//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // File: DDMM.cpp // // Desc: DirectShow base classes - implements routines for using DirectDraw // on a multimonitor system. // // Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "streams.h" #include #include "ddmm.h" /* * FindDeviceCallback */ typedef struct { LPSTR szDevice; GUID* lpGUID; GUID GUID; BOOL fFound; } FindDeviceData; BOOL CALLBACK FindDeviceCallback(__in_opt GUID* lpGUID, __in LPSTR szName, __in LPSTR szDevice, __in LPVOID lParam) { FindDeviceData *p = (FindDeviceData*)lParam; if (lstrcmpiA(p->szDevice, szDevice) == 0) { if (lpGUID) { p->GUID = *lpGUID; p->lpGUID = &p->GUID; } else { p->lpGUID = NULL; } p->fFound = TRUE; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL CALLBACK FindDeviceCallbackEx(__in_opt GUID* lpGUID, __in LPSTR szName, __in LPSTR szDevice, __in LPVOID lParam, HMONITOR hMonitor) { FindDeviceData *p = (FindDeviceData*)lParam; if (lstrcmpiA(p->szDevice, szDevice) == 0) { if (lpGUID) { p->GUID = *lpGUID; p->lpGUID = &p->GUID; } else { p->lpGUID = NULL; } p->fFound = TRUE; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* * DirectDrawCreateFromDevice * * create a DirectDraw object for a particular device */ IDirectDraw * DirectDrawCreateFromDevice(__in_opt LPSTR szDevice, PDRAWCREATE DirectDrawCreateP, PDRAWENUM DirectDrawEnumerateP) { IDirectDraw* pdd = NULL; FindDeviceData find; if (szDevice == NULL) { DirectDrawCreateP(NULL, &pdd, NULL); return pdd; } find.szDevice = szDevice; find.fFound = FALSE; DirectDrawEnumerateP(FindDeviceCallback, (LPVOID)&find); if (find.fFound) { // // In 4bpp mode the following DDraw call causes a message box to be popped // up by DDraw (!?!). It's DDraw's fault, but we don't like it. So we // make sure it doesn't happen. // UINT ErrorMode = SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); DirectDrawCreateP(find.lpGUID, &pdd, NULL); SetErrorMode(ErrorMode); } return pdd; } /* * DirectDrawCreateFromDeviceEx * * create a DirectDraw object for a particular device */ IDirectDraw * DirectDrawCreateFromDeviceEx(__in_opt LPSTR szDevice, PDRAWCREATE DirectDrawCreateP, LPDIRECTDRAWENUMERATEEXA DirectDrawEnumerateExP) { IDirectDraw* pdd = NULL; FindDeviceData find; if (szDevice == NULL) { DirectDrawCreateP(NULL, &pdd, NULL); return pdd; } find.szDevice = szDevice; find.fFound = FALSE; DirectDrawEnumerateExP(FindDeviceCallbackEx, (LPVOID)&find, DDENUM_ATTACHEDSECONDARYDEVICES); if (find.fFound) { // // In 4bpp mode the following DDraw call causes a message box to be popped // up by DDraw (!?!). It's DDraw's fault, but we don't like it. So we // make sure it doesn't happen. // UINT ErrorMode = SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); DirectDrawCreateP(find.lpGUID, &pdd, NULL); SetErrorMode(ErrorMode); } return pdd; }