/******************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2002 Sven Wiegand * * You can use this and modify this in any way you want, * BUT LEAVE THIS HEADER INTACT. * * Redistribution is appreciated. * * $Workfile:$ * $Revision:$ * $Modtime:$ * $Author:$ * * Revision History: * $History:$ * *********************************************************************/ #if !defined(AFX_TREEPROPSHEET_H__50695CFB_FCE4_4188_ADB4_BF05A5488E41__INCLUDED_) #define AFX_TREEPROPSHEET_H__50695CFB_FCE4_4188_ADB4_BF05A5488E41__INCLUDED_ #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 #include "PropPageFrame.h" #include #include // Needed for CPropertySheet #include // Needed for CTreeCtrl namespace TreePropSheet { /** A property sheet, which can use a tree control instead of a tab control, to give the user access to the different pages. You can use it exactly the same way, as a CPropertySheet object. Simply create CPropertyPage objects and add them via AddPage() to the sheet. If you would like to use the tree view mode (default), you can specify the path of the pages in the tree, by their name: The names of the pages can contain double colons ("::"), which will specify the path of that page in the tree control. I.e. if you have three pages with the following names: 1. _T("Appearance::Toolbars") 2. _T("Appearance::Menus") 3. _T("Directories") the tree would look as follow: \verbatim Appearance | +-Toolbars | +-Menus Directories \endverbatim If you would like to use a double colon, which should not be interpreted as a path seperator, prefix it with a backslash ("\\::"). To disable tree view mode and use the standard tabbed mode, call the SetTreeViewMode() method. This also allows you, to enable page captions and tree images for tree view mode. If you would like to have images in the tree, but not all of your pages specify images or there are tree view items, which are not attached to a page (only parent items for real page items), you have to set default images using the SetTreeDefaultImages() method -- otherwise their may appear display errors. If the user selects a tree view item, which does not belong to a page, because it is just a parent item for real page items, no page will be displayed, instead a message will be displayed, that can be set via SetEmptyPageText(). @author Sven Wiegand */ class /*AFX_EXT_CLASS*/ CTreePropSheet : public CPropertySheet { DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CTreePropSheet) // Construction/Destruction public: CTreePropSheet(); CTreePropSheet(UINT nIDCaption, CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL, UINT iSelectPage = 0); CTreePropSheet(LPCTSTR pszCaption, CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL, UINT iSelectPage = 0); virtual ~CTreePropSheet(); // Operations public: /** Call this method, if you would like to use a tree control to browse the pages, instead of the tab control. This method needs to becalled, before DoModal() or Create(). If the window has already been created, the method will fail. @param bTreeViewMode Pass TRUE to provide a tree view control instead of a tab control to browse the pages, pass FALSE to use the normal tab control. @param bPageCaption TRUE if a caption should be displayed for each page. The caption contains the page title and an icon if specified with the page. Ignored if bTreeViewMode is FALSE. @param bTreeImages TRUE if the page icons should be displayed in the page tree, FALSE if there should be no icons in the page tree. Ignored if bTreeViewMode is FALSE. If not all of your pages are containing icons, or if there will be empty pages (parent nodes without a related page, you need to call SetTreeDefaultImages() to avoid display errors. @return TRUE on success or FALSE, if the window has already been created. */ BOOL SetTreeViewMode(BOOL bTreeViewMode = TRUE, BOOL bPageCaption = FALSE, BOOL bTreeImages = FALSE); /** Specifies the width of the tree control, when the sheet is in tree view mode. The default value (if this method is not called) is 150 pixels. This method needs to be called, before DoModeal() or Create(). Otherwise it will fail. @param nWidth The width in pixels for the page tree. @return TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise (if the window has already been created). */ BOOL SetTreeWidth(int nWidth); /** Specifies the text to be drawn on empty pages (pages for tree view items, that are not related to a page, because they are only parents for other items). This is only needed in tree view mode. The specified text can contains a single "%s" placeholder which will be replaced with the title of the empty page. */ void SetEmptyPageText(LPCTSTR lpszEmptyPageText); /** Allows you to specify, how the empty page message (see SetEmptyPageText()) should be drawn. @param dwFormat A combination of the DT_* flags available for the Win32-API function DrawText(), that should be used to draw the text. The default value is: \code DT_CENTER|DT_VCENTER|DT_NOPREFIX|DT_SINGLELINE \endcode @return The previous format. */ DWORD SetEmptyPageTextFormat(DWORD dwFormat); //@{ /** Defines the images, that should be used for pages without icons and for empty parent nodes. The list contains exactly to images: 1. An image that should be used for parent tree nodes, without a page asignd. 