#include "rar.hpp" static void ListFileHeader(Archive &Arc,FileHeader &hd,bool &TitleShown,bool Verbose,bool Technical,bool Bare); static void ListSymLink(Archive &Arc); static void ListFileAttr(uint A,HOST_SYSTEM_TYPE HostType,wchar *AttrStr,size_t AttrSize); static void ListOldSubHeader(Archive &Arc); static void ListNewSubHeader(CommandData *Cmd,Archive &Arc); void ListArchive(CommandData *Cmd) { int64 SumPackSize=0,SumUnpSize=0; uint ArcCount=0,SumFileCount=0; bool Technical=(Cmd->Command[1]=='T'); bool ShowService=Technical && Cmd->Command[2]=='A'; bool Bare=(Cmd->Command[1]=='B'); bool Verbose=(Cmd->Command[0]=='V'); wchar ArcName[NM]; while (Cmd->GetArcName(ArcName,ASIZE(ArcName))) { if (Cmd->ManualPassword) Cmd->Password.Clean(); // Clean user entered password before processing next archive. Archive Arc(Cmd); #ifdef _WIN_ALL Arc.RemoveSequentialFlag(); #endif if (!Arc.WOpen(ArcName)) continue; bool FileMatched=true; while (1) { int64 TotalPackSize=0,TotalUnpSize=0; uint FileCount=0; if (Arc.IsArchive(true)) { bool TitleShown=false; if (!Bare) { Arc.ViewComment(); mprintf(L"\n%s: %s",St(MListArchive),Arc.FileName); mprintf(L"\n%s: ",St(MListDetails)); uint SetCount=0; const wchar *Fmt=Arc.Format==RARFMT14 ? L"RAR 1.4":(Arc.Format==RARFMT15 ? L"RAR 4":L"RAR 5"); mprintf(L"%s%s", SetCount++ > 0 ? L", ":L"", Fmt); if (Arc.Solid) mprintf(L"%s%s", SetCount++ > 0 ? L", ":L"", St(MListSolid)); if (Arc.SFXSize>0) mprintf(L"%s%s", SetCount++ > 0 ? L", ":L"", St(MListSFX)); if (Arc.Volume) if (Arc.Format==RARFMT50) { // RAR 5.0 archives store the volume number in main header, // so it is already available now. if (SetCount++ > 0) mprintf(L", "); mprintf(St(MVolumeNumber),Arc.VolNumber+1); } else mprintf(L"%s%s", SetCount++ > 0 ? L", ":L"", St(MListVolume)); if (Arc.Protected) mprintf(L"%s%s", SetCount++ > 0 ? L", ":L"", St(MListRR)); if (Arc.Locked) mprintf(L"%s%s", SetCount++ > 0 ? L", ":L"", St(MListLock)); if (Arc.Encrypted) mprintf(L"%s%s", SetCount++ > 0 ? L", ":L"", St(MListEncHead)); mprintf(L"\n"); } wchar VolNumText[50]; *VolNumText=0; while(Arc.ReadHeader()>0) { HEADER_TYPE HeaderType=Arc.GetHeaderType(); if (HeaderType==HEAD_ENDARC) { #ifndef SFX_MODULE // Only RAR 1.5 archives store the volume number in end record. if (Arc.EndArcHead.StoreVolNumber && Arc.Format==RARFMT15) swprintf(VolNumText,ASIZE(VolNumText),L"%.10ls %d",St(MListVolume),Arc.VolNumber+1); #endif if (Technical && ShowService) { mprintf(L"\n%12ls: %ls",St(MListService),L"EOF"); if (*VolNumText!=0) mprintf(L"\n%12ls: %ls",St(MListFlags),VolNumText); mprintf(L"\n"); } break; } switch(HeaderType) { case HEAD_FILE: FileMatched=Cmd->IsProcessFile(Arc.FileHead)!