// Copyright 2007-2021 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license // that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the // Mumble source tree or at . #include "MainWindow.h" #include "ACL.h" #include "ACLEditor.h" #include "About.h" #include "AudioInput.h" #include "AudioStats.h" #include "AudioWizard.h" #include "BanEditor.h" #include "CELTCodec.h" #ifdef USE_OPUS # include "OpusCodec.h" #endif #include "Cert.h" #include "Channel.h" #include "ConnectDialog.h" #include "Connection.h" #include "Database.h" #include "DeveloperConsole.h" #include "Log.h" #include "Net.h" #include "NetworkConfig.h" #include "GlobalShortcut.h" #ifdef USE_OVERLAY # include "OverlayClient.h" #endif #include "../SignalCurry.h" #include "ChannelListener.h" #include "ListenerLocalVolumeDialog.h" #include "Markdown.h" #include "PluginManager.h" #include "PTTButtonWidget.h" #include "RichTextEditor.h" #include "SSLCipherInfo.h" #include "Screen.h" #include "ServerHandler.h" #include "ServerInformation.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "SvgIcon.h" #include "TalkingUI.h" #include "TextMessage.h" #include "Themes.h" #include "Tokens.h" #include "User.h" #include "UserEdit.h" #include "UserInformation.h" #include "UserLocalNicknameDialog.h" #include "UserLocalVolumeDialog.h" #include "UserModel.h" #include "Utils.h" #include "VersionCheck.h" #include "ViewCert.h" #include "VoiceRecorderDialog.h" #include "Global.h" #ifdef Q_OS_WIN # include "TaskList.h" #endif #ifdef Q_OS_MAC # include "AppNap.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef Q_OS_WIN # include #endif MessageBoxEvent::MessageBoxEvent(QString m) : QEvent(static_cast< QEvent::Type >(MB_QEVENT)) { msg = m; } OpenURLEvent::OpenURLEvent(QUrl u) : QEvent(static_cast< QEvent::Type >(OU_QEVENT)) { url = u; } MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *p) : QMainWindow(p) { SvgIcon::addSvgPixmapsToIcon(qiIconMuteSelf, QLatin1String("skin:muted_self.svg")); SvgIcon::addSvgPixmapsToIcon(qiIconMuteServer, QLatin1String("skin:muted_server.svg")); SvgIcon::addSvgPixmapsToIcon(qiIconMuteSuppressed, QLatin1String("skin:muted_suppressed.svg")); SvgIcon::addSvgPixmapsToIcon(qiIconMutePushToMute, QLatin1String("skin:muted_pushtomute.svg")); SvgIcon::addSvgPixmapsToIcon(qiIconDeafSelf, QLatin1String("skin:deafened_self.svg")); SvgIcon::addSvgPixmapsToIcon(qiIconDeafServer, QLatin1String("skin:deafened_server.svg")); SvgIcon::addSvgPixmapsToIcon(qiTalkingOff, QLatin1String("skin:talking_off.svg")); SvgIcon::addSvgPixmapsToIcon(qiTalkingOn, QLatin1String("skin:talking_on.svg")); SvgIcon::addSvgPixmapsToIcon(qiTalkingShout, QLatin1String("skin:talking_alt.svg")); SvgIcon::addSvgPixmapsToIcon(qiTalkingWhisper, QLatin1String("skin:talking_whisper.svg")); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC if (QFile::exists(QLatin1String("skin:mumble.icns"))) qiIcon.addFile(QLatin1String("skin:mumble.icns")); else SvgIcon::addSvgPixmapsToIcon(qiIcon, QLatin1String("skin:mumble.svg")); #else { SvgIcon::addSvgPixmapsToIcon(qiIcon, QLatin1String("skin:mumble.svg")); } // Set application icon except on MacOSX, where the window-icon // shown in the title-bar usually serves as a draggable version of the // current open document (i.e. you can copy the open document anywhere // simply by dragging this icon). qApp->setWindowIcon(qiIcon); // Set the icon on the MainWindow directly. This fixes the icon not // being set on the MainWindow in certain environments (Ex: GTK+). setWindowIcon(qiIcon); #endif #ifdef Q_OS_WIN uiNewHardware = 1; #endif bSuppressAskOnQuit = false; restartOnQuit = false; bAutoUnmute = false; Channel::add(0, tr("Root")); aclEdit = nullptr; banEdit = nullptr; userEdit = nullptr; tokenEdit = nullptr; voiceRecorderDialog = nullptr; qwPTTButtonWidget = nullptr; qtReconnect = new QTimer(this); qtReconnect->setInterval(10000); qtReconnect->setSingleShot(true); qtReconnect->setObjectName(QLatin1String("Reconnect")); qmUser = new QMenu(tr("&User"), this); qmChannel = new QMenu(tr("&Channel"), this); qmListener = new QMenu(tr("&Listener"), this); qmDeveloper = new QMenu(tr("&Developer"), this); qaEmpty = new QAction(tr("No action available..."), this); qaEmpty->setEnabled(false); createActions(); setupUi(this); setupGui(); qtvUsers->setAccessibleName(tr("Channels and users")); qteLog->setAccessibleName(tr("Activity log")); qteChat->setAccessibleName(tr("Chat message")); connect(qmUser, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(qmUser_aboutToShow())); connect(qmChannel, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(qmChannel_aboutToShow())); connect(qmListener, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(qmListener_aboutToShow())); connect(qteChat, SIGNAL(entered(QString)), this, SLOT(sendChatbarText(QString))); connect(qteChat, SIGNAL(pastedImage(QString)), this, SLOT(sendChatbarMessage(QString))); // Tray connect(qstiIcon, SIGNAL(messageClicked()), this, SLOT(showRaiseWindow())); connect(qaShow, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showRaiseWindow())); // Explicitely add actions to mainwindow so their shortcuts are available // if only the main window is visible (e.Global::get(). minimal mode) addActions(findChildren< QAction * >()); on_qmServer_aboutToShow(); on_qmSelf_aboutToShow(); qmChannel_aboutToShow(); qmUser_aboutToShow(); on_qmConfig_aboutToShow(); qmDeveloper->addAction(qaDeveloperConsole); setOnTop(Global::get().s.aotbAlwaysOnTop == Settings::OnTopAlways || (Global::get().s.bMinimalView && Global::get().s.aotbAlwaysOnTop == Settings::OnTopInMinimal) || (!Global::get().s.bMinimalView && Global::get().s.aotbAlwaysOnTop == Settings::OnTopInNormal)); QObject::connect(this, &MainWindow::serverSynchronized, Global::get().pluginManager, &PluginManager::on_serverSynchronized); } void MainWindow::createActions() { int idx = 1; gsPushTalk = new GlobalShortcut(this, idx++, tr("Push-to-Talk", "Global Shortcut")); gsPushTalk->setObjectName(QLatin1String("PushToTalk")); gsPushTalk->qsToolTip = tr("Push and hold this button to send voice.", "Global Shortcut"); gsPushTalk->qsWhatsThis = tr( "This configures the push-to-talk button, and as long as you hold this button down, you will transmit voice.", "Global Shortcut"); gsResetAudio = new GlobalShortcut(this, idx++, tr("Reset Audio Processor", "Global Shortcut")); gsResetAudio->setObjectName(QLatin1String("ResetAudio")); gsMuteSelf = new GlobalShortcut(this, idx++, tr("Mute Self", "Global Shortcut"), 0); gsMuteSelf->setObjectName(QLatin1String("gsMuteSelf")); gsMuteSelf->qsToolTip = tr("Set self-mute status.", "Global Shortcut"); gsMuteSelf->qsWhatsThis = tr("This will set or toggle your muted status. If you turn this off, you will also disable self-deafen.", "Global Shortcut"); gsDeafSelf = new GlobalShortcut(this, idx++, tr("Deafen Self", "Global Shortcut"), 0); gsDeafSelf->setObjectName(QLatin1String("gsDeafSelf")); gsDeafSelf->qsToolTip = tr("Set self-deafen status.", "Global Shortcut"); gsDeafSelf->qsWhatsThis = tr("This will set or toggle your deafened status. If you turn this on, you will also enable self-mute.", "Global Shortcut"); gsUnlink = new GlobalShortcut(this, idx++, tr("Unlink Plugin", "Global Shortcut")); gsUnlink->setObjectName(QLatin1String("UnlinkPlugin")); gsPushMute = new GlobalShortcut(this, idx++, tr("Push-to-Mute", "Global Shortcut")); gsPushMute->setObjectName(QLatin1String("PushToMute")); gsJoinChannel = new GlobalShortcut(this, idx++, tr("Join Channel", "Global Shortcut")); gsJoinChannel->setObjectName(QLatin1String("MetaChannel")); gsJoinChannel->qsToolTip = tr("Use in conjunction with Whisper to.", "Global Shortcut"); #ifdef USE_OVERLAY gsToggleOverlay = new GlobalShortcut(this, idx++, tr("Toggle Overlay", "Global Shortcut")); gsToggleOverlay->setObjectName(QLatin1String("ToggleOverlay")); gsToggleOverlay->qsToolTip = tr("Toggle state of in-game overlay.", "Global Shortcut"); gsToggleOverlay->qsWhatsThis = tr("This will switch the states of the in-game overlay.", "Global Shortcut"); connect(gsToggleOverlay, SIGNAL(down(QVariant)), Global::get().o, SLOT(toggleShow())); #endif gsMinimal = new GlobalShortcut(this, idx++, tr("Toggle Minimal", "Global Shortcut")); gsMinimal->setObjectName(QLatin1String("ToggleMinimal")); gsVolumeUp = new GlobalShortcut(this, idx++, tr("Volume Up (+10%)", "Global Shortcut")); gsVolumeUp->setObjectName(QLatin1String("VolumeUp")); gsVolumeDown = new GlobalShortcut(this, idx++, tr("Volume Down (-10%)", "Global Shortcut")); gsVolumeDown->setObjectName(QLatin1String("VolumeDown")); qstiIcon = new QSystemTrayIcon(qiIcon, this); qstiIcon->setToolTip(tr("Mumble -- %1").arg(QLatin1String(MUMBLE_RELEASE))); qstiIcon->setObjectName(QLatin1String("Icon")); gsWhisper = new GlobalShortcut(this, idx++, tr("Whisper/Shout"), QVariant::fromValue(ShortcutTarget())); gsWhisper->setObjectName(QLatin1String("gsWhisper")); gsLinkChannel = new GlobalShortcut(this, idx++, tr("Link Channel", "Global Shortcut")); gsLinkChannel->setObjectName(QLatin1String("MetaLink")); gsLinkChannel->qsToolTip = tr("Use in conjunction with Whisper to.", "Global Shortcut"); gsCycleTransmitMode = new GlobalShortcut(this, idx++, tr("Cycle Transmit Mode", "Global Shortcut")); gsCycleTransmitMode->setObjectName(QLatin1String("gsCycleTransmitMode")); gsToggleMainWindowVisibility = new GlobalShortcut(this, idx++, tr("Hide/show main window", "Global Shortcut")); gsToggleMainWindowVisibility->setObjectName(QLatin1String("gsToggleMainWindowVisibility")); gsTransmitModePushToTalk = new GlobalShortcut(this, idx++, tr("Set Transmit Mode to Push-To-Talk", "Global Shortcut")); gsTransmitModePushToTalk->setObjectName(QLatin1String("gsTransmitModePushToTalk")); gsTransmitModeContinuous = new GlobalShortcut(this, idx++, tr("Set Transmit Mode to Continuous", "Global Shortcut")); gsTransmitModeContinuous->setObjectName(QLatin1String("gsTransmitModeContinuous")); gsTransmitModeVAD = new GlobalShortcut(this, idx++, tr("Set Transmit Mode to VAD", "Global Shortcut")); gsTransmitModeVAD->setObjectName(QLatin1String("gsTransmitModeVAD")); gsSendTextMessage = new GlobalShortcut(this, idx++, tr("Send Text Message", "Global Shortcut"), QVariant(QString())); gsSendTextMessage->setObjectName(QLatin1String("gsSendTextMessage")); gsSendClipboardTextMessage = new GlobalShortcut(this, idx++, tr("Send Clipboard Text Message", "Global Shortcut")); gsSendClipboardTextMessage->setObjectName(QLatin1String("gsSendClipboardTextMessage")); gsSendClipboardTextMessage->qsWhatsThis = tr("This will send your Clipboard content to the channel you are currently in.", "Global Shortcut"); #ifndef Q_OS_MAC qstiIcon->show(); #endif } void MainWindow::setupGui() { updateWindowTitle(); setCentralWidget(qtvUsers); setAcceptDrops(true); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC QMenu *qmWindow = new QMenu(tr("&Window"), this); menubar->insertMenu(qmHelp->menuAction(), qmWindow); qmWindow->addAction(tr("Minimize"), this, SLOT(showMinimized()), QKeySequence(tr("Ctrl+M"))); qtvUsers->setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacShowFocusRect, false); qteChat->setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacShowFocusRect, false); qteChat->setFrameShape(QFrame::NoFrame); qteLog->setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); #endif LogDocument *ld = new LogDocument(qteLog); qteLog->setDocument(ld); qteLog->document()->setMaximumBlockCount(Global::get().s.iMaxLogBlocks); qteLog->document()->setDefaultStyleSheet(qApp->styleSheet()); pmModel = new UserModel(qtvUsers); qtvUsers->setModel(pmModel); qtvUsers->setRowHidden(0, QModelIndex(), true); qtvUsers->ensurePolished(); QObject::connect(this, &MainWindow::userAddedChannelListener, pmModel, &UserModel::addChannelListener); QObject::connect( this, &MainWindow::userRemovedChannelListener, pmModel, static_cast< void (UserModel::*)(const ClientUser *, const Channel *) >(&UserModel::removeChannelListener)); QObject::connect(&ChannelListener::get(), &ChannelListener::localVolumeAdjustmentsChanged, pmModel, &UserModel::on_channelListenerLocalVolumeAdjustmentChanged); // connect slots to PluginManager QObject::connect(pmModel, &UserModel::userAdded, Global::get().pluginManager, &PluginManager::on_userAdded); QObject::connect(pmModel, &UserModel::userRemoved, Global::get().pluginManager, &PluginManager::on_userRemoved); QObject::connect(pmModel, &UserModel::channelAdded, Global::get().pluginManager, &PluginManager::on_channelAdded); QObject::connect(pmModel, &UserModel::channelRemoved, Global::get().pluginManager, &PluginManager::on_channelRemoved); QObject::connect(pmModel, &UserModel::channelRenamed, Global::get().pluginManager, &PluginManager::on_channelRenamed); qaAudioMute->setChecked(Global::get().s.bMute); qaAudioDeaf->setChecked(Global::get().s.bDeaf); #ifdef USE_NO_TTS qaAudioTTS->setChecked(false); qaAudioTTS->setDisabled(true); #else qaAudioTTS->setChecked(Global::get().s.bTTS); #endif qaFilterToggle->setChecked(Global::get().s.bFilterActive); qaHelpWhatsThis->setShortcuts(QKeySequence::WhatsThis); qaConfigMinimal->setChecked(Global::get().s.bMinimalView); qaConfigHideFrame->setChecked(Global::get().s.bHideFrame); connect(gsResetAudio, SIGNAL(down(QVariant)), qaAudioReset, SLOT(trigger())); connect(gsUnlink, SIGNAL(down(QVariant)), qaAudioUnlink, SLOT(trigger())); connect(gsMinimal, SIGNAL(down(QVariant)), qaConfigMinimal, SLOT(trigger())); dtbLogDockTitle = new DockTitleBar(); qdwLog->setTitleBarWidget(dtbLogDockTitle); foreach (QWidget *w, qdwLog->findChildren< QWidget * >()) { w->installEventFilter(dtbLogDockTitle); w->setMouseTracking(true); } dtbChatDockTitle = new DockTitleBar(); qdwChat->setTitleBarWidget(dtbChatDockTitle); qdwChat->installEventFilter(dtbChatDockTitle); qteChat->setDefaultText(tr("
Not connected
"), true); qteChat->setEnabled(false); setShowDockTitleBars((Global::get().s.wlWindowLayout == Settings::LayoutCustom) && !Global::get().s.bLockLayout); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC // Workaround for QTBUG-3116 -- using a unified toolbar on Mac OS X // and using restoreGeometry before the window has updated its frameStrut // causes the MainWindow to jump around on screen on launch. Workaround // is to call show() to update the frameStrut and set the windowOpacity to // 0 to hide any graphical glitches that occur when we add stuff to the // window. setWindowOpacity(0.0f); show(); #endif connect(qtvUsers->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(currentChanged(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &)), SLOT(qtvUserCurrentChanged(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &))); // QtCreator and uic.exe do not allow adding arbitrary widgets // such as a MUComboBox to a QToolbar, even though they are supported. qcbTransmitMode = new MUComboBox(qtIconToolbar); qcbTransmitMode->setObjectName(QLatin1String("qcbTransmitMode")); qcbTransmitMode->addItem(tr("Continuous")); qcbTransmitMode->addItem(tr("Voice Activity")); qcbTransmitMode->addItem(tr("Push-to-Talk")); qaTransmitModeSeparator = qtIconToolbar->insertSeparator(qaConfigDialog); qaTransmitMode = qtIconToolbar->insertWidget(qaTransmitModeSeparator, qcbTransmitMode); connect(qcbTransmitMode, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(qcbTransmitMode_activated(int))); updateTransmitModeComboBox(); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN setupView(false); #endif if (Global::get().s.bMinimalView && !Global::get().s.qbaMinimalViewGeometry.isNull()) restoreGeometry(Global::get().s.qbaMinimalViewGeometry); else if (!Global::get().s.bMinimalView && !Global::get().s.qbaMainWindowGeometry.isNull()) restoreGeometry(Global::get().s.qbaMainWindowGeometry); if (Global::get().s.bMinimalView && !Global::get().s.qbaMinimalViewState.isNull()) restoreState(Global::get().s.qbaMinimalViewState); else if (!Global::get().s.bMinimalView && !Global::get().s.qbaMainWindowState.isNull()) restoreState(Global::get().s.qbaMainWindowState); setupView(false); qmTray = new QMenu(this); connect(qmTray, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(trayAboutToShow())); trayAboutToShow(); qstiIcon->setContextMenu(qmTray); updateTrayIcon(); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC setWindowOpacity(1.0f); #endif } void MainWindow::updateWindowTitle() { QString title; if (Global::get().s.bMinimalView) { title = tr("Mumble - Minimal View -- %1"); } else { title = tr("Mumble -- %1"); } if (!Global::get().windowTitlePostfix.isEmpty()) { title += QString::fromLatin1(" | %1").arg(Global::get().windowTitlePostfix); } setWindowTitle(title.arg(QLatin1String(MUMBLE_RELEASE))); } void MainWindow::updateToolbar() { bool layoutIsCustom = Global::get().s.wlWindowLayout == Settings::LayoutCustom; qtIconToolbar->setMovable(layoutIsCustom && !Global::get().s.bLockLayout); // Update the toolbar so the movable flag takes effect. if (layoutIsCustom) { // Update the toolbar, but keep it in place. addToolBar(toolBarArea(qtIconToolbar), qtIconToolbar); } else { // Update the toolbar, and ensure it is at the top of the window. addToolBar(Qt::TopToolBarArea, qtIconToolbar); } } // Sets whether or not to show the title bars on the MainWindow's // dock widgets. void MainWindow::setShowDockTitleBars(bool doShow) { dtbLogDockTitle->setEnabled(doShow); dtbChatDockTitle->setEnabled(doShow); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete qwPTTButtonWidget; delete qdwLog->titleBarWidget(); delete pmModel; delete qtvUsers; delete Channel::get(0); } void MainWindow::msgBox(QString msg) { MessageBoxEvent *mbe = new MessageBoxEvent(msg); QApplication::postEvent(this, mbe); } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN bool MainWindow::nativeEvent(const QByteArray &, void *message, long *) { MSG *msg = reinterpret_cast< MSG * >(message); if (msg->message == WM_DEVICECHANGE && msg->wParam == DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED) uiNewHardware++; return false; } #endif void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e) { #ifndef Q_OS_MAC ServerHandlerPtr sh = Global::get().sh; if (sh && sh->isRunning() && Global::get().s.bAskOnQuit && !bSuppressAskOnQuit) { QMessageBox mb(QMessageBox::Warning, QLatin1String("Mumble"), tr("Mumble is currently connected to a server. Do you want to Close or Minimize it?"), QMessageBox::NoButton, this); QPushButton *qpbClose = mb.addButton(tr("Close"), QMessageBox::YesRole); QPushButton *qpbMinimize = mb.addButton(tr("Minimize"), QMessageBox::NoRole); QPushButton *qpbCancel = mb.addButton(tr("Cancel"), QMessageBox::RejectRole); mb.setDefaultButton(qpbClose); mb.setEscapeButton(qpbCancel); mb.exec(); if (mb.clickedButton() == qpbMinimize) { showMinimized(); e->ignore(); return; } else if (mb.clickedButton() == qpbCancel) { e->ignore(); return; } } sh.reset(); #endif if (Global::get().s.bMinimalView) { Global::get().s.qbaMinimalViewGeometry = saveGeometry(); Global::get().s.qbaMinimalViewState = saveState(); } else { Global::get().s.qbaMainWindowGeometry = saveGeometry(); Global::get().s.qbaMainWindowState = saveState(); Global::get().s.qbaHeaderState = qtvUsers->header()->saveState(); } if (Global::get().talkingUI && Global::get().talkingUI->isVisible()) { // Save the TalkingUI's position if it is visible // Note that we explicitly don't save the whole geometry as the TalkingUI's size // is a flexible thing that'll adjust automatically anyways. Global::get().s.qpTalkingUI_Position = Global::get().talkingUI->pos(); } if (qwPTTButtonWidget) { qwPTTButtonWidget->close(); qwPTTButtonWidget->deleteLater(); qwPTTButtonWidget = nullptr; } Global::get().bQuit = true; QMainWindow::closeEvent(e); qApp->exit(restartOnQuit ? MUMBLE_EXIT_CODE_RESTART : 0); } void MainWindow::hideEvent(QHideEvent *e) { #ifdef USE_OVERLAY if (Global::get().ocIntercept) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(Global::get().ocIntercept, "hideGui", Qt::QueuedConnection); e->ignore(); return; } #endif #ifndef Q_OS_MAC # ifdef Q_OS_UNIX if (!qApp->activeModalWidget() && !qApp->activePopupWidget()) # endif if (Global::get().s.bHideInTray && qstiIcon->isSystemTrayAvailable() && e->spontaneous()) QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "hide", Qt::QueuedConnection); #endif QMainWindow::hideEvent(e); } void MainWindow::showEvent(QShowEvent *e) { #ifndef Q_OS_MAC # ifdef Q_OS_UNIX if (!qApp->activeModalWidget() && !qApp->activePopupWidget()) # endif if (Global::get().s.bHideInTray && qstiIcon->isSystemTrayAvailable() && e->spontaneous()) QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "show", Qt::QueuedConnection); #endif QMainWindow::showEvent(e); } void MainWindow::changeEvent(QEvent *e) { QWidget::changeEvent(e); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC // On modern macOS/Qt combinations, the code below causes Mumble's // MainWindow to not be interactive after returning from being minimized. // (See issue mumble-voip/mumble#2171) // So, let's not do it on macOS. #else if (isMinimized() && qstiIcon->isSystemTrayAvailable() && Global::get().s.bHideInTray) { // Workaround http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/4423/P15/#50676 QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(hide())); } #endif } void MainWindow::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { // Pressing F6 switches between the main // window's main widgets, making it easier // to navigate Mumble's MainWindow with only // a keyboard. if (e->key() == Qt::Key_F6) { focusNextMainWidget(); } else { QMainWindow::keyPressEvent(e); } } /// focusNextMainWidget switches the focus to the next main /// widget of the MainWindow. /// /// This is used to implement behavior where pressing F6 /// switches between major elements of an application. /// This behavior is for example seen in Windows's (File) Explorer. /// /// The main widgets are qteLog (the log view), qteChat (chat input bar) /// and qtvUsers (users tree view). void MainWindow::focusNextMainWidget() { QWidget *mainFocusWidgets[] = { qteLog, qteChat, qtvUsers, }; const int numMainFocusWidgets = sizeof(mainFocusWidgets) / sizeof(mainFocusWidgets[0]); int currentMainFocusWidgetIndex = -1; QWidget *w = focusWidget(); for (int i = 0; i < numMainFocusWidgets; i++) { QWidget *mainFocusWidget = mainFocusWidgets[i]; if (w == mainFocusWidget || w->isAncestorOf(mainFocusWidget)) { currentMainFocusWidgetIndex = i; break; } } Q_ASSERT(currentMainFocusWidgetIndex != -1); int nextMainFocusWidgetIndex = (currentMainFocusWidgetIndex + 1) % numMainFocusWidgets; QWidget *nextMainFocusWidget = mainFocusWidgets[nextMainFocusWidgetIndex]; nextMainFocusWidget->setFocus(); } void MainWindow::updateTrayIcon() { ClientUser *p = ClientUser::get(Global::get().uiSession); if (Global::get().s.bDeaf) { qstiIcon->setIcon(qiIconDeafSelf); } else if (p && p->bDeaf) { qstiIcon->setIcon(qiIconDeafServer); } else if (Global::get().s.bMute) { qstiIcon->setIcon(qiIconMuteSelf); } else if (p && p->bMute) { qstiIcon->setIcon(qiIconMuteServer); } else if (p && p->bSuppress) { qstiIcon->setIcon(qiIconMuteSuppressed); } else if (Global::get().s.bStateInTray && Global::get().bPushToMute) { qstiIcon->setIcon(qiIconMutePushToMute); } else if (p && Global::get().s.bStateInTray) { switch (p->tsState) { case Settings::Talking: case Settings::MutedTalking: qstiIcon->setIcon(qiTalkingOn); break; case Settings::Whispering: qstiIcon->setIcon(qiTalkingWhisper); break; case Settings::Shouting: qstiIcon->setIcon(qiTalkingShout); break; case Settings::Passive: default: qstiIcon->setIcon(qiTalkingOff); break; } } else { qstiIcon->setIcon(qiIcon); } } void MainWindow::updateUserModel() { UserModel *um = static_cast< UserModel * >(qtvUsers->model()); um->toggleChannelFiltered(nullptr); // Force a UI refresh } void MainWindow::updateTransmitModeComboBox() { switch (Global::get().s.atTransmit) { case Settings::Continuous: qcbTransmitMode->setCurrentIndex(0); return; case Settings::VAD: qcbTransmitMode->setCurrentIndex(1); return; case Settings::PushToTalk: qcbTransmitMode->setCurrentIndex(2); return; } } QMenu *MainWindow::createPopupMenu() { if ((Global::get().s.wlWindowLayout == Settings::LayoutCustom) && !Global::get().s.bLockLayout) { return QMainWindow::createPopupMenu(); } return nullptr; } Channel *MainWindow::getContextMenuChannel() { if (cContextChannel) return cContextChannel.data(); return nullptr; } ClientUser *MainWindow::getContextMenuUser() { if (cuContextUser) return cuContextUser.data(); return nullptr; } bool MainWindow::handleSpecialContextMenu(const QUrl &url, const QPoint &pos_, bool focus) { if (url.scheme() == QString::fromLatin1("clientid")) { bool ok = false; QString maybeUserHash(url.host()); if (maybeUserHash.length() == 40) { ClientUser *cu = pmModel->getUser(maybeUserHash); if (cu) { cuContextUser = cu; ok = true; } } else { QByteArray qbaServerDigest = QByteArray::fromBase64(url.path().remove(0, 1).toLatin1()); cuContextUser = ClientUser::get(url.host().toInt(&ok, 10)); ServerHandlerPtr sh = Global::get().sh; ok = ok && sh && (qbaServerDigest == sh->qbaDigest); } if (ok && cuContextUser) { if (focus) { qtvUsers->setCurrentIndex(pmModel->index(cuContextUser.data())); qteChat->setFocus(); } else { qpContextPosition = QPoint(); qmUser->exec(pos_, nullptr); } } cuContextUser.clear(); } else if (url.scheme() == QString::fromLatin1("channelid")) { bool ok; QByteArray qbaServerDigest = QByteArray::fromBase64(url.path().remove(0, 1).toLatin1()); cContextChannel = Channel::get(url.host().toInt(&ok, 10)); ServerHandlerPtr sh = Global::get().sh; ok = ok && sh && (qbaServerDigest == sh->qbaDigest); if (ok) { if (focus) { qtvUsers->setCurrentIndex(pmModel->index(cContextChannel.data())); qteChat->setFocus(); } else { qpContextPosition = QPoint(); qmChannel->exec(pos_, nullptr); } } cContextChannel.clear(); } else { return false; } return true; } void MainWindow::on_qtvUsers_customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &mpos, bool usePositionForGettingContext) { QModelIndex idx = qtvUsers->indexAt(mpos); if (!idx.isValid() || !usePositionForGettingContext) { idx = qtvUsers->currentIndex(); } else { qtvUsers->setCurrentIndex(idx); } ClientUser *p = pmModel->getUser(idx); Channel *channel = pmModel->getChannel(idx); qpContextPosition = mpos; if (pmModel->isChannelListener(idx)) { // Have a separate context menu for listeners QModelIndex parent = idx.parent(); if (parent.isValid()) { // Find the channel in which the action was triggered and set it // in order to be able to obtain it in the action itself cContextChannel = pmModel->getChannel(parent); } cuContextUser.clear(); qmListener->exec(qtvUsers->mapToGlobal(mpos), nullptr); cuContextUser.clear(); cContextChannel.clear(); } else { if (p) { cuContextUser.clear(); if (!usePositionForGettingContext) { cuContextUser = p; } qmUser->exec(qtvUsers->mapToGlobal(mpos), nullptr); cuContextUser.clear(); } else { cContextChannel.clear(); if (!usePositionForGettingContext && channel) { cContextChannel = channel; } qmChannel->exec(qtvUsers->mapToGlobal(mpos), nullptr); cContextChannel.clear(); } } qpContextPosition = QPoint(); } void MainWindow::on_qteLog_customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &mpos) { QString link = qteLog->anchorAt(mpos); if (!link.isEmpty()) { QUrl l(link); if (handleSpecialContextMenu(l, qteLog->mapToGlobal(mpos))) return; } QPoint contentPosition = QPoint(QApplication::isRightToLeft() ? (qteLog->horizontalScrollBar()->maximum() - qteLog->horizontalScrollBar()->value()) : qteLog->horizontalScrollBar()->value(), qteLog->verticalScrollBar()->value()); QMenu *menu = qteLog->createStandardContextMenu(mpos + contentPosition); QTextCursor cursor = qteLog->cursorForPosition(mpos); QTextCharFormat fmt = cursor.charFormat(); // Work around imprecise cursor