// Copyright 2007-2021 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license // that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the // Mumble source tree or at . #include "Log.h" #include "AudioOutput.h" #include "AudioOutputSample.h" #include "Channel.h" #include "MainWindow.h" #include "NetworkConfig.h" #include "RichTextEditor.h" #include "Screen.h" #include "ServerHandler.h" #ifndef USE_NO_TTS # include "TextToSpeech.h" #endif #include "Utils.h" #include "Global.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const QString LogConfig::name = QLatin1String("LogConfig"); static ConfigWidget *LogConfigDialogNew(Settings &st) { return new LogConfig(st); } static ConfigRegistrar registrarLog(4000, LogConfigDialogNew); LogConfig::LogConfig(Settings &st) : ConfigWidget(st) { setupUi(this); qtwMessages->setAccessibleName(tr("Log messages")); qsVolume->setAccessibleName(tr("TTS engine volume")); qsbThreshold->setAccessibleName(tr("Length threshold")); qsbMaxBlocks->setAccessibleName(tr("Maximum chat length")); qsbChatMessageMargins->setAccessibleName(tr("Chat message margins")); #ifdef USE_NO_TTS qgbTTS->setDisabled(true); #endif qtwMessages->header()->setSectionResizeMode(ColMessage, QHeaderView::Stretch); qtwMessages->header()->setSectionResizeMode(ColConsole, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); qtwMessages->header()->setSectionResizeMode(ColNotification, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); qtwMessages->header()->setSectionResizeMode(ColHighlight, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); qtwMessages->header()->setSectionResizeMode(ColTTS, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); qtwMessages->header()->setSectionResizeMode(ColStaticSound, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); // Add a "All messages" entry allMessagesItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(qtwMessages); allMessagesItem->setText(ColMessage, QObject::tr("All messages")); allMessagesItem->setCheckState(ColConsole, Qt::Unchecked); allMessagesItem->setToolTip(ColConsole, QObject::tr("Toggle console for all events")); allMessagesItem->setCheckState(ColNotification, Qt::Unchecked); allMessagesItem->setToolTip(ColNotification, QObject::tr("Toggle pop-up notifications for all events")); allMessagesItem->setCheckState(ColHighlight, Qt::Unchecked); allMessagesItem->setToolTip(ColHighlight, QObject::tr("Toggle window highlight (if not active) for all events")); allMessagesItem->setCheckState(ColStaticSound, Qt::Unchecked); allMessagesItem->setToolTip(ColStaticSound, QObject::tr("Click here to toggle sound notifications for all events")); #ifndef USE_NO_TTS allMessagesItem->setCheckState(ColTTS, Qt::Unchecked); allMessagesItem->setToolTip(ColTTS, QObject::tr("Toggle Text-to-Speech for all events")); #endif QTreeWidgetItem *twi; for (int i = Log::firstMsgType; i <= Log::lastMsgType; ++i) { Log::MsgType t = Log::msgOrder[i]; const QString messageName = Global::get().l->msgName(t); twi = new QTreeWidgetItem(qtwMessages); twi->setData(ColMessage, Qt::UserRole, static_cast< int >(t)); twi->setText(ColMessage, messageName); twi->setCheckState(ColConsole, Qt::Unchecked); twi->setCheckState(ColNotification, Qt::Unchecked); twi->setCheckState(ColHighlight, Qt::Unchecked); twi->setCheckState(ColStaticSound, Qt::Unchecked); twi->setToolTip(ColConsole, tr("Toggle console for %1 events").arg(messageName)); twi->setToolTip(ColNotification, tr("Toggle pop-up notifications for %1 events").arg(messageName)); twi->setToolTip(ColHighlight, tr("Toggle window highlight (if not active) for %1 events").arg(messageName)); twi->setToolTip(ColStaticSound, tr("Click here to toggle sound notification for %1 events").arg(messageName)); twi->setToolTip(ColStaticSoundPath, tr("Path to sound file used for sound notifications in the case of %1 " "events
Single click to play
Double-click to change") .arg(messageName)); twi->setWhatsThis(ColConsole, tr("Click here to toggle console output for %1 events.
If checked, this " "option makes Mumble output all %1 events in its message log.") .arg(messageName)); twi->setWhatsThis(ColNotification, tr("Click here to toggle pop-up notifications for %1 events.
