// Copyright 2007-2021 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license // that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the // Mumble source tree or at . #include "AudioInput.h" #include "AudioOutput.h" #include "CELTCodec.h" #ifdef USE_OPUS # include "OpusCodec.h" #endif #include "MainWindow.h" #include "User.h" #include "PacketDataStream.h" #include "PluginManager.h" #include "Message.h" #include "NetworkConfig.h" #include "PacketDataStream.h" #include "ServerHandler.h" #include "User.h" #include "Utils.h" #include "VoiceRecorder.h" #include "API.h" #include "Global.h" #ifdef USE_RNNOISE extern "C" { # include "rnnoise.h" } #endif void Resynchronizer::addMic(short *mic) { bool drop = false; { std::unique_lock< std::mutex > l(m); micQueue.push_back(mic); switch (state) { case S0: state = S1a; break; case S1a: state = S2; break; case S1b: state = S2; break; case S2: state = S3; break; case S3: state = S4a; break; case S4a: state = S5; break; case S4b: drop = true; break; case S5: drop = true; break; } if (drop) { delete[] micQueue.front(); micQueue.pop_front(); } } if (bDebugPrintQueue) { if (drop) qWarning("Resynchronizer::addMic(): dropped microphone chunk due to overflow"); printQueue('+'); } } AudioChunk Resynchronizer::addSpeaker(short *speaker) { AudioChunk result; bool drop = false; { std::unique_lock< std::mutex > l(m); switch (state) { case S0: drop = true; break; case S1a: drop = true; break; case S1b: state = S0; break; case S2: state = S1b; break; case S3: state = S2; break; case S4a: state = S3; break; case S4b: state = S3; break; case S5: state = S4b; break; } if (drop == false) { result = AudioChunk(micQueue.front(), speaker); micQueue.pop_front(); } } if (drop) delete[] speaker; if (bDebugPrintQueue) { if (drop) qWarning("Resynchronizer::addSpeaker(): dropped speaker chunk due to underflow"); printQueue('-'); } return result; } void Resynchronizer::reset() { if (bDebugPrintQueue) qWarning("Resetting echo queue"); std::unique_lock< std::mutex > l(m); state = S0; while (!micQueue.empty()) { delete[] micQueue.front(); micQueue.pop_front(); } } Resynchronizer::~Resynchronizer() { reset(); } void Resynchronizer::printQueue(char who) { unsigned int mic; { std::unique_lock< std::mutex > l(m); mic = static_cast< unsigned int >(micQueue.size()); } std::string line; line.reserve(32); line += who; line += " Echo queue ["; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++) line += i < mic ? '#' : ' '; line += "]\r"; // This relies on \r to retrace always on the same line, can't use qWarining printf("%s", line.c_str()); fflush(stdout); } // Remember that we cannot use static member classes that are not pointers, as the constructor // for AudioInputRegistrar() might be called before they are initialized, as the constructor // is called from global initialization. // Hence, we allocate upon first call. QMap< QString, AudioInputRegistrar * > *AudioInputRegistrar::qmNew; QString AudioInputRegistrar::current = QString(); AudioInputRegistrar::AudioInputRegistrar(const QString &n, int p) : name(n), priority(p), echoOptions() { if (!qmNew) qmNew = new QMap< QString, AudioInputRegistrar * >(); qmNew->insert(name, this); } AudioInputRegistrar::~AudioInputRegistrar() { qmNew->remove(name); } AudioInputPtr AudioInputRegistrar::newFromChoice(QString choice) { if (!qmNew) return AudioInputPtr(); if (!choice.isEmpty() && qmNew->contains(choice)) { Global::get().s.qsAudioInput = choice; current = choice; return AudioInputPtr(qmNew->value(current)->create()); } choice = Global::get().s.qsAudioInput; if (qmNew->contains(choice)) { current = choice; return AudioInputPtr(qmNew->value(choice)->create()); } AudioInputRegistrar *r = nullptr; foreach (AudioInputRegistrar *air, *qmNew) if (!r || (air->priority > r->priority)) r = air; if (r) { current = r->name; return AudioInputPtr(r->create()); } return AudioInputPtr(); } bool AudioInputRegistrar::canExclusive() const { return false; } bool AudioInputRegistrar::isMicrophoneAccessDeniedByOS() { return false; } AudioInput::AudioInput() : opusBuffer(Global::get().s.iFramesPerPacket * (SAMPLE_RATE / 100)) { bDebugDumpInput = Global::get().bDebugDumpInput; resync.bDebugPrintQueue = Global::get().bDebugPrintQueue; if (bDebugDumpInput) { outMic.open("raw_microphone_dump", std::ios::binary); outSpeaker.open("speaker_dump", std::ios::binary); outProcessed.open("processed_microphone_dump", std::ios::binary); } adjustBandwidth(Global::get().iMaxBandwidth, iAudioQuality, iAudioFrames, bAllowLowDelay); Global::get().iAudioBandwidth = getNetworkBandwidth(iAudioQuality, iAudioFrames); umtType = MessageHandler::UDPVoiceCELTAlpha; activityState = ActivityStateActive; oCodec = nullptr; opusState = nullptr; cCodec = nullptr; ceEncoder = nullptr; #ifdef USE_OPUS oCodec = Global::get().oCodec; if (oCodec) { if (bAllowLowDelay && iAudioQuality >= 64000) { // > 64 kbit/s bitrate and low delay allowed opusState = oCodec->opus_encoder_create(SAMPLE_RATE, 1, OPUS_APPLICATION_RESTRICTED_LOWDELAY, nullptr); qWarning("AudioInput: Opus encoder set for low delay"); } else if (iAudioQuality >= 32000) { // > 32 kbit/s bitrate opusState = oCodec->opus_encoder_create(SAMPLE_RATE, 1, OPUS_APPLICATION_AUDIO, nullptr); qWarning("AudioInput: Opus encoder set for high quality speech"); } else { opusState = oCodec->opus_encoder_create(SAMPLE_RATE, 1, OPUS_APPLICATION_VOIP, nullptr); qWarning("AudioInput: Opus encoder set for low quality speech"); } oCodec->opus_encoder_ctl(opusState, OPUS_SET_VBR(0)); // CBR } #endif #ifdef USE_RNNOISE denoiseState = rnnoise_create(nullptr); #endif qWarning("AudioInput: %d bits/s, %d hz, %d sample", iAudioQuality, iSampleRate, iFrameSize); iEchoFreq = iMicFreq = iSampleRate; iFrameCounter = 0; iSilentFrames = 0; iHoldFrames = 0; iBufferedFrames = 0; bResetProcessor = true; bEchoMulti = false; sppPreprocess = nullptr; sesEcho = nullptr; srsMic = srsEcho = nullptr; iEchoChannels = iMicChannels = 0; iEchoFilled = iMicFilled = 0; eMicFormat = eEchoFormat = SampleFloat; iMicSampleSize = iEchoSampleSize = 0; bPreviousVoice = false; bResetEncoder = true; pfMicInput = pfEchoInput = nullptr; iBitrate = 0; dPeakSignal = dPeakSpeaker = dPeakMic = dPeakCleanMic = 0.0; if (Global::get().uiSession) { setMaxBandwidth(Global::get().iMaxBandwidth); } bRunning = true; connect(this, SIGNAL(doDeaf()), Global::get().mw->qaAudioDeaf, SLOT(trigger()), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(this, SIGNAL(doMute()), Global::get().mw->qaAudioMute, SLOT(trigger()), Qt::QueuedConnection); } AudioInput::~AudioInput() { bRunning = false; wait(); #ifdef USE_OPUS if (opusState) { oCodec->opus_encoder_destroy(opusState); } #endif #ifdef USE_RNNOISE if (denoiseState) { rnnoise_destroy(denoiseState); } #endif if (ceEncoder) { cCodec->celt_encoder_destroy(ceEncoder); } if (sppPreprocess) speex_preprocess_state_destroy(sppPreprocess); if (sesEcho) speex_echo_state_destroy(sesEcho); if (srsMic) speex_resampler_destroy(srsMic); if (srsEcho) speex_resampler_destroy(srsEcho); delete[] pfMicInput; delete[] pfEchoInput; } bool AudioInput::isTransmitting() const { return bPreviousVoice; }; #define IN_MIXER_FLOAT(channels) \ static void inMixerFloat##channels(float *RESTRICT buffer, const void *RESTRICT ipt, unsigned int nsamp, \ unsigned int N, quint64 mask) { \ const float *RESTRICT input = reinterpret_cast< const float * >(ipt); \ const float m = 1.0f / static_cast< float >(channels); \ Q_UNUSED(N); \ Q_UNUSED(mask); \ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nsamp; ++i) { \ float v = 0.0f; \ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < channels; ++j) \ v += input[i * channels + j]; \ buffer[i] = v * m; \ } \ } #define IN_MIXER_SHORT(channels) \ static void inMixerShort##channels(float *RESTRICT buffer, const void *RESTRICT ipt, unsigned int nsamp, \ unsigned int N, quint64 mask) { \ const short *RESTRICT input = reinterpret_cast< const short * >(ipt); \ const float m = 1.0f / (32768.f * static_cast< float >(channels)); \ Q_UNUSED(N); \ Q_UNUSED(mask); \ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nsamp; ++i) { \ float v = 0.0f; \ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < channels; ++j) \ v += static_cast< float >(input[i * channels + j]); \ buffer[i] = v * m; \ } \ } static void inMixerFloatMask(float *RESTRICT buffer, const void *RESTRICT ipt, unsigned int nsamp, unsigned int N, quint64 mask) { const float *RESTRICT input = reinterpret_cast< const float * >(ipt); unsigned int chancount = 0; STACKVAR(unsigned int, chanindex, N); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < N; ++j) { if ((mask & (1ULL << j)) == 0) { continue; } chanindex[chancount] = j; // Use chancount as index into chanindex. ++chancount; } const float m = 1.0f / static_cast< float >(chancount); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nsamp; ++i) { float v = 0.0f; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < chancount; ++j) { v += input[i * N + chanindex[j]]; } buffer[i] = v * m; } } static void inMixerShortMask(float *RESTRICT buffer, const void *RESTRICT ipt, unsigned int nsamp, unsigned int N, quint64 mask) { const short *RESTRICT input = reinterpret_cast< const short * >(ipt); unsigned int chancount = 0; STACKVAR(unsigned int, chanindex, N); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < N; ++j) { if ((mask & (1ULL << j)) == 0) { continue; } chanindex[chancount] = j; // Use chancount as index into chanindex. ++chancount; } const float m = 1.0f / static_cast< float >(chancount); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nsamp; ++i) { float v = 0.0f; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < chancount; ++j) { v += static_cast< float >(input[i * N + chanindex[j]]); } buffer[i] = v * m; } } IN_MIXER_FLOAT(1) IN_MIXER_FLOAT(2) IN_MIXER_FLOAT(3) IN_MIXER_FLOAT(4) IN_MIXER_FLOAT(5) IN_MIXER_FLOAT(6) IN_MIXER_FLOAT(7) IN_MIXER_FLOAT(8) IN_MIXER_FLOAT(N) IN_MIXER_SHORT(1) IN_MIXER_SHORT(2) IN_MIXER_SHORT(3) IN_MIXER_SHORT(4) IN_MIXER_SHORT(5) IN_MIXER_SHORT(6) IN_MIXER_SHORT(7) IN_MIXER_SHORT(8) IN_MIXER_SHORT(N) #undef IN_MIXER_FLOAT #undef IN_MIXER_SHORT AudioInput::inMixerFunc AudioInput::chooseMixer(const unsigned int nchan, SampleFormat sf, quint64 chanmask) { inMixerFunc r = nullptr; if (chanmask != 0xffffffffffffffffULL) { if (sf == SampleFloat) { r = inMixerFloatMask; } else if (sf == SampleShort) { r = inMixerShortMask; } return r; } if (sf == SampleFloat) { switch (nchan) { case 1: r = inMixerFloat1; break; case 2: r = inMixerFloat2; break; case 3: r = inMixerFloat3; break; case 4: r = inMixerFloat4; break; case 5: r = inMixerFloat5; break; case 6: r = inMixerFloat6; break; case 7: r = inMixerFloat7; break; case 8: r = inMixerFloat8; break; default: r = inMixerFloatN; break; } } else { switch (nchan) { case 1: r = inMixerShort1; break; case 2: r = inMixerShort2; break; case 3: r = inMixerShort3; break; case 4: r = inMixerShort4; break; case 5: r = inMixerShort5; break; case 6: r = inMixerShort6; break; case 7: r = inMixerShort7; break; case 8: r = inMixerShort8; break; default: r = inMixerShortN; break; } } return r; } void AudioInput::initializeMixer() { int err; if (srsMic) speex_resampler_destroy(srsMic); if (srsEcho) speex_resampler_destroy(srsEcho); delete[] pfMicInput; delete[] pfEchoInput; if (iMicFreq != iSampleRate) srsMic = speex_resampler_init(1, iMicFreq, iSampleRate, 3, &err); iMicLength = (iFrameSize * iMicFreq) / iSampleRate; pfMicInput = new float[iMicLength]; if (iEchoChannels > 0) { bEchoMulti = (Global::get().s.echoOption == EchoCancelOptionID::SPEEX_MULTICHANNEL); if (iEchoFreq != iSampleRate) srsEcho = speex_resampler_init(bEchoMulti ? iEchoChannels : 1, iEchoFreq, iSampleRate, 3, &err); iEchoLength = (iFrameSize * iEchoFreq) / iSampleRate; iEchoMCLength = bEchoMulti ? iEchoLength * iEchoChannels : iEchoLength; iEchoFrameSize = bEchoMulti ? iFrameSize * iEchoChannels : iFrameSize; pfEchoInput = new float[iEchoMCLength]; } else { srsEcho = nullptr; pfEchoInput = nullptr; } uiMicChannelMask = Global::get().s.uiAudioInputChannelMask; // There is no channel mask setting for the echo canceller, so allow all channels. uiEchoChannelMask = 0xffffffffffffffffULL; imfMic = chooseMixer(iMicChannels, eMicFormat, uiMicChannelMask); imfEcho = chooseMixer(iEchoChannels, eEchoFormat, uiEchoChannelMask); iMicSampleSize = static_cast< int >(iMicChannels * ((eMicFormat == SampleFloat) ? sizeof(float) : sizeof(short))); iEchoSampleSize = static_cast< int >(iEchoChannels * ((eEchoFormat == SampleFloat) ? sizeof(float) : sizeof(short))); bResetProcessor = true; qWarning("AudioInput: Initialized mixer for %d channel %d hz mic and %d channel %d hz echo", iMicChannels, iMicFreq, iEchoChannels, iEchoFreq); if (uiMicChannelMask != 0xffffffffffffffffULL) { qWarning("AudioInput: using mic channel mask 0x%llx", static_cast< unsigned long long >(uiMicChannelMask)); } } void AudioInput::addMic(const