#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright 2013-2022 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license # that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the # Mumble source tree or at . # # About the tool # -------------- # sign_macOS.py is a tool that takes a Mumble .DMG file and digitally signs its content # (executables, codecs, plugins, installers). # # The file(s) may already be signed. In this case, the tool will simply replace all the existing signatures. # # Using the tool # -------------- # To sign Mumble-1.4.0.unsigned.dmg, one would do the following: # # $ ./sign_macOS.py -i Mumble-1.4.0.unsigned.dmg -o Mumble-1.4.0.dmg # # Configuration # ------------- # The signing behavior of the tool can be configured via a configuration file. # By default the tool will read its configuration from $HOME/.sign_macOS.cfg. # # The configuration file uses JSON. For example, to sign using a particular # set of Developer ID certificates in your login keychain, you could use # something like this: # # --->8--- # { # # The keychain needs the .keychain extension explicitly typed out. # "keychain": "login.keychain", # # Your Application certificate. # "developer-id-app": "Developer ID Application: John Appleseed", # # Your Installer certificate. # "developer-id-installer": "Developer ID Installer: John Appleseed" # } # --->8--- import argparse import io import json import os import pathlib import plistlib import shutil import string import subprocess import sys import tempfile # Specify a set of codesign requirements for Mumble binaries. # # We require an Apple CA and a Developer ID leaf certificate (the one we're signing with). # The 'designated' line is specifically tuned to work on older versions # of macOS that aren't Developer ID-aware without breakage. # # We also explicitly require all shared libraries to be codesigned by Apple. # We can reasonably do that because Mumble is statically built on macOS. requirements = '''designated => anchor apple generic and identifier "${identifier}" and (certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ or certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[subject.OU] = "${subject_OU}") library => anchor apple''' class Signer: def __init__(self, cfgFile): with open(cfgFile) as file: content = file.read() self.cfg = json.loads(content) @staticmethod def cmd(args, cwd = None): ''' Executes the requested program and throws an exception if the program returns a non-zero return code. ''' ret = subprocess.Popen(args, cwd = cwd).wait() if ret != 0: raise Exception('command "%s" exited with exit status %i' % (args[0], ret)) def certificateSubjectOU(self): ''' Extracts the subject OU from the Application DeveloperID certificate that is specified in the script's configuration. ''' findCert = subprocess.Popen(('/usr/bin/security', 'find-certificate', '-c', self.cfg['developer-id-app'], '-p', self.cfg['keychain']), stdout = subprocess.PIPE, text = True) pem, _ = findCert.communicate() openssl = subprocess.Popen(('/usr/bin/openssl', 'x509', '-subject', '-noout'), stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, text = True) subject, _ = openssl.communicate(pem) start = subject.split('/OU=', 1)[1] end = start.index('/') return start[:end] @staticmethod def lookupFileIdentifier(file): ''' Looks up a bundle identifier suitable for use when signing the app bundle or binary. ''' try: d = plistlib.load(os.path.join(file, 'Contents', 'Info.plist')) return d['CFBundleIdentifier'] except: return os.path.basename(file) def codesign(self, files, entitlements = None): ''' Calls the codesign executable on the signable object(s) in the specified directory. ''' OU = self.certificateSubjectOU() if hasattr(files, 'isalpha'): files = (files,) for file in files: identifier = self.lookupFileIdentifier(file) reqs = string.Template(requirements).substitute({ 'identifier': identifier, 'subject_OU': OU, }) print("Identifier:", identifier) print("Subject_OU:", OU) print("Reqs:", reqs) args = ['-vvvv', '--force', '-r=' + reqs, '--identifier', identifier, '--keychain', self.cfg['keychain'], '--sign', self.cfg['developer-id-app']] if entitlements: args += ['--options', 'runtime', '--entitlements', entitlements] self.cmd(['codesign'] + args + [file]) return 0 def prodsign(self, inFile, outFile): ''' Calls the productsign executable to sign the specified product, outputting it signed. ''' self.cmd(['productsign', '--keychain', self.cfg['keychain'], '--sign', self.cfg['developer-id-installer'], inFile, outFile]) @staticmethod def volNameForMountedDMG(mountPoint): diskutil = subprocess.Popen(['diskutil', 'info', '-plist', mountPoint], stdout = subprocess.PIPE) plist, _ = diskutil.communicate() fileLikePlist = io.BytesIO(plist) diskInfo = plistlib.load(fileLikePlist) return