If checked, a notification " "pop-up will be created by Mumble for every %1 event.") .arg(messageName)); twi->setWhatsThis(ColHighlight, tr("Click here to toggle window highlight for %1 events.
If checked, " "Mumble's window will be highlighted for every %1 event, if not active.") .arg(messageName)); twi->setWhatsThis(ColStaticSound, tr("Click here to toggle sound notification for %1 events.
If checked, " "Mumble uses a sound file predefined by you to indicate %1 events. Sound " "files and Text-To-Speech cannot be used at the same time.") .arg(messageName)); twi->setWhatsThis(ColStaticSoundPath, tr("Path to sound file used for sound notifications in the case of %1 events.
Single " "click to play
Double-click to change
Ensure that sound notifications for these " "events are enabled or this field will not have any effect.") .arg(messageName)); #ifndef USE_NO_TTS twi->setCheckState(ColTTS, Qt::Unchecked); twi->setToolTip(ColTTS, tr("Toggle Text-To-Speech for %1 events").arg(messageName)); twi->setWhatsThis( ColTTS, tr("Click here to toggle Text-To-Speech for %1 events.
If checked, Mumble uses Text-To-Speech to read " "%1 events out loud to you. Text-To-Speech is also able to read the contents of the event which is not " "true for sound files. Text-To-Speech and sound files cannot be used at the same time.") .arg(messageName)); #endif } } void LogConfig::updateSelectAllButtons() { QList< QTreeWidgetItem * > qlItems = qtwMessages->findItems(QString(), Qt::MatchContains); bool allConsoleChecked = true; bool allNotificationChecked = true; bool allHighlightChecked = true; #ifndef USE_NO_TTS bool allTTSChecked = true; #endif bool allSoundChecked = true; foreach (QTreeWidgetItem *i, qlItems) { if (i == allMessagesItem) { continue; } if (i->checkState(ColConsole) != Qt::Checked) { allConsoleChecked = false; } if (i->checkState(ColNotification) != Qt::Checked) { allNotificationChecked = false; } if (i->checkState(ColHighlight) != Qt::Checked) { allHighlightChecked = false; } #ifndef USE_NO_TTS if (i->checkState(ColTTS) != Qt::Checked) { allTTSChecked = false; } #endif if (i->checkState(ColStaticSound) != Qt::Checked) { allSoundChecked = false; } if (!allConsoleChecked && !allNotificationChecked && !allHighlightChecked && !allSoundChecked) { #ifndef USE_NO_TTS if (!allTTSChecked) { break; } #else break; #endif } } allMessagesItem->setCheckState(ColConsole, allConsoleChecked ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked); allMessagesItem->setCheckState(ColNotification, allNotificationChecked ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked); allMessagesItem->setCheckState(ColHighlight, allHighlightChecked ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked); #ifndef USE_NO_TTS allMessagesItem->setCheckState(ColTTS, allTTSChecked ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked); #endif allMessagesItem->setCheckState(ColStaticSound, allSoundChecked ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked); } QString LogConfig::title() const { return windowTitle(); } const QString &LogConfig::getName() const { return LogConfig::name; } QIcon LogConfig::icon() const { return QIcon(QLatin1String("skin:config_msgs.png")); } void LogConfig::load(const Settings &r) { QList< QTreeWidgetItem * > qlItems = qtwMessages->findItems(QString(), Qt::MatchContains); foreach (QTreeWidgetItem *i, qlItems) { if (i == allMessagesItem) { continue; } Log::MsgType mt = static_cast< Log::MsgType >(i->data(ColMessage, Qt::UserRole).toInt()); Settings::MessageLog ml = static_cast< Settings::MessageLog >(r.qmMessages.value(mt)); i->setCheckState(ColConsole, (ml & Settings::LogConsole) ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked); i->setCheckState(ColNotification, (ml & Settings::LogBalloon) ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked); i->setCheckState(ColHighlight, (ml & Settings::LogHighlight) ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked); #ifndef USE_NO_TTS i->setCheckState(ColTTS, (ml & Settings::LogTTS) ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked); #endif i->setCheckState(ColStaticSound, (ml & Settings::LogSoundfile) ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked); i->setText(ColStaticSoundPath, r.qmMessageSounds.value(mt)); } qsbMaxBlocks->setValue(r.iMaxLogBlocks); qcb24HourClock->setChecked(r.bLog24HourClock); qsbChatMessageMargins->setValue(r.iChatMessageMargins); #ifdef USE_NO_TTS qtwMessages->hideColumn(ColTTS); #else loadSlider(qsVolume, r.iTTSVolume); qsbThreshold->setValue(r.iTTSThreshold); qcbReadBackOwn->setChecked(r.bTTSMessageReadBack); qcbNoScope->setChecked(r.bTTSNoScope); qcbNoAuthor->setChecked(r.bTTSNoAuthor); #endif qcbWhisperFriends->setChecked(r.bWhisperFriends); } void LogConfig::save() const { QList< QTreeWidgetItem * > qlItems = qtwMessages->findItems(QString(), Qt::MatchContains); foreach (QTreeWidgetItem *i, qlItems) { if (i == allMessagesItem) { continue; } Log::MsgType mt = static_cast< Log::MsgType >(i->data(ColMessage, Qt::UserRole).toInt()); int v = 0; if (i->checkState(ColConsole) == Qt::Checked) v |= Settings::LogConsole; if (i->checkState(ColNotification) == Qt::Checked) v |= Settings::LogBalloon; if (i->checkState(ColHighlight) == Qt::Checked) v |= Settings::LogHighlight; #ifndef USE_NO_TTS if (i->checkState(ColTTS) == Qt::Checked) v |= Settings::LogTTS; #endif if (i->checkState(ColStaticSound) == Qt::Checked) v |= Settings::LogSoundfile; s.qmMessages[mt] = v; s.qmMessageSounds[mt] = i->text(ColStaticSoundPath); } s.iMaxLogBlocks = qsbMaxBlocks->value(); s.bLog24HourClock = qcb24HourClock->isChecked(); s.iChatMessageMargins = qsbChatMessageMargins->value(); #ifndef USE_NO_TTS s.iTTSVolume = qsVolume->value(); s.iTTSThreshold = qsbThreshold->value(); s.bTTSMessageReadBack = qcbReadBackOwn->isChecked(); s.bTTSNoScope = qcbNoScope->isChecked(); s.bTTSNoAuthor = qcbNoAuthor->isChecked(); #endif s.bWhisperFriends = qcbWhisperFriends->isChecked(); } void LogConfig::accept() const { #ifndef USE_NO_TTS Global::get().l->tts->setVolume(s.iTTSVolume); #endif Global::get().mw->qteLog->document()->setMaximumBlockCount(s.iMaxLogBlocks); } void LogConfig::on_qtwMessages_itemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *i, int column) { if (i->isSelected() && i != allMessagesItem) { switch (column) { case ColTTS: if (i->checkState(ColTTS)) i->setCheckState(ColStaticSound, Qt::Unchecked); break; case ColStaticSound: if (i->checkState(ColStaticSound)) { i->setCheckState(ColTTS, Qt::Unchecked); if (i->text(ColStaticSoundPath).isEmpty()) browseForAudioFile(); } break; default: break; } } if (i != allMessagesItem) { updateSelectAllButtons(); } else { // Suppress signals on the TreeWidget const QSignalBlocker blocker(qtwMessages); // Select / Unselect all entries of that column QList< QTreeWidgetItem * > qlItems = qtwMessages->findItems(QString(), Qt::MatchContains); foreach (QTreeWidgetItem *item, qlItems) { if (item != allMessagesItem) { item->setCheckState(column, allMessagesItem->checkState(column)); } } } } void LogConfig::on_qtwMessages_itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *item, int column) { if (item && item != allMessagesItem && column == ColStaticSoundPath) { AudioOutputPtr ao = Global::get().ao; if (ao) { if (!ao->playSample(item->text(ColStaticSoundPath), false)) browseForAudioFile(); } } } void LogConfig::on_qtwMessages_itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *item, int column) { if (item && item != allMessagesItem && column == ColStaticSoundPath) browseForAudioFile(); } void LogConfig::browseForAudioFile() { QTreeWidgetItem *i = qtwMessages->selectedItems()[0]; QString defaultpath(i->text(ColStaticSoundPath)); QString file = AudioOutputSample::browseForSndfile(defaultpath); if (!file.isEmpty()) { i->setText(ColStaticSoundPath, file); i->setCheckState(ColStaticSound, Qt::Checked); } } QMutex Log::qmDeferredLogs; QVector< LogMessage > Log::qvDeferredLogs; Log::Log(QObject *p) : QObject(p) { qRegisterMetaType(); #ifndef USE_NO_TTS tts = new TextToSpeech(this); tts->setVolume(Global::get().s.iTTSVolume); #endif uiLastId = 0; qdDate = QDate::currentDate(); } // Display order in settingsscreen, allows to insert new events without breaking config-compatibility with older // versions const Log::MsgType