include(../../qmake/compiler.pri) !exists(../speex-src/COPYING) | !exists(../speexdsp-src/COPYING) { message("The speex-src/ or speexdsp-src/ directories were not found. You need to do one of the following:") message("") message("Option 1: Use Speex Git:") message("git submodule init") message("git submodule update") message("") message("Option 2: Use system speex and speex-dsp (v 1.2 or later):") message("qmake CONFIG+=no-bundled-speex -recursive") message("") error("Aborting configuration") } TEMPLATE = lib CONFIG -= qt CONFIG += debug_and_release CONFIG -= warn_on CONFIG += warn_off CONFIG += no_include_pwd # Enable no_batch, which disables nmake's inference rules. # We have to do this because we use files from two VPATHs # below, and nmake is unable to figure out how to handle # that. CONFIG += no_batch VPATH = ../speex-src/libspeex ../speexdsp-src/libspeexdsp TARGET = speex DEFINES += NDEBUG HAVE_CONFIG_H INCLUDEPATH = ../speex-src/include ../speex-src/libspeex ../speexdsp-src/include ../speexdsp-src/libspeexdsp win32 { INCLUDEPATH += ../speex-build/win32 DEFINES+=WIN32 _WINDOWS _USE_SSE _USE_MATH_DEFINES win32-g++ { # MinGW uses the config.h for Unix-like systems. INCLUDEPATH += ../speex-build } win32-msvc* { INCLUDEPATH += ../speex-build/win32 CONFIG(sse2) { TARGET = speex.sse2 DEFINES += _USE_SSE2 } else { QMAKE_CFLAGS_RELEASE -= -arch:SSE QMAKE_CFLAGS_DEBUG -= -arch:SSE } } SOURCES *= mumble_speex_init.c CONFIG -= static CONFIG += shared DEFINES+=USE_SMALLFT } else { CONFIG += staticlib INCLUDEPATH += ../speex-build } DEF_FILE = speex.def # libspeexdsp SOURCES *= mdf.c resample.c preprocess.c jitter.c filterbank.c fftwrap.c smallft.c # libspeex SOURCES *= bits.c cb_search.c exc_10_16_table.c exc_10_32_table.c exc_20_32_table.c exc_5_256_table.c exc_5_64_table.c exc_8_128_table.c filters.c gain_table.c gain_table_lbr.c hexc_10_32_table.c hexc_table.c high_lsp_tables.c lpc.c lsp.c lsp_tables_nb.c ltp.c modes.c modes_wb.c nb_celp.c quant_lsp.c sb_celp.c scal.c speex.c speex_callbacks.c speex_header.c stereo.c vbr.c vq.c kiss_fft.c kiss_fftr.c vorbis_psy.c window.c