// Copyright 2007-2021 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license // that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the // Mumble source tree or at . #include "ConnectDialog.h" #ifdef USE_ZEROCONF # include "Zeroconf.h" #endif #include "Channel.h" #include "Database.h" #include "ServerHandler.h" #include "ServerResolver.h" #include "Utils.h" #include "WebFetch.h" #include "Global.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef Q_OS_WIN # include #endif #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 10, 0) # include #endif QMap< QString, QIcon > ServerItem::qmIcons; QList< PublicInfo > ConnectDialog::qlPublicServers; QString ConnectDialog::qsUserCountry, ConnectDialog::qsUserCountryCode, ConnectDialog::qsUserContinentCode; Timer ConnectDialog::tPublicServers; PingStats::PingStats() { init(); } PingStats::~PingStats() { delete asQuantile; } void PingStats::init() { boost::array< double, 3 > probs = { { 0.75, 0.80, 0.95 } }; asQuantile = new asQuantileType(boost::accumulators::tag::extended_p_square::probabilities = probs); dPing = 0.0; uiPing = 0; uiPingSort = 0; uiUsers = 0; uiMaxUsers = 0; uiBandwidth = 0; uiSent = 0; uiRecv = 0; uiVersion = 0; } void PingStats::reset() { delete asQuantile; init(); } ServerViewDelegate::ServerViewDelegate(QObject *p) : QStyledItemDelegate(p) { } ServerViewDelegate::~ServerViewDelegate() { } void ServerViewDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { // Allow a ServerItem's BackgroundRole to override the current theme's default color. QVariant bg = index.data(Qt::BackgroundRole); if (bg.isValid()) { painter->fillRect(option.rect, bg.value< QBrush >()); } QStyledItemDelegate::paint(painter, option, index); } ServerView::ServerView(QWidget *p) : QTreeWidget(p) { siFavorite = new ServerItem(tr("Favorite"), ServerItem::FavoriteType); addTopLevelItem(siFavorite); siFavorite->setExpanded(true); siFavorite->setHidden(true); #ifdef USE_ZEROCONF siLAN = new ServerItem(tr("LAN"), ServerItem::LANType); addTopLevelItem(siLAN); siLAN->setExpanded(true); siLAN->setHidden(true); #else siLAN = nullptr; #endif if (!Global::get().s.bDisablePublicList) { siPublic = new ServerItem(tr("Public Internet"), ServerItem::PublicType); siPublic->setChildIndicatorPolicy(QTreeWidgetItem::ShowIndicator); addTopLevelItem(siPublic); siPublic->setExpanded(false); } else { qWarning() << "Public list disabled"; siPublic = nullptr; } } ServerView::~ServerView() { delete siFavorite; delete siLAN; delete siPublic; } QMimeData *ServerView::mimeData(const QList< QTreeWidgetItem * > mimeitems) const { if (mimeitems.isEmpty()) return nullptr; ServerItem *si = static_cast< ServerItem * >(mimeitems.first()); return si->toMimeData(); } QStringList ServerView::mimeTypes() const { QStringList qsl; qsl << QStringList(QLatin1String("text/uri-list")); qsl << QStringList(QLatin1String("text/plain")); return qsl; } Qt::DropActions ServerView::supportedDropActions() const { return Qt::CopyAction | Qt::LinkAction; } /* Extract and append (2), (3) etc to the end of a servers name if it is cloned. */ void ServerView::fixupName(ServerItem *si) { QString name = si->qsName; int tag = 1; QRegExp tmatch(QLatin1String("(.+)\\((\\d+)\\)")); tmatch.setMinimal(true); if (tmatch.exactMatch(name)) { name = tmatch.capturedTexts().at(1).trimmed(); tag = tmatch.capturedTexts().at(2).toInt(); } bool found; QString cmpname; do { found = false; if (tag > 1) cmpname = name + QString::fromLatin1(" (%1)").arg(tag); else cmpname = name; foreach (ServerItem *f, siFavorite->qlChildren) if (f->qsName == cmpname) found = true; ++tag; } while (found); si->qsName = cmpname; } bool ServerView::dropMimeData(QTreeWidgetItem *, int, const QMimeData *mime, Qt::DropAction) { ServerItem *si = ServerItem::fromMimeData(mime); if (!si) return false; fixupName(si); qobject_cast< ConnectDialog * >(parent())->qlItems << si; siFavorite->addServerItem(si); qobject_cast< ConnectDialog * >(parent())->startDns(si); setCurrentItem(si); return true; } void ServerItem::init() { // Without this, columncount is wrong. setData(0, Qt::DisplayRole, QVariant()); setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, QVariant()); setData(2, Qt::DisplayRole, QVariant()); emitDataChanged(); } ServerItem::ServerItem(const FavoriteServer &fs) : QTreeWidgetItem(QTreeWidgetItem::UserType) { siParent = nullptr; bParent = false; itType = FavoriteType; qsName = fs.qsName; usPort = fs.usPort; qsUsername = fs.qsUsername; qsPassword = fs.qsPassword; qsUrl = fs.qsUrl; bCA = false; #ifdef USE_ZEROCONF if (fs.qsHostname.startsWith(QLatin1Char('@'))) { zeroconfHost = fs.qsHostname.mid(1); zeroconfRecord = BonjourRecord(zeroconfHost, QLatin1String("_mumble._tcp."), QLatin1String("local.")); } else { qsHostname = fs.qsHostname; } #else qsHostname = fs.qsHostname; #endif init(); } ServerItem::ServerItem(const PublicInfo &pi) : QTreeWidgetItem(QTreeWidgetItem::UserType) { siParent = nullptr; bParent = false; itType = PublicType; qsName = pi.qsName; qsHostname = pi.qsIp; usPort = pi.usPort; qsUrl = pi.quUrl.toString(); qsCountry = pi.qsCountry; qsCountryCode = pi.qsCountryCode; qsContinentCode = pi.qsContinentCode; bCA = pi.bCA; init(); } ServerItem::ServerItem(const QString &name, const QString &host, unsigned short port, const QString &username, const QString &password) : QTreeWidgetItem(QTreeWidgetItem::UserType) { siParent = nullptr; bParent = false; itType = FavoriteType; qsName = name; usPort = port; qsUsername = username; qsPassword = password; bCA = false; #ifdef USE_ZEROCONF if (host.startsWith(QLatin1Char('@'))) { zeroconfHost = host.mid(1); zeroconfRecord = BonjourRecord(zeroconfHost, QLatin1String("_mumble._tcp."), QLatin1String("local.")); } else { qsHostname = host; } #else qsHostname = host; #endif init(); } #ifdef USE_ZEROCONF ServerItem::ServerItem(const BonjourRecord &br) : QTreeWidgetItem(QTreeWidgetItem::UserType) { siParent = nullptr; bParent = false; itType = LANType; qsName = br.serviceName; zeroconfHost = qsName; zeroconfRecord = br; usPort = 0; bCA = false; init(); } #endif ServerItem::ServerItem(const QString &name, ItemType