2. An image that should be used for pages, which are not specifying any icons. Standard image size is 16x16 Pixels, but if you call this method before creating the sheet, the size of image 0 in this list will be assumed as your preferred image size and all other icons must have the same size. @param pImages Pointer to an image list with exactly to images, that should be used as default images. The images are copied to an internal list, so that the given list can be deleted after this call. @param unBitmapID Resource identifier for the bitmap, that contains the default images. The resource should contain exactly to images. @param cx Width of a singe image in pixels. @param crMask Color that should be interpreted as transparent. @return TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL SetTreeDefaultImages(CImageList *pImages); BOOL SetTreeDefaultImages(UINT unBitmapID, int cx, COLORREF crMask); //@} /** Returns a pointer to the tree control, when the sheet is in tree view mode, NULL otherwise. */ CTreeCtrl* GetPageTreeControl(); // Public helpers public: //@{ /** This helper allows you to easily set the icon of a property page. This static method does nothing more, than extracting the specified image as an icon from the given image list and assign the icon-handle to the hIcon property of the pages PROPSHEETPAGE structure (m_psp) and modify the structures flags, so that the image will be recognized. You need to call this method for a page, before adding the page to a property sheet. @important If you are using the CImageList-version, you are responsible for destroying the extracted icon with DestroyIcon() or the static DestroyPageIcon() method. @see DestroyPageIcon() @param pPage Property page to set the image for. @param hIcon Handle to icon that should be set for the page. @param unIconId Ressource identifier for the icon to set. @param Images Reference of the image list to extract the icon from. @param nImage Zero based index of the image in pImages, that should be used as an icon. @return TRUE on success, FALSE if an error occured. */ static BOOL SetPageIcon(CPropertyPage *pPage, HICON hIcon); static BOOL SetPageIcon(CPropertyPage *pPage, UINT unIconId); static BOOL SetPageIcon(CPropertyPage *pPage, CImageList &Images, int nImage); //@} /** Checks, if the PSP_USEHICON flag is set in the PROPSHEETPAGE struct; If this is the case, the flag will be removed and the icon specified by the hIcon attribute of the PROPSHEETPAGE struct will be destroyed using DestroyIcon(). @note You only have to call DestroyIcon() for icons, that have been created using CreateIconIndirect() (i.e. used by CImageList::ExtractIcon()). @return TRUE on success, FALSE if the PSP_USEHICON flag was not set or if the icon handle was NULL. */ static BOOL DestroyPageIcon(CPropertyPage *pPage); // Overridable implementation helpers protected: /** Will be called to generate the message, that should be displayed on an empty page, when the sheet is in tree view mode This default implementation simply returns lpszEmptyPageMessage with the optional "%s" placeholder replaced by lpszCaption. @param lpszEmptyPageMessage The string, set by SetEmptyPageMessage(). This string may contain a "%s" placeholder. @param lpszCaption The title of the empty page. */ virtual CString GenerateEmptyPageMessage(LPCTSTR lpszEmptyPageMessage, LPCTSTR lpszCaption); /** Will be called during creation process, to create the CTreeCtrl object (the object, not the window!). Allows you to inject your own CTreeCtrl-derived classes. This default implementation simply creates a CTreeCtrl with new and returns it. */ virtual CTreeCtrl* CreatePageTreeObject(); /** Will be called during creation process, to create the object, that is responsible for drawing the frame around the pages, drawing the empty page message and the caption. Allows you to inject your own CPropPageFrame-derived classes. This default implementation simply creates a CPropPageFrameTab with new and returns it. */ virtual CPropPageFrame* CreatePageFrame(); // Implementation helpers protected: /** Moves all childs by the specified