// Copyright 2007-2021 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license // that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the // Mumble source tree or at . #ifndef MUMBLE_MUMBLE_ACLEDITOR_H_ #define MUMBLE_MUMBLE_ACLEDITOR_H_ #include "ACL.h" #include "Group.h" #include "Mumble.pb.h" #include "ui_ACLEditor.h" class ACLGroup : public Group { private: Q_DISABLE_COPY(ACLGroup) public: bool bInherited; ACLGroup(const QString &name); }; class ACLEditor : public QDialog, public Ui::ACLEditor { private: Q_OBJECT Q_DISABLE_COPY(ACLEditor) protected: typedef QPair< QString, int > idname; MumbleProto::ACL msg; enum WaitID { GroupAdd, GroupRemove, GroupInherit, ACLList }; QHash< int, QString > qhNameCache; QHash< QString, int > qhIDCache; QHash< QString, int > qhNameWait; int iUnknown; void refill(WaitID what); ACLGroup *currentGroup(); ChanACL *currentACL(); int iId; bool bInheritACL; QList< ChanACL * > qlACLs; QList< ACLGroup * > qlGroups; ChanACL *pcaPassword; int numInheritACL; int iChannel; bool bAddChannelMode; const QString userName(int id); int id(const QString &uname); QList< QCheckBox * > qlACLAllow; QList< QCheckBox * > qlACLDeny; QList< ChanACL::Perm > qlPerms; void updatePasswordACL(void); void updatePasswordField(void); void showEvent(QShowEvent *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void fillWidgetFromSet(QListWidget *, const QSet< int > &); public: ACLEditor(int parentchannelid, QWidget *p = nullptr); ACLEditor(int channelid, const MumbleProto::ACL &mea, QWidget *p = nullptr); ~ACLEditor(); void returnQuery(const MumbleProto::QueryUsers &mqu); public slots: void accept() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; public slots: void refillACL(); void refillGroupNames(); void refillGroupAdd(); void refillGroupRemove(); void refillGroupInherit(); void refillComboBoxes(); void groupEnableCheck(); void ACLEnableCheck(); void on_qtwTab_currentChanged(int index); void on_qlwACLs_currentRowChanged(); void on_qpbACLAdd_clicked(); void on_qpbACLRemove_clicked(); void on_qpbACLUp_clicked(); void on_qpbACLDown_clicked(); void on_qcbACLInherit_clicked(bool checked); void on_qcbACLApplyHere_clicked(bool checked); void on_qcbACLApplySubs_clicked(bool checked); void on_qcbACLGroup_activated(const QString &text); void on_qcbACLUser_activated(); void ACLPermissions_clicked(); void on_qcbGroupList_activated(const QString &text); void on_qcbGroupList_editTextChanged(const QString &text); void on_qpbGroupAdd_clicked(); void on_qpbGroupRemove_clicked(); void on_qcbGroupInherit_clicked(bool checked); void on_qcbGroupInheritable_clicked(bool checked); void on_qpbGroupAddAdd_clicked(); void on_qpbGroupAddRemove_clicked(); void on_qpbGroupRemoveAdd_clicked(); void on_qpbGroupRemoveRemove_clicked(); void on_qpbGroupInheritRemove_clicked(); }; #endif