void *data, unsigned int nsamp) { while (nsamp > 0) { // Make sure we don't overrun the frame buffer const unsigned int left = qMin(nsamp, iMicLength - iMicFilled); // Append mix into pfMicInput frame buffer (converts 16bit pcm->float if necessary) imfMic(pfMicInput + iMicFilled, data, left, iMicChannels, uiMicChannelMask); iMicFilled += left; nsamp -= left; // If new samples are left offset data pointer to point at the first one for next iteration if (nsamp > 0) { if (eMicFormat == SampleFloat) data = reinterpret_cast< const float * >(data) + left * iMicChannels; else data = reinterpret_cast< const short * >(data) + left * iMicChannels; } if (iMicFilled == iMicLength) { // Frame complete iMicFilled = 0; // If needed resample frame float *pfOutput = srsMic ? (float *) alloca(iFrameSize * sizeof(float)) : nullptr; float *ptr = srsMic ? pfOutput : pfMicInput; if (srsMic) { spx_uint32_t inlen = iMicLength; spx_uint32_t outlen = iFrameSize; speex_resampler_process_float(srsMic, 0, pfMicInput, &inlen, pfOutput, &outlen); } // If echo cancellation is enabled the pointer ends up in the resynchronizer queue // and may need to outlive this function's frame short *psMic = iEchoChannels > 0 ? new short[iFrameSize] : (short *) alloca(iFrameSize * sizeof(short)); // Convert float to 16bit PCM const float mul = 32768.f; for (int j = 0; j < iFrameSize; ++j) psMic[j] = static_cast< short >(qBound(-32768.f, (ptr[j] * mul), 32767.f)); // If we have echo cancellation enabled... if (iEchoChannels > 0) { resync.addMic(psMic); } else { encodeAudioFrame(AudioChunk(psMic)); } } } } void AudioInput::addEcho(const void *data, unsigned int nsamp) { while (nsamp > 0) { // Make sure we don't overrun the echo frame buffer const unsigned int left = qMin(nsamp, iEchoLength - iEchoFilled); if (bEchoMulti) { const unsigned int samples = left * iEchoChannels; if (eEchoFormat == SampleFloat) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < samples; ++i) pfEchoInput[i + iEchoFilled * iEchoChannels] = reinterpret_cast< const float * >(data)[i]; } else { // 16bit PCM -> float for (unsigned int i = 0; i < samples; ++i) pfEchoInput[i + iEchoFilled * iEchoChannels] = static_cast< float >(reinterpret_cast< const short * >(data)[i]) * (1.0f / 32768.f); } } else { // Mix echo channels (converts 16bit PCM -> float if needed) imfEcho(pfEchoInput + iEchoFilled, data, left, iEchoChannels, uiEchoChannelMask); } iEchoFilled += left; nsamp -= left; // If new samples are left offset data pointer to point at the first one for next iteration if (nsamp > 0) { if (eEchoFormat == SampleFloat) data = reinterpret_cast< const float * >(data) + left * iEchoChannels; else data = reinterpret_cast< const short * >(data) + left * iEchoChannels; } if (iEchoFilled == iEchoLength) { // Frame complete iEchoFilled = 0; // Resample if necessary float *pfOutput = srsEcho ? (float *) alloca(iEchoFrameSize * sizeof(float)) : nullptr; float *ptr = srsEcho ? pfOutput : pfEchoInput; if (srsEcho) { spx_uint32_t inlen = iEchoLength; spx_uint32_t outlen = iFrameSize; speex_resampler_process_interleaved_float(srsEcho, pfEchoInput, &inlen, pfOutput, &outlen); } short *outbuff = new short[iEchoFrameSize]; // float -> 16bit PCM const float mul = 32768.f; for (int j = 0; j < iEchoFrameSize; ++j) { outbuff[j] = static_cast< short >(qBound(-32768.f, (ptr[j] * mul), 32767.f)); } auto chunk = resync.addSpeaker(outbuff); if (!chunk.empty()) { encodeAudioFrame(chunk); delete[] chunk.mic; delete[] chunk.speaker; } } } } void AudioInput::adjustBandwidth(int bitspersec, int &bitrate, int &frames, bool &allowLowDelay) { frames = Global::get().s.iFramesPerPacket; bitrate = Global::get().s.iQuality; allowLowDelay = Global::get().s.bAllowLowDelay; if (bitspersec == -1) { // No limit } else { if (getNetworkBandwidth(bitrate, frames) > bitspersec) { if ((frames <= 4) && (bitspersec <= 32000)) frames = 4; else if ((frames == 1) && (bitspersec <= 64000)) frames = 2; else if ((frames == 2) && (bitspersec <= 48000)) frames = 4; if (getNetworkBandwidth(bitrate, frames) > bitspersec) { do { bitrate -= 1000; } while ((bitrate > 8000) && (getNetworkBandwidth(bitrate, frames) > bitspersec)); } } } if (bitrate <= 8000) bitrate = 8000; } void AudioInput::setMaxBandwidth(int bitspersec) { if (bitspersec == Global::get().iMaxBandwidth) return; int