// Copyright 2005-2021 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license // that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the // Mumble source tree or at . #include "Connection.h" #include "Message.h" #include "Mumble.pb.h" #include "SSL.h" #include #include #ifdef Q_OS_WIN # include #else # include # include # include # include #endif #ifdef Q_OS_WIN HANDLE Connection::hQoS = nullptr; #endif Connection::Connection(QObject *p, QSslSocket *qtsSock) : QObject(p) { qtsSocket = qtsSock; qtsSocket->setParent(this); iPacketLength = -1; bDisconnectedEmitted = false; csCrypt = std::make_unique< CryptStateOCB2 >(); static bool bDeclared = false; if (!bDeclared) { bDeclared = true; qRegisterMetaType< QAbstractSocket::SocketError >("QAbstractSocket::SocketError"); } int nodelay = 1; setsockopt(static_cast< int >(qtsSocket->socketDescriptor()), IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, reinterpret_cast< char * >(&nodelay), static_cast< socklen_t >(sizeof(nodelay))); connect(qtsSocket, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)), this, SLOT(socketError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError))); connect(qtsSocket, SIGNAL(encrypted()), this, SIGNAL(encrypted())); connect(qtsSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(socketRead())); connect(qtsSocket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(socketDisconnected())); connect(qtsSocket, SIGNAL(sslErrors(const QList< QSslError > &)), this, SLOT(socketSslErrors(const QList< QSslError > &))); qtLastPacket.restart(); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN dwFlow = 0; #endif } Connection::~Connection() { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN if (dwFlow && hQoS) { if (!QOSRemoveSocketFromFlow(hQoS, 0, dwFlow, 0)) qWarning("Connection: Failed to remove flow from QoS"); } #endif } void Connection::setToS() { #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) if (dwFlow || !hQoS) return; dwFlow = 0; if (!QOSAddSocketToFlow(hQoS, qtsSocket->socketDescriptor(), nullptr, QOSTrafficTypeAudioVideo, QOS_NON_ADAPTIVE_FLOW, reinterpret_cast< PQOS_FLOWID >(&dwFlow))) qWarning("Connection: Failed to add flow to QOS"); #elif defined(Q_OS_UNIX) int val = 0xa0; if (setsockopt(static_cast< int >(qtsSocket->socketDescriptor()), IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, &val, sizeof(val))) { val = 0x60; if (setsockopt(static_cast< int >(qtsSocket->socketDescriptor()), IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, &val, sizeof(val))) qWarning("Connection: Failed to set TOS for TCP Socket"); } # if defined(SO_PRIORITY) socklen_t optlen = sizeof(val); if (getsockopt(static_cast< int >(qtsSocket->socketDescriptor()), SOL_SOCKET, SO_PRIORITY, &val, &optlen) == 0) { if (val == 0) { val = 6; setsockopt(static_cast< int >(qtsSocket->socketDescriptor()), SOL_SOCKET, SO_PRIORITY, &val, sizeof(val)); } } # endif #endif } qint64 Connection::activityTime() const { return qtLastPacket.elapsed(); } void Connection::resetActivityTime() { qtLastPacket.restart(); } /** * This function waits until a complete package is received and then emits it as a message. * It gets called everytime new data is available and interprets the message prefix header * to figure out the type and length. It then waits until the complete message is buffered * and emits it as a message so it can be handled by the corresponding message handler * routine. * * @see QSslSocket::readyRead() * @see void ServerHandler::message(unsigned int msgType, const QByteArray &qbaMsg) * @see void Server::message(unsigned int uiType, const QByteArray &qbaMsg, ServerUser *u) */ void Connection::socketRead() { while (true) { qint64 iAvailable = qtsSocket->bytesAvailable(); if (iPacketLength == -1) { if (iAvailable < 6) return; unsigned char a_ucBuffer[6]; qtsSocket->read(reinterpret_cast< char * >(a_ucBuffer), 6); uiType = qFromBigEndian< quint16 >(&a_ucBuffer[0]); iPacketLength = qFromBigEndian< quint32 >(&a_ucBuffer[2]); iAvailable -= 6; } if ((iPacketLength == -1) || (iAvailable < iPacketLength)) return; if (iPacketLength > 0x7fffff) { qWarning() << "Host tried to send huge packet"; disconnectSocket(true); return; } QByteArray qbaBuffer = qtsSocket->read(iPacketLength); iPacketLength = -1; iAvailable -= iPacketLength; emit message(uiType, qbaBuffer); } } void Connection::socketError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError err) { emit connectionClosed(err, qtsSocket->errorString()); } void Connection::socketSslErrors(const QList< QSslError > &qlErr) { emit handleSslErrors(qlErr); } void Connection::proceedAnyway() { qtsSocket->ignoreSslErrors(); } void Connection::socketDisconnected() { emit connectionClosed(QAbstractSocket::UnknownSocketError, QString()); } void Connection::messageToNetwork(const ::google::protobuf::Message &msg, unsigned int msgType, QByteArray &cache) { #if GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_VERSION >= 3004000 int len = msg.ByteSizeLong(); #else // ByteSize() has been deprecated as of protobuf v3.4 int len = msg.ByteSize(); #endif if (len > 0x7fffff) return; cache.resize(len + 6); unsigned char *uc = reinterpret_cast< unsigned char * >(cache.data()); qToBigEndian< quint16 >(static_cast< quint16 >(msgType), &uc[0]); qToBigEndian< quint32 >(len, &uc[2]); msg.SerializeToArray(uc + 6, len); } void Connection::sendMessage(const ::google::protobuf::Message &msg, unsigned int msgType, QByteArray &cache) { if (cache.isEmpty()) { messageToNetwork(msg, msgType, cache); } sendMessage(cache); } void Connection::sendMessage(const QByteArray &qbaMsg) { if (!qbaMsg.isEmpty()) qtsSocket->write(qbaMsg); } void Connection::forceFlush() { if (qtsSocket->state() != QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState) return; if (!qtsSocket->isEncrypted()) return; qtsSocket->flush(); } void Connection::disconnectSocket(bool force) { if (qtsSocket->state() == QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState) { emit connectionClosed(QAbstractSocket::UnknownSocketError, QString()); return; } if (force) qtsSocket->abort(); else qtsSocket->disconnectFromHost(); } QHostAddress Connection::peerAddress() const { return qtsSocket->peerAddress(); } quint16 Connection::peerPort() const { return qtsSocket->peerPort(); } QHostAddress Connection::localAddress() const { return qtsSocket->localAddress(); } quint16 Connection::localPort() const { return qtsSocket->localPort(); } QList< QSslCertificate > Connection::peerCertificateChain() const { const QSslCertificate cert = qtsSocket->peerCertificate(); if (cert.isNull()) return QList< QSslCertificate >(); else return qtsSocket->peerCertificateChain() << cert; } QSslCipher Connection::sessionCipher() const { return qtsSocket->sessionCipher(); } QSsl::SslProtocol Connection::sessionProtocol() const { #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050400 return qtsSocket->sessionProtocol(); #else return QSsl::UnknownProtocol; // Cannot determine session cipher. We only know it's some TLS variant #endif } QString Connection::sessionProtocolString() const { #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050400 return MumbleSSL::protocolToString(sessionProtocol()); #else return QLatin1String("TLS"); // Cannot determine session cipher. We only know it's some TLS variant #endif } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN void Connection::setQoS(HANDLE hParentQoS) { hQoS = hParentQoS; } #endif