itype) { siParent = nullptr; bParent = true; qsName = name; itType = itype; setFlags(flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled); bCA = false; init(); } ServerItem::ServerItem(const ServerItem *si) { siParent = nullptr; bParent = false; itType = FavoriteType; qsName = si->qsName; qsHostname = si->qsHostname; usPort = si->usPort; qsUsername = si->qsUsername; qsPassword = si->qsPassword; qsCountry = si->qsCountry; qsCountryCode = si->qsCountryCode; qsContinentCode = si->qsContinentCode; qsUrl = si->qsUrl; #ifdef USE_ZEROCONF zeroconfHost = si->zeroconfHost; zeroconfRecord = si->zeroconfRecord; #endif qlAddresses = si->qlAddresses; bCA = si->bCA; uiVersion = si->uiVersion; uiPing = si->uiPing; uiPingSort = si->uiPing; uiUsers = si->uiUsers; uiMaxUsers = si->uiMaxUsers; uiBandwidth = si->uiBandwidth; uiSent = si->uiSent; dPing = si->dPing; *asQuantile = *si->asQuantile; } ServerItem::~ServerItem() { if (siParent) { siParent->qlChildren.removeAll(this); if (siParent->bParent && siParent->qlChildren.isEmpty()) siParent->setHidden(true); } // This is just for cleanup when exiting the dialog, it won't stop pending DNS for the children. foreach (ServerItem *si, qlChildren) delete si; } ServerItem *ServerItem::fromMimeData(const QMimeData *mime, bool default_name, QWidget *p, bool convertHttpUrls) { if (mime->hasFormat(QLatin1String("OriginatedInMumble"))) return nullptr; QUrl url; if (mime->hasUrls() && !mime->urls().isEmpty()) url = mime->urls().at(0); else if (mime->hasText()) url = QUrl::fromEncoded(mime->text().toUtf8()); QString qsFile = url.toLocalFile(); if (!qsFile.isEmpty()) { QFile f(qsFile); // Make sure we don't accidently read something big the user // happened to have in his clipboard. We only want to look // at small link files. if (f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly) && f.size() < 10240) { QByteArray qba = f.readAll(); f.close(); url = QUrl::fromEncoded(qba, QUrl::StrictMode); if (!url.isValid()) { // Windows internet shortcut files (.url) are an ini with an URL value QSettings qs(qsFile, QSettings::IniFormat); url = QUrl::fromEncoded(qs.value(QLatin1String("InternetShortcut/URL")).toByteArray(), QUrl::StrictMode); } } } if (default_name) { QUrlQuery query(url); if (!query.hasQueryItem(QLatin1String("title"))) { query.addQueryItem(QLatin1String("title"), url.host()); } } if (!url.isValid()) { return nullptr; } // An URL from text without a scheme will have the hostname text // in the QUrl scheme and no hostname. We do not want to use that. if (url.host().isEmpty()) { return nullptr; } // Some communication programs automatically create http links from domains. // When a user sends another user a domain to connect to, and http is added wrongly, // we do our best to remove it again. if (convertHttpUrls && (url.scheme() == QLatin1String("http") || url.scheme() == QLatin1String("https"))) { url.setScheme(QLatin1String("mumble")); } return fromUrl(url, p); } ServerItem *ServerItem::fromUrl(QUrl url, QWidget *p) { if (!url.isValid() || (url.scheme() != QLatin1String("mumble"))) { return nullptr; } QUrlQuery query(url); if (url.userName().isEmpty()) { if (Global::get().s.qsUsername.isEmpty()) { bool ok; QString defUserName = QInputDialog::getText(p, ConnectDialog::tr("Adding host %1").arg(url.host()), ConnectDialog::tr("Enter username"), QLineEdit::Normal, Global::get().s.qsUsername, &ok) .trimmed(); if (!ok) return nullptr; if (defUserName.isEmpty()) return nullptr; Global::get().s.qsUsername = defUserName; } url.setUserName(Global::get().s.qsUsername); } ServerItem *si = new ServerItem(query.queryItemValue(QLatin1String("title")), url.host(), static_cast< unsigned short >(url.port(DEFAULT_MUMBLE_PORT)), url.userName(), url.password()); if (query.hasQueryItem(QLatin1String("url"))) si->qsUrl = query.queryItemValue(QLatin1String("url")); return si; } QVariant ServerItem::data(int column, int role) const { if (bParent) { if (column == 0) { switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: return qsName; case Qt::DecorationRole: if (itType == FavoriteType) return loadIcon(QLatin1String("skin:emblems/emblem-favorite.svg")); else if (itType == LANType) return loadIcon(QLatin1String("skin:places/network-workgroup.svg")); else return loadIcon(QLatin1String("skin:categories/applications-internet.svg")); } } } else { if (role == Qt::DecorationRole && column == 0) { QString flag; if (!qsCountryCode.isEmpty()) { flag = QString::fromLatin1(":/flags/%1.svg").arg(qsCountryCode); if (!QFileInfo(flag).exists()) { flag = QLatin1String("skin:categories/applications-internet.svg"); } } else { flag = QLatin1String("skin:categories/applications-internet.svg"); } return loadIcon(flag); } if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { switch (column) { case 0: return qsName; case 1: return (dPing > 0.0) ? QString::number(uiPing) : QVariant(); case 2: return uiUsers ? QString::fromLatin1("%1/%2 ").arg(uiUsers).arg(uiMaxUsers) : QVariant(); } } else if (role == Qt::ToolTipRole) { QStringList qsl; foreach (const ServerAddress &addr, qlAddresses) { const QString qsAddress = addr.host.toString() + QLatin1String(":") + QString::number(static_cast< unsigned long >(addr.port)); qsl << qsAddress.toHtmlEscaped(); } double ploss = 100.0; if (uiSent > 0) ploss = (uiSent - qMin(uiRecv, uiSent)) * 100. / uiSent; QString qs; qs += QLatin1String("") + QString::fromLatin1("") .arg(ConnectDialog::tr("Servername"), qsName.toHtmlEscaped()) + QString::fromLatin1("") .arg(ConnectDialog::tr("Hostname"), qsHostname.toHtmlEscaped()); #ifdef USE_ZEROCONF if (!zeroconfHost.isEmpty()) qs += QString::fromLatin1("") .arg(ConnectDialog::tr("Bonjour name"), zeroconfHost.toHtmlEscaped()); #endif qs += QString::fromLatin1("") .arg(ConnectDialog::tr("Port")) .arg(usPort) + QString::fromLatin1("") .arg(ConnectDialog::tr("Addresses"), qsl.join(QLatin1String(", "))); if (!qsUrl.isEmpty()) qs += QString::fromLatin1("") .arg(ConnectDialog::tr("Website"), qsUrl.toHtmlEscaped()); if (uiSent > 0) { qs += QString::fromLatin1("") .arg(ConnectDialog::tr("Packet loss"), QString::fromLatin1("%1% (%2/%3)").arg(ploss, 0, 'f', 1).arg(uiRecv).arg(uiSent)); if (uiRecv > 0) { qs += QString::fromLatin1("") .arg(ConnectDialog::tr("Ping (80%)"), ConnectDialog::tr("%1 ms").arg( boost::accumulators::extended_p_square(*asQuantile)[1] / 1000., 0, 'f', 2)) + QString::fromLatin1("") .arg(ConnectDialog::tr("Ping (95%)"), ConnectDialog::tr("%1 ms").arg( boost::accumulators::extended_p_square(*asQuantile)[2] / 1000., 0, 'f', 2)) + QString::fromLatin1("") .arg(ConnectDialog::tr("Bandwidth"), ConnectDialog::tr("%1 kbit/s").arg(uiBandwidth / 1000)) + QString::fromLatin1("") .arg(ConnectDialog::tr("Users"), QString::fromLatin1("%1/%2").arg(uiUsers).arg(uiMaxUsers)) + QString::fromLatin1("") .arg(ConnectDialog::tr("Version")) .arg(MumbleVersion::toString(uiVersion)); } } qs += QLatin1String("
