# coding: utf-8 # Connection host. # For Prosody/Ejabberd: "vk.example.com". # For Openfire (for new versions): just subdomain ("vk" for vk.example.com). Host = "localhost" # Connection server (usually equals hostname). # If your transport runs on the same server as the jabber-server # Then it's just "localhost". Server = "localhost" # Connection port (as set in Jabber server config). # Default value for Prosody is 5347. Port = 5347 # Transport ID (the ID which the transport will send stanzas from). TransportID = "vk.example.com" # Connection password. Password = "secret" # Language (ru/en/pl). DefLang = "en" # White list. Put servers here that should be allowed access to the # transport, e.g., ['yourserver1.tld','yourserver2.tld']. # Leave it blank to disable blocking completely. WhiteList = [] # Watcher list. Put transport admin JID(s) here to receive notifications # about new registrations, e.g., ['admin@yourserver1.tld','name@yourserver2.tld']. # Leave it blank to disable notifications. WatcherList = [] # List of admin jids (JID for "!eval" command and admin-features in adhoc). # Example: ["mrdoctorwho@example.com", "lindsey@somehost.com"] ADMIN_JIDS = [] # Additional description. It will be shown after "about" text in transport's vCard. AdditionalAbout = "" # Conference server. Leave it blank to disable group chats. Depends on Jabber # server's MUC. E.g., conference.example.com. ConferenceServer = "" # Photo size (photo_50, photo_100, photo_200_orig). # Affects transport stability & performance PhotoSize = "photo_100" # Publish this intstance information in the public transport list at # http://xmppserv.ru.ru/xmpp-monitor. allowBePublic = True # User limit. How many users can be registered on your server? # Set to 0 for unlimited. USER_LIMIT = 0 # URL which will be used in registration form. See the example in js/vk4xmpp.html or in http://simpleapps.ru/vk4xmpp.html (if the site is still alive in your time) # URL MUST have "%d" somewhere, it's used for access definition. Since 01.08.2014 any plugin can modify the access, so it will be defined in the url. URL_ACCEPT_APP = "http://jabberon.ru/vk4xmpp.html#%d" # Image that will be used if the transport can't recieve image from VK. URL_VCARD_NO_IMAGE = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mrDoctorWho/vk4xmpp/master/vk4xmpp.png" #! Danger zone. #! Change the settings below ONLY IF YOU KNOW WHAT ARE YOU DOING! DEFAULT VALUES ARE RECOMMENDED! # You were warned. # Thread stack size (WARNING: THIS MAY CAUSE TRANSPORT CRASH WITH SEGMENTATION FAULT ERROR). # You may need to tune it to optimize memory consuming. # Minimum value is 32768 bytes (32kb). THREAD_STACK_SIZE = 0 # Database file (anything you like). DatabaseFile = "vk4xmpp.sqlite" # File to store PID in. pidFile = "vk4xmpp.pid" # Log file. logFile = "vk4xmpp.log" # Directory where transport will write crash logs. crashDir = "crash" # Directory for users settings. settingsDir = "settings" # Stanza send interval (in seconds). STANZA_SEND_INTERVAL = 0.03125 # Debug xmpppy library. DEBUG_XMPPPY = False # Debug longpoll queries. DEBUG_POLL = False # Debug api requests. # Put the list of the methods you like to debug. Set to "all" if you want to debug all the methods. DEBUG_API = [] # Log level (logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG, logging.ERROR, logging.CRITICAL). LOG_LEVEL = logging.ERROR # VK4XMPP Monitor settings # The server where the stats requests will come from VK4XMPP_MONITOR_SERVER = "anon.stv-fian.ru" # The URL where transport should send POST requests with it's name # See https://github.com/aawray/xmpp-monitor for more information VK4XMPP_MONITOR_URL = "http://anon.stv-fian.ru/hosts.php" # THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS ARE FOR POSIX-LIKE SYSTEMS ONLY # Run as a specified user. Set to "username" to run as "username" instead of current user. # Bear in mind that transport must have permission to run as this user. RUN_AS = None