# Copyright 2020-2021 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license # that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the # Mumble source tree or at . include(CheckCXXCompilerFlag) if(${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P} EQUAL 8) set(64_BIT TRUE) elseif(${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P} EQUAL 4) set(32_BIT TRUE) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown architecture - only 32bit and 64bit are supported") endif() set(CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) if(WIN32) message(STATUS "Using Win7 as the oldest supported Windows version") add_compile_definitions(_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601) endif() if(MSVC) add_compile_options( "$<$:/Ox>" "$<$:/fp:fast>" ) # Needed in order to not run into C1128: number of sections exceeded object file format limit add_compile_options(/bigobj) if(32_BIT) # SSE2 code is generated by default, unless an explicit arch is set. # Our 32 bit binaries should not contain any SSE2 code, so override the default. add_compile_options("-arch:SSE") endif() if(symbols) # Configure build to be able to properly debug release builds (https://docs.microsoft.com/cpp/build/how-to-debug-a-release-build). # This includes explicitely disabling /Oy to help debugging (https://docs.microsoft.com/cpp/build/reference/oy-frame-pointer-omission). # Also set /Zo to enhance optimized debugging (https://docs.microsoft.com/cpp/build/reference/zo-enhance-optimized-debugging). add_compile_options( "/GR" "/Zi" "/Zo" "/Oy-" ) add_link_options( "/DEBUG" "/OPT:REF" "/OPT:ICF" "/INCREMENTAL:NO" # Ignore warnings about PDBs not being found (happens e.g. for vc140 as vcpkg's portfile doesn't install the PDB files) "/ignore:4099" ) endif() if(warnings-as-errors) add_compile_options("/WX") add_link_options("/WX") endif() elseif(UNIX OR MINGW) add_compile_options( "-fvisibility=hidden" "-Wall" "-Wextra" ) # Avoid "File too big" error check_cxx_compiler_flag("Wa,-mbig-obj" COMPILER_HAS_MBIG_OBJ) if (${COMPILER_HAS_MBIG_OBJ}) add_compile_options("-Wa,-mbig-obj") endif() if(options) add_compile_options( "-O3" "-march=native" "-ffast-math" "-ftree-vectorize" ) endif() if(warnings-as-errors) add_compile_options("-Werror") endif() if(APPLE) add_link_options("-Wl,-dead_strip") if(symbols) add_compile_options( "-gfull" "-gdwarf-2" ) endif() else() if(NOT MINGW) add_link_options( "-Wl,-z,relro" "-Wl,-z,now" ) endif() # Ensure _FORTIFY_SOURCE is not used in debug builds. # # First, ensure _FORTIFY_SOURCE is undefined. # Then -- and, only for release builds -- set _FORTIFY_SOURCE=2. # # We can't use _FORTIFY_SOURCE in debug builds (which are built with -O0) because _FORTIFY_SOURCE=1 requires -O1 and _FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 requires -O2. # Modern GLIBCs warn about this since https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=13979. # In Mumble builds with warnings-as-errors, this will cause build failures. add_compile_options("-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE") if(NOT MINGW) add_compile_options($<$:-fstack-protector>) endif() add_compile_options( $<$>:-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2> ) add_link_options( $<$:-Wl,--no-add-needed> ) if(symbols) add_compile_options("-g") endif() endif() endif() function(target_disable_warnings TARGET) if(MSVC) target_compile_options(${TARGET} PRIVATE "/w") else() target_compile_options(${TARGET} PRIVATE "-w") endif() endfunction()