"); return qs; } else if (role == Qt::BackgroundRole) { if (bCA) { QColor qc(Qt::green); qc.setAlpha(32); return qc; } } } return QTreeWidgetItem::data(column, role); } void ServerItem::addServerItem(ServerItem *childitem) { Q_ASSERT(!childitem->siParent); childitem->siParent = this; qlChildren.append(childitem); addChild(childitem); // Public servers must initially be hidden for the search to work properly // They will be set to visible later on if (childitem->itType == PublicType) { childitem->setHidden(true); } if (bParent && (itType != PublicType) && isHidden()) { setHidden(false); } } void ServerItem::setDatas(double elapsed, quint32 users, quint32 maxusers) { if (elapsed == 0.0) { emitDataChanged(); return; } (*asQuantile)(static_cast< double >(elapsed)); dPing = boost::accumulators::extended_p_square(*asQuantile)[0]; if (dPing == 0.0) dPing = elapsed; quint32 ping = static_cast< quint32 >(lround(dPing / 1000.)); uiRecv = static_cast< quint32 >(boost::accumulators::count(*asQuantile)); bool changed = (ping != uiPing) || (users != uiUsers) || (maxusers != uiMaxUsers); uiUsers = users; uiMaxUsers = maxusers; uiPing = ping; double grace = qMax(5000., 50. * uiPingSort); double diff = fabs(1000. * uiPingSort - dPing); if ((uiPingSort == 0) || ((uiSent >= 10) && (diff >= grace))) uiPingSort = ping; if (changed) emitDataChanged(); } FavoriteServer ServerItem::toFavoriteServer() const { FavoriteServer fs; fs.qsName = qsName; #ifdef USE_ZEROCONF if (!zeroconfHost.isEmpty()) fs.qsHostname = QLatin1Char('@') + zeroconfHost; else fs.qsHostname = qsHostname; #else fs.qsHostname = qsHostname; #endif fs.usPort = usPort; fs.qsUsername = qsUsername; fs.qsPassword = qsPassword; fs.qsUrl = qsUrl; return fs; } /** * This function turns a ServerItem object into a QMimeData object holding a URL to the server. */ QMimeData *ServerItem::toMimeData() const { QMimeData *mime = ServerItem::toMimeData(qsName, qsHostname, usPort); if (itType == FavoriteType) mime->setData(QLatin1String("OriginatedInMumble"), QByteArray()); return mime; } /** * This function creates a QMimeData object containing a URL to the server at host and port. name is passed in the * query string as "title", which is used for adding a server to favorites. channel may be omitted, but if specified it * should be in the format of "/path/to/channel". */ QMimeData *ServerItem::toMimeData(const QString &name, const QString &host, unsigned short port, const QString &channel) { QUrl url; url.setScheme(QLatin1String("mumble")); url.setHost(host); if (port != DEFAULT_MUMBLE_PORT) url.setPort(port); url.setPath(channel); QUrlQuery query; query.addQueryItem(QLatin1String("title"), name); query.addQueryItem(QLatin1String("version"), QLatin1String("1.2.0")); url.setQuery(query); QString qs = QLatin1String(url.toEncoded()); QMimeData *mime = new QMimeData; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN QString contents = QString::fromLatin1("[InternetShortcut]\r\nURL=%1\r\n").arg(qs); QString urlname = QString::fromLatin1("%1.url").arg(name); FILEGROUPDESCRIPTORA fgda; ZeroMemory(&fgda, sizeof(fgda)); fgda.cItems = 1; fgda.fgd[0].dwFlags = FD_LINKUI | FD_FILESIZE; fgda.fgd[0].nFileSizeLow = contents.length(); strcpy_s(fgda.fgd[0].cFileName, MAX_PATH, urlname.toLocal8Bit().constData()); mime->setData(QLatin1String("FileGroupDescriptor"), QByteArray(reinterpret_cast< const char * >(&fgda), sizeof(fgda))); FILEGROUPDESCRIPTORW fgdw; ZeroMemory(&fgdw, sizeof(fgdw)); fgdw.cItems = 1; fgdw.fgd[0].dwFlags = FD_LINKUI | FD_FILESIZE; fgdw.fgd[0].nFileSizeLow = contents.length(); wcscpy_s(fgdw.fgd[0].cFileName, MAX_PATH, urlname.toStdWString().c_str()); mime->setData(QLatin1String("FileGroupDescriptorW"), QByteArray(reinterpret_cast< const char * >(&fgdw), sizeof(fgdw))); mime->setData(QString::fromWCharArray(CFSTR_FILECONTENTS), contents.toLocal8Bit()); DWORD context[4]; context[0] = 0; context[1] = 1; context[2] = 0; context[3] = 0; mime->setData(QLatin1String("DragContext"), QByteArray(reinterpret_cast< const char * >(&context[0]), sizeof(context))); DWORD dropaction; dropaction = DROPEFFECT_LINK; mime->setData(QString::fromWCharArray(CFSTR_PREFERREDDROPEFFECT), QByteArray(reinterpret_cast< const char * >(&dropaction), sizeof(dropaction))); #endif QList< QUrl > urls; urls << url; mime->setUrls(urls); mime->setText(qs); mime->setHtml(QString::fromLatin1("%2").arg(qs).arg(name.toHtmlEscaped())); return mime; } bool ServerItem::operator<(const QTreeWidgetItem &o) const { const ServerItem &other = static_cast< const ServerItem & >(o); const QTreeWidget *w = treeWidget(); const int column = w ? w->sortColumn() : 0; if (itType != other.itType) { const bool inverse = w ? (w->header()->sortIndicatorOrder() == Qt::DescendingOrder) : false; bool less; if (itType == FavoriteType) less = true; else if ((itType == LANType) && (other.itType == PublicType)) less = true; else less = false; return less ^ inverse; } if (bParent) { const bool inverse = w ? (w->header()->sortIndicatorOrder() == Qt::DescendingOrder) : false; return (qsName < other.qsName) ^ inverse; } if (column == 0) { QString a = qsName.toLower(); QString b = other.qsName.toLower(); QRegExp re(QLatin1String("[^0-9a-z]")); a.remove(re); b.remove(re); return a < b; } else if (column == 1) { quint32 a = uiPingSort ? uiPingSort : UINT_MAX; quint32 b = other.uiPingSort ? other.uiPingSort : UINT_MAX; return a < b; } else if (column == 2) { return uiUsers < other.uiUsers; } return false; } QIcon ServerItem::loadIcon(const QString &name) { if (!qmIcons.contains(name)) qmIcons.insert(name, QIcon(name)); return qmIcons.value(name); } ConnectDialogEdit::ConnectDialogEdit(QWidget *p, const QString &name, const QString &host, const QString &user, unsigned short port, const QString &password) : QDialog(p) { setupUi(this); init(); bCustomLabel = !name.simplified().isEmpty(); qleName->setText(name); qleServer->setText(host); qleUsername->setText(user); qlePort->setText(QString::number(port)); qlePassword->setText(password); validate(); } ConnectDialogEdit::ConnectDialogEdit(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent) { setupUi(this); setWindowTitle(tr("Add Server")); init(); if (!updateFromClipboard()) { // If connected to a server assume the user wants to add it if (Global::get().sh && Global::get().sh->isRunning()) { QString host, name, user, pw; unsigned short port = DEFAULT_MUMBLE_PORT; Global::get().sh->getConnectionInfo(host, port, user, pw); Channel *c = Channel::get(0); if (c && c->qsName != QLatin1String("Root")) { name = c->qsName; } showNotice(tr("You are currently connected to a server.\nDo you want to fill the dialog with the " "connection data of this server?\nHost: %1 Port: %2") .arg(host) .arg(port)); m_si = new ServerItem(name, host, port, user, pw); } } qleUsername->setText(Global::get().s.qsUsername); } void ConnectDialogEdit::init() { m_si = nullptr; usPort = 0; bOk = true; bCustomLabel = false; qwInlineNotice->hide(); qlePort->setValidator(new QIntValidator(1, 65535, qlePort)); qlePort->setText(QString::number(DEFAULT_MUMBLE_PORT)); qlePassword->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password); connect(qleName, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(validate())); connect(qleServer, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(validate())); connect(qlePort, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(validate())); connect(qleUsername, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(validate())); connect(qlePassword, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(validate())); validate(); } ConnectDialogEdit::~ConnectDialogEdit() { delete m_si; } void ConnectDialogEdit::showNotice(const QString &text) { QLabel *label = qwInlineNotice->findChild< QLabel * >(QLatin1String("qlPasteNotice")); Q_ASSERT(label); label->setText(text); qwInlineNotice->show(); adjustSize(); } bool ConnectDialogEdit::updateFromClipboard() { delete m_si; m_si = ServerItem::fromMimeData(QApplication::clipboard()->mimeData(), false, nullptr, true); if (m_si) { showNotice( tr("You have an URL in your clipboard.\nDo you want to fill the dialog with this data?\nHost: %1 Port: %2") .arg(m_si->qsHostname) .arg(m_si->usPort)); return true; } else { qwInlineNotice->hide(); adjustSize(); return false; } } void ConnectDialogEdit::on_qbFill_clicked() { Q_ASSERT(m_si); qwInlineNotice->hide(); adjustSize(); qleName->setText(m_si->qsName); qleServer->setText(m_si->qsHostname); qleUsername->setText(m_si->qsUsername); qlePort->setText(QString::number(m_si->usPort)); qlePassword->setText(m_si->qsPassword); delete m_si; m_si = nullptr; } void ConnectDialogEdit::on_qbDiscard_clicked() { qwInlineNotice->hide(); adjustSize(); } void ConnectDialogEdit::on_qleName_textEdited(const QString &name) { if (bCustomLabel) { // If empty, then reset to automatic label. // NOTE(nik@jnstw.us): You may be tempted to set qleName to qleServer, but that results in the odd // UI behavior that clearing the field doesn't clear it; it'll immediately equal qleServer. Instead, // leave it empty and let it update the next time qleServer updates. Code in accept will default it // to qleServer if it isn't updated beforehand. if (name.simplified().isEmpty()) { bCustomLabel = false; } } else { // If manually edited, set to Custom bCustomLabel = true; } } void ConnectDialogEdit::on_qleServer_textEdited(const QString &server) { // If using automatic label, update it if (!bCustomLabel) { qleName->setText(server); } } void ConnectDialogEdit::validate() { qsName = qleName->text().simplified(); qsHostname = qleServer->text().simplified(); usPort = qlePort->text().toUShort(); qsUsername = qleUsername->text().simplified(); qsPassword = qlePassword->text(); // For bonjour hosts disable the port field as it's auto-detected qlePort->setDisabled(!qsHostname.isEmpty() && qsHostname.startsWith(QLatin1Char('@'))); // For SuperUser show password edit if (qsUsername.toLower() == QLatin1String("superuser")) { qliPassword->setVisible(true); qlePassword->setVisible(true); qcbShowPassword->setVisible(true); adjustSize(); } else if (qsPassword.isEmpty()) { qliPassword->setVisible(false); qlePassword->setVisible(false); qcbShowPassword->setVisible(false); adjustSize(); } bOk = !qsHostname.isEmpty() && !qsUsername.isEmpty() && usPort; qdbbButtonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled(bOk); } void ConnectDialogEdit::accept() { validate(); if (bOk) { QString server = qleServer->text().simplified(); // If the user accidentally added a schema or path part, drop it now. // We can't do so during editing as that is quite jarring. const int schemaPos = server.indexOf(QLatin1String("://")); if (schemaPos != -1) { server.remove(0, schemaPos + 3); } const int pathPos = server.indexOf(QLatin1Char('/')); if (pathPos != -1) { server.resize(pathPos); } qleServer->setText(server); if (qleName->text().simplified().isEmpty() || !bCustomLabel) { qleName->setText(server); } QDialog::accept(); } } void ConnectDialogEdit::on_qcbShowPassword_toggled(bool checked) { qlePassword->setEchoMode(checked ? QLineEdit::Normal : QLineEdit::Password); } ConnectDialog::ConnectDialog(QWidget *p, bool autoconnect) : QDialog(p), bAutoConnect(autoconnect) { setupUi(this); qtwServers->setAccessibleName(tr("Server list")); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal); #endif bPublicInit = false; siAutoConnect = nullptr; bAllowPing = Global::get().s.ptProxyType == Settings::NoProxy; bAllowHostLookup = Global::get().s.ptProxyType == Settings::NoProxy; bAllowZeroconf = Global::get().s.ptProxyType == Settings::NoProxy; bAllowFilters = Global::get().s.ptProxyType == Settings::NoProxy; if (tPublicServers.elapsed() >= 60 * 24 * 1000000ULL) { qlPublicServers.clear(); } qdbbButtonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled(false); qdbbButtonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setText(tr("C&onnect")); QPushButton *qpbAdd = new QPushButton(tr("&Add New..."), this); qpbAdd->setDefault(false); qpbAdd->setAutoDefault(false); connect(qpbAdd, SIGNAL(clicked()), qaFavoriteAddNew, SIGNAL(triggered())); qdbbButtonBox->addButton(qpbAdd, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole); qpbEdit = new QPushButton(tr("&Edit..."), this); qpbEdit->setEnabled(false); qpbEdit->setDefault(false); qpbEdit->setAutoDefault(false); connect(qpbEdit, SIGNAL(clicked()), qaFavoriteEdit, SIGNAL(triggered())); qdbbButtonBox->addButton(qpbEdit, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole); qpbAdd->setHidden(Global::get().s.disableConnectDialogEditing); qpbEdit->setHidden(Global::get().s.disableConnectDialogEditing); qtwServers->setItemDelegate(new ServerViewDelegate()); if (!Global::get().s.bDisablePublicList) { const QIcon qiFlag = ServerItem::loadIcon(QLatin1String("skin:categories/applications-internet.svg")); // Add continents and 'Unknown' to the location combobox qcbSearchLocation->addItem(qiFlag, tr("All"), QLatin1String("all")); qcbSearchLocation->addItem(qiFlag, tr("Africa"), QLatin1String("af")); qcbSearchLocation->addItem(qiFlag, tr("Asia"), QLatin1String("as")); qcbSearchLocation->addItem(qiFlag, tr("Europe"), QLatin1String("eu")); qcbSearchLocation->addItem(qiFlag, tr("North America"), QLatin1String("na")); qcbSearchLocation->addItem(qiFlag, tr("Oceania"), QLatin1String("oc")); qcbSearchLocation->addItem(qiFlag, tr("South America"), QLatin1String("sa")); qcbSearchLocation->addItem(qiFlag, tr("Unknown"), QLatin1String("")); addCountriesToSearchLocation(); } qgbSearch->setVisible(false); // Hide ping and user count if we are not allowed to ping. if (!bAllowPing) { qtwServers->setColumnCount(1); } qtwServers->sortItems(1, Qt::AscendingOrder); qtwServers->header()->setSectionResizeMode(0, QHeaderView::Stretch); if (qtwServers->columnCount() >= 2) { qtwServers->header()->setSectionResizeMode(1, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); } if (qtwServers->columnCount() >= 3) { qtwServers->header()->setSectionResizeMode(2, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); } connect(qtwServers->header(), SIGNAL(sortIndicatorChanged(int, Qt::SortOrder)), this, SLOT(OnSortChanged(int, Qt::SortOrder))); if (bAllowFilters) { switch (Global::get().s.ssFilter) { case Settings::ShowPopulated: qcbFilter->setCurrentText(tr("Show Populated")); break; case Settings::ShowAll: qcbFilter->setCurrentText(tr("Show All")); break; default: qcbFilter->setCurrentText(tr("Show Reachable")); break; } } else { qcbFilter->setEnabled(false); } qmPopup = new QMenu(this); QList< QTreeWidgetItem * > ql; QList< FavoriteServer > favorites = Global::get().db->getFavorites(); foreach (const FavoriteServer &fs, favorites) { ServerItem *si = new ServerItem(fs); qlItems << si; startDns(si); qtwServers->siFavorite->addServerItem(si); } #ifdef USE_ZEROCONF if (bAllowZeroconf && Global::get().zeroconf && Global::get().zeroconf->isOk()) { connect(Global::get().zeroconf, &Zeroconf::recordsChanged, this, &ConnectDialog::onUpdateLanList); connect(Global::get().zeroconf, &Zeroconf::recordResolved, this, &ConnectDialog::onResolved); connect(Global::get().zeroconf, &Zeroconf::resolveError, this, &ConnectDialog::onLanResolveError); onUpdateLanList(Global::get().zeroconf->currentRecords()); Global::get().zeroconf->startBrowser(QLatin1String("_mumble._tcp")); } #endif qtPingTick = new QTimer(this); connect(qtPingTick, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(timeTick())); qusSocket4 = new QUdpSocket(this); qusSocket6 = new QUdpSocket(this); bIPv4 = qusSocket4->bind(QHostAddress(QHostAddress::Any), 0); bIPv6 = qusSocket6->bind(QHostAddress(QHostAddress::AnyIPv6), 0); connect(qusSocket4, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(udpReply())); connect(qusSocket6, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(udpReply())); if (qtwServers->siFavorite->isHidden() && (!qtwServers->siLAN || qtwServers->siLAN->isHidden()) && qtwServers->siPublic) { qtwServers->siPublic->setExpanded(true); } iPingIndex = -1; qtPingTick->start(50); new QShortcut(QKeySequence(QKeySequence::Copy), this, SLOT(on_qaFavoriteCopy_triggered())); new QShortcut(QKeySequence(QKeySequence::Paste), this, SLOT(on_qaFavoritePaste_triggered())); qtwServers->setCurrentItem(nullptr); bLastFound = false; qmPingCache = Global::get().db->getPingCache(); if (!Global::get().s.qbaConnectDialogGeometry.isEmpty()) restoreGeometry(Global::get().s.qbaConnectDialogGeometry); if (!Global::get().s.qbaConnectDialogHeader.isEmpty()) qtwServers->header()->restoreState(Global::get().s.qbaConnectDialogHeader); } ConnectDialog::~ConnectDialog() { #ifdef USE_ZEROCONF if (bAllowZeroconf && Global::get().zeroconf && Global::get().zeroconf->isOk()) { Global::get().zeroconf->stopBrowser(); Global::get().zeroconf->cleanupResolvers(); } #endif ServerItem::qmIcons.clear(); QList< FavoriteServer > ql; qmPingCache.clear(); foreach (ServerItem *si, qlItems) { if (si->uiPing) qmPingCache.insert(UnresolvedServerAddress(si->qsHostname, si->usPort), si->uiPing); if (si->itType != ServerItem::FavoriteType) continue; ql << si->toFavoriteServer(); } Global::get().db->setFavorites(ql); Global::get().db->setPingCache(qmPingCache); Global::get().s.qbaConnectDialogHeader = qtwServers->header()->saveState(); Global::get().s.qbaConnectDialogGeometry = saveGeometry(); } void ConnectDialog::accept() { ServerItem *si = static_cast< ServerItem * >(qtwServers->currentItem()); if (!si || (bAllowHostLookup && si->qlAddresses.isEmpty()) || si->qsHostname.