# coding: utf-8 # This file is a part of VK4XMPP transport # © simpleApps, once upon a time """ Publishes your VK4XMPP instance in the public list Which is located somewhere in Space """ def publishInstance(): """ That's such a weird function just makes a post request to the vk4xmpp monitor which is located on http://xmppserv.ru/xmpp-monitor You can check out the source of The VK4XMPP Monitor utilty over there: https://github.com/aawray/xmpp-monitor """ if allowBePublic: if WhiteList: WhiteList.append(VK4XMPP_MONITOR_SERVER) if TransportID.split(".")[1] != "localhost": RIP = api.RequestProcessor() try: RIP.post(VK4XMPP_MONITOR_URL, {"add": TransportID}) Print("#! Information about this transport has been successfully published.") except Exception: Print("#! Unable to publish information about the transport!") registerHandler("evt01", publishInstance)