// Copyright 2015-2021 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license // that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the // Mumble source tree or at . /* SPECIFICATION * The code interfacing with the Logitech G-Keys DLL was implemented using the * following spec: * * The G-keys DLL lives in * "C:\Program Files\Logitech Gaming Software\SDK\G-key\x64\LogitechGkey.dll" for x64 and * "C:\Program Files\Logitech Gaming Software\SDK\G-key\x86\LogitechGkey.dll" for x86. * * Its location can also be read from the registry, using the following keys: * * x86: * "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{7bded654-f278-4977-a20f-6e72a0d07859}\ServerBinary" * * x64: * "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{7bded654-f278-4977-a20f-6e72a0d07859}\ServerBinary" * * The registry keys are needed if a user installed the Logitech Gaming * Software in a non-standard location. * * The DLL has an init function, it's called "LogiGkeyInit". It takes a * pointer, but the parameter must always be nullptr. The function returns a BOOL * as a status code. * * The DLL also has a shutdown function, called "LogiGkeyShutdown". It takes * no parameters and does not return anything. * * You can poll for button states with the DLL using the functions * "LogiGkeyIsMouseButtonPressed" and "LogiGkeyIsKeyboardGkeyPressed". * * The function "LogiGkeyIsMouseButtonPressed" takes a single int parameter, a * button number. Mouse button numbers run from 6 up to and including 20. The * function returns a BOOL that is true if the button is pressed, and false if * not. * * The function "LogiGkeyIsKeyboardGkeyPressed" takes two int parameters, a * button number and a mode number. Keyboard button numbers run from 1 up to * and including 29. The mode number can 1, 2 or 3. The mode checks the button * state in a specific mode. Typically, one queries all buttons for all modes, * so one ends up with 29*3 calls to the function. The function returns a BOOL * that is true if the button in the given mode is pressed, and false if not. * * There are also two functions, "LogiGkeyGetMouseButtonString" and * "LogiGkeyGetKeyboardGkeyString". They take the same parameters as the * polling functions above, but do not check whether the button is pressed or * not. Instead, they return the name of the button being queried as a pointer * to a NUL-terminated array of wchar_t's. Presumably, the pointer will be * nullptr if the name cannot be retrieved or translated. */ /* USAGE * In order to use the gkeys on a logitech keyboard, any user must have the * Logitech Gaming Software version 8.55+ installed on their computer. Then * (re)start mumble. When mumble initializes the library, the LGS (Logitech * Gaming Software) will create a profile called "mumble", featuring the mumble * icon. In LGS, right click this icon, and select either "Set as Default" or * "Set as Persistent". (See "What are persistent and default profiles?" in the * LGS help by clicking on the "?" icon on the LGS window, or at * http://www.logitech.com/assets/51813/3/lgs-guide.pdf). If mumble is not set * as the default or persistent profile, then your keys will not be active * unless mumble is the active window. */ #include "GKey.h" #ifdef Q_CC_GNU # define RESOLVE(var) \ { \ var = reinterpret_cast< __typeof__(var) >(qlLogiGkey.resolve(#var)); \ bValid = bValid && var; \ } #else # define RESOLVE(var) \ { \ *reinterpret_cast< void ** >(&var) = static_cast< void * >(qlLogiGkey.resolve(#var)); \ bValid = bValid && var; \ } #endif const QUuid GKeyLibrary::quMouse = QUuid(QString::fromLatin1(GKEY_MOUSE_GUID)); const QUuid GKeyLibrary::quKeyboard = QUuid(QString::fromLatin1(GKEY_KEYBOARD_GUID)); GKeyLibrary::GKeyLibrary() { QStringList alternatives; HKEY key = nullptr; DWORD type = 0; WCHAR wcLocation[510]; DWORD len = 510; if (RegOpenKeyEx(GKEY_LOGITECH_DLL_REG_HKEY, GKEY_LOGITECH_DLL_REG_PATH, 0, KEY_READ, &key) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { LONG err = RegQueryValueEx(key, L"", nullptr, &type, reinterpret_cast< LPBYTE >(wcLocation), &len); if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS && type == REG_SZ) { QString qsLocation = QString::fromUtf16(reinterpret_cast< ushort * >(wcLocation), len / 2); qWarning("GKeyLibrary: Found ServerBinary with libLocation = \"%s\", len = %lu", qPrintable(qsLocation), static_cast< unsigned long >(len)); alternatives << qsLocation; } else { qWarning("GKeyLibrary: Error looking up ServerBinary (Error: 0x%lx, Type: 0x%lx, len: %lu)", static_cast< unsigned long >(err), static_cast< unsigned long >(type), static_cast< unsigned long >(len)); } } alternatives << QString::fromLatin1(GKEY_LOGITECH_DLL_DEFAULT_LOCATION); foreach (const QString &lib, alternatives) { qlLogiGkey.setFileName(lib); if (qlLogiGkey.load()) { bValid = true; break; } } RESOLVE(LogiGkeyInit); RESOLVE(LogiGkeyShutdown); RESOLVE(LogiGkeyIsMouseButtonPressed); RESOLVE(LogiGkeyIsKeyboardGkeyPressed); RESOLVE(LogiGkeyGetMouseButtonString); RESOLVE(LogiGkeyGetKeyboardGkeyString); if (bValid) bValid = LogiGkeyInit(nullptr); } GKeyLibrary::~GKeyLibrary() { if (LogiGkeyShutdown) LogiGkeyShutdown(); } bool GKeyLibrary::isValid() const { return bValid; } bool GKeyLibrary::isMouseButtonPressed(int button) { return LogiGkeyIsMouseButtonPressed(button); } bool GKeyLibrary::isKeyboardGkeyPressed(int key, int mode) { return LogiGkeyIsKeyboardGkeyPressed(key, mode); } QString GKeyLibrary::getMouseButtonString(int button) { return QString::fromWCharArray(LogiGkeyGetMouseButtonString(button)); } QString GKeyLibrary::getKeyboardGkeyString(int key, int mode) { return QString::fromWCharArray(LogiGkeyGetKeyboardGkeyString(key, mode)); } #undef RESOLVE