## Description mach_override enables you to override ("patch") program- and system-supplied functions at runtime. You can fully replace functions with your implementations, or merely head- or tail-patch the original implementations to add functionality and/or work around bugs. ## Must Be This Tall To Ride Dynamic function overriding is tricky business. You should be familiar with assembly and runtime calling conventions (ABIs) before using mach_override. mach_override is certainly not bug free and patches are extremely welcome, but the onus is on you when things don't work. Please don't file a bug report stating mach_override is crashing for you when you try to use it -- you have to be hard-core enough to debug the problem yourself. ## Contributing Please base your work off the unstable branch. After making your changes please re-run `rake` to ensure it compiles cleanly and the tests pass. Then submit your Pull Request. ## TODO * Test the entire matrix, not just the current ARCH that `gcc` defaults to:
gcc ppc
clang ppc
gcc i386
clang i386
gcc x86_64
clang x86_64
Obviously ppc can only be tested on ppc Macs or on 10.5 and 10.6 (Rosetta-supporting) Intel Macs. ## Version History ### mach_override 1.2: Aug 9 2012 * [NEW] i386 and x86_64 support. * [CHANGE] Decoupled from mach_star. Most of folks were just using the side or the other of mach_star and this simplifies things (docs, tests). * [CHANGE] Threw away Xcode projects. Trying to get them to work across new and old system versions and Xcode versions is a fool's game. Now there's a Rakefile. Type `rake`. You've built and tested. Ta-da. ### mach_star 1.1.1: Dec 18 2005 * General Xcode 2.2 project cleanup. mach_star now includes `.xcodeproj` Xcode 2.2 project files for all of its projects. The old `.xcode` project files have been left in place, but they aren't maintained and may not work. Xcode 2.2 is the recommended mach_star development environment -- Xcode 2.1 had a bug with inter-project dependancies which would cause compilation failure. It works now again in Xcode 2.2. * Inter-project dependancies should working under Xcode 2.2. Any project you pick, you should just be able to hit the "Build" button and everything should Just Work™. * There was a stray reference to my username in one of the project, which causes compilation headaches for some folks. * Bug fix: in `mach_inject_bundle.c`'s `mach_inject_bundle_pid()` I no longer call `CFRelease()` on the framework bundle reference. Reported by Scott Kevill. * Added some explicit casts now required by gcc 4. * Added this document. ### mach_star 1.1: Apr 06 2005 * New package added: `mach_inject_bundle`. It has a private subproject: `mach_inject_bundle_stub`. The stub is a generic reusable implementation of the code that gets squirted across the address spaces, which was always tricky to write. `mach_inject_bundle` is an embeddable framework that wraps `mach_inject` and the stub with a simple fire-and-forget API. * The "DisposeWindowBeeperOverride" example is replaced by "DisposeWindow+Beep". * The "FinderDisposeWindowBeeperInjector" is replaced by "DisposeWindow+Beep_Injector". * All the text is now wrapped to 80 chars wide. Done to print nicely in Scott Knaster's [Hacking Mac OS X Tiger](http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/076458345X). Probably will undo this word-wrap in the future. We all have widescreens nowadays, right? ;-) * Thanks to Jon Gotow for letting me peek at `SCPatch`, which I used as a guide for `mach_inject_bundle`. It saved me a bunch of time. Also thanks to Bob Ippolito for `CALL_ON_LOAD` assistance. ### mach_star 1.0: Jun 18 2003 * Initial release at MacHack 2003.