GlobalShortcutTarget 0 0 421 542 Whisper Target Shout/Whisper to: 0 Current selection When shouting to channel: 0 0 The whisper will also be transmitted to linked channels. Shout to linked channels The whisper will also be sent to the subchannels of the channel target. Shout to subchannels Qt::Vertical 20 40 List of users Add Remove Qt::Vertical 20 94 Channel Target 10 true true true Name Restrict to Group If specified, only members of this group will receive the whisper. The whisper will also be transmitted to linked channels. Shout to Linked channels The whisper will also be sent to the subchannels of the channel target. Shout to subchannels Modifiers Do not send positional audio information when using this whisper shortcut. Ignore positional audio 0 0 true Current selection List of users Channel Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok MUComboBox QComboBox
qlwUsers qcbUser qpbAdd qpbRemove qtwChannels qleGroup qcbLinks qcbChildren qcbForceCenter qbbButtons qbbButtons accepted() GlobalShortcutTarget accept() 227 290 157 274 qbbButtons rejected() GlobalShortcutTarget reject() 295 296 286 274