Log::msgOrder[] = { DebugInfo, CriticalError, Warning, Information, ServerConnected, ServerDisconnected, UserJoin, UserLeave, ChannelListeningAdd, ChannelListeningRemove, Recording, YouKicked, UserKicked, UserRenamed, SelfMute, SelfUnmute, SelfDeaf, SelfUndeaf, OtherSelfMute, YouMuted, YouMutedOther, OtherMutedOther, SelfChannelJoin, SelfChannelJoinOther, ChannelJoin, ChannelLeave, ChannelJoinConnect, ChannelLeaveDisconnect, PermissionDenied, TextMessage, PrivateTextMessage, PluginMessage }; const char *Log::msgNames[] = { QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "Debug"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "Critical"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "Warning"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "Information"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "Server connected"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "Server disconnected"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "User joined server"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "User left server"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "User recording state changed"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "User kicked (you or by you)"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "User kicked"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "You self-muted"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "Other self-muted/deafened"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "User muted (you)"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "User muted (by you)"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "User muted (other)"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "User joined channel"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "User left channel"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "Permission denied"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "Text message"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "You self-unmuted"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "You self-deafened"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "You self-undeafened"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "User renamed"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "You joined channel"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "You joined channel (moved)"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "User connected and entered channel"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "User left channel and disconnected"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "Private text message"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "User started listening to channel"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "User stopped listening to channel"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Log", "Plugin message") }; QString Log::msgName(MsgType t) const { return tr(msgNames[t]); } const char *Log::colorClasses[] = { "time", "server", "privilege" }; const QStringList Log::allowedSchemes() { QStringList qslAllowedSchemeNames; qslAllowedSchemeNames << QLatin1String("mumble"); qslAllowedSchemeNames << QLatin1String("http"); qslAllowedSchemeNames << QLatin1String("https"); qslAllowedSchemeNames << QLatin1String("gemini"); qslAllowedSchemeNames << QLatin1String("ftp"); qslAllowedSchemeNames << QLatin1String("clientid"); qslAllowedSchemeNames << QLatin1String("channelid"); qslAllowedSchemeNames << QLatin1String("spotify"); qslAllowedSchemeNames << QLatin1String("steam"); qslAllowedSchemeNames << QLatin1String("irc"); qslAllowedSchemeNames << QLatin1String("gg"); // Gadu-Gadu http://gg.pl - Polish instant massager qslAllowedSchemeNames << QLatin1String("mailto"); qslAllowedSchemeNames << QLatin1String("xmpp"); qslAllowedSchemeNames << QLatin1String("skype"); qslAllowedSchemeNames << QLatin1String("rtmp"); // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_Time_Messaging_Protocol return qslAllowedSchemeNames; } QString Log::msgColor(const QString &text, LogColorType t) { QString classname; return QString::fromLatin1("%2").arg(QString::fromLatin1(colorClasses[t])).arg(text); } QString Log::formatChannel(::Channel *c) { return QString::fromLatin1("%2") .arg(c->iId) .arg(c->qsName.toHtmlEscaped()) .arg(QString::fromLatin1(Global::get().sh->qbaDigest.toBase64())); } void Log::logOrDefer(Log::MsgType mt, const QString &console, const QString &terse, bool ownMessage, const QString &overrideTTS, bool