frames; int bitrate; bool allowLowDelay; adjustBandwidth(bitspersec, bitrate, frames, allowLowDelay); Global::get().iMaxBandwidth = bitspersec; if (bitspersec != -1) { if ((bitrate != Global::get().s.iQuality) || (frames != Global::get().s.iFramesPerPacket)) Global::get().mw->msgBox(tr("Server maximum network bandwidth is only %1 kbit/s. Audio quality auto-adjusted to %2 " "kbit/s (%3 ms)") .arg(bitspersec / 1000) .arg(bitrate / 1000) .arg(frames * 10)); } AudioInputPtr ai = Global::get().ai; if (ai) { Global::get().iAudioBandwidth = getNetworkBandwidth(bitrate, frames); ai->iAudioQuality = bitrate; ai->iAudioFrames = frames; ai->bAllowLowDelay = allowLowDelay; return; } ai.reset(); Audio::stopInput(); Audio::startInput(); } int AudioInput::getNetworkBandwidth(int bitrate, int frames) { int overhead = 20 + 8 + 4 + 1 + 2 + (Global::get().s.bTransmitPosition ? 12 : 0) + (NetworkConfig::TcpModeEnabled() ? 12 : 0) + frames; overhead *= (800 / frames); int bw = overhead + bitrate; return bw; } void AudioInput::resetAudioProcessor() { if (!bResetProcessor) return; int iArg; if (sppPreprocess) speex_preprocess_state_destroy(sppPreprocess); if (sesEcho) speex_echo_state_destroy(sesEcho); sppPreprocess = speex_preprocess_state_init(iFrameSize, iSampleRate); resync.reset(); selectNoiseCancel(); iArg = 1; speex_preprocess_ctl(sppPreprocess, SPEEX_PREPROCESS_SET_VAD, &iArg); speex_preprocess_ctl(sppPreprocess, SPEEX_PREPROCESS_SET_AGC, &iArg); speex_preprocess_ctl(sppPreprocess, SPEEX_PREPROCESS_SET_DEREVERB, &iArg); iArg = 30000; speex_preprocess_ctl(sppPreprocess, SPEEX_PREPROCESS_SET_AGC_TARGET, &iArg); float v = 30000.0f / static_cast< float >(Global::get().s.iMinLoudness); iArg = iroundf(floorf(20.0f * log10f(v))); speex_preprocess_ctl(sppPreprocess, SPEEX_PREPROCESS_SET_AGC_MAX_GAIN, &iArg); iArg = -60; speex_preprocess_ctl(sppPreprocess, SPEEX_PREPROCESS_SET_AGC_DECREMENT, &iArg); if (noiseCancel == Settings::NoiseCancelSpeex) { iArg = Global::get().s.iSpeexNoiseCancelStrength; speex_preprocess_ctl(sppPreprocess, SPEEX_PREPROCESS_SET_NOISE_SUPPRESS, &iArg); } if (iEchoChannels > 0) { int filterSize = iFrameSize * (10 + resync.getNominalLag()); sesEcho = speex_echo_state_init_mc(iFrameSize, filterSize, 1, bEchoMulti ? iEchoChannels : 1); iArg = iSampleRate; speex_echo_ctl(sesEcho, SPEEX_ECHO_SET_SAMPLING_RATE, &iArg); speex_preprocess_ctl(sppPreprocess, SPEEX_PREPROCESS_SET_ECHO_STATE, sesEcho); qWarning("AudioInput: ECHO CANCELLER ACTIVE"); } else { sesEcho = nullptr; } bResetEncoder = true; bResetProcessor = false; } bool AudioInput::selectCodec() { bool useOpus = false; // Currently talking, use previous Opus status. if (bPreviousVoice) { useOpus = (umtType == MessageHandler::UDPVoiceOpus); } else { #ifdef USE_OPUS if (Global::get().bOpus || (Global::get().s.lmLoopMode == Settings::Local)) { useOpus = true; } #endif } if (!useOpus) { CELTCodec *switchto = nullptr; if ((!Global::get().uiSession || (Global::get().s.lmLoopMode == Settings::Local)) && (!Global::get().qmCodecs.isEmpty())) { // Use latest for local loopback QMap< int, CELTCodec * >::const_iterator i = Global::get().qmCodecs.constEnd(); --i; switchto = i.value(); } else { // Currently talking, don't switch unless you must. if (cCodec && bPreviousVoice) { int v = cCodec->bitstreamVersion(); if ((v == Global::get().iCodecAlpha) || (v == Global::get().iCodecBeta)) switchto = cCodec; } } if (!switchto) { switchto = Global::get().qmCodecs.value(Global::get().bPreferAlpha ? Global::get().iCodecAlpha : Global::get().iCodecBeta); if (!switchto) switchto = Global::get().qmCodecs.value(Global::get().bPreferAlpha ? Global::get().iCodecBeta : Global::get().iCodecAlpha); } if (switchto != cCodec) { if (cCodec && ceEncoder) { cCodec->celt_encoder_destroy(ceEncoder); ceEncoder = nullptr; } cCodec = switchto; if (cCodec) ceEncoder = cCodec->encoderCreate(); } if (!cCodec) return false; } MessageHandler::UDPMessageType previousType = umtType; if (useOpus) { umtType = MessageHandler::UDPVoiceOpus; } else { if (!Global::get().uiSession) { umtType = MessageHandler::UDPVoiceCELTAlpha; } else { int v = cCodec->bitstreamVersion(); if (v == Global::get().iCodecAlpha) umtType = MessageHandler::UDPVoiceCELTAlpha; else if (v == Global::get().iCodecBeta) umtType = MessageHandler::UDPVoiceCELTBeta; else { qWarning() << "Couldn't find message type for codec version" << v; } } } if (umtType != previousType) { iBufferedFrames = 0; qlFrames.clear(); opusBuffer.clear(); } return true; } void AudioInput::selectNoiseCancel() { noiseCancel = Global::get().s.noiseCancelMode; if (noiseCancel == Settings::NoiseCancelRNN || noiseCancel == Settings::NoiseCancelBoth) { #ifdef USE_RNNOISE if (!denoiseState || iFrameSize != 480) { qWarning("AudioInput: Ignoring request to enable RNNoise: internal error"); noiseCancel = Settings::NoiseCancelSpeex; } #else qWarning("AudioInput: Ignoring request to enable RNNoise: Mumble was built without support for it"); noiseCancel = Settings::NoiseCancelSpeex; #endif } int iArg = 0; switch (noiseCancel) { case Settings::NoiseCancelOff: qWarning("AudioInput: Noise canceller disabled"); break; case Settings::NoiseCancelSpeex: qWarning("AudioInput: Using Speex as noise canceller"); iArg = 1; break; case Settings::NoiseCancelRNN: qWarning("AudioInput: Using RNNoise as noise canceller"); break; case Settings::NoiseCancelBoth: iArg = 1; qWarning("AudioInput: Using RNNoise and Speex as noise canceller"); break; } speex_preprocess_ctl(sppPreprocess, SPEEX_PREPROCESS_SET_DENOISE, &iArg); } int AudioInput::encodeOpusFrame(short *source, int size, EncodingOutputBuffer &buffer) { #ifdef USE_OPUS int len; if (!oCodec) { return 0; } if (bResetEncoder) { oCodec->opus_encoder_ctl(opusState, OPUS_RESET_STATE, nullptr); bResetEncoder = false; } oCodec->opus_encoder_ctl(opusState, OPUS_SET_BITRATE(iAudioQuality)); len = oCodec->opus_encode(opusState, source, size, &buffer[0], static_cast< opus_int32 >(buffer.size())); const int tenMsFrameCount = (size / iFrameSize); iBitrate = (len * 100 * 8) / tenMsFrameCount; return len; #else return 0; #endif } int AudioInput::encodeCELTFrame(short *psSource, EncodingOutputBuffer &buffer) { int len; if (!cCodec) return 0; if (bResetEncoder) { cCodec->celt_encoder_ctl(ceEncoder, CELT_RESET_STATE); bResetEncoder = false; } cCodec->celt_encoder_ctl(ceEncoder, CELT_SET_PREDICTION(0)); cCodec->celt_encoder_ctl(ceEncoder, CELT_SET_VBR_RATE(iAudioQuality)); len = cCodec->encode(ceEncoder, psSource, &buffer[0], qMin< int >(iAudioQuality / (8 * 100), static_cast< int >(buffer.size()))); iBitrate = len * 100 * 8; return len; } void AudioInput::encodeAudioFrame(AudioChunk chunk) { int iArg; int i; float sum; short max; short *psSource; iFrameCounter++; // As Global::get().iTarget is not protected by any locks, we avoid race-conditions by // copying it once at this point and stick to whatever value it is here. Thus // if the value of Global::get().iTarget changes during the execution of this function, // it won't cause any inconsistencies and the change is reflected once this // function is called again. int voiceTargetID = Global::get().iTarget; if (!bRunning) return; sum = 1.0f; max = 1; for (i = 0; i < iFrameSize; i++) { sum += static_cast< float >(chunk.mic[i] * chunk.mic[i]); max = std::max(static_cast< short >(abs(chunk.mic[i])), max); } dPeakMic = qMax(20.0f * log10f(sqrtf(sum / static_cast< float >(iFrameSize)) / 32768.0f), -96.0f); dMaxMic = max; if (chunk.speaker && (iEchoChannels > 0)) { sum = 1.0f; for (i = 0; i < iEchoFrameSize; ++i) { sum += static_cast< float >(chunk.speaker[i] * chunk.speaker[i]); } dPeakSpeaker = qMax(20.0f * log10f(sqrtf(sum / static_cast< float >(iFrameSize)) / 32768.0f), -96.0f); } else { dPeakSpeaker = 0.0; } QMutexLocker l(&qmSpeex); resetAudioProcessor(); speex_preprocess_ctl(sppPreprocess, SPEEX_PREPROCESS_GET_AGC_GAIN, &iArg); float gainValue = static_cast< float >(iArg); if (noiseCancel == Settings::NoiseCancelSpeex || noiseCancel == Settings::NoiseCancelBoth) { iArg = Global::get().s.iSpeexNoiseCancelStrength - iArg; speex_preprocess_ctl(sppPreprocess, SPEEX_PREPROCESS_SET_NOISE_SUPPRESS, &iArg); } short psClean[iFrameSize]; if (sesEcho && chunk.speaker) { speex_echo_cancellation(sesEcho, chunk.mic, chunk.speaker, psClean); psSource = psClean; } else { psSource = chunk.mic; } #ifdef USE_RNNOISE // At the time of writing this code, RNNoise only supports a sample rate of 48000 Hz. if (noiseCancel == Settings::NoiseCancelRNN || noiseCancel == Settings::NoiseCancelBoth) { float denoiseFrames[480]; for (int i = 0; i < 