predefined) str += '?'; if(m_priority == PLow) str += '*'; else if(m_priority == PHigh) str += '!'; if(!IsTypeUnknown() && !m_autotype) str += m_type; if(!IsNameUnknown()) str += '#' + m_name; str += ':'; s.PutString(L"%s", str); if(!m_nodes.IsEmpty()) { POSITION pos = m_nodes.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { Node* pNode = m_nodes.GetNext(pos); if(Reference* pRef = dynamic_cast(pNode)) { pRef->Dump(s, level, fLast); } else { ASSERT(!pNode->IsNameUnknown()); s.PutString(L" %s", pNode->m_name); } } s.PutString(L";\n"); if(!fLast && (!m_nodes.IsEmpty() || level == 0)) s.PutString(L"\n"); } else if(m_status == string) { CStringW str = m_value; str.Replace(L"\"", L"\\\""); s.PutString(L" \"%s\";\n", str); } else if(m_status == number) { CStringW str = m_value; if(!m_unit.IsEmpty()) str += m_unit; s.PutString(L" %s;\n", str); } else if(m_status == boolean) { s.PutString(L" %s;\n", m_value); } else if(m_status == block) { s.PutString(L" {%s};\n", m_value); } else { s.PutString(L" null;\n"); } } }