ACLEditor 0 0 881 503 Dialog 1 &Properties QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow Password Enter the channel password here. <b>Password</b><br />This field allows you to easily set and change the password of a channel. It uses Mumble's access tokens feature in the background. Use ACLs and groups if you need more fine grained and powerful access control. Position 16777215 16777215 This is the sort order for the channel. <b>Position</b><br/> This value enables you to change the way Mumble arranges the channels in the tree. A channel with a higher <i>Position</i> value will always be placed below one with a lower value and the other way around. If the <i>Position</i> value of two channels is equal they will get sorted alphabetically by their name. 99 Maximum Users 16777215 16777215 Maximum number of users allowed in the channel <b>Maximum Users</b><br /> This value allows you to set the maximum number of users allowed in the channel. If the value is above zero, only that number of users will be allowed to enter the channel. If the value is zero, the maximum number of users in the channel is given by the server's default limit. Check to create a temporary channel. <b>Temporary</b><br /> When checked the channel created will be marked as temporary. This means when the last player leaves it the channel will be automatically deleted by the server. Temporary Enter the channel name here. <b>Name</b><br />Enter the channel name in this field. The name has to comply with the restriction imposed by the server you are connected to. ID of the channel. ChannelID Name 0 1 Description &Groups Group 0 0 300 16777215 0 0 List of groups <b>Group</b><br /> These are all the groups currently defined for the channel. To create a new group, just type in the name and press enter. true Add new group <b>Add</b><br/> Add a new group. Add Remove selected group <b>Remove</b><br />This removes the currently selected group. If the group was inherited, it will not be removed from the list, but all local information about the group will be cleared. Remove false Inherit group members from parent <b>Inherit</b><br />This inherits all the members in the group from the parent, if the group is marked as <i>Inheritable</i> in the parent channel. Inherit Make group inheritable to sub-channels <b>Inheritable</b><br />This makes this group inheritable to sub-channels. If the group is non-inheritable, sub-channels are still free to create a new group with the same name. Inheritable false Group was inherited from parent channel <b>Inherited</b><br />This indicates that the group was inherited from the parent channel. You cannot edit this flag, it's just for information. Inherited Qt::Horizontal 0 20 Members 0 0 0 0 Contains the list of members added to the group by this channel. <b>Members</b><br /> This list contains all members that were added to the group by the current channel. Be aware that this does not include members inherited by higher levels of the channel tree. These can be found in the <i>Inherited members</i> list. To prevent this list to be inherited by lower level channels uncheck <i>Inheritable</i> or manually add the members to the <i>Excluded members</i> list. 0 0 Add member to group Type in the name of a user you wish to add to the group and click Add. true QComboBox::NoInsert QComboBox::AdjustToContents Add Members qlwGroupAdd Remove 0 0 0 0 Contains a list of members whose group membership will not be inherited from the parent channel. <b>Excluded members</b><br /> Contains a list of members whose group membership will not be inherited from the parent channel. 0 0 Remove member from group Type in the name of a user you wish to remove from the group and click Add. true QComboBox::NoInsert QComboBox::AdjustToContents Add Remove Excluded members qlwGroupRemove 0 0 0 0 Inherited members qlwGroupInherit Contains the list of members inherited by other channels. <b>Inherited members</b><br /> Contains the list of members inherited by the current channel. Uncheck <i>Inherit</i> to prevent inheritance from higher level channels. Exclude &ACL Active ACLs List of entries This shows all the entries active on this channel. Entries inherited from parent channels will be shown in italics.<br />ACLs are evaluated top to bottom, meaning priority increases as you move down the list. Inherit ACL of parent? This sets whether or not the ACL up the chain of parent channels are applied to this object. Only those entries that are marked in the parent as "Apply to sub-channels" will be inherited. Inherit ACLs Move entry up This moves the entry up in the list. As entries are evaluated in order, this may change the effective permissions of users. You cannot move an entry above an inherited entry, if you really need that you'll have to duplicate the inherited entry. &Up false Move entry down This moves the entry down in the list. As entries are evaluated in order, this may change the effective permissions of users. &Down false Add new entry This adds a new entry, initially set with no permissions and applying to all. &Add false Remove entry This removes the currently selected entry. &Remove false 0 0 Context Entry should apply to sub-channels. This makes the entry apply to sub-channels of this channel. Applies to sub-channels Entry should apply to this channel. This makes the entry apply to this channel. Applies to this channel 0 0 User/Group Group qcbACLGroup 0 0 Group this entry applies to This controls which group of users this entry applies to.<br />Note that the group is evaluated in the context of the channel the entry is used in. For example, the default ACL on the Root channel gives <i>Write</i> permission to the <i>admin</i> group. This entry, if inherited by a channel, will give a user write privileges if he belongs to the <i>admin</i> group in that channel, even if he doesn't belong to the <i>admin</i> group in the channel where the ACL originated.<br />If a group name starts with '!', its membership is negated, and if it starts with '~', it is evaluated in the channel the ACL was defined in, rather than the channel the ACL is active in.<br />If a group name starts with '#', it is interpreted as an access token. Users must have entered whatever follows the '#' in their list of access tokens to match. This can be used for very simple password access to channels for non-authenticated users.<br />If a group name starts with '$', it will only match users whose certificate hash matches what follows the '$'.<br />A few special predefined groups are:<br /><b>all</b> - Everyone will match.<br /><b>auth</b> - All authenticated users will match.<br /><b>sub,a,b,c</b> - User currently in a sub-channel minimum <i>a</i> common parents, and between <i>b</i> and <i>c</i> channels down the chain. See the website for more extensive documentation on this one.<br /><b>in</b> - Users currently in the channel will match (convenience for '<i>sub,0,0,0</i>').<br /><b>out</b> - Users outside the channel will match (convenience for '<i>!sub,0,0,0</i>').<br />Note that an entry applies to either a user or a group, not both. true User ID qcbACLUser 0 0 User this entry applies to This controls which user this entry applies to. Just type in the user name and hit enter to query the server for a match. true QComboBox::AdjustToContents Permissions Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok RichTextEditor QWidget
MUComboBox QComboBox
qleChannelPassword qsbChannelPosition qsbChannelMaxUsers qcbChannelTemporary qcbGroupList qpbGroupAdd qpbGroupRemove qcbGroupInherit qcbGroupInheritable qcbGroupInherited qlwGroupAdd qcbGroupAdd qpbGroupAddAdd qpbGroupAddRemove qlwGroupRemove qcbGroupRemove qpbGroupRemoveAdd qpbGroupRemoveRemove qlwGroupInherit qpbGroupInheritRemove qlwACLs qcbACLInherit qpbACLUp qpbACLDown qpbACLAdd qpbACLRemove qcbACLApplySubs qcbACLApplyHere qcbACLGroup qcbACLUser qdbbButtons qdbbButtons accepted() ACLEditor accept() 236 499 157 274 qdbbButtons rejected() ACLEditor reject() 304 499 286 274 qlwGroupInherit doubleClicked(QModelIndex) qpbGroupInheritRemove animateClick() 476 316 574 445 qleChannelName returnPressed() ACLEditor accept() 331 50 303 254 qleChannelPassword returnPressed() ACLEditor accept() 331 274 303 254