// Copyright 2007-2021 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license // that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the // Mumble source tree or at . #ifndef MUMBLE_ACL_H_ #define MUMBLE_ACL_H_ #include #include class Channel; class User; class ServerUser; class ChanACL : public QObject { private: Q_OBJECT Q_DISABLE_COPY(ChanACL) public: enum Perm { None = 0x0, Write = 0x1, Traverse = 0x2, Enter = 0x4, Speak = 0x8, MuteDeafen = 0x10, Move = 0x20, MakeChannel = 0x40, LinkChannel = 0x80, Whisper = 0x100, TextMessage = 0x200, MakeTempChannel = 0x400, Listen = 0x800, // Root channel only Kick = 0x10000, Ban = 0x20000, Register = 0x40000, SelfRegister = 0x80000, ResetUserContent = 0x100000, Cached = 0x8000000, All = Write + Traverse + Enter + Speak + MuteDeafen + Move + MakeChannel + LinkChannel + Whisper + TextMessage + MakeTempChannel + Listen + Kick + Ban + Register + SelfRegister + ResetUserContent }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Permissions, Perm) typedef QHash< Channel *, Permissions > ChanCache; typedef QHash< User *, ChanCache * > ACLCache; Channel *c; bool bApplyHere; bool bApplySubs; bool bInherited; int iUserId; QString qsGroup; Permissions pAllow; Permissions pDeny; ChanACL(Channel *c); /// @returns Whether the given ChanACL represents a password. bool isPassword() const; /// @ereturns A string representation of this ChanACL summarizing what permissions are granted or denied. /// If this ACL neither grants nor denies any permissions, an empty String is returned. explicit operator QString() const; #ifdef MURMUR static bool hasPermission(ServerUser *p, Channel *c, QFlags< Perm > perm, ACLCache *cache); static QFlags< Perm > effectivePermissions(ServerUser *p, Channel *c, ACLCache *cache); #else static QString whatsThis(Perm p); #endif static QString permName(QFlags< Perm > p); static QString permName(Perm p); }; Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(ChanACL::Permissions) #endif