freebsd_instance: image: freebsd-12-1-release-amd64 freebsd_task: pkg_script: - pkg update && pkg upgrade -y - pkg install -y git ninja pkgconf cmake qt5-buildtools qt5-qmake qt5-linguisttools qt5-concurrent qt5-network qt5-xml qt5-sql qt5-svg qt5-testlib boost-libs libsndfile protobuf ice avahi-libdns fetch_submodules_script: git submodule --quiet update --init --recursive build_script: - mkdir build && cd build # We disable translations because of a critical issue in "lupdate": it's very slow and keeps CPU usage at 100%. - cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Dtests=ON -Dsymbols=ON -Dtranslations=OFF .. - cmake --build . test_script: - cd build - ctest install_script: - cd build - cmake --install .