amount of pixels. @param nDx Pixels to move the childs in horizontal direction (can be negative). @param nDy Pixels to move the childs in vertical direction (can be negative). */ void MoveChildWindows(int nDx, int nDy); /** Refills the tree that contains the entries for the several pages. */ void RefillPageTree(); /** Creates the specified path in the page tree and returns the handle of the most child item created. @param lpszPath Path of the item to create (see description of this class). @param hParentItem Handle of the item under which the path should be created or TVI_ROOT to start from the root. */ HTREEITEM CreatePageTreeItem(LPCTSTR lpszPath, HTREEITEM hParent = TVI_ROOT); /** Splits the given path into the topmost item and the rest. See description of this class for detailed path information. I.e. when given the string "Appearance::Toolbars::Customize", the method will return "Appearance" and after the call strRest will be "Toolbars::Customize". */ CString SplitPageTreePath(CString &strRest); /** Tries to deactivate the current page, and hides it if successfull, so that an empty page becomes visible. @return TRUE if the current page has been deactivated successfully, FALSE if the currently active page prevents a page change. */ BOOL KillActiveCurrentPage(); /** Returns the page tree item, that representates the specified page or NULL, if no such icon exists. @param nPage Zero based page index, for which the item to retrieve. @param hRoot Item to start the search at or TVI_ROOT to search the whole tree. */ HTREEITEM GetPageTreeItem(int nPage, HTREEITEM hRoot = TVI_ROOT); /** Selects and shows the item, representing the specified page. @param nPage Zero based page index. @return TRUE on success, FALSE if no item does exist for the specified page. */ BOOL SelectPageTreeItem(int nPage); /** Selects and shows the tree item for the currently active page. @return TRUE on success, FALSE if no item exists for the currently active page or if it was not possible to get information about the currently active page. */ BOOL SelectCurrentPageTreeItem(); /** Updates the caption for the currently selected page (if the caption is enabled). */ void UpdateCaption(); /** Activates the previous page in the page order or the last one, if the current one is the first. This method does never fail. */ void ActivatePreviousPage(); /** Activates the next page in the page order or the first one, if the current one is the last. This method does never fail. */ void ActivateNextPage(); // Overridings protected: //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CTreePropSheet) public: virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); //}}AFX_VIRTUAL // Message handlers protected: //{{AFX_MSG(CTreePropSheet) afx_msg void OnDestroy(); //}}AFX_MSG afx_msg LRESULT OnAddPage(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); afx_msg LRESULT OnRemovePage(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); afx_msg LRESULT OnSetCurSel(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); afx_msg LRESULT OnSetCurSelId(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); afx_msg LRESULT OnIsDialogMessage(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); afx_msg void OnPageTreeSelChanging(NMHDR *pNotifyStruct, LRESULT *plResult); afx_msg void OnPageTreeSelChanged(NMHDR *pNotifyStruct, LRESULT *plResult); DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() // Properties private: /** TRUE if we should use the tree control instead of the tab ctrl. */ BOOL m_bTreeViewMode; /** The tree control */ CTreeCtrl *m_pwndPageTree; /** The frame around the pages */ CPropPageFrame *m_pFrame; /** TRUE, if a tree item selection by OnPageTreeSelChanged() is performed currently. */ BOOL m_bPageTreeSelChangedActive; /** TRUE if a page caption should be displayed, FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL m_bPageCaption; /** TRUE if images should be displayed in the tree. */ BOOL m_bTreeImages; /** Images to be displayed in the tree control. */ CImageList m_Images; /** Default images. */ CImageList m_DefaultImages; /** Message to be displayed on empty pages. May contain a "%s" placeholder which will be replaced by the caption of the empty page. */ CString m_strEmptyPageMessage; /** The width of the page tree control in pixels. */ int m_nPageTreeWidth; // Static Properties private: /** The id of the tree view control, that shows the pages. */ static const UINT s_unPageTreeId; }; } //namespace TreePropSheet ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //{{AFX_INSERT_LOCATION}} // Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line. #endif // AFX_TREEPROPSHEET_H__50695CFB_FCE4_4188_ADB4_BF05A5488E41__INCLUDED_