ignoreTTS) { if (Global::get().l) { // log directly as it seems the log-UI has been set-up already Global::get().l->log(mt, console, terse, ownMessage, overrideTTS, ignoreTTS); } else { // defer the log QMutexLocker mLock(&Log::qmDeferredLogs); qvDeferredLogs.append(LogMessage(mt, console, terse, ownMessage, overrideTTS, ignoreTTS)); } } QString Log::formatClientUser(ClientUser *cu, LogColorType t, const QString &displayName) { QString className; if (t == Log::Target) { className = QString::fromLatin1("target"); } else if (t == Log::Source) { className = QString::fromLatin1("source"); } if (cu) { QString name = (displayName.isNull() ? cu->qsName : displayName).toHtmlEscaped(); if (cu->qsHash.isEmpty()) { return QString::fromLatin1("%3") .arg(className) .arg(cu->uiSession) .arg(name) .arg(QString::fromLatin1(Global::get().sh->qbaDigest.toBase64())); } else { return QString::fromLatin1("%3") .arg(className) .arg(cu->qsHash) .arg(name); } } else { return QString::fromLatin1("%2").arg(className).arg(tr("the server")); } } void Log::setIgnore(MsgType t, int ignore) { qmIgnore.insert(t, ignore); } void Log::clearIgnore() { qmIgnore.clear(); } QString Log::imageToImg(const QByteArray &format, const QByteArray &image) { QString fmt = QLatin1String(format); if (fmt.isEmpty()) fmt = QLatin1String("qt"); QByteArray rawbase = image.toBase64(); QByteArray encoded; int i = 0; int begin = 0, end = 0; do { begin = i * 72; end = begin + 72; encoded.append(QUrl::toPercentEncoding(QLatin1String(rawbase.mid(begin, 72)))); if (end < rawbase.length()) encoded.append('\n'); ++i; } while (end < rawbase.length()); return QString::fromLatin1("").arg(fmt).arg(QLatin1String(encoded)); } QString Log::imageToImg(QImage img, int maxSize) { if ((img.width() > 480) || (img.height() > 270)) { img = img.scaled(480, 270, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); } int quality = 100; QByteArray format = "JPEG"; QByteArray qba; QString result; while (quality > 0) { qba.clear(); QBuffer qb(&qba); qb.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); QImageWriter imgwrite(&qb, format); imgwrite.setQuality(quality); imgwrite.write(img); result = imageToImg(format, qba); if (result.length() < maxSize || maxSize == 0) { return result; } quality -= 10; } return QString(); } QString Log::validHtml(const QString &html, QTextCursor *tc) { LogDocument qtd; QRectF qr = Screen::screenFromWidget(*Global::get().mw)->availableGeometry(); qtd.setTextWidth(qr.width() / 2); qtd.setDefaultStyleSheet(qApp->styleSheet()); // Call documentLayout on our LogDocument to ensure // it has a layout backing it. With a layout set on // the document, it will attempt to load all the // resources it contains as soon as we call setHtml(), // allowing our validation checks for things such as // data URL images to run. (void) qtd.documentLayout(); qtd.setHtml(html); QStringList qslAllowed = allowedSchemes(); for (QTextBlock qtb = qtd.begin(); qtb != qtd.end(); qtb = qtb.next()) { for (QTextBlock::iterator qtbi = qtb.begin(); qtbi != qtb.end(); ++qtbi) { const QTextFragment &qtf = qtbi.fragment(); QTextCharFormat qcf = qtf.charFormat(); if (!qcf.anchorHref().isEmpty()) { QUrl url(qcf.anchorHref()); if (!url.isValid() || !qslAllowed.contains(url.scheme())) { QTextCharFormat qcfn = QTextCharFormat(); QTextCursor qtc(&qtd); qtc.setPosition(qtf.position(), QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); qtc.setPosition(qtf.position() + qtf.length(), QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); qtc.setCharFormat(qcfn); qtbi = qtb.begin(); } } } } qtd.adjustSize(); QSizeF s = qtd.size(); if (!s.isValid()) { QString errorInvalidSizeMessage = tr("[[ Invalid size ]]"); if (tc) { tc->insertText(errorInvalidSizeMessage); return QString(); } else { return errorInvalidSizeMessage; } } int messageSize = s.width() * s.height(); int allowedSize = 2048 * 2048; if (messageSize > allowedSize) { QString errorSizeMessage = tr("[[ Text object too large to display ]]"); if (tc) { tc->insertText(errorSizeMessage); return QString(); } else { return errorSizeMessage; } } if (tc) { QTextCursor tcNew(&qtd); tcNew.movePosition(QTextCursor::End, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); tc->insertFragment(tcNew.selection()); return