=0; if (FileMatched) { ListFileHeader(Arc,Arc.FileHead,TitleShown,Verbose,Technical,Bare); if (!Arc.FileHead.SplitBefore) { TotalUnpSize+=Arc.FileHead.UnpSize; FileCount++; } TotalPackSize+=Arc.FileHead.PackSize; } break; case HEAD_SERVICE: if (FileMatched && !Bare) { if (Technical && ShowService) ListFileHeader(Arc,Arc.SubHead,TitleShown,Verbose,true,false); } break; } Arc.SeekToNext(); } if (!Bare && !Technical) if (TitleShown) { wchar UnpSizeText[20]; itoa(TotalUnpSize,UnpSizeText); wchar PackSizeText[20]; itoa(TotalPackSize,PackSizeText); if (Verbose) { mprintf(L"\n----------- --------- -------- ----- -------- ----- -------- ----"); mprintf(L"\n%21ls %9ls %3d%% %-25ls %u",UnpSizeText, PackSizeText,ToPercentUnlim(TotalPackSize,TotalUnpSize), VolNumText,FileCount); } else { mprintf(L"\n----------- --------- -------- ----- ----"); mprintf(L"\n%21ls %-14ls %u",UnpSizeText,VolNumText,FileCount); } SumFileCount+=FileCount; SumUnpSize+=TotalUnpSize; SumPackSize+=TotalPackSize; mprintf(L"\n"); } else mprintf(St(MListNoFiles)); ArcCount++; #ifndef NOVOLUME if (Cmd->VolSize!=0 && (Arc.FileHead.SplitAfter || Arc.GetHeaderType()==HEAD_ENDARC && Arc.EndArcHead.NextVolume) && MergeArchive(Arc,NULL,false,Cmd->Command[0])) { Arc.Seek(0,SEEK_SET); } else #endif break; } else { if (Cmd->ArcNames.ItemsCount()<2 && !Bare) mprintf(St(MNotRAR),Arc.FileName); break; } } } // Clean user entered password. Not really required, just for extra safety. if (Cmd->ManualPassword) Cmd->Password.Clean(); if (ArcCount>1 && !Bare && !Technical) { wchar UnpSizeText[20],PackSizeText[20]; itoa(SumUnpSize,UnpSizeText); itoa(SumPackSize,PackSizeText); if (Verbose) mprintf(L"%21ls %9ls %3d%% %26ls %u",UnpSizeText,PackSizeText, ToPercentUnlim(SumPackSize,SumUnpSize),L"",SumFileCount); else mprintf(L"%21ls %16s %lu",UnpSizeText,L"",SumFileCount); } } enum LISTCOL_TYPE { LCOL_NAME,LCOL_ATTR,LCOL_SIZE,LCOL_PACKED,LCOL_RATIO,LCOL_CSUM,LCOL_ENCR }; void ListFileHeader(Archive &Arc,FileHeader &hd,bool &TitleShown,bool Verbose,bool Technical,bool Bare) { wchar *Name=hd.FileName; RARFORMAT Format=Arc.Format; if (Bare) { mprintf(L"%s\n",Name); return; } if (!TitleShown && !Technical) { if (Verbose) { mprintf(L"\n%ls",St(MListTitleV)); mprintf(L"\n----------- --------- -------- ----- -------- ----- -------- ----"); } else { mprintf(L"\n%ls",St(MListTitleL)); mprintf(L"\n----------- --------- -------- ----- ----"); } TitleShown=true; } wchar UnpSizeText[20],PackSizeText[20]; if (hd.UnpSize==INT64NDF) wcscpy(UnpSizeText,L"?"); else itoa(hd.UnpSize,UnpSizeText); itoa(hd.PackSize,PackSizeText); wchar AttrStr[30]; if (hd.HeaderType==HEAD_SERVICE) swprintf(AttrStr,ASIZE(AttrStr),L"%cB",hd.Inherited ? 