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "Invalid server"; return; } qsPassword = si->qsPassword; qsServer = si->qsHostname; usPort = si->usPort; if (si->qsUsername.isEmpty()) { bool ok; QString defUserName = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Connecting to %1").arg(si->qsName), tr("Enter username"), QLineEdit::Normal, Global::get().s.qsUsername, &ok) .trimmed(); if (!ok) return; Global::get().s.qsUsername = si->qsUsername = defUserName; } qsUsername = si->qsUsername; Global::get().s.qsLastServer = si->qsName; QDialog::accept(); } void ConnectDialog::OnSortChanged(int logicalIndex, Qt::SortOrder) { if (logicalIndex != 2) { return; } foreach (ServerItem *si, qlItems) { if (si->uiPing && (si->uiPing != si->uiPingSort)) { si->uiPingSort = si->uiPing; si->setDatas(); } } } void ConnectDialog::on_qaFavoriteAdd_triggered() { ServerItem *si = static_cast< ServerItem * >(qtwServers->currentItem()); if (!si || (si->itType == ServerItem::FavoriteType)) return; si = new ServerItem(si); qtwServers->fixupName(si); qlItems << si; qtwServers->siFavorite->addServerItem(si); qtwServers->setCurrentItem(si); startDns(si); } void ConnectDialog::on_qaFavoriteAddNew_triggered() { ConnectDialogEdit *cde = new ConnectDialogEdit(this); if (cde->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { ServerItem *si = new ServerItem(cde->qsName, cde->qsHostname, cde->usPort, cde->qsUsername, cde->qsPassword); qlItems << si; qtwServers->siFavorite->addServerItem(si); qtwServers->setCurrentItem(si); startDns(si); } delete cde; } void ConnectDialog::on_qaFavoriteEdit_triggered() { ServerItem *si = static_cast< ServerItem * >(qtwServers->currentItem()); if (!si || (si->itType != ServerItem::FavoriteType)) return; QString host; #ifdef USE_ZEROCONF if (!si->zeroconfHost.isEmpty()) host = QLatin1Char('@') + si->zeroconfHost; else host = si->qsHostname; #else host = si->qsHostname; #endif ConnectDialogEdit *cde = new ConnectDialogEdit(this, si->qsName, host, si->qsUsername, si->usPort, si->qsPassword); if (cde->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { si->qsName = cde->qsName; si->qsUsername = cde->qsUsername; si->qsPassword = cde->qsPassword; if ((cde->qsHostname != host) || (cde->usPort != si->usPort)) { stopDns(si); si->qlAddresses.clear(); si->reset(); si->usPort = cde->usPort; #ifdef USE_ZEROCONF if (cde->qsHostname.startsWith(QLatin1Char('@'))) { si->qsHostname = QString(); si->zeroconfHost = cde->qsHostname.mid(1); si->zeroconfRecord = BonjourRecord(si->zeroconfHost, QLatin1String("_mumble._tcp."), QLatin1String("local.")); } else { si->qsHostname = cde->qsHostname; si->zeroconfHost = QString(); si->zeroconfRecord = BonjourRecord(); } #else si->qsHostname = cde->qsHostname; #endif startDns(si); } si->setDatas(); } delete cde; } void ConnectDialog::on_qaFavoriteRemove_triggered() { ServerItem *si = static_cast< ServerItem * >(qtwServers->currentItem()); if (!si || (si->itType != ServerItem::FavoriteType)) return; stopDns(si); qlItems.removeAll(si); delete si; } void ConnectDialog::on_qaFavoriteCopy_triggered() { ServerItem *si = static_cast< ServerItem * >(qtwServers->currentItem()); if (!si) return; QApplication::clipboard()->setMimeData(si->toMimeData()); } void ConnectDialog::on_qaFavoritePaste_triggered() { ServerItem *si = ServerItem::fromMimeData(QApplication::clipboard()->mimeData()); if (!si) return; qlItems << si; qtwServers->siFavorite->addServerItem(si); qtwServers->setCurrentItem(si); startDns(si); } void ConnectDialog::on_qaUrl_triggered() { auto *si = static_cast< const ServerItem * >(qtwServers->currentItem()); if (!si || si->qsUrl.isEmpty()) { return; } const QStringList allowedSchemes = { QLatin1String("http"), QLatin1String("https") }; const auto url = QUrl(si->qsUrl); if (allowedSchemes.contains(url.scheme())) { QDesktopServices::openUrl(url); } else { // Inform user that the requested URL has been blocked QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText(QObject::tr("Blocked URL scheme \"%1\"").arg(url.scheme())); msgBox.setInformativeText(QObject::tr("The URL uses a scheme that has been blocked for security reasons.")); msgBox.setDetailedText(QObject::tr("Blocked URL: \"%1\"").arg(url.toString())); msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); msgBox.exec(); } } void ConnectDialog::on_qtwServers_customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &mpos) { ServerItem *si = static_cast< ServerItem * >(qtwServers->itemAt(mpos)); qmPopup->clear(); if (si && si->bParent) { si = nullptr; } if (si) { if (!Global::get().s.disableConnectDialogEditing) { if (si->itType == ServerItem::FavoriteType) { qmPopup->addAction(qaFavoriteEdit); qmPopup->addAction(qaFavoriteRemove); } else { qmPopup->addAction(qaFavoriteAdd); } } if (!si->qsUrl.isEmpty()) { qmPopup->addAction(qaUrl); } } qmPopup->popup(qtwServers->viewport()->mapToGlobal(mpos), nullptr); } void ConnectDialog::on_qtwServers_itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *item, int) { qtwServers->setCurrentItem(item); accept(); } void ConnectDialog::on_qtwServers_currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *item, QTreeWidgetItem *) { ServerItem *si = static_cast< ServerItem * >(item); if (si->siParent == qtwServers->siFavorite) { qpbEdit->setEnabled(true); } else { qpbEdit->setEnabled(false); } bool bOk = !si->qlAddresses.isEmpty(); if (!bAllowHostLookup) { bOk = true; } qdbbButtonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled(bOk); bLastFound = true; } void ConnectDialog::on_qtwServers_itemExpanded(QTreeWidgetItem *item) { if (qtwServers->siPublic && item == qtwServers->siPublic) { if (!Global::get().s.bPingServersDialogViewed) { // Ask the user for consent to ping the servers. If the user does // not give consent, disable the public server list and return. int result = QMessageBox::question( this, tr("Consent to the transmission of private data"), tr("

To measure the latency (ping) of public servers and determine the number of active users, " "your IP address must be transmitted to each public server.

" "

Do you consent to the transmission of your IP address? If you answer no, the public server " "list will be deactivated. However, you can reactivate it at any time in the network settings.

