#! /usr/bin/perl # # For now, this is a CGI using Perl. # use warnings; use strict; ## User configurable settings: # What's the name of this server? our $servername = "Mumble & Murmur Test Server"; # Who should outgoing authentication emails be from? our $emailfrom = ""; # And what server should be used? our $emailserver = "localhost"; # Which server to add to? Unless you have multiple virtual servers, # this is always 1 our $serverid = 1; ## End of user configurable data ## ## Really. You shouldn't touch anything below this point. # If we're being run as a CGI in suexec, $HOME doesn't exist. Fake it. my $home = (getpwuid($<))[7]; # This needs to be done before "use Net::DBus" if (open(F, "$home/murmur/.dbus.sh")) { while() { chomp(); if ($_ =~ /^(.+?)\='(.+)';$/) { $ENV{$1}=$2; } } close(F); } use CGI; use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser'; use CGI::Session; use Net::SMTP; use Net::DNS; use Net::DBus; use Image::Magick; use Compress::Zlib; use Config::Simple; sub randomCode($) { my ($length) = @_; my $ret; my $chars="0123456789abcdefghjiklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; for(my $i=0;$i<$length;$i++) { $ret .= substr($chars, rand(int(length($chars))), 1); } return $ret; } my $showit = 1; CGI::Session->find( sub { } ); my $q = new CGI(); my $s = new CGI::Session(); $s->expire('+1d'); print $s->header(); print $q->start_html(-title=>"Registration"); my $bus; my $service; # First try the system bus eval { $bus=Net::DBus->system(); $service = $bus->get_service("net.sourceforge.mumble.murmur"); my $cfg = new Config::Simple(filename => '/etc/mumble-server.ini', syntax => 'simple'); $servername = $cfg->param("registerName") || $servername; $emailfrom = $cfg->param("emailfrom") || $emailfrom; }; # If that failed, the session bus if (! $service) { eval { $bus = Net::DBus->session(); $service = $bus->get_service("net.sourceforge.mumble.murmur"); } } die "Murmur service not found" if (! $service); if (! defined($emailfrom) || ($emailfrom eq "")) { croak(qq{Missing configuration. Please edit either /etc/mumble-server.ini for systemwide installations, or murmur.pl for a personal one. }); } # Fetch handle to remote object my $object = $service->get_object("/$serverid"); my $res; my $auth = $q->param('auth'); my $name = $q->param('name'); my $pw = $q->param('pw'); my $email = $q->param('email'); my $image = $q->upload('image'); if (defined($s->param('auth')) && ($auth eq $s->param('auth'))) { $res = $object->getRegisteredPlayers($s->param('name')); if ($#{$res} == 0) { my $aref = $$res[0]; if ($email ne $$aref[2]) { $$aref[3] = $s->param('pw'); $object->updateRegistration($aref); print "

Updated password

Your password has been reset.

"; $showit = 0; } else { print "


Someone has already registered that name in the meantime.

"; } } else { $res = $object->registerPlayer($s->param('name')); if (($res != 0) && ($res != "0")) { my @array = ($res, $s->param('name'), $s->param('email'), $s->param('pw')); $object->updateRegistration(\@array); print "


Thank you for registering.

"; $showit = 0; } else { print "


Username rejected by server.

"; } } $s->clear(); } elsif (defined($name) && defined($pw) && defined($image)) { my $id = $object->getPlayerIds( [ $name ] ); $res = $object->verifyPassword($$id[0], $pw); if (! $res) { print "

Tsk tsk

Now, that's not a valid user and password, is it?

"; } else { my $blob; sysread($image,$blob,1000000); my $image=Image::Magick->new(); my $r=$image->BlobToImage($blob); if (! $r) { $image->Extent(x => 0, y => 0, width => 600, height => 60, background => "transparent"); my $out=$image->ImageToBlob(magick => 'rgba', depth => 8); if (length($out) == (600*60*4)) { # We need BGRA, AKA ARGB inverse my @a=unpack("C*", $out); for(my $i=0;$i<600*60;$i++) { my $red=$a[$i*4]; my $blue=$a[$i*4+2]; $a[$i*4]=$blue; $a[$i*4+2]=$red; } @a=unpack("C*", pack("N", $#a + 1) . compress(pack("C*",@a))); $res = $object->setTexture($$id[0], \@a); } else { $r=1; } } if ($r) { print "

Image failure

Failed to convert that to a proper image.

"; } else { print "


Reconnect to use the new image.

"; $showit = 0; } } } elsif (defined($name) && defined($pw) && defined($email)) { my @errors; if (length($name) < 4) { push @errors, "Username is too short."; } if (length($pw) < 8) { push @errors, "Password is too short."; } if ($name !~ /^[0-9a-zA-Z\(\)\[\]\-\_]+$/) { push @errors, "Username contains illegal characters."; } if ($email !~ /^[0-9a-zA-Z\.\-\_]+\@(.+)$/) { push @errors, "That doesn't even look like an email adddress."; } else { my @mx = mx($1); if ($#mx == -1) { push @errors, "And how am I supposed to send email there?"; } } $res=$object->getRegisteredPlayers($name); if ( $#{$res} == 0 ) { my $aref = $$res[0]; if ($email ne $$aref[2]) { push @errors, "Name is already taken"; } } if ($#errors == -1) { my $code = randomCode(10); $s->param('name', $name); $s->param('pw', $pw); $s->param('email', $email); $s->param('auth', $code); my $smtp = new Net::SMTP($emailserver); if (! $smtp) { croak(qq{Failed to connect to SMTP server "$emailserver". This is most likely a configuration problem.\n}); } $smtp->mail($emailfrom); $smtp->to($email); $smtp->data(); $smtp->datasend("From: $emailfrom\n"); $smtp->datasend("To: $email\n"); $smtp->datasend("Subject: Murmur registration\n"); $smtp->datasend("\n"); $smtp->datasend("A user from $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} registered the username $name\n"); $smtp->datasend("on \"${servername}\".\n\n"); $smtp->datasend("If this was you, please visit the following url to activate your account:\n"); $q->delete_all(); $q->param('auth', $code); $smtp->datasend($q->url(-query=>1)); $smtp->datasend("\n\n"); $smtp->datasend("If you have no idea what this is about, just disregard this message."); $smtp->dataend(); print '

Registration complete

Thank you for registering. An email has been sent to you with '; print 'an activation code.

'; $showit = 0; } else { print ''; } } if ($showit) { print '

Registration form

'; print '

Fill out your desired username, password and your current email address. A mail will be sent to you '; print 'with an authentication code.

'; print '

If you\'ve forgotten your password, just reregister with the same name and email address. A new '; print 'confirmation email will be sent.

'; print '

'; print $q->start_form(-method=>'POST'); print "Username "; print $q->textfield(-name=>'name', -size=>'10'); print "
\n"; print "Email "; print $q->textfield(-name=>'email', -size=>'30'); print "
\n"; print "Password "; print $q->password_field(-name=>'pw', -size=>'10'); print "
\n"; print $q->submit(-value=>'Register'); print $q->end_form(); print '

'; print '

Upload custom texture?

'; print '

'; print 'Remember that the image must be 600 by 60 pixels, and must have an alpha channel.
'; print "\n"; print $q->start_form(-method=>'POST'); print "Username "; print $q->textfield(-name=>'name', -size=>'10'); print "
\n"; print "Password "; print $q->password_field(-name=>'pw', -size=>'10'); print "
\n"; print "Image "; print $q->filefield(-name=>'image', -size=>'30'); print "
\n"; print $q->submit(-value=>'Upload Image'); print $q->end_form(); print '

'; } print $q->end_html();