# Copyright 2005-2019 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license # that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the # Mumble source tree or at . include(pkgconfig.pri) # Include this file to portably link # against protobuf. # # It requires compiler.pri to be included # for $$PROTOBUF_PATH, etc. to work on win32. # This file can't include compiler.pri: it can # only be included once per .pro file. win32-msvc* { # Legacy win32-static paths (protobuf 2.x) INCLUDEPATH *= "$$PROTOBUF_PATH/vsprojects/include" "$$PROTOBUF_PATH/src" protobuf CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { QMAKE_LIBDIR *= "$$PROTOBUF_PATH/vsprojects/Debug" } else { QMAKE_LIBDIR *= "$$PROTOBUF_PATH/vsprojects/Release" } # New win32-static paths (protobuf 3.2+) INCLUDEPATH *= "$$PROTOBUF_PATH/include" QMAKE_LIBDIR *= "$$PROTOBUF_PATH/lib" LIBS *= -llibprotobuf } win32-g++ { LIBS *= -lprotobuf } unix { CONFIG *= link_pkgconfig must_pkgconfig(protobuf) }