# coding: utf-8 # This file is a part of VK4XMPP transport # © simpleApps, 2013 — 2014. from __main__ import * from __main__ import _ import random import urllib def sendPhoto(user, data, type, address, mType): mask = user.vk.method("account.getAppPermissions") or 0 if mType == "chat_id": address = address.split("@")[0].split("#")[1] send = False else: destination = address address = vk2xmpp(address) send = True if address == TransportID: answer = _("Are you kidding me?") elif mask: if mask & 4 == 4: ## we have enough access? ext = type.split("/")[1] name = "vk4xmpp_%s.%s" % (random.randint(1000, 9000), ext) server = str(user.vk.method("photos.getMessagesUploadServer")["upload_url"]) response = json.loads(user.vk.engine.RIP.post( server, user.vk.engine.RIP.multipart("photo", str(name), str(type), data), urlencode = False)[0]) id = user.vk.method("photos.saveMessagesPhoto", response)[0].get("id", 0) user.sendMessage("", address, mType, {"attachment": id}) logger.debug("sendPhoto: image was successfully sent by user %s" % user.source) answer = _("Your image was successfully sent.") else: answer = _("Sorry but we have failed to send this image." " Seems you haven't enough permissions. Your token should be updated, register again.") else: answer = _("Something went wrong. We are so sorry.") if send: msgSend(Component, user.source, answer, destination, timestamp=1) def parseXHTML(user, html, source, destination, mType="user_id"): body = html.getTag("body") if body: ## TODO: Maybe would be better if we use regular expressions? src = body.getTagAttr("img", "src") raw_data = src.split("data:")[1] mime_type = raw_data.split(";")[0] data = raw_data.split("base64,")[1] if data: try: data = urllib.unquote(data).decode("base64") except Exception: logger.error("xhmtlParse: fetched wrong xhtml image (jid: %s)" % source) return False runThread(sendPhoto, (user, data, mime_type, destination, mType)) return True