#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 # # mumble-auth.py - Sample script to show the basics of using server controlled # context menu entries for in-client registration tickets. # # Requirements: # * python 2.5 or higher # * cherrypy 3 or higher # * python ice bindings # * murmur + mumble rev 1530 or higher import cherrypy import Ice from threading import Semaphore import random, time # #--- Config stuff # baseurl = "http://localhost:8080/register?id=" # Baseurl for registrations storage_time = 10*24*60*60 # Time in seconds a reg entry is guaranteed to be valid proxy = "Meta:tcp -h -p 6502" group = "admin" # ACL group which has the right to send regurls host = "" # Interface to listen on port = 8080 # Cherrypy port slice = "Murmur.ice" production = False # Set this to true to surpress tracebacks # Runtime generate bindings Ice.loadSlice(slice) import Murmur # Global vars sema_ids = Semaphore() ids = {} #Contains list(sid, user, time) class MetaCallbackI(Murmur.MetaCallback): def started(self, s, current=None): serverR = Murmur.ServerCallbackPrx.uncheckedCast(adapter.addWithUUID(ServerCallbackI(server, current.adapter))) s.addCallback(serverR) def stopped(self, s, current=None): pass # Unused callback class ServerCallbackI(Murmur.ServerCallback): def __init__(self, server, adapter): self.server = server self.contextR=Murmur.ServerContextCallbackPrx.uncheckedCast(adapter.addWithUUID(ServerContextCallbackI(server))) def userConnected(self, p, current=None): if p.userid != 0: # SuperUser is always allowed # Check if the user is in the right acl class and add the context menu allowed = False for acl in self.server.getACL(0)[1]: if acl.name == group and p.userid in acl.members: allowed = True break if not allowed: return self.server.addContextCallback(p.session, "sendregurl", "Send registration URL", self.contextR, Murmur.ContextUser) def userDisconnected(self, p, current=None): pass # Unused callbacks def userStateChanged(self, p, current=None): pass def channelCreated(self, c, current=None): pass def channelRemoved(self, c, current=None): pass def channelStateChanged(self, c, current=None): pass class ServerContextCallbackI(Murmur.ServerContextCallback): #--- Server message template strings err_notallowed = "You are not allowed to send registration urls" msg_regurl = "You've been allowed to register with this mumble server, " \ "please click here to register." def __init__(self, server): self.server = server def contextAction(self, action, p, session, chanid, current=None): if action == "sendregurl" and p: if p.userid != 0: # If it isn't SuperUser check if he is in the right acl group allowed = False for acl in self.server.getACL(0)[1]: if acl.name == group and p.userid in acl.members: allowed = True break if not allowed: self.server.sendMessage(p, self.err_notallowed) return sema_ids.acquire() try: # Take the chance to cleanup old entries todel = [] for key, reg in ids.iteritems(): if int(time.time()) - reg[2] > storage_time: todel.append(key) for key in todel: del ids[key] # Ok, now generate his registration id (64bit) rid = None while not rid or rid in ids: rid = random.randrange(0, pow(2,64)) sid = self.server.id() # Remember his username try: username = self.server.getState(session).name except Murmur.InvalidSessionException: username = "" # Save everything ids[str(rid)] = (sid, username, int(time.time())) # Send reg url to the user url = baseurl + str(rid) self.server.sendMessage(session, self.msg_regurl % {'url':url}) finally: sema_ids.release() class mumble_auth(object): #--- Web template strings template = """ %(title)s


%(body)s """ err_id = """

Invalid ID

The ID for your registration has already been used or is invalid.
Please request a new registration link from a Mumble administrator.

""" err_username = """

Invalid username

The username you chose contains characters which are not allowed.
Please only use normal characters without whitespaces.

""" err_username_existing = """

Username already registered

The username you chose is already registered on this server.
Please choose another one.

""" err_password = """

Invalid password

The password you chose didn't match the criteria enforced by this server.
Your password should be at least 6 characters long.

""" err_password_mismatch = """

Passwords do not match

The password you entered did not match the one in the confirmation box.
Make sure both boxes contain the same password.

""" snippet_retry = '
Click here to try again' body_index = """

This is the mumble-auth script, to be able to register yourself an account please ask a admin on the mumble server.

""" body_complete = """


You have been registered with the server successfully,
please try to login to the server with your new login credentials!

""" body_regform = """
Enter user information

""" def __init__(self, murmur): self.murmur = murmur def index(self): title = "Mumble Auth - Index" return self.template % {'title':title, 'body':self.body_index} index.exposed = True def register(self, id = None): title = "Mumble Auth - Register"; if not id in ids: body = self.err_id # Invalid ID else: # In case of a valid ID body = self.body_regform % {'username':ids[id][1], 'id':id} return self.template % {'title':title, 'body':body} register.exposed = True def doregister(self, id = None, username = None, password = None, cpassword = None): title = "Mumble Auth - Register"; sema_ids.acquire() try: # Check if all parameters are ok if not id in ids: body = self.err_id # Invalid id elif not username or " " in username: # Invalid username body = self.err_username + \ self.snippet_retry % {'url':baseurl+id} elif len(password) < 6: # Password criteria didn't match body = self.err_password + \ self.snippet_retry % {'url':baseurl+id} elif password != cpassword: # Password mismatch body = self.err_password_mismatch + \ self.snippet_retry % {'url':baseurl+id} else: # Ok, try to register him server = self.murmur.getServer(ids[id][0]) if (len(server.getRegisteredUsers(username))!=0): body = self.err_username_existing + \ self.snippet_retry % {'url':baseurl+id} else: # Register user pid = server.registerUser(username) reg = server.getRegistration(pid) reg.pw = password server.updateregistration(reg) # Void registration id del ids[id] # Success body = self.body_complete finally: sema_ids.release() return self.template % {'title':title, 'body':body} doregister.exposed = True if __name__ == "__main__": random.seed() ice = Ice.initialize() try: meta = Murmur.MetaPrx.checkedCast(ice.stringToProxy(proxy)) adapter = ice.createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("Callback.Client", "tcp -h") metaR=Murmur.MetaCallbackPrx.uncheckedCast(adapter.addWithUUID(MetaCallbackI())) adapter.activate() meta.addCallback(metaR) for server in meta.getBootedServers(): serverR=Murmur.ServerCallbackPrx.uncheckedCast(adapter.addWithUUID(ServerCallbackI(server, adapter))) server.addCallback(serverR) if production: cherrypy.config.update({'environment': 'production'}) cherrypy.server.socket_host = host cherrypy.server.socket_port = port cherrypy.quickstart(mumble_auth(meta)) finally: ice.shutdown() ice.waitForShutdown()