480; i++) { denoiseFrames[i] = psSource[i]; } rnnoise_process_frame(denoiseState, denoiseFrames, denoiseFrames); for (int i = 0; i < 480; i++) { psSource[i] = denoiseFrames[i]; } } #endif speex_preprocess_run(sppPreprocess, psSource); sum = 1.0f; for (i = 0; i < iFrameSize; i++) sum += static_cast< float >(psSource[i] * psSource[i]); float micLevel = sqrtf(sum / static_cast< float >(iFrameSize)); dPeakSignal = qMax(20.0f * log10f(micLevel / 32768.0f), -96.0f); if (bDebugDumpInput) { outMic.write(reinterpret_cast< const char * >(chunk.mic), iFrameSize * sizeof(short)); if (chunk.speaker) { outSpeaker.write(reinterpret_cast< const char * >(chunk.speaker), iEchoFrameSize * sizeof(short)); } outProcessed.write(reinterpret_cast< const char * >(psSource), iFrameSize * sizeof(short)); } spx_int32_t prob = 0; speex_preprocess_ctl(sppPreprocess, SPEEX_PREPROCESS_GET_PROB, &prob); fSpeechProb = static_cast< float >(prob) / 100.0f; // clean microphone level: peak of filtered signal attenuated by AGC gain dPeakCleanMic = qMax(dPeakSignal - gainValue, -96.0f); float level = (Global::get().s.vsVAD == Settings::SignalToNoise) ? fSpeechProb : (1.0f + dPeakCleanMic / 96.0f); bool bIsSpeech = false; if (level > Global::get().s.fVADmax) { // Voice-activation threshold has been reached bIsSpeech = true; } else if (level > Global::get().s.fVADmin && bPreviousVoice) { // Voice-deactivation threshold has not yet been reached bIsSpeech = true; } if (!bIsSpeech) { iHoldFrames++; if (iHoldFrames < Global::get().s.iVoiceHold) bIsSpeech = true; } else { iHoldFrames = 0; } if (Global::get().s.atTransmit == Settings::Continuous || API::PluginData::get().overwriteMicrophoneActivation.load()) { // Continous transmission is enabled bIsSpeech = true; } else if (Global::get().s.atTransmit == Settings::PushToTalk) { // PTT is enabled, so check if it is currently active bIsSpeech = Global::get().s.uiDoublePush && ((Global::get().uiDoublePush < Global::get().s.uiDoublePush) || (Global::get().tDoublePush.elapsed() < Global::get().s.uiDoublePush)); } // If Global::get().iPushToTalk > 0 that means that we are currently in some sort of PTT action. For // instance this could mean we're currently whispering bIsSpeech = bIsSpeech || (Global::get().iPushToTalk > 0); ClientUser *p = ClientUser::get(Global::get().uiSession); if (Global::get().s.bMute || ((Global::get().s.lmLoopMode != Settings::Local) && p && (p->bMute || p->bSuppress)) || Global::get().bPushToMute || (voiceTargetID < 0)) { bIsSpeech = false; } if (bIsSpeech) { iSilentFrames = 0; } else { iSilentFrames++; if (iSilentFrames > 500) iFrameCounter = 0; } if (p) { if (!bIsSpeech) p->setTalking(Settings::Passive); else if (voiceTargetID == 0) p->setTalking(Settings::Talking); else p->setTalking(Settings::Shouting); } if (Global::get().s.bTxAudioCue && Global::get().uiSession != 0) { AudioOutputPtr ao = Global::get().ao; if (bIsSpeech && !bPreviousVoice && ao) ao->playSample(Global::get().s.qsTxAudioCueOn); else if (ao && !bIsSpeech && bPreviousVoice) ao->playSample(Global::get().s.qsTxAudioCueOff); } if (!bIsSpeech && !bPreviousVoice) { iBitrate = 0; if ((tIdle.elapsed() / 1000000ULL) > Global::get().s.iIdleTime) { activityState = ActivityStateIdle; tIdle.restart(); if (Global::get().s.iaeIdleAction == Settings::Deafen && !Global::get().s.bDeaf) { emit doDeaf(); } else if (Global::get().s.iaeIdleAction == Settings::Mute && !Global::get().s.bMute) { emit doMute(); } } if (activityState == ActivityStateReturnedFromIdle) { activityState = ActivityStateActive; if (Global::get().s.iaeIdleAction != Settings::Nothing && Global::get().s.bUndoIdleActionUponActivity) { if (Global::get().s.iaeIdleAction == Settings::Deafen && Global::get().s.bDeaf) { emit doDeaf(); } else if (Global::get().s.iaeIdleAction == Settings::Mute && Global::get().s.bMute) { emit doMute(); } } } spx_int32_t increment = 0; speex_preprocess_ctl(sppPreprocess, SPEEX_PREPROCESS_SET_AGC_INCREMENT, &increment); return; } else { spx_int32_t increment = 12; speex_preprocess_ctl(sppPreprocess, SPEEX_PREPROCESS_SET_AGC_INCREMENT, &increment); } if (bIsSpeech && !bPreviousVoice) { bResetEncoder = true; } tIdle.restart(); EncodingOutputBuffer buffer; Q_ASSERT(buffer.size() >= static_cast< size_t >(iAudioQuality / 100 * iAudioFrames / 8)); emit audioInputEncountered(psSource, iFrameSize, iMicChannels, SAMPLE_RATE, bIsSpeech); int