/* * Copyright (C) 2008, OV2 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* most of the information used in this file comes from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms787558(VS.85).aspx */ #include #include #include #include #include "Anchor.h" #include "Utils.h" #include "RFS.h" #include "Mediatype.h" #include "File.h" /* getNextToken extracts the current token from the string and and sets the starting point of the next token */ static void getNextToken (wchar_t **strTok, wchar_t **nextTokenStart) { while (**strTok == TEXT(' ')) (*strTok) ++; for (int i = 0; i < lstrlen (*strTok); i ++) { if ((*strTok) [i] == TEXT(',')) { (*strTok) [i] = TEXT('\0'); *nextTokenStart = *strTok + i + 1; return; } } *nextTokenStart = NULL; } /* parseCheckBytes splits valueData and places the parsed values in the checkBytes array (allocated here) */ static int parseCheckBytes (wchar_t *valueData, CheckByteDetails **checkBytes) { int tokenCount = 0, byteDetailsCount = 0, value; wchar_t *token, *nextTokenStart; for (int i = 0; i < lstrlen (valueData); i ++) if (valueData [i] == TEXT(',')) tokenCount ++; if ((++ tokenCount) % 4) return 0; byteDetailsCount = tokenCount / 4; *checkBytes = new CheckByteDetails [byteDetailsCount]; if (!*checkBytes) { ErrorMsg (0, L"Out of memory."); return -1; } nextTokenStart = valueData; for (int i = 0; i < byteDetailsCount; i ++) { token = nextTokenStart; getNextToken (&token, &nextTokenStart); swscanf_s (token, TEXT(" %lld"), &(*checkBytes) [i].offset); // offset in file token = nextTokenStart; getNextToken (&token, &nextTokenStart); swscanf_s (token, TEXT(" %u"), &(*checkBytes) [i].byteCount); // byte count of mask and value (*checkBytes) [i].mask = new BYTE [(*checkBytes) [i].byteCount]; (*checkBytes) [i].value = new BYTE [(*checkBytes) [i].byteCount]; if (!(*checkBytes) [i].mask || !(*checkBytes) [i].value) { ErrorMsg (0, L"Out of memory."); return -1; } //TODO: if the next token is smaller than byteCount and not empty we could pad with zeroes token = nextTokenStart; getNextToken (&token, &nextTokenStart); if (*token == TEXT('\0')) // no mask means all ones for (unsigned int j = 0; j < (*checkBytes) [i].byteCount; j ++) (*checkBytes) [i].mask [j] = 0xFF; else // otherwise parse mask { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < (*checkBytes) [i].byteCount && j * 2 < lstrlen (token); j ++) { swscanf_s (token + j * 2, TEXT(" %2x"), &value); (*checkBytes) [i].mask [j] = value; } } token = nextTokenStart; getNextToken (&token, &nextTokenStart); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < (*checkBytes) [i].byteCount && j * 2 < lstrlen (token); j ++) { swscanf_s (token + j * 2, TEXT(" %2x"), &value); // parse value (*checkBytes) [i].value [j] = value; } } return byteDetailsCount; } /* parses the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Media Type registry key and fills the mediaTypeList with all valid byte marks and their corresponding major/subtypes */ int getMediaTypeList (List *mediaTypeList) { //these values come from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724872(VS.85).aspx #define MAX_VALUE_SIZE 16384 #define MAX_KEYNAME_SIZE 256 wchar_t keyName [MAX_KEYNAME_SIZE]; wchar_t subKeyName [MAX_KEYNAME_SIZE]; wchar_t valueName [MAX_VALUE_SIZE]; LONG ret, retSub, retVal; HKEY mTypeKey, majorTypeKey, subTypeKey; DWORD valueType, valueSize, valueNameSize; wchar_t *valueData; int mediaTypeCount = 0; MediaType *newType; CheckByteGroup *newGroup; ret = RegOpenKey (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, TEXT("Media Type"), &mTypeKey); if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) return -1; for (int i = 0; ret != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; i ++) { ret = RegEnumKey (mTypeKey, i, keyName, MAX_KEYNAME_SIZE); if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS || !lstrcmp (keyName, TEXT("Extensions"))) // we don't want the Extensions subkey continue; retSub = RegOpenKey (mTypeKey, keyName, &majorTypeKey); if (retSub != ERROR_SUCCESS) continue; for (int j = 0; retSub != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; j ++) { retSub = RegEnumKey (majorTypeKey, j, subKeyName, MAX_KEYNAME_SIZE); if (retSub != ERROR_SUCCESS) continue; retVal = RegOpenKey (majorTypeKey, subKeyName, &subTypeKey); newType = new MediaType; if (!newType) { ErrorMsg (0, L"Out of memory."); return -1; } CLSIDFromString (keyName, &newType->majorType); CLSIDFromString (subKeyName, &newType->subType); for (int k = 0; retVal != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; k ++) { valueNameSize = MAX_VALUE_SIZE; retVal = RegEnumValue (subTypeKey, k, valueName, &valueNameSize, NULL, &valueType, NULL, &valueSize); if (retVal != ERROR_SUCCESS || valueType != REG_SZ || !lstrcmp (valueName, TEXT("Source Filter"))) // we don't need the source filter value continue; valueData = (wchar_t *) new BYTE [valueSize]; valueNameSize = MAX_VALUE_SIZE; retVal = RegEnumValue (subTypeKey, k, valueName, &valueNameSize, NULL, &valueType, (LPBYTE) valueData, &valueSize); if (retVal != ERROR_SUCCESS) { delete [] valueData; continue; } newGroup = new CheckByteGroup; // each value is one group if (!newGroup) { delete [] valueData; ErrorMsg (0, L"Out of memory."); return -1; } newGroup->checkByteCount = parseCheckBytes (valueData, &newGroup->checkBytes); if (newGroup->checkByteCount == -1) { delete [] valueData; delete newGroup; return -1; // this means out of memory } if (!newGroup->checkByteCount) { // if we get here there was a parse error or an invalid value in the registry delete newGroup; } else { newType->checkByteGroups.InsertLast (newGroup); newType->checkByteGroupCount ++; } delete [] valueData; } if (!newType->checkByteGroupCount) { // if we get here we were unable to parse any of the values in the current subkey delete newType; } else { mediaTypeList->InsertLast (newType); mediaTypeCount ++; } } } return mediaTypeCount; } int checkFileForMediaType (File *file, List *mediaTypeList, MediaType **foundMediaType) { MediaType *mt; CheckByteGroup *cbg; bool matches; BOOL ret; LONG lBytesRead; LONGLONG actOffset; BYTE *necessaryBytes; mt = mediaTypeList->First (); while (mt != NULL) { // loop over all filetypes cbg = mt->checkByteGroups.First (); while (cbg != NULL) { // loop over all groups of checkbytes matches = true; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cbg->checkByteCount; i ++) { // we need to match all fields in one group if (cbg->checkBytes [i].offset < 0) actOffset = file->size + cbg->checkBytes [i].offset; else actOffset = cbg->checkBytes [i].offset; if (actOffset > file->size || actOffset < 0) { matches = false; break; } necessaryBytes = new BYTE [cbg->checkBytes [i].byteCount]; if (!necessaryBytes) { ErrorMsg (0, L"Out of memory."); return 0; } // read the necessary amount of bytes to compare to value (after masking) ret = file->SyncRead (actOffset, cbg->checkBytes [i].byteCount, necessaryBytes, &lBytesRead); if (ret != S_OK) { matches = false; delete [] necessaryBytes; break; } // mask and compare all bytes in this entry for (unsigned int j = 0; j < cbg->checkBytes [i].byteCount; j ++) { if ((necessaryBytes [j] & cbg->checkBytes [i].mask [j]) != cbg->checkBytes [i].value [j]) { matches = false; break; } } delete [] necessaryBytes; if (!matches) break; } if (matches) // one group is enought to match the filetype { *foundMediaType = mt; return 1; } cbg = mt->checkByteGroups.Next (cbg); } mt = mediaTypeList->Next (mt); } *foundMediaType = NULL; return 1; }