'I' : '.'); else ListFileAttr(hd.FileAttr,hd.HSType,AttrStr,ASIZE(AttrStr)); wchar RatioStr[10]; if (hd.SplitBefore && hd.SplitAfter) wcscpy(RatioStr,L"<->"); else if (hd.SplitBefore) wcscpy(RatioStr,L"<--"); else if (hd.SplitAfter) wcscpy(RatioStr,L"-->"); else swprintf(RatioStr,ASIZE(RatioStr),L"%d%%",ToPercentUnlim(hd.PackSize,hd.UnpSize)); wchar DateStr[50]; hd.mtime.GetText(DateStr,ASIZE(DateStr),Technical,Technical); if (Technical) { mprintf(L"\n%12s: %s",St(MListName),Name); bool FileBlock=hd.HeaderType==HEAD_FILE; if (!FileBlock && Arc.SubHead.CmpName(SUBHEAD_TYPE_STREAM)) { mprintf(L"\n%12ls: %ls",St(MListType),St(MListStream)); wchar StreamName[NM]; GetStreamNameNTFS(Arc,StreamName,ASIZE(StreamName)); mprintf(L"\n%12ls: %ls",St(MListTarget),StreamName); } else { const wchar *Type=St(FileBlock ? (hd.Dir ? MListDir:MListFile):MListService); if (hd.RedirType!=FSREDIR_NONE) switch(hd.RedirType) { case FSREDIR_UNIXSYMLINK: Type=St(MListUSymlink); break; case FSREDIR_WINSYMLINK: Type=St(MListWSymlink); break; case FSREDIR_JUNCTION: Type=St(MListJunction); break; case FSREDIR_HARDLINK: Type=St(MListHardlink); break; case FSREDIR_FILECOPY: Type=St(MListCopy); break; } mprintf(L"\n%12ls: %ls",St(MListType),Type); if (hd.RedirType!=FSREDIR_NONE) if (Format==RARFMT15) { char LinkTargetA[NM]; if (Arc.FileHead.Encrypted) { // Link data are encrypted. We would need to ask for password // and initialize decryption routine to display the link target. strncpyz(LinkTargetA,"*<-?->",ASIZE(LinkTargetA)); } else { int DataSize=(int)Min(hd.PackSize,ASIZE(LinkTargetA)-1); Arc.Read(LinkTargetA,DataSize); LinkTargetA[DataSize > 0 ? DataSize : 0] = 0; } wchar LinkTarget[NM]; CharToWide(LinkTargetA,LinkTarget,ASIZE(LinkTarget)); mprintf(L"\n%12ls: %ls",St(MListTarget),LinkTarget); } else mprintf(L"\n%12ls: %ls",St(MListTarget),hd.RedirName); } if (!hd.Dir) { mprintf(L"\n%12ls: %ls",St(MListSize),UnpSizeText); mprintf(L"\n%12ls: %ls",St(MListPacked),PackSizeText); mprintf(L"\n%12ls: %ls",St(MListRatio),RatioStr); } if (hd.mtime.IsSet()) mprintf(L"\n%12ls: %ls",St(MListMtime),DateStr); if (hd.ctime.IsSet()) { hd.ctime.GetText(DateStr,ASIZE(DateStr),true,true); mprintf(L"\n%12ls: %ls",St(MListCtime),DateStr); } if (hd.atime.IsSet()) { hd.atime.GetText(DateStr,ASIZE(DateStr),true,true); mprintf(L"\n%12ls: %ls",St(MListAtime),DateStr); } mprintf(L"\n%12ls: %ls",St(MListAttr),AttrStr); if (hd.FileHash.Type==HASH_CRC32) mprintf(L"\n%12ls: %8.8X", hd.UseHashKey ? L"CRC32 MAC":hd.SplitAfter ? L"Pack-CRC32":L"CRC32", hd.FileHash.CRC32); if (hd.FileHash.Type==HASH_BLAKE2) { wchar BlakeStr[BLAKE2_DIGEST_SIZE*2+1]; BinToHex(hd.FileHash.Digest,BLAKE2_DIGEST_SIZE,NULL,BlakeStr,ASIZE(BlakeStr)); mprintf(L"\n%12ls: %ls", hd.UseHashKey ? L"BLAKE2 MAC":hd.SplitAfter ? L"Pack-BLAKE2":L"BLAKE2", BlakeStr); } const wchar *HostOS=L""; if (Format==RARFMT50 && hd.HSType!