#! /usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Carp; sub licenseFileToVar($$) { my ($var,$file)=@_; my $ret; open(IN, $file) or croak; my $l = join("", ); $l =~ s/\r//g; $l =~ s/\f//g; $l =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; $l = join("\\n\"\n\t\"",split(/\n/, $l)); return qq!static const char *${var} = \n\t\"! . $l . "\";\n"; } sub printGuarded($$$) { my ($F, $S, $Guard)=@_; if ($Guard) { print $F "#ifdef " . $Guard . "\n"; } print $F $S; if ($Guard) { print $F "#endif\n"; } } open(my $F, "> ../src/mumble/licenses.h"); binmode $F; # Ensure consistent file endings across platforms print $F "/*\n"; print $F " * This file was auto-generated by scripts/mklic.pl\n"; print $F " * DO NOT EDIT IT MANUALLY\n"; print $F " */\n"; print $F "#ifndef MUMBLE_MUMBLE_LICENSES_H_\n"; print $F "#define MUMBLE_MUMBLE_LICENSES_H_\n"; print $F "\n"; print $F "#include \n"; print $F "\n"; print $F "struct ThirdPartyLicense {\n"; print $F " const char* name;\n"; print $F " const char* url;\n"; print $F " const char* license;\n"; print $F "\n"; print $F " ThirdPartyLicense() : name(0), url(0), license(0) {}\n"; print $F " ThirdPartyLicense(const char* name, const char* url, const char* license)\n"; print $F " : name(name), url(url), license(license) {}\n"; print $F " bool isEmpty() const { return (name == 0 && url == 0 && license == 0); }\n"; print $F "};\n"; print $F "\n"; print $F licenseFileToVar("licenseMumble", "../LICENSE"); print $F "\n\n"; # List of 3rd party licenses [, , , ] my @thirdPartyLicenses = ( ["licenseCELT", "../3rdparty/celt-0.11.0-src/COPYING", "CELT", "http://www.celt-codec.org/"], ["licenseOpus", "../3rdparty/opus-src/COPYING", "Opus", "http://www.opus-codec.org/"], ["licenseSPEEX", "../3rdparty/speex-src/COPYING", "Speex", "http://www.speex.org/"], ["licenseOpenSSL", "../3rdPartyLicenses/openssl_license.txt", "OpenSSL", "http://www.openssl.org/"], ["licenseLibsndfile", "../3rdPartyLicenses/libsndfile_license.txt", "libsndfile", "http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/"], ["licenseOgg", "../3rdPartyLicenses/libogg_license.txt", "libogg", "http://www.xiph.org/"], ["licenseVorbis", "../3rdPartyLicenses/libvorbis_license.txt", "libvorbis", "http://www.xiph.org/"], ["licenseFLAC", "../3rdPartyLicenses/libflac_license.txt", "libFLAC", "http://flac.sourceforge.net/"], ["licenseMachOverride", "../3rdPartyLicenses/mach_override_license.txt", "mach_override", "https://github.com/rentzsch/mach_star", "Q_OS_MAC"], ["licenseMinHook", "../3rdPartyLicenses/minhook_license.txt", "MinHook", "https://github.com/TsudaKageyu/minhook", "Q_OS_WIN64"], ["licenseQtTranslations", "../src/mumble/qttranslations/LICENSE", "Additional Qt translations", "https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/2018", "USING_BUNDLED_QT_TRANSLATIONS"], ["licenseFilterSvg", "../icons/filter.txt", "filter.svg icon", "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Filter.svg"], ); # Print 3rd party licenses foreach (@thirdPartyLicenses) { printGuarded($F, licenseFileToVar(@$_[0], @$_[1]), @$_[4]); print $F "\n\n"; } # Print list of 3rd party licenses print $F "static const ThirdPartyLicense licenses3rdParties[] = {\n"; foreach (@thirdPartyLicenses) { printGuarded($F, "\tThirdPartyLicense(\"" . @$_[2] . "\", \"" . @$_[3] . "\", " . @$_[0] . "),\n", @$_[4]); } # Empty entry that marks the end of the array printGuarded($F, "\tThirdPartyLicense(),\n", @$_[4]); print $F "};\n\n\n"; print $F "#endif\n"; close($F);