#! /usr/bin/perl -w use warnings; use strict; use XML::Simple; use Data::Dumper; use Date::Parse; use Text::Wrap qw(wrap fill); open(LOG, "git log origin/master --date=short --pretty=format:'%h%x00%an%x00%ae%x00%ad%x00%s'|"); my %dates; my %authors; my $lsub = ''; while() { chomp(); my ($hash,$author,$email,$date,$subject) = split(/\0/,$_); if ($author eq "Thorvald Natvig") { # Because someone forgets to set their git username on every platform... $email = 'slicer@users.sourceforge.net'; } if ($subject =~ s/\s*\[([\w-]+)\]\s*$//) { $author = $1; $email = lc "$1\@users.sourceforge.net"; } if (! exists($authors{$email})) { $authors{$email}=$author; } next if ($subject =~ /^Merge branch 'master/); next if ($subject =~ /^Indent and submodule update/); next if ($subject =~ /^Indent, changelog and submodule update/); next if ($subject =~ /^Indent, changelog, submodule and language update/); next if ($subject =~ /^Indent run/); next if ($subject =~ /^\*\*\* empty log message/); next if ($subject =~ /^git-svn-id: http/); next if ($subject =~ /^TEST/); next if ($subject =~ /^Merge pull request/); next if ($subject eq $lsub); $lsub = $subject; my $entry = wrap(" $hash ", " ", $subject); if (! exists($dates{$date})) { $dates{$date} = {}; } if (! exists($dates{$date}{$email})) { $dates{$date}{$email} = (); } push @{$dates{$date}{$email}},$entry; } close(LOG); open(C, ">CHANGES"); foreach my $date (reverse sort keys %dates) { print C $date."\n"; my $h = $dates{$date}; my $first = 1; foreach my $author (sort keys %$h) { print C " ".$authors{$author}." <$author>\n"; print C join("\n", @{$dates{$date}{$author}}); print C "\n\n"; } } close(C);