=HSYS_UNKNOWN) HostOS=hd.HSType==HSYS_WINDOWS ? L"Windows":L"Unix"; if (Format==RARFMT15) { static const wchar *RarOS[]={ L"DOS",L"OS/2",L"Windows",L"Unix",L"Mac OS",L"BeOS",L"WinCE",L"",L"",L"" }; if (hd.HostOS=0x100000 ? hd.WinSize/0x100000:hd.WinSize/0x400, hd.WinSize>=0x100000 ? L"M":L"K"); if (hd.Solid || hd.Encrypted) { mprintf(L"\n%12ls: ",St(MListFlags)); if (hd.Solid) mprintf(L"%ls ",St(MListSolid)); if (hd.Encrypted) mprintf(L"%ls ",St(MListEnc)); } if (hd.Version) { uint Version=ParseVersionFileName(Name,false); if (Version!=0) mprintf(L"\n%12ls: %u",St(MListFileVer),Version); } if (hd.UnixOwnerSet) { mprintf(L"\n%12ls: ",L"Unix owner"); if (*hd.UnixOwnerName!=0) mprintf(L"%ls:",GetWide(hd.UnixOwnerName)); if (*hd.UnixGroupName!=0) mprintf(L"%ls",GetWide(hd.UnixGroupName)); if ((*hd.UnixOwnerName!=0 || *hd.UnixGroupName!=0) && (hd.UnixOwnerNumeric || hd.UnixGroupNumeric)) mprintf(L" "); if (hd.UnixOwnerNumeric) mprintf(L"#%d:",hd.UnixOwnerID); if (hd.UnixGroupNumeric) mprintf(L"#%d:",hd.UnixGroupID); } mprintf(L"\n"); return; } mprintf(L"\n%c%10ls %9ls ",hd.Encrypted ? '*' : ' ',AttrStr,UnpSizeText); if (Verbose) mprintf(L"%9ls %4ls ",PackSizeText,RatioStr); mprintf(L" %ls ",DateStr); if (Verbose) { if (hd.FileHash.Type==HASH_CRC32) mprintf(L"%8.8X ",hd.FileHash.CRC32); else if (hd.FileHash.Type==HASH_BLAKE2) { byte *S=hd.FileHash.Digest; mprintf(L"%02x%02x..%02x ",S[0],S[1],S[31]); } else mprintf(L"???????? "); } mprintf(L"%-12ls",Name); } /* void ListSymLink(Archive &Arc) { if (Arc.FileHead.HSType==HSYS_UNIX && (Arc.FileHead.FileAttr & 0xF000)==0xA000) if (Arc.FileHead.Encrypted) { // Link data are encrypted. We would need to ask for password // and initialize decryption routine to display the link target. mprintf(L"\n%22ls %ls",L"-->",L"*<-?->"); } else { char FileName[NM]; uint DataSize=(uint)Min(Arc.FileHead.PackSize,sizeof(FileName)-1); Arc.Read(FileName,DataSize); FileName[DataSize]=0; mprintf(L"\n%22ls %ls",L"-->",GetWide(FileName)); } } */ void ListFileAttr(uint A,HOST_SYSTEM_TYPE HostType,wchar *AttrStr,size_t AttrSize) { switch(HostType) { case HSYS_WINDOWS: swprintf(AttrStr,AttrSize,L"%c%c%c%c%c%c%c", (A & 0x2000) ? 'I' : '.', // Not content indexed. (A & 0x0800) ? 'C' : '.', // Compressed. (A & 0x0020) ? 'A' : '.', // Archive. (A & 0x0010) ? 'D' : '.', // Directory. (A & 0x0004) ? 'S' : '.', // System. (A & 0x0002) ? 'H' : '.', // Hidden. (A & 0x0001) ? 'R' : '.'); // Read-only. break; case HSYS_UNIX: switch (A & 0xF000) { case 0x4000: AttrStr[0]='d'; break; case 0xA000: AttrStr[0]='l'; break; default: AttrStr[0]='-'; break; } swprintf(AttrStr+1,AttrSize-1,L"%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c", (A & 0x0100) ? 'r' : '-', (A & 0x0080) ? 'w' : '-', (A & 0x0040) ? ((A & 0x0800) ? 's':'x'):((A & 0x0800) ? 'S':'-'), (A & 0x0020) ? 'r' : '-', (A & 0x0010) ? 'w' : '-', (A & 0x0008) ? ((A & 0x0400) ? 's':'x'):((A & 0x0400) ? 'S':'-'), (A & 0x0004) ? 'r' : '-', (A & 0x0002) ? 'w' : '-', (A & 0x0001) ? 'x' : '-'); break; case HSYS_UNKNOWN: wcscpy(AttrStr,L"?"); break; } }