diskInfo['VolumeName'] @staticmethod def extractDMG(file, workDir): ''' Extracts the specified DMG into the "content" subdirectory of workDir. It returns the volume name of the extracted DMG. ''' mountDir = os.path.join(workDir, 'mount') os.mkdir(mountDir) Signer.cmd(['hdiutil', 'mount', '-readonly', '-mountpoint', mountDir, file]) volName = Signer.volNameForMountedDMG(mountDir) contentDir = os.path.join(workDir, 'content') os.mkdir(contentDir) for file in os.listdir(mountDir): if file == '.Trashes': continue src = os.path.join(mountDir, file) dst = os.path.join(contentDir, file) if os.path.islink(src): target = os.readlink(src) os.symlink(target, dst) elif os.path.isdir(src): shutil.copytree(src, dst, True) else: shutil.copy(src, dst) Signer.cmd(['umount', mountDir]) return volName @staticmethod def extractPKG(file, workDir): ''' Expands the specified PKG into workDir. ''' Signer.cmd(['pkgutil', '--expand-full', file, workDir]) def signApp(self, workDir, entitlements = None): ''' Signs the app bundle in the "content" subdirectory of workDir. ''' app = os.path.join(workDir, 'content', 'Mumble.app') binaries = [] binariesDir = os.path.join(app, 'Contents', 'MacOS') for binary in os.listdir(binariesDir): binaries.append(os.path.join(binariesDir, binary)) codecs = [] codecsDir = os.path.join(app, 'Contents', 'Codecs') for codec in os.listdir(codecsDir): codecs.append(os.path.join(codecsDir, codec)) plugins = [] pluginsDir = os.path.join(app, 'Contents', 'Plugins') for plugin in os.listdir(pluginsDir): plugins.append(os.path.join(pluginsDir, plugin)) self.codesign(binaries) self.codesign(codecs) self.codesign(plugins) overlayInst = os.path.join(app, 'Contents', 'Resources', 'MumbleOverlay.pkg') os.rename(overlayInst, overlayInst + '.intermediate') self.prodsign(overlayInst + '.intermediate', overlayInst) os.remove(overlayInst + '.intermediate') self.codesign(app, entitlements) def signOverlay(self, workDir): ''' Extracts "MumbleOverlay.pkg" (which is extracted from the app bundle), signs the relevant binaries and then repacks it. ''' app = os.path.join(workDir, 'content', 'Mumble.app') overlayPKG = os.path.join(app, 'Contents', 'Resources', 'MumbleOverlay.pkg') overlayDir = os.path.join(workDir, 'MumbleOverlay') self.extractPKG(overlayPKG, overlayDir) binaries = [] binariesDir = os.path.join(overlayDir, 'net.sourceforge.mumble.OverlayScriptingAddition.pkg', 'Payload', 'MumbleOverlay.osax', 'Contents', 'MacOS') for binary in os.listdir(binariesDir): binaries.append(os.path.join(binariesDir, binary)) self.codesign(binaries) self.makePKG(overlayDir, overlayPKG) @staticmethod def makeDMG(workDir, volName, outFile): ''' Makes a new DMG for the Mumble app that resides in the workDir's content subdirectory. ''' Signer.cmd(['hdiutil', 'create', '-srcfolder', os.path.join(workDir, 'content'), '-format', 'UDBZ', '-size', '1g', '-volname', volName, outFile]) @staticmethod def makePKG(workDir, file): ''' Flattens workDir's content into a PKG file. ''' Signer.cmd(['pkgutil', '--flatten-full', workDir, file]) def main(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage='sign_macOS.py --input= --output= [--keep-tree]') p.add_argument('-c', '--config', help = 'Configuration file', default = os.path.join(pathlib.Path.home(), '.sign_macOS.cfg')) p.add_argument('-e', '--entitlements', help = 'Entitlements file') p.add_argument('-i', '--input', help = 'Input file') p.add_argument('-o', '--output', help = 'Output file') p.add_argument('-kt', '--keep-tree', action = 'store_true', dest = 'keepTree', help = 'Keep the working tree after signing') args = p.parse_args() if not args.input: print('No input specified') sys.exit(1) if not args.output: print('No output specified') sys.exit(1) signer = Signer(args.config) inFile = os.path.abspath(args.input) outFile = os.path.abspath(args.output) workDir = tempfile.mkdtemp() print('Input: ' + inFile) print('Output: ' + outFile) print('Working dir: ' + workDir + '\n') if inFile.lower().endswith('.dmg'): volName = signer.extractDMG(inFile, workDir) signer.signOverlay(workDir) signer.signApp(workDir, args.entitlements) signer.makeDMG(workDir, volName, outFile) signer.codesign(outFile) elif inFile.lower().endswith('.pkg'): signer.extractPKG(inFile, workDir) files = [] for file in os.listdir(workDir): files.append(os.path.join(workDir, file)) signer.codesign(files) signer.makePKG(workDir, outFile) os.rename(outFile, outFile + '.intermediate') signer.prodsign(outFile + '.intermediate', outFile) os.remove(outFile + '.intermediate') else: shutil.copy(inFile, outFile) signer.codesign(outFile) print('') if not args.keepTree: shutil.rmtree(workDir, ignore_errors = True) print('Working tree removed\n') print('Signed file available at ' + args.output) if __name__ == '__main__': main()