"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No); Global::get().s.bPingServersDialogViewed = true; if (result == QMessageBox::No) { Global::get().s.bDisablePublicList = true; item->setExpanded(false); item->setHidden(true); return; } } qgbSearch->setVisible(true); initList(); fillList(); } ServerItem *p = static_cast< ServerItem * >(item); foreach (ServerItem *si, p->qlChildren) { startDns(si); } } void ConnectDialog::on_qtwServers_itemCollapsed(QTreeWidgetItem *item) { if (qtwServers->siPublic && item == qtwServers->siPublic) { qgbSearch->setVisible(false); } } void ConnectDialog::initList() { if (bPublicInit || (qlPublicServers.count() > 0)) return; bPublicInit = true; QUrl url; url.setPath(QLatin1String("/v1/list")); QUrlQuery query; query.addQueryItem(QLatin1String("version"), QLatin1String(MUMTEXT(MUMBLE_VERSION))); url.setQuery(query); WebFetch::fetch(QLatin1String("publist"), url, this, SLOT(fetched(QByteArray, QUrl, QMap< QString, QString >))); } #ifdef USE_ZEROCONF void ConnectDialog::onResolved(const BonjourRecord record, const QString host, const uint16_t port) { qlBonjourActive.removeAll(record); foreach (ServerItem *si, qlItems) { if (si->zeroconfRecord == record) { unsigned short usport = static_cast< unsigned short >(port); if ((host != si->qsHostname) || (usport != si->usPort)) { stopDns(si); si->usPort = static_cast< unsigned short >(port); si->qsHostname = host; startDns(si); } } } } void ConnectDialog::onUpdateLanList(const QList< BonjourRecord > &list) { QSet< ServerItem * > items; # if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 14, 0) QSet< ServerItem * > old = QSet< ServerItem * >(qtwServers->siLAN->qlChildren.begin(), qtwServers->siLAN->qlChildren.end()); # else // In Qt 5.14 QList::toSet() has been deprecated as there exists a dedicated constructor of QSet for this now QSet< ServerItem * > old = qtwServers->siLAN->qlChildren.toSet(); # endif foreach (const BonjourRecord &record, list) { bool found = false; foreach (ServerItem *si, old) { if (si->zeroconfRecord == record) { items.insert(si); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { ServerItem *si = new ServerItem(record); qlItems << si; Global::get().zeroconf->startResolver(record); startDns(si); qtwServers->siLAN->addServerItem(si); } } QSet< ServerItem * > remove = old.subtract(items); foreach (ServerItem *si, remove) { stopDns(si); qlItems.removeAll(si); delete si; } } void ConnectDialog::onLanResolveError(const BonjourRecord record) { qlBonjourActive.removeAll(record); } #endif void ConnectDialog::fillList() { QList< QTreeWidgetItem * > ql; QList< QTreeWidgetItem * > qlNew; foreach (const PublicInfo &pi, qlPublicServers) { bool found = false; foreach (ServerItem *si, qlItems) { if ((pi.qsIp == si->qsHostname) && (pi.usPort == si->usPort)) { si->qsCountry = pi.qsCountry; si->qsCountryCode = pi.qsCountryCode; si->qsContinentCode = pi.qsContinentCode; si->qsUrl = pi.quUrl.toString(); si->bCA = pi.bCA; si->setDatas(); if (si->itType == ServerItem::PublicType) found = true; } } if (!found) ql << new ServerItem(pi); } while (!ql.isEmpty()) { #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 10, 0) ServerItem *si = static_cast< ServerItem * >(ql.takeAt(QRandomGenerator::global()->generate() % ql.count())); #else // Qt 5.10 introduces the QRandomGenerator class and in Qt 5.15 qrand got deprecated in its favor ServerItem *si = static_cast< ServerItem * >(ql.takeAt(qrand() % ql.count())); #endif qlNew << si; qlItems << si; } foreach (QTreeWidgetItem *qtwi, qlNew) { ServerItem *si = static_cast< ServerItem * >(qtwi); qtwServers->siPublic->addServerItem(si); filterServer(si); startDns(si); } } void ConnectDialog::timeTick() { if (!bLastFound && !Global::get().s.qsLastServer.isEmpty()) { QList< QTreeWidgetItem * > items = qtwServers->findItems(Global::get().s.qsLastServer, Qt::MatchExactly | Qt::MatchRecursive); if (!items.isEmpty()) { bLastFound = true; qtwServers->setCurrentItem(items.at(0)); if (Global::get().s.bAutoConnect && bAutoConnect) { siAutoConnect = static_cast< ServerItem * >(items.at(0)); if (!siAutoConnect->qlAddresses.isEmpty()) { accept(); return; } else if (!bAllowHostLookup) { accept(); return; } } } } if (bAllowHostLookup) { // Start DNS Lookup of first unknown hostname foreach (const UnresolvedServerAddress &unresolved, qlDNSLookup) { if (qsDNSActive.contains(unresolved)) { continue; } qlDNSLookup.removeAll(unresolved); qlDNSLookup.append(unresolved); qsDNSActive.insert(unresolved); ServerResolver *sr = new ServerResolver(); QObject::connect(sr, SIGNAL(resolved()), this, SLOT(lookedUp())); sr->resolve(unresolved.hostname, unresolved.port); break; } } ServerItem *current = static_cast< ServerItem * >(qtwServers->currentItem()); ServerItem *hover = static_cast< ServerItem * >(qtwServers->itemAt(qtwServers->viewport()->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()))); ServerItem *si = nullptr; if (tCurrent.elapsed() >= 1000000ULL) si = current; if (!si && (tHover.elapsed() >= 1000000ULL)) si = hover; if (si) { QString hostname = si->qsHostname.toLower(); unsigned short port = si->usPort; UnresolvedServerAddress unresolved(hostname, port); if (si->qlAddresses.isEmpty()) { if (!hostname.isEmpty()) { qlDNSLookup.removeAll(unresolved); qlDNSLookup.prepend(unresolved); } si = nullptr; } } if (!si) { if (qlItems.isEmpty()) return; bool expanded; do { ++iPingIndex; if (iPingIndex >= qlItems.count()) { if (tRestart.isElapsed(1000000ULL)) iPingIndex = 0; else return; } si = qlItems.at(iPingIndex); ServerItem *p = si->siParent; expanded = true; while (p && expanded) { expanded = expanded && p->isExpanded(); p = p->siParent; } } while (si->qlAddresses.isEmpty() || !expanded); } if (si == current) tCurrent.restart(); if (si == hover) tHover.restart(); foreach (const ServerAddress &addr, si->qlAddresses) { sendPing(addr.host.toAddress(), addr.port); } } void ConnectDialog::filterPublicServerList() const { if (!Global::get().s.bDisablePublicList) { foreach (ServerItem *const si, qtwServers->siPublic->qlChildren) { filterServer(si); } } } void ConnectDialog::filterServer(ServerItem *const si) const { if (!si->qsName.contains(qsSearchServername, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { si->setHidden(true); return; } if (qsSearchLocation != QLatin1String("all")) { if (qsSearchLocation != si->qsCountry && qsSearchLocation != si->qsContinentCode) { si->setHidden(true); return; } } if (Global::get().s.ssFilter == Settings::ShowReachable && si->dPing == 0.0) { si->setHidden(true); return; } else if (Global::get().s.ssFilter == Settings::ShowPopulated && si->uiUsers == 0) { si->setHidden(true); return; } si->setHidden(false); } void ConnectDialog::addCountriesToSearchLocation() const { QMap< QString, QString > qmCountries; foreach (const PublicInfo &pi, qlPublicServers) { if (pi.qsCountry != tr("Unknown") && !qmCountries.contains(pi.qsCountry)) { qmCountries.insert(pi.qsCountry, pi.qsCountryCode); } } foreach (auto location, qmCountries.keys()) { // Set Icon, Text and Data qcbSearchLocation->addItem( ServerItem::loadIcon(QString::fromLatin1(":/flags/%1.svg").arg(qmCountries.value(location))), location, location); } } void ConnectDialog::startDns(ServerItem *si) { if (!bAllowHostLookup) { return; } QString