// Copyright 2005-2019 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license // that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the // Mumble source tree or at . #include "mumble_pch.hpp" #include "Log.h" #include "MainWindow.h" #include "Settings.h" // We define a global macro called 'g'. This can lead to issues when included code uses 'g' as a type or parameter name (like protobuf 3.7 does). As such, for now, we have to make this our last include. #include "Global.h" void Log::postNotification(MsgType mt, const QString &plain) { // Message notification with balloon tooltips QString qsIcon; switch (mt) { case DebugInfo: case CriticalError: qsIcon=QLatin1String("gtk-dialog-error"); break; case Warning: qsIcon=QLatin1String("gtk-dialog-warning"); break; case TextMessage: qsIcon=QLatin1String("gtk-edit"); break; default: qsIcon=QLatin1String("gtk-dialog-info"); break; } #ifdef USE_DBUS QDBusMessage response; QVariantMap hints; hints.insert(QLatin1String("desktop-entry"), QLatin1String("mumble")); { QDBusInterface kde(QLatin1String("org.kde.VisualNotifications"), QLatin1String("/VisualNotifications"), QLatin1String("org.kde.VisualNotifications")); if (kde.isValid()) { QList args; args.append(QLatin1String("mumble")); args.append(uiLastId); args.append(QString()); args.append(QLatin1String("mumble")); args.append(msgName(mt)); args.append(plain); args.append(QStringList()); args.append(hints); args.append(5000); response = kde.callWithArgumentList(QDBus::AutoDetect, QLatin1String("Notify"), args); } } if (response.type()!=QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage || response.arguments().at(0).toUInt()==0) { QDBusInterface gnome(QLatin1String("org.freedesktop.Notifications"), QLatin1String("/org/freedesktop/Notifications"), QLatin1String("org.freedesktop.Notifications")); if (gnome.isValid()) response = gnome.call(QLatin1String("Notify"), QLatin1String("Mumble"), uiLastId, qsIcon, msgName(mt), plain, QStringList(), hints, -1); } if (response.type()==QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage && response.arguments().count() == 1) { uiLastId = response.arguments().at(0).toUInt(); } else { #else if (true) { #endif postQtNotification(mt, plain); } }