# Copyright 2019-2020 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license # that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the # Mumble source tree or at . # Overlay payload for UNIX-like systems. if(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} STREQUAL "x86_64" OR ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} STREQUAL "amd64") option(overlay-xcompile "Build 32 bit overlay library, necessary for the overlay to work with 32 bit processes." ON) endif() add_library(overlay_gl SHARED "overlay.c") set_target_properties(overlay_gl PROPERTIES LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} OUTPUT_NAME "mumbleoverlay" VERSION ${CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION} ) if(NOT APPLE) target_link_options(overlay_gl BEFORE PRIVATE "-Wl,-z,lazy" ) set_target_properties(overlay_gl PROPERTIES COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "TARGET_UNIX" ) if(overlay-xcompile) # Just check for this header file while using a 32bit target as a really small and incomplete check whether g++-multilib seems to be # installed. If we don't find it, we can assume it's not there but if we do find it, we still don't know. Thus we still print the # message about the 32bit target potentially failing due to missing g++-multilib. CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE("sys/cdefs.h" FOUND_CDEFS "-m32") if(NOT FOUND_CDEFS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Can't find the 32bit version of sys/cdefs.h - did you install g++-multilib?") else() message(STATUS "\nIf the 32 bit overlay library fails to compile, make sure the requirements are installed (\"g++-multilib\" package on Debian-based distributions).\n") endif() set_target_properties(overlay_gl PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "mumbleoverlay.x86_64" ) add_library(overlay_gl_x86 SHARED "overlay.c") target_compile_definitions(overlay_gl_x86 PRIVATE "TARGET_UNIX" ) target_compile_options(overlay_gl_x86 PRIVATE "-m32" ) # Linking the overlay library with '-z now' requires all target processes to have libGL symbols in them at load time. # If it doesn't, the program will not start at all. # # Instead, explicitly use '-z lazy' to defer libGL symbol resolution until first use, which is never for non-libGL users. target_link_options(overlay_gl_x86 BEFORE PRIVATE "-m32" "-Wl,-z,lazy" ) set_target_properties(overlay_gl_x86 PROPERTIES LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} OUTPUT_NAME "mumbleoverlay.x86" VERSION ${CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION} ) endif() if(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "Linux") target_link_libraries(overlay_gl PRIVATE "-ldl" "-lrt" ) if(TARGET overlay_gl_x86) target_link_libraries(overlay_gl_x86 PRIVATE "-ldl" "-lrt" ) # install 32bit overlay library install(TARGETS overlay_gl_x86 LIBRARY DESTINATION "${MUMBLE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}") endif() endif() else() add_subdirectory("${3RDPARTY_DIR}/mach-override-build" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/mach-override") find_library(LIB_COREFOUNDATION "CoreFoundation") target_compile_definitions(overlay_gl PRIVATE "TARGET_MAC" ) target_compile_options(overlay_gl PRIVATE "-ObjC" ) target_sources(overlay_gl PRIVATE "avail_mac.h" "overlay_gl.plist" ) target_link_libraries(overlay_gl PRIVATE "-undefined dynamic_lookup" # Defer libGL symbol resolution until first use, which is never for non-libGL users. mach-override ${LIB_COREFOUNDATION} ) endif() # install native overlay library install(TARGETS overlay_gl LIBRARY DESTINATION "${MUMBLE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}") # install overlay script install(PROGRAMS "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/scripts/mumble-overlay" DESTINATION "${MUMBLE_INSTALL_SCRIPTDIR}") # install overlay man-files install(FILES "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/man/mumble-overlay.1" DESTINATION "${MUMBLE_INSTALL_MANDIR}" COMPONENT doc)