/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Gabest * http://www.gabest.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "Subtitle.h" #include "Split.h" #include namespace ssf { struct Subtitle::n2n_t Subtitle::m_n2n; Subtitle::Subtitle(File* pFile) : m_pFile(pFile) , m_animated(false) { if(m_n2n.align[0].IsEmpty()) { m_n2n.align[0][L"left"] = 0; m_n2n.align[0][L"center"] = 0.5; m_n2n.align[0][L"middle"] = 0.5; m_n2n.align[0][L"right"] = 1; } if(m_n2n.align[1].IsEmpty()) { m_n2n.align[1][L"top"] = 0; m_n2n.align[1][L"middle"] = 0.5; m_n2n.align[1][L"center"] = 0.5; m_n2n.align[1][L"bottom"] = 1; } if(m_n2n.weight.IsEmpty()) { m_n2n.weight[L"thin"] = FW_THIN; m_n2n.weight[L"normal"] = FW_NORMAL; m_n2n.weight[L"bold"] = FW_BOLD; } if(m_n2n.transition.IsEmpty()) { m_n2n.transition[L"start"] = 0; m_n2n.transition[L"stop"] = 1e10; m_n2n.transition[L"linear"] = 1; } } Subtitle::~Subtitle() { } bool Subtitle::Parse(Definition* pDef, float start, float stop, float at) { ASSERT(m_pFile && pDef); m_name = pDef->m_name; m_text.RemoveAll(); m_time.start = start; m_time.stop = stop; at -= start; Fill::gen_id = 0; m_pFile->Commit(); try { Definition& frame = (*pDef)[L"frame"]; m_frame.reference = frame[L"reference"]; m_frame.resolution.cx = frame[L"resolution"][L"cx"]; m_frame.resolution.cy = frame[L"resolution"][L"cy"]; Definition& direction = (*pDef)[L"direction"]; m_direction.primary = direction[L"primary"]; m_direction.secondary = direction[L"secondary"]; m_wrap = (*pDef)[L"wrap"]; m_layer = (*pDef)[L"layer"]; Style style; GetStyle(&(*pDef)[L"style"], style); StringMapW offset; Definition& block = (*pDef)[L"@"]; Parse(WCharInputStream((LPCWSTR)block), style, at, offset, dynamic_cast(block.m_parent)); // TODO: trimming should be done by the renderer later, after breaking the words into lines while(!m_text.IsEmpty() && (m_text.GetHead().str == Text::SP || m_text.GetHead().str == Text::LSEP)) m_text.RemoveHead(); while(!m_text.IsEmpty() && (m_text.GetTail().str == Text::SP || m_text.GetTail().str == Text::LSEP)) m_text.RemoveTail(); for(POSITION pos = m_text.GetHeadPosition(); pos; m_text.GetNext(pos)) { if(m_text.GetAt(pos).str == Text::LSEP) { POSITION prev = pos; m_text.GetPrev(prev); while(prev && m_text.GetAt(prev).str == Text::SP) { POSITION tmp = prev; m_text.GetPrev(prev); m_text.RemoveAt(tmp); } POSITION next = pos; m_text.GetNext(next); while(next && m_text.GetAt(next).str == Text::SP) { POSITION tmp = next; m_text.GetNext(next); m_text.RemoveAt(tmp); } } } } catch(Exception& e) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(e); TRACE(_T("%s"), e.ToString()); return false; } m_pFile->Rollback(); return true; } void Subtitle::GetStyle(Definition* pDef, Style& style) { style.placement.pos.x = 0; style.placement.pos.y = 0; style.placement.pos.auto_x = true; style.placement.pos.auto_y = true; style.placement.org.x = 0; style.placement.org.y = 0; style.placement.org.auto_x = true; style.placement.org.auto_y = true; Rect frame = {0, m_frame.resolution.cx, m_frame.resolution.cy, 0}; style.placement.clip.t = -1; style.placement.clip.r = -1; style.placement.clip.b = -1; style.placement.clip.l = -1; // style.linebreak = (*pDef)[L"linebreak"]; Definition& placement = (*pDef)[L"placement"]; Definition& clip = placement[L"clip"]; if(clip.IsValue(Definition::string)) { CStringW str = clip; if(str == L"frame") style.placement.clip = frame; // else ? } else { if(clip[L"t"].IsValue()) style.placement.clip.t = clip[L"t"]; if(clip[L"r"].IsValue()) style.placement.clip.r = clip[L"r"]; if(clip[L"b"].IsValue()) style.placement.clip.b = clip[L"b"]; if(clip[L"l"].IsValue()) style.placement.clip.l = clip[L"l"]; } StringMapW n2n_margin[2]; n2n_margin[0][L"top"] = 0; n2n_margin[0][L"right"] = 0; n2n_margin[0][L"bottom"] = frame.b - frame.t; n2n_margin[0][L"left"] = frame.r - frame.l; n2n_margin[1][L"top"] = frame.b - frame.t; n2n_margin[1][L"right"] = frame.r - frame.l; n2n_margin[1][L"bottom"] = 0; n2n_margin[1][L"left"] = 0; placement[L"margin"][L"t"].GetAsNumber(style.placement.margin.t, &n2n_margin[0]); placement[L"margin"][L"r"].GetAsNumber(style.placement.margin.r, &n2n_margin[0]); placement[L"margin"][L"b"].GetAsNumber(style.placement.margin.b, &n2n_margin[1]); placement[L"margin"][L"l"].GetAsNumber(style.placement.margin.l, &n2n_margin[1]); placement[L"align"][L"h"].GetAsNumber(style.placement.align.h, &m_n2n.align[0]); placement[L"align"][L"v"].GetAsNumber(style.placement.align.v, &m_n2n.align[1]); if(placement[L"pos"][L"x"].IsValue()) {style.placement.pos.x = placement[L"pos"][L"x"]; style.placement.pos.auto_x = false;} if(placement[L"pos"][L"y"].IsValue()) {style.placement.pos.y = placement[L"pos"][L"y"]; style.placement.pos.auto_y = false;} placement[L"offset"][L"x"].GetAsNumber(style.placement.offset.x); placement[L"offset"][L"y"].GetAsNumber(style.placement.offset.y); style.placement.angle.x = placement[L"angle"][L"x"]; style.placement.angle.y = placement[L"angle"][L"y"]; style.placement.angle.z = placement[L"angle"][L"z"]; if(placement[L"org"][L"x"].IsValue()) {style.placement.org.x = placement[L"org"][L"x"]; style.placement.org.auto_x = false;} if(placement[L"org"][L"y"].IsValue()) {style.placement.org.y = placement[L"org"][L"y"]; style.placement.org.auto_y = false;} style.placement.path = placement[L"path"]; Definition& font = (*pDef)[L"font"]; style.font.face = font[L"face"]; style.font.size = font[L"size"]; font[L"weight"].GetAsNumber(style.font.weight, &m_n2n.weight); style.font.color.a = font[L"color"][L"a"]; style.font.color.r = font[L"color"][L"r"]; style.font.color.g = font[L"color"][L"g"]; style.font.color.b = font[L"color"][L"b"]; style.font.underline = font[L"underline"]; style.font.strikethrough = font[L"strikethrough"]; style.font.italic = font[L"italic"]; style.font.spacing = font[L"spacing"]; style.font.scale.cx = font[L"scale"][L"cx"]; style.font.scale.cy = font[L"scale"][L"cy"]; style.font.kerning = font[L"kerning"]; Definition& background = (*pDef)[L"background"]; style.background.color.a = background[L"color"][L"a"]; style.background.color.r = background[L"color"][L"r"]; style.background.color.g = background[L"color"][L"g"]; style.background.color.b = background[L"color"][L"b"]; style.background.size = background[L"size"]; style.background.type = background[L"type"]; style.background.blur = background[L"blur"]; Definition& shadow = (*pDef)[L"shadow"]; style.shadow.color.a = shadow[L"color"][L"a"]; style.shadow.color.r = shadow[L"color"][L"r"]; style.shadow.color.g = shadow[L"color"][L"g"]; style.shadow.color.b = shadow[L"color"][L"b"]; style.shadow.depth = shadow[L"depth"]; style.shadow.angle = shadow[L"angle"]; style.shadow.blur = shadow[L"blur"]; Definition& fill = (*pDef)[L"fill"]; style.fill.color.a = fill[L"color"][L"a"]; style.fill.color.r = fill[L"color"][L"r"]; style.fill.color.g = fill[L"color"][L"g"]; style.fill.color.b = fill[L"color"][L"b"]; style.fill.width = fill[L"width"]; } float Subtitle::GetMixWeight(Definition* pDef, float at, StringMapW& offset, int default_id) { float t = 1; try { StringMapW n2n; n2n[L"start"] = 0; n2n[L"stop"] = m_time.stop - m_time.start; Definition::Time time; if(pDef->GetAsTime(time, offset, &n2n, default_id) && time.start.value < time.stop.value) { t = (at - time.start.value) / (time.stop.value - time.start.value); float u = t; if(t < 0) t = 0; else if(t >= 1) t = 0.99999f; // doh if((*pDef)[L"loop"].IsValue()) t *= (float)(*pDef)[L"loop"]; CStringW direction = (*pDef)[L"direction"].IsValue() ? (*pDef)[L"direction"] : L"fw"; if(direction == L"fwbw" || direction == L"bwfw") t *= 2; float n; t = modf(t, &n); if(direction == L"bw" || direction == L"fwbw" && ((int)n & 1) || direction == L"bwfw" && !((int)n & 1)) t = 1 - t; float accel = 1; if((*pDef)[L"transition"].IsValue()) { Definition::Number n; (*pDef)[L"transition"].GetAsNumber(n, &m_n2n.transition); if(n.value >= 0) accel = n.value; } if(t == 0.99999f) t = 1; if(u >= 0 && u < 1) { t = accel == 0 ? 1 : accel == 1 ? t : accel >= 1e10 ? 0 : pow(t, accel); } } } catch(Exception&) { } return t; } template bool Subtitle::MixValue(Definition& def, T& value, float t) { StringMapW n2n; return MixValue(def, value, t, &n2n); } template<> bool Subtitle::MixValue(Definition& def, float& value, float t) { StringMapW n2n; return MixValue(def, value, t, &n2n); } template bool Subtitle::MixValue(Definition& def, T& value, float t, StringMapW* n2n) { if(!def.IsValue()) return false; if(t >= 0.5) { if(n2n && def.IsValue(Definition::string)) { if(StringMapW::CPair* p = n2n->Lookup(def)) { value = p->m_value; return true; } } value = (T)def; } return true; } template<> bool Subtitle::MixValue(Definition& def, float& value, float t, StringMapW* n2n) { if(!def.IsValue()) return false; if(t > 0) { if(n2n && def.IsValue(Definition::string)) { if(StringMap::CPair* p = n2n->Lookup(def)) { value += (p->m_value - value) * t; return true; } } value += ((float)def - value) * t; } return true; } template<> bool Subtitle::MixValue(Definition& def, Path& src, float t) { if(!def.IsValue(Definition::string)) return false; if(t >= 1) { src = (LPCWSTR)def; } else if(t > 0) { Path dst = (LPCWSTR)def; if(src.GetCount() == dst.GetCount()) { for(size_t i = 0, j = src.GetCount(); i < j; i++) { Point& s = src[i]; const Point& d = dst[i]; s.x += (d.x - s.x) * t; s.y += (d.y - s.y) * t; } } } return true; } void Subtitle::MixStyle(Definition* pDef, Style& dst, float t) { const Style src = dst; if(t <= 0) return; else if(t > 1) t = 1; MixValue((*pDef)[L"linebreak"], dst.linebreak, t); Definition& placement = (*pDef)[L"placement"]; MixValue(placement[L"clip"][L"t"], dst.placement.clip.t, t); MixValue(placement[L"clip"][L"r"], dst.placement.clip.r, t); MixValue(placement[L"clip"][L"b"], dst.placement.clip.b, t); MixValue(placement[L"clip"][L"l"], dst.placement.clip.l, t); MixValue(placement[L"align"][L"h"], dst.placement.align.h, t, &m_n2n.align[0]); MixValue(placement[L"align"][L"v"], dst.placement.align.v, t, &m_n2n.align[1]); dst.placement.pos.auto_x = !MixValue(placement[L"pos"][L"x"], dst.placement.pos.x, dst.placement.pos.auto_x ? 