// Copyright 2017-2022 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license // that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the // Mumble source tree or at . #include "ancestor.h" #include "lib.h" #include "olsettings.h" #include "util.h" #include #include #include static bool bExcludeCheckInitialized = false; static OverlayExclusionMode oemExcludeMode = LauncherFilterExclusionMode; static std::vector< std::string > vLaunchers; static std::vector< std::string > vWhitelist; static std::vector< std::string > vPaths; static std::vector< std::string > vBlacklist; /// Ensure the ExcludeCheck module is initialized. static void ExcludeCheckEnsureInitialized() { if (bExcludeCheckInitialized) { return; } oemExcludeMode = SettingsGetExclusionMode(); vLaunchers = SettingsGetLaunchers(); vWhitelist = SettingsGetWhitelist(); vPaths = SettingsGetPaths(); vBlacklist = SettingsGetBlacklist(); bExcludeCheckInitialized = true; } /// Check whether the program at |absExeName| /// (with basename of |exeName|) is blacklisted. /// /// Note that programs that are added as launchers /// are also implicitly treated as being blacklisted. static bool isBlacklistedExe(const std::string &absExeName, const std::string &exeName) { std::vector< string > combinedBlacklist = vmerge(vBlacklist, vLaunchers); for (size_t i = 0; i < combinedBlacklist.size(); i++) { std::string &val = combinedBlacklist.at(i); if (isAbsPath(val)) { if (val == absExeName) { return true; } } else { if (val == exeName) { return true; } } } return false; } /// Check whether the program at |absExeName| /// (with basename of |exeName|) is in the Mumble /// overlay program whitelist. static bool isWhitelistedExe(const std::string &absExeName, const std::string &exeName) { for (size_t i = 0; i < vWhitelist.size(); i++) { std::string &val = vWhitelist.at(i); if (isAbsPath(val)) { if (val == absExeName) { return true; } } else { if (val == exeName) { return true; } } } return false; } /// Check whether the program at |absExeName| /// is in the Mumble overlay path whitelist. static bool isWhitelistedPath(const std::string &absExeName) { for (size_t i = 0; i < vPaths.size(); i++) { const std::string &path = vPaths.at(i); if (absExeName.find(path) == 0) { return true; } } return false; } /// Check whether an ancestor executable in /// |absAncestorExeNames| (or |ancestorExeNames|, /// for relative paths) is in the Mumble overlay's /// launcher whitelist. static bool hasWhitelistedAncestor(const std::vector< std::string > &absAncestorExeNames, const std::vector< std::string > &ancestorExeNames) { for (size_t i = 0; i < vLaunchers.size(); i++) { std::string &val = vLaunchers.at(i); if (isAbsPath(val)) { if (std::find(absAncestorExeNames.begin(), absAncestorExeNames.end(), val) != absAncestorExeNames.end()) { return true; } } else { if (std::find(ancestorExeNames.begin(), ancestorExeNames.end(), val) != ancestorExeNames.end()) { return true; } } } return false; } bool ExcludeCheckIsOverlayEnabled(std::string absExeName_, std::string exeName_) { bool enableOverlay = true; std::string absExeName = slowercase(absExeName_); std::string exeName = slowercase(exeName_); ExcludeCheckEnsureInitialized(); switch (oemExcludeMode) { case LauncherFilterExclusionMode: { ods("ExcludeCheck: using 'launcher filter' exclusion mode..."); std::vector< std::string > absAncestorExeNames; std::vector< std::string > ancestorExeNames; if (!GetProcessAncestorChain(absAncestorExeNames, ancestorExeNames)) { // Unable to get ancestor chain. Process is allowed. ods("ExcludeCheck: Unable to find parent. Process allowed."); enableOverlay = true; } absAncestorExeNames = vlowercase(absAncestorExeNames); ancestorExeNames = vlowercase(ancestorExeNames); for (size_t i = 0; i < absAncestorExeNames.size(); i++) { std::string absAncestorExeName = absAncestorExeNames.at(i); ods("ExcludeCheck: Ancestor #%i is '%s'", i + 1, absAncestorExeName.c_str()); } // The blacklist always wins. // If an exe is in the blacklist, never show the overlay, ever. if (isBlacklistedExe(absExeName, exeName)) { ods("ExcludeCheck: '%s' is blacklisted. Overlay disabled.", absExeName.c_str()); enableOverlay = false; // If the process's exe name is whitelisted, allow the overlay to be shown. } else if (isWhitelistedExe(absExeName, exeName)) { ods("ExcludeCheck: '%s' is whitelisted. Overlay enabled.", absExeName.c_str()); enableOverlay = true; // If the exe is within a whitelisted path, allow the overlay to be shown. // An example is: // Whitelisted path: d:\games // absExeName: d:\games\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exe // The overlay would be shown in WoW (and any game that lives under d:\games) } else if (isWhitelistedPath(absExeName)) { ods("ExcludeCheck: '%s' is within a whitelisted path. Overlay enabled.", absExeName.c_str()); enableOverlay = true; // If any of the process's ancestors are whitelisted, allow the process through. // This allows us to whitelist Steam.exe, etc. -- and have the overlay // show up in all Steam titles. } else if (hasWhitelistedAncestor(absAncestorExeNames, ancestorExeNames)) { ods("ExcludeCheck: An ancestor of '%s' is whitelisted. Overlay enabled.", exeName.c_str()); enableOverlay = true; // If nothing matched, do not show the overlay. } else { ods("ExcludeCheck: No matching overlay exclusion rule found. Overlay disabled."); enableOverlay = false; } break; } case WhitelistExclusionMode: { ods("ExcludeCheck: using 'whitelist' exclusion mode..."); if (isWhitelistedExe(absExeName, exeName)) { ods("ExcludeCheck: '%s' is whitelisted. Overlay enabled.", absExeName.c_str()); enableOverlay = true; } else { ods("ExcludeCheck: '%s' not whitelisted. Overlay disabled.", absExeName.c_str()); enableOverlay = false; } break; } case BlacklistExclusionMode: { ods("ExcludeCheck: using 'blacklist' exclusion mode..."); if (isBlacklistedExe(absExeName, exeName)) { ods("ExcludeCheck: '%s' is blacklisted. Overlay disabled.", absExeName.c_str()); enableOverlay = false; } else { ods("ExcludeCheck: '%s' is not blacklisted. Overlay enabled.", absExeName.c_str()); enableOverlay = true; } break; } } return enableOverlay; }