QString(); } else { return qtd.toHtml(); } } void Log::log(MsgType mt, const QString &console, const QString &terse, bool ownMessage, const QString &overrideTTS, bool ignoreTTS) { QDateTime dt = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); int ignore = qmIgnore.value(mt); if (ignore) { ignore--; qmIgnore.insert(mt, ignore); return; } QString plain = QTextDocumentFragment::fromHtml(console).toPlainText(); quint32 flags = Global::get().s.qmMessages.value(mt); // Message output on console if ((flags & Settings::LogConsole)) { QTextCursor tc = Global::get().mw->qteLog->textCursor(); // We copy the value from the settings in order to make sure that // we use the same margin everywhere while in this method (even if // the setting might change in that time). const int msgMargin = Global::get().s.iChatMessageMargins; QTextBlockFormat format = tc.blockFormat(); format.setTopMargin(msgMargin); format.setBottomMargin(msgMargin); tc.setBlockFormat(format); LogTextBrowser *tlog = Global::get().mw->qteLog; const int oldscrollvalue = tlog->getLogScroll(); const bool scroll = (oldscrollvalue == tlog->getLogScrollMaximum()); tc.movePosition(QTextCursor::End); if (qdDate != dt.date()) { qdDate = dt.date(); tc.insertBlock(); tc.insertHtml( tr("[Date changed to %1]\n").arg(qdDate.toString(Qt::DefaultLocaleShortDate).toHtmlEscaped())); tc.movePosition(QTextCursor::End); } // Convert CRLF to unix-style LF and old mac-style LF (single \r) to unix-style as well QString fixedNLPlain = plain.replace(QLatin1String("\r\n"), QLatin1String("\n")).replace(QLatin1String("\r"), QLatin1String("\n")); if (fixedNLPlain.contains(QRegExp(QLatin1String("\\n[ \\t]*$")))) { // If the message ends with one or more blank lines (or lines only containing whitespace) // paint a border around the message to make clear that it contains invisible parts. // The beginning of the message is clear anyway (the date and potentially the "To XY" part) // so we don't have to care about that. QTextFrameFormat qttf; qttf.setBorder(1); qttf.setPadding(2); qttf.setMargin(msgMargin); qttf.setBorderStyle(QTextFrameFormat::BorderStyle_Dashed); tc.insertFrame(qttf); } else if (!tc.block().text().isEmpty()) { // Only insert a block if the current block is not empty. It may be empty because // it is the default block of an empty document. Another cause might be that apparently // a new empty block is automatically inserted after a frame. tc.insertBlock(); } const QString timeString = dt.time().toString(QLatin1String(Global::get().s.bLog24HourClock ? "HH:mm:ss" : "hh:mm:ss AP")); tc.insertHtml(Log::msgColor(QString::fromLatin1("[%1] ").arg(timeString.toHtmlEscaped()), Log::Time)); validHtml(console, &tc); tc.movePosition(QTextCursor::End); Global::get().mw->qteLog->setTextCursor(tc); if (scroll || ownMessage) tlog->scrollLogToBottom(); else tlog->setLogScroll(oldscrollvalue); } if (!ownMessage) { if (!(Global::get().mw->isActiveWindow() && Global::get().mw->qdwLog->isVisible())) { // Message notification with window highlight if (flags & Settings::LogHighlight) { QApplication::alert(Global::get().mw); } // Message notification with balloon tooltips if (flags & Settings::LogBalloon) { postNotification(mt, plain); } } // Don't make any noise if we are self deafened (Unless it is the sound for activating self deaf) if (Global::get().s.bDeaf && mt != Log::SelfDeaf) { return; } // Message notification with static sounds if ((flags & Settings::LogSoundfile)) { QString sSound = Global::get().s.qmMessageSounds.value(mt); AudioOutputPtr ao = Global::get().ao; if (!ao || !ao->playSample(sSound, false)) { qWarning() << "Sound file" << sSound << "is not a valid audio file, fallback to TTS."; flags ^= Settings::LogSoundfile | Settings::LogTTS; // Fallback to TTS } } } else if (!Global::get().s.bTTSMessageReadBack) { return; } // Message notification with Text-To-Speech if (Global::get().s.bDeaf || !Global::get().s.bTTS || !