# coding: utf-8 # This file is a part of VK4XMPP transport # © simpleApps, 2015. from __main__ import * from __main__ import _ # Finds list name by id findListByID = lambda id, list: [key for key in list if key["lid"] == id] RosterSemaphore = threading.Semaphore() class Roster: @staticmethod def getNode(jid, name=IDENTIFIER["name"], action="add"): return xmpp.Node("item", {"action": action, "jid": jid, "name": name}) @classmethod @utils.threaded def manageRoster(cls, user, jid, dist={}, action="add"): def answer(cl, stanza): if xmpp.isResultNode(stanza): logger.debug("Roster has been successfully set (jid: %s)", jid) user.markRosterSet() else: logger.error("Couldn't set user's roster! Stanza: %s (jid: %s)", str(stanza), jid) # should we send requests for each 100 friends to prevent transport disconnect? lists = user.vk.getLists() iq = xmpp.Iq("set", to=jid, frm=TransportID) node = xmpp.Node("x", {"xmlns": xmpp.NS_ROSTERX}) items = [cls.getNode(TransportID, action=action)] dist = dist or user.friends for uid, value in dist.iteritems(): item = cls.getNode(vk2xmpp(uid), value["name"], action) if lists and value["lists"]: list = findListByID(value["lists"][0], lists) if list: item.setTagData("group", list[0]["name"]) items.append(item) node.setPayload(items) iq.addChild(node=node) logger.debug("RosterManager: sending %s fellas to user (jid: %s)", len(items), user) with RosterSemaphore: sender(Component, iq, cb=answer) user.sendSubPresence(user.friends) @classmethod def checkRosterx(cls, user, resource): """ Checks if the client supports XEP-0144: Roster Item Exchange If it doesn't, or it didn't answer us, then transport will use the old method """ jid = "%s/%s" % (user.source, resource) sendPresence(jid, TransportID, "subscribe", IDENTIFIER["name"]) sendPresence(jid, TransportID, nick=IDENTIFIER["name"], reason=_("You are being initialized, please wait..."), show="xa") def answer(cl, stanza): if xmpp.isResultNode(stanza): query = stanza.getTag("query") if query.getTags("feature", attrs={"var": xmpp.NS_ROSTERX}): logger.debug("using the RosterX method to add items to user's roster (jid: %s)", jid) cls.manageRoster(user, jid, user.friends) else: logger.debug("using the old method to add items to user's roster (jid: %s)", jid) user.sendSubPresence(user.friends) iq = xmpp.Iq("get", to=jid, frm=TransportID) iq.addChild("query", namespace=xmpp.NS_DISCO_INFO) sender(Component, iq, cb=answer)