# Copyright 2005-2021 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license # that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the # Mumble source tree or at . include(../qmake/compiler.pri) include(../qmake/qt.pri) include(../qmake/rcc.pri) include(../qmake/pkgconfig.pri) VERSION = 1.3.4 DIST = mumble.pri Message.h PacketDataStream.h CryptState.h Timer.h Version.h OSInfo.h SSL.h CONFIG += qt thread debug_and_release warn_on DEFINES *= MUMBLE_VERSION_STRING=$$VERSION INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD . ../mumble_proto VPATH += $$PWD HEADERS *= \ ACL.h \ Channel.h \ CryptState.h \ Connection.h \ Group.h \ HTMLFilter.h \ User.h \ Net.h \ OSInfo.h \ Timer.h \ SSL.h \ Version.h \ SSLCipherInfo.h \ SSLCipherInfoTable.h \ licenses.h \ License.h \ LogEmitter.h \ CryptographicHash.h \ CryptographicRandom.h \ PasswordGenerator.h \ ByteSwap.h \ HostAddress.cpp \ Ban.h \ EnvUtils.h \ UnresolvedServerAddress.h \ ServerAddress.h \ ServerResolver.h \ ServerResolverRecord.h \ SelfSignedCertificate.h \ SSLLocks.h \ FFDHETable.h \ FFDHE.h SOURCES *= \ ACL.cpp \ Group.cpp \ Channel.cpp \ Connection.cpp \ HTMLFilter.cpp \ User.cpp \ Timer.cpp \ CryptState.cpp \ OSInfo.cpp \ SSL.cpp \ Version.cpp \ SSLCipherInfo.cpp \ License.cpp \ LogEmitter.cpp \ CryptographicHash.cpp \ CryptographicRandom.cpp \ PasswordGenerator.cpp \ HostAddress.cpp \ Ban.cpp \ EnvUtils.cpp \ UnresolvedServerAddress.cpp \ ServerAddress.cpp \ ServerResolver_qt5.cpp \ ServerResolverRecord.cpp \ SelfSignedCertificate.cpp \ SSLLocks.cpp \ FFDHE.cpp LIBS *= -lmumble_proto equals(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4) { CONFIG *= no-srv } CONFIG(no-srv) { DEFINES += USE_NO_SRV SOURCES -= ServerResolver_qt5.cpp SOURCES *= ServerResolver_nosrv.cpp } # Add arc4random_uniform INCLUDEPATH *= ../../3rdparty/arc4random-src SOURCES *= ../../3rdparty/arc4random-src/arc4random_uniform.cpp # Note: Protobuf generates into its own directory so we can mark it as a # system include folder for unix. Otherwise the generated code creates # a lot of spurious warnings in ours. CONFIG(packaged) { MUMDEFVER = $$find(DEFINES, "MUMBLE_VERSION=") count(MUMDEFVER, 0) { DEFINES *= MUMBLE_VERSION=$$VERSION } } # Add OpenSSL dependency include(../qmake/openssl.pri) # Add protobuf dependency include(../qmake/protobuf.pri) win32-msvc* { LIBS *= -lcrypt32 -lws2_32 LIBS *= -ldelayimp -lQwave -delayload:Qwave.DLL } win32-g++ { LIBS *= -lprotobuf -lcrypt32 -lws2_32 LIBS *= -ldelayimp -lqwave -delayload:qwave.dll } unix { CONFIG(static) { PKG_CONFIG += --static } QMAKE_CFLAGS *= "-I../mumble_proto" "-isystem ../mumble_proto" QMAKE_CXXFLAGS *= "-I../mumble_proto" "-isystem ../mumble_proto" } # Make Q_DECL_OVERRIDE and Q_DECL_FINAL no-ops # for Qt 4. isEqual(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4) { DEFINES *= Q_DECL_OVERRIDE= DEFINES *= Q_DECL_FINAL= } CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { CONFIG += console } QMAKE_LIBDIR = $$DESTDIR $$QMAKE_LIBDIR