(flags & Settings::LogTTS) || ignoreTTS) { return; } // If overrideTTS is a valid string use its contents as message if (!overrideTTS.isNull()) { plain = overrideTTS; } // Apply simplifications to spoken text QRegExp identifyURL(QLatin1String("[a-z-]+://[^ <]*"), Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::RegExp2); QStringList qslAllowed = allowedSchemes(); int pos = 0; while ((pos = identifyURL.indexIn(plain, pos)) != -1) { QUrl url(identifyURL.cap(0).toLower()); int len = identifyURL.matchedLength(); if (url.isValid() && qslAllowed.contains(url.scheme())) { // Replace it appropriatly QString replacement; QString host = url.host().replace(QRegExp(QLatin1String("^www.")), QString()); if (url.scheme() == QLatin1String("http") || url.scheme() == QLatin1String("https")) replacement = tr("link to %1").arg(host); else if (url.scheme() == QLatin1String("ftp")) replacement = tr("FTP link to %1").arg(host); else if (url.scheme() == QLatin1String("clientid")) replacement = tr("player link"); else if (url.scheme() == QLatin1String("channelid")) replacement = tr("channel link"); else replacement = tr("%1 link").arg(url.scheme()); plain.replace(pos, len, replacement); } else { pos += len; } } #ifndef USE_NO_TTS // TTS threshold limiter. if (plain.length() <= Global::get().s.iTTSThreshold) tts->say(plain); else if ((!terse.isEmpty()) && (terse.length() <= Global::get().s.iTTSThreshold)) tts->say(terse); #else // Mark as unused Q_UNUSED(terse); #endif } void Log::processDeferredLogs() { QMutexLocker mLocker(&Log::qmDeferredLogs); while (!qvDeferredLogs.isEmpty()) { LogMessage msg = qvDeferredLogs.takeFirst(); log(msg.mt, msg.console, msg.terse, msg.ownMessage, msg.overrideTTS, msg.ignoreTTS); } } // Post a notification using the MainWindow's QSystemTrayIcon. void Log::postQtNotification(MsgType mt, const QString &plain) { if (Global::get().mw->qstiIcon->isSystemTrayAvailable() && Global::get().mw->qstiIcon->supportsMessages()) { QSystemTrayIcon::MessageIcon msgIcon; switch (mt) { case DebugInfo: case CriticalError: msgIcon = QSystemTrayIcon::Critical; break; case Warning: msgIcon = QSystemTrayIcon::Warning; break; default: msgIcon = QSystemTrayIcon::Information; break; } Global::get().mw->qstiIcon->showMessage(msgName(mt), plain, msgIcon); } } LogMessage::LogMessage(Log::MsgType mt, const QString &console, const QString &terse, bool ownMessage, const QString &overrideTTS, bool ignoreTTS) : mt(mt), console(console), terse(terse), ownMessage(ownMessage), overrideTTS(overrideTTS), ignoreTTS(ignoreTTS) { } LogDocument::LogDocument(QObject *p) : QTextDocument(p) { } QVariant LogDocument::loadResource(int type, const QUrl &url) { // Ignore requests for all external resources // that aren't images. We don't support any of them. if (type != QTextDocument::ImageResource) { addResource(type, url, QByteArray()); return QByteArray(); } QImage qi(1, 1, QImage::Format_Mono); addResource(type, url, qi); if (!url.isValid()) { return qi; } if (url.scheme() != QLatin1String("data")) { return qi; } QNetworkReply *rep = Network::get(url); connect(rep, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(finished())); // Handle data URLs immediately without a roundtrip to the event loop. // We need this to perform proper validation for data URL images when // a LogDocument is used inside Log::validHtml(). QCoreApplication::sendPostedEvents(rep, 0); return qi; } void LogDocument::finished() { QNetworkReply *rep = qobject_cast< QNetworkReply * >(sender()); if (rep->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) { QByteArray ba = rep->readAll(); QByteArray fmt; QImage qi; // Sniff the format instead of relying on the MIME type. // There are many misconfigured servers out there and // Mumble has historically sniffed the received data // instead of strictly requiring a correct Content-Type. if (RichTextImage::isValidImage(ba, fmt)) { if (qi.loadFromData(ba, fmt)) { addResource(QTextDocument::ImageResource, rep->request().url(), qi); // Force a re-layout of the QTextEdit the next // time we enter the event loop. // We must not trigger a re-layout immediately. // Doing so can trigger crashes deep inside Qt // if the QTextDocument has just been set on the // text edit widget. QTextEdit *qte = qobject_cast< QTextEdit * >(parent()); if (qte) { QEvent *e = new QEvent(QEvent::FontChange); QApplication::postEvent(qte, e); e = new LogDocumentResourceAddedEvent(); QApplication::postEvent(qte, e); } } } } rep->deleteLater(); } LogDocumentResourceAddedEvent::LogDocumentResourceAddedEvent() : QEvent(LogDocumentResourceAddedEvent::Type) { }