GlobalShortcut 0 0 621 542 0 0 0 0 <html><head/><body><p>Mumble can currently only use mouse buttons and keyboard modifier keys (Alt, Ctrl, Cmd, etc.) for global shortcuts.</p><p>If you want more flexibility, you can enable <span style=" font-style:italic;">Access for assistive devices</span> in the system's Accessibility preferences. However, please note that this change also potentially allows malicious programs to read what is typed on your keyboard.</p></body></html> Qt::RichText true Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Open Accessibility Preferences Skip Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Fixed 20 10 Shortcuts Enable Global Shortcuts List of configured shortcuts QAbstractItemView::AllEditTriggers true false true 100 50 false Function Data Shortcut Suppress Add new shortcut This will add a new global shortcut &Add false Remove selected shortcut This will permanently remove a selected shortcut. &Remove Qt::Horizontal 59 20 <b>Additional Shortcut Engines</b><br />This section allows you to configure the use of additional GlobalShortcut engines. Additional Shortcut Engines <b>Enable shortcuts in privileged applications</b>.<br />Also known as "UIAccess". This allows Mumble to receive global shortcut events from programs running at high privilege levels, such as an Admin Command Prompt or older games that run with admin privileges. <br /><br /> Without this option enabled, using Mumble's global shortcuts in privileged applications will not work. This can seem inconsistent: for example, if the Push-to-Talk button is pressed in a non-privileged program, but released in a privileged application, Mumble will not observe that it has been released and you will continue to talk until you press the Push-to-Talk button again. Enable shortcuts in privileged applications <b>Enable Windows hooks</b>.<br />This enables the Windows hooks shortcut engine. Using this engine allows Mumble to suppress keypresses and mouse clicks. Enable Windows hooks <b>Enable GKey</b>.<br />This setting enables support for the GKey shortcut engine, for "G"-keys found on Logitech keyboards. Enable GKey <b>Enable XInput</b><br />This setting enables support for the XInput shortcut engine, for Xbox compatible controllers. Enable XInput