hostname = si->qsHostname.toLower(); unsigned short port = si->usPort; UnresolvedServerAddress unresolved(hostname, port); if (si->qlAddresses.isEmpty()) { // Determine if qsHostname is an IP address // or a hostname. If it is an IP address, we // can treat it as resolved as-is. QHostAddress qha(si->qsHostname); bool hostnameIsIPAddress = !qha.isNull(); if (hostnameIsIPAddress) { si->qlAddresses.append(ServerAddress(HostAddress(qha), port)); } else { si->qlAddresses = qhDNSCache.value(unresolved); } } if (qtwServers->currentItem() == si) qdbbButtonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled(!si->qlAddresses.isEmpty()); if (!si->qlAddresses.isEmpty()) { foreach (const ServerAddress &addr, si->qlAddresses) { qhPings[addr].insert(si); } return; } #ifdef USE_ZEROCONF if (bAllowZeroconf && si->qsHostname.isEmpty() && !si->zeroconfRecord.serviceName.isEmpty()) { if (!qlBonjourActive.contains(si->zeroconfRecord)) { Global::get().zeroconf->startResolver(si->zeroconfRecord); qlBonjourActive.append(si->zeroconfRecord); } return; } #endif if (!qhDNSWait.contains(unresolved)) { if (si->itType == ServerItem::PublicType) qlDNSLookup.append(unresolved); else qlDNSLookup.prepend(unresolved); } qhDNSWait[unresolved].insert(si); } void ConnectDialog::stopDns(ServerItem *si) { if (!bAllowHostLookup) { return; } foreach (const ServerAddress &addr, si->qlAddresses) { if (qhPings.contains(addr)) { qhPings[addr].remove(si); if (qhPings[addr].isEmpty()) { qhPings.remove(addr); qhPingRand.remove(addr); } } } QString hostname = si->qsHostname.toLower(); unsigned short port = si->usPort; UnresolvedServerAddress unresolved(hostname, port); if (qhDNSWait.contains(unresolved)) { qhDNSWait[unresolved].remove(si); if (qhDNSWait[unresolved].isEmpty()) { qhDNSWait.remove(unresolved); qlDNSLookup.removeAll(unresolved); } } } void ConnectDialog::lookedUp() { ServerResolver *sr = qobject_cast< ServerResolver * >(QObject::sender()); sr->deleteLater(); QString hostname = sr->hostname().toLower(); unsigned short port = sr->port(); UnresolvedServerAddress unresolved(hostname, port); qsDNSActive.remove(unresolved); // An error occurred, or no records were found. if (sr->records().size() == 0) { return; } QSet< ServerAddress > qs; foreach (ServerResolverRecord record, sr->records()) { foreach (const HostAddress &ha, record.addresses()) { qs.insert(ServerAddress(ha, record.port())); } } QSet< ServerItem * > waiting = qhDNSWait[unresolved]; foreach (ServerItem *si, waiting) { foreach (const ServerAddress &addr, qs) { qhPings[addr].insert(si); } si->qlAddresses = qs.values(); } qlDNSLookup.removeAll(unresolved); qhDNSCache.insert(unresolved, qs.values()); qhDNSWait.remove(unresolved); foreach (ServerItem *si, waiting) { if (si == qtwServers->currentItem()) { on_qtwServers_currentItemChanged(si, si); if (si == siAutoConnect) accept(); } } if (bAllowPing) { foreach (const ServerAddress &addr, qs) { sendPing(addr.host.toAddress(), addr.port); } } } void ConnectDialog::sendPing(const QHostAddress &host, unsigned short port) { char blob[16]; ServerAddress addr(HostAddress(host), port); quint64 uiRand; if (qhPingRand.contains(addr)) { uiRand = qhPingRand.value(addr); } else { #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 10, 0) uiRand = QRandomGenerator::global()->generate64() << 32; #else // Qt 5.10 introduces the QRandomGenerator class and in Qt 5.15 qrand got deprecated in its favor uiRand = (static_cast< quint64 >(qrand()) << 32) | static_cast< quint64 >(qrand()); #endif qhPingRand.insert(addr, uiRand); } memset(blob, 0, sizeof(blob)); *reinterpret_cast< quint64 * >(blob + 8) = tPing.elapsed() ^ uiRand; if (bIPv4 && host.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol) qusSocket4->writeDatagram(blob + 4, 12, host, port); else if (bIPv6 && host.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol) qusSocket6->writeDatagram(blob + 4, 12, host, port); else return; const QSet< ServerItem * > &qs = qhPings.value(addr); foreach (ServerItem *si, qs) ++si->uiSent; } void ConnectDialog::udpReply() { QUdpSocket *sock = qobject_cast< QUdpSocket * >(sender()); while (sock->hasPendingDatagrams()) { char blob[64]; QHostAddress host; unsigned short port; qint64 len = sock->readDatagram(blob + 4, 24, &host, &port); if (len == 24) { if (host.scopeId() == QLatin1String("0")) host.setScopeId(QLatin1String("")); ServerAddress address(HostAddress(host), port); if (qhPings.contains(address)) { quint32 *ping = reinterpret_cast< quint32 * >(blob + 4); quint64 *ts = reinterpret_cast< quint64 * >(blob + 8); quint64 elapsed = tPing.elapsed() - (*ts ^ qhPingRand.value(address)); foreach (ServerItem *si, qhPings.value(address)) { si->uiVersion = qFromBigEndian(ping[0]); quint32 users = qFromBigEndian(ping[3]); quint32 maxusers = qFromBigEndian(ping[4]); si->uiBandwidth = qFromBigEndian(ping[5]); if (!si->uiPingSort) si->uiPingSort = qmPingCache.value(UnresolvedServerAddress(si->qsHostname, si->usPort)); si->setDatas(static_cast< double >(elapsed), users, maxusers); if (si->itType == ServerItem::PublicType) { filterServer(si); } } } } } } void ConnectDialog::fetched(QByteArray xmlData, QUrl, QMap< QString, QString > headers) { if (xmlData.isNull()) { QMessageBox::warning(this, QLatin1String("Mumble"), tr("Failed to fetch server list"), QMessageBox::Ok); return; } QDomDocument doc; doc.setContent(xmlData); qlPublicServers.clear(); qsUserCountry = headers.value(QLatin1String("Geo-Country")); qsUserCountryCode = headers.value(QLatin1String("Geo-Country-Code")).toLower(); qsUserContinentCode = headers.value(QLatin1String("Geo-Continent-Code")).toLower(); QDomElement root = doc.documentElement(); QDomNode n = root.firstChild(); while (!n.isNull()) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); if (!e.isNull()) { if (e.tagName() == QLatin1String("server")) { PublicInfo pi; pi.qsName = e.attribute(QLatin1String("name")); pi.quUrl = e.attribute(QLatin1String("url")); pi.qsIp = e.attribute(QLatin1String("ip")); pi.usPort = e.attribute(QLatin1String("port")).toUShort(); pi.qsCountry = e.attribute(QLatin1String("country"), tr("Unknown")); pi.qsCountryCode = e.attribute(QLatin1String("country_code")).toLower(); pi.qsContinentCode = e.attribute(QLatin1String("continent_code")).toLower(); pi.bCA = e.attribute(QLatin1String("ca")).toInt() ? true : false; qlPublicServers << pi; } } n = n.nextSibling(); } addCountriesToSearchLocation(); tPublicServers.restart(); fillList(); } void ConnectDialog::on_qleSearchServername_textChanged(const QString &searchServername) { qsSearchServername = searchServername; filterPublicServerList(); } void ConnectDialog::on_qcbSearchLocation_currentIndexChanged(int searchLocationIndex) { qsSearchLocation = qcbSearchLocation->itemData(searchLocationIndex).toString(); filterPublicServerList(); } void ConnectDialog::on_qcbFilter_currentIndexChanged(int filterIndex) { const QString filter = qcbFilter->itemText(filterIndex); if (filter == tr("Show All")) { Global::get().s.ssFilter = Settings::ShowAll; } else if (filter == tr("Show Reachable")) { Global::get().s.ssFilter = Settings::ShowReachable; } else if (filter == tr("Show Populated")) { Global::get().s.ssFilter = Settings::ShowPopulated; } filterPublicServerList(); }