len = 0; bool encoded = true; if (!selectCodec()) return; if (umtType == MessageHandler::UDPVoiceCELTAlpha || umtType == MessageHandler::UDPVoiceCELTBeta) { len = encodeCELTFrame(psSource, buffer); if (len <= 0) { iBitrate = 0; qWarning() << "encodeCELTFrame failed" << iBufferedFrames << iFrameSize << len; return; } ++iBufferedFrames; } else if (umtType == MessageHandler::UDPVoiceOpus) { encoded = false; opusBuffer.insert(opusBuffer.end(), psSource, psSource + iFrameSize); ++iBufferedFrames; if (!bIsSpeech || iBufferedFrames >= iAudioFrames) { if (iBufferedFrames < iAudioFrames) { // Stuff frame to framesize if speech ends and we don't have enough audio // this way we are guaranteed to have a valid framecount and won't cause // a codec configuration switch by suddenly using a wildly different // framecount per packet. const int missingFrames = iAudioFrames - iBufferedFrames; opusBuffer.insert(opusBuffer.end(), iFrameSize * missingFrames, 0); iBufferedFrames += missingFrames; iFrameCounter += missingFrames; } Q_ASSERT(iBufferedFrames == iAudioFrames); len = encodeOpusFrame(&opusBuffer[0], iBufferedFrames * iFrameSize, buffer); opusBuffer.clear(); if (len <= 0) { iBitrate = 0; qWarning() << "encodeOpusFrame failed" << iBufferedFrames << iFrameSize << len; iBufferedFrames = 0; // These are lost. Make sure not to mess up our sequence counter next flushCheck. return; } encoded = true; } } if (encoded) { flushCheck(QByteArray(reinterpret_cast< char * >(&buffer[0]), len), !bIsSpeech, voiceTargetID); } if (!bIsSpeech) iBitrate = 0; bPreviousVoice = bIsSpeech; } static void sendAudioFrame(const char *data, PacketDataStream &pds) { ServerHandlerPtr sh = Global::get().sh; if (sh) { VoiceRecorderPtr recorder(sh->recorder); if (recorder) recorder->getRecordUser().addFrame(QByteArray(data, pds.size() + 1)); } if (Global::get().s.lmLoopMode == Settings::Local) LoopUser::lpLoopy.addFrame(QByteArray(data, pds.size() + 1)); else if (sh) sh->sendMessage(data, pds.size() + 1); } void AudioInput::flushCheck(const QByteArray &frame, bool terminator, int voiceTargetID) { qlFrames << frame; if (!terminator && iBufferedFrames < iAudioFrames) return; int flags = 0; if (voiceTargetID > 0) { flags = voiceTargetID; } if (terminator && Global::get().iPrevTarget > 0) { // If we have been whispering to some target but have just ended, terminator will be true. However // in the case of whispering this means that we just released the whisper key so this here is the // last audio frame that is sent for whispering. The whisper key being released means that Global::get().iTarget // is reset to 0 by now. In order to send the last whisper frame correctly, we have to use // Global::get().iPrevTarget which is set to whatever Global::get().iTarget has been before its last change. flags = Global::get().iPrevTarget; // We reset Global::get().iPrevTarget as it has fulfilled its purpose for this whisper-action. It'll be set // accordingly once the client whispers for the next time. Global::get().iPrevTarget = 0; } if (Global::get().s.lmLoopMode == Settings::Server) flags = 0x1f; // Server loopback flags |= (umtType << 5); char data[1024]; data[0] = static_cast< unsigned char >(flags); int frames = iBufferedFrames; iBufferedFrames = 0; PacketDataStream pds(data + 1, 1023); // Sequence number pds << iFrameCounter - frames; if (umtType == MessageHandler::UDPVoiceOpus) { const QByteArray &qba = qlFrames.takeFirst(); int size = qba.size(); if (terminator) size |= 1 << 13; pds << size; pds.append(qba.constData(), qba.size()); } else { if (terminator) { qlFrames << QByteArray(); ++frames; } for (int i = 0; i < frames; ++i) { const QByteArray &qba = qlFrames.takeFirst(); unsigned char head = static_cast< unsigned char >(qba.size()); if (i < frames - 1) head |= 0x80; pds.append(head); pds.append(qba.constData(), qba.size()); } } if (Global::get().s.bTransmitPosition && Global::get().pluginManager && !Global::get().bCenterPosition && Global::get().pluginManager->fetchPositionalData()) { Position3D currentPos = Global::get().pluginManager->getPositionalData().getPlayerPos(); pds << currentPos.x; pds << currentPos.y; pds << currentPos.z; } sendAudioFrame(data, pds); Q_ASSERT(qlFrames.isEmpty()); } bool AudioInput::isAlive() const { return isRunning(); }