1 : t); dst.placement.pos.auto_y = !MixValue(placement[L"pos"][L"y"], dst.placement.pos.y, dst.placement.pos.auto_y ? 1 : t); MixValue(placement[L"offset"][L"x"], dst.placement.offset.x, t); MixValue(placement[L"offset"][L"y"], dst.placement.offset.y, t); MixValue(placement[L"angle"][L"x"], dst.placement.angle.x, t); MixValue(placement[L"angle"][L"y"], dst.placement.angle.y, t); MixValue(placement[L"angle"][L"z"], dst.placement.angle.z, t); dst.placement.org.auto_x = !MixValue(placement[L"org"][L"x"], dst.placement.org.x, dst.placement.org.auto_x ? 1 : t); dst.placement.org.auto_y = !MixValue(placement[L"org"][L"y"], dst.placement.org.y, dst.placement.org.auto_y ? 1 : t); MixValue(placement[L"path"], dst.placement.path, t); Definition& font = (*pDef)[L"font"]; MixValue(font[L"face"], dst.font.face, t); MixValue(font[L"size"], dst.font.size, t); MixValue(font[L"weight"], dst.font.weight, t, &m_n2n.weight); MixValue(font[L"color"][L"a"], dst.font.color.a, t); MixValue(font[L"color"][L"r"], dst.font.color.r, t); MixValue(font[L"color"][L"g"], dst.font.color.g, t); MixValue(font[L"color"][L"b"], dst.font.color.b, t); MixValue(font[L"underline"], dst.font.underline, t); MixValue(font[L"strikethrough"], dst.font.strikethrough, t); MixValue(font[L"italic"], dst.font.italic, t); MixValue(font[L"spacing"], dst.font.spacing, t); MixValue(font[L"scale"][L"cx"], dst.font.scale.cx, t); MixValue(font[L"scale"][L"cy"], dst.font.scale.cy, t); MixValue(font[L"kerning"], dst.font.kerning, t); Definition& background = (*pDef)[L"background"]; MixValue(background[L"color"][L"a"], dst.background.color.a, t); MixValue(background[L"color"][L"r"], dst.background.color.r, t); MixValue(background[L"color"][L"g"], dst.background.color.g, t); MixValue(background[L"color"][L"b"], dst.background.color.b, t); MixValue(background[L"size"], dst.background.size, t); MixValue(background[L"type"], dst.background.type, t); MixValue(background[L"blur"], dst.background.blur, t); Definition& shadow = (*pDef)[L"shadow"]; MixValue(shadow[L"color"][L"a"], dst.shadow.color.a, t); MixValue(shadow[L"color"][L"r"], dst.shadow.color.r, t); MixValue(shadow[L"color"][L"g"], dst.shadow.color.g, t); MixValue(shadow[L"color"][L"b"], dst.shadow.color.b, t); MixValue(shadow[L"depth"], dst.shadow.depth, t); MixValue(shadow[L"angle"], dst.shadow.angle, t); MixValue(shadow[L"blur"], dst.shadow.blur, t); Definition& fill = (*pDef)[L"fill"]; MixValue(fill[L"color"][L"a"], dst.fill.color.a, t); MixValue(fill[L"color"][L"r"], dst.fill.color.r, t); MixValue(fill[L"color"][L"g"], dst.fill.color.g, t); MixValue(fill[L"color"][L"b"], dst.fill.color.b, t); MixValue(fill[L"width"], dst.fill.width, t); if(fill.m_priority >= PNormal) // this assumes there is no way to set low priority inline overrides { if(dst.fill.id > 0) throw Exception(_T("cannot apply fill more than once on the same text")); dst.fill.id = ++Fill::gen_id; } } void Subtitle::Parse(InputStream& s, Style style, float at, StringMapW offset, Reference* pParentRef) { Text text; text.style = style; for(int c = s.PeekChar(); c != Stream::EOS; c = s.PeekChar()) { s.GetChar(); if(c == '[') { AddText(text); style = text.style; StringMapW inneroffset = offset; int default_id = 0; do { Definition* pDef = m_pFile->CreateDef(pParentRef); m_pFile->ParseRefs(s, pDef, L",;]"); ASSERT(pDef->IsType(L"style") || pDef->IsTypeUnknown()); if((*pDef)[L"time"][L"start"].IsValue() && (*pDef)[L"time"][L"stop"].IsValue()) { m_animated = true; } float t = GetMixWeight(pDef, at, offset, ++default_id); MixStyle(pDef, style, t); if((*pDef)[L"@"].IsValue()) { Parse(WCharInputStream((LPCWSTR)(*pDef)[L"@"]), style, at, offset, pParentRef); } s.SkipWhiteSpace(); c = s.GetChar(); } while(c == ',' || c == ';'); if(c != ']') s.ThrowError(_T("unterminated override")); bool fWhiteSpaceNext = s.IsWhiteSpace(s.PeekChar()); c = s.SkipWhiteSpace(); if(c == '{') { s.GetChar(); Parse(s, style, at, inneroffset, pParentRef); } else { if(fWhiteSpaceNext) text.str += (WCHAR)Text::SP; text.style = style; } } else if(c == ']') { s.ThrowError(_T("unexpected ] found")); } else if(c == '{') { AddText(text); Parse(s, text.style, at, offset, pParentRef); } else if(c == '}') { break; } else { if(c == '\\') { c = s.GetChar(); if(c == Stream::EOS) break; else if(c == 'n') {AddText(text); text.str = (WCHAR)Text::LSEP; AddText(text); continue;} else if(c == 'h') c = Text::NBSP; } AddChar(text, (WCHAR)c); } } AddText(text); } void Subtitle::AddChar(Text& t, WCHAR c) { bool f1 = !t.str.IsEmpty() && Stream::IsWhiteSpace(t.str[t.str.GetLength()-1]); bool f2 = Stream::IsWhiteSpace(c); if(f2) c = Text::SP; if(!f1 || !f2) t.str += (WCHAR)c; } void Subtitle::AddText(Text& t) { if(t.str.IsEmpty()) return; Split sa(' ', t.str, 0, Split::Max); for(size_t i = 0, n = sa; i < n; i++) { CStringW str = sa[i]; if(!str.IsEmpty()) { t.str = str; m_text.AddTail(t); } if(i < n-1 && (m_text.IsEmpty() || m_text.GetTail().str != Text::SP)) { t.str = (WCHAR)Text::SP; m_text.AddTail(t); } } t.str.Empty(); } // unsigned int Fill::gen_id = 0; Color::operator DWORD() { DWORD c = (min(max((DWORD)b, 0), 255) << 0) | (min(max((DWORD)g, 0), 255) << 8) | (min(max((DWORD)r, 0), 255) << 16) | (min(max((DWORD)a, 0), 255) << 24); return c; } Path& Path::operator = (LPCWSTR str) { Split s(' ', str); SetCount(s/2); for(size_t i = 0, j = GetCount(); i < j; i++) { Point p; p.x = s.GetAtFloat(i*2+0); p.y = s.GetAtFloat(i*2+1); SetAt(i, p); } return *this; } CStringW Path::ToString() { CStringW ret; for(size_t i = 0, j = GetCount(); i < j; i++) { const Point& p = GetAt(i); CStringW str; str.Format(L"%f %f ", p.x, p.y); ret += str; } return ret; } bool Style::IsSimilar(const Style& s) { return font.color.r == s.font.color.r && font.color.g == s.font.color.g && font.color.b == s.font.color.b && font.color.a == s.font.color.a && background.color.r == s.background.color.r && background.color.g == s.background.color.g && background.color.b == s.background.color.b && background.color.a == s.background.color.a && background.size == s.background.size && background.type == s.background.type && background.blur == s.background.blur && shadow.color.r == s.shadow.color.r && shadow.color.g == s.shadow.color.g && shadow.color.b == s.shadow.color.b && shadow.color.a == s.shadow.color.a && shadow.depth == s.shadow.depth && shadow.angle == s.shadow.angle && shadow.blur == s.shadow.blur && fill.id == s.fill.id; } }