LookConfig 0 0 702 611 Form Look and Feel Language to use (requires restart) <b>This sets which language Mumble should use.</b><br />You have to restart Mumble to use the new language. Theme 0 0 Theme to use to style the user interface <b>Configures which theme the Mumble user interface should be styled with</b><br />Mumble will pick up themes from certain directories and display them in this list. The one you select will be used to customize the visual appearance of Mumble. This includes colors, icons and more. Show transmit mode dropdown in toolbar Apply some high contrast optimizations for visually impaired users Optimize for high contrast Qt::Vertical 20 40 Language qcbLanguage Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter Tray Icon Hide the main Mumble window in the tray when it is minimized. <b>If set, minimizing the Mumble main window will cause it to be hidden and accessible only from the tray. Otherwise, it will be minimized as a window normally would.</b> Hide in tray when minimized Displays talking status in system tray Show talking status in tray icon Qt::Vertical 20 40 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Application Always On Top This setting controls when the application will be always on top. This setting controls in which situations the application will stay always on top. If you select <i>Never</i> the application will not stay on top. <i>Always</i> will always keep the application on top. <i>In minimal view</i> / <i>In normal view</i> will only keep the application always on top when minimal view is activated / deactivated. Never Always In minimal view In normal view Adds user and channel context menus into the menu bar Show context menu in menu bar Ask whether to close or minimize when quitting Mumble. <b>If set, will verify you want to quit if connected.</b> Ask on quit while connected <b>Enable Developer menu</b><br />This enables the "Developer"-menu in Mumble. This menu is used for developer-specific features, such as the Developer Console. Enable Developer menu When in custom layout mode, checking this disables rearranging. Lock layout Channel Tree Channel Dragging This changes the behavior when moving channels. This sets the behavior of channel drags; it can be used to prevent accidental dragging. <i>Move</i> moves the channel without prompting. <i>Do Nothing</i> does nothing and prints an error message. <i>Ask</i> uses a message box to confirm if you really wanted to move the channel. User Dragging This changes the behavior when moving users. This sets the behavior of user drags; it can be used to prevent accidental dragging. <i>Move</i> moves the user without prompting. <i>Do Nothing</i> does nothing and prints an error message. <i>Ask</i> uses a message box to confirm if you really wanted to move the user. Expand When to automatically expand channels This sets which channels to automatically expand. <i>None</i> and <i>All</i> will expand no or all channels, while <i>Only with users</i> will expand and collapse channels as users join and leave them. List users above subchannels (requires restart). <b>If set, users will be shown above subchannels in the channel view.</b><br />A restart of Mumble is required to see the change. Users above Channels Show number of users in each channel Show channel user count Use selected item as the chat bar target Filter automatically hides empty channels Layout 0 0 skin:layout_hybrid.svg false 0 0 Hybrid 64 64 0 0 Custom skin:layout_custom.svg 0 0 Stacked 64 64 0 0 Classic 64 64 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 0 skin:layout_classic.svg 0 0 skin:layout_stacked.svg Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 MUComboBox QComboBox