;Database configuration [database] ;Only tested with MySQL at the moment lib = MySQLdb name = phpbb3 user = phpbb3 password = secret prefix = phpbb_ host = port = 3306 ;Player configuration [user] ;If you do not already know what it is just leave it as it is id_offset = 1000000000 ;If enabled avatars are automatically set as user avatars avatar_enable = False avatar_path = http://localhost/phpBB3/download/file.php?avatar= ;Reject users if the authenticator experiences an internal error during authentication reject_on_error = True ;Ice configuration [ice] host = port = 6502 slice = Murmur.ice secret = watchdog = 30 ;Murmur configuration [murmur] ;List of virtual server IDs, empty = all servers = ;Logging configuration [log] ; Available loglevels: 10 = DEBUG (default) | 20 = INFO | 30 = WARNING | 40 = ERROR level = file = phpBB3auth.log [iceraw] Ice.ThreadPool.Server.Size = 5