image identification // Apparently, the cursor is shifted half the characters width to the right on the image // element. This is in contrast to hyperlinks for example, which have correct edge detection. // For the image, we get the right half (plus the left half of the next character) for the // image, and have to move the cursor forward to also detect on the left half of the image // (plus the right half of the previous character). // It is unclear why we have to use NextCharacter instead of PreviousCharacter. if (fmt.objectType() == QTextFormat::NoObject) { cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextCharacter); fmt = cursor.charFormat(); } if (cursor.charFormat().isImageFormat()) { menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(tr("Save Image As..."), this, SLOT(saveImageAs(void))); qtcSaveImageCursor = cursor; } menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(tr("Clear"), qteLog, SLOT(clear(void))); menu->exec(qteLog->mapToGlobal(mpos)); delete menu; } void MainWindow::saveImageAs() { QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QString defaultFname = QString::fromLatin1("Mumble-%1.jpg").arg(now.toString(QString::fromLatin1("yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss"))); QString fname = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save Image File"), getImagePath(defaultFname), tr("Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg)")); if (fname.isNull()) { return; } QString resName = qtcSaveImageCursor.charFormat().toImageFormat().name(); QVariant res = qteLog->document()->resource(QTextDocument::ImageResource, resName); QImage img = res.value< QImage >(); bool ok = img.save(fname); if (!ok) { // In case fname did not contain a file extension, try saving with an // explicit format. ok = img.save(fname, "PNG"); } updateImagePath(fname); if (!ok) { Global::get().l->log(Log::Warning, tr("Could not save image: %1").arg(fname.toHtmlEscaped())); } } QString MainWindow::getImagePath(QString filename) const { if (Global::get().s.qsImagePath.isEmpty() || !QDir(Global::get().s.qsImagePath).exists()) { Global::get().s.qsImagePath = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::PicturesLocation); } if (filename.isEmpty()) { return Global::get().s.qsImagePath; } return Global::get().s.qsImagePath + QDir::separator() + filename; } void MainWindow::updateImagePath(QString filepath) const { QFileInfo fi(filepath); Global::get().s.qsImagePath = fi.absolutePath(); } static void recreateServerHandler() { // New server connection, so the sync has not happened yet ChannelListener::setInitialServerSyncDone(false); ServerHandlerPtr sh = Global::get().sh; if (sh && sh->isRunning()) { Global::get().mw->on_qaServerDisconnect_triggered(); sh->disconnect(); sh->wait(); QCoreApplication::instance()->processEvents(); } Global::get().sh.reset(); while (sh && !sh.unique()) QThread::yieldCurrentThread(); sh.reset(); sh = ServerHandlerPtr(new ServerHandler()); sh->moveToThread(sh.get()); Global::get().sh = sh; Global::get().mw->connect(sh.get(), SIGNAL(connected()), Global::get().mw, SLOT(serverConnected())); Global::get().mw->connect(sh.get(), SIGNAL(disconnected(QAbstractSocket::SocketError, QString)), Global::get().mw, SLOT(serverDisconnected(QAbstractSocket::SocketError, QString))); Global::get().mw->connect(sh.get(), SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError, QString)), Global::get().mw, SLOT(resolverError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError, QString))); QObject::connect(sh.get(), &ServerHandler::disconnected, Global::get().talkingUI, &TalkingUI::on_serverDisconnected); // We have to use direct connections for these here as the PluginManager must be able to access the connection's ID // and in order for that to be possible the (dis)connection process must not proceed in the background. Global::get().pluginManager->connect(sh.get(), &ServerHandler::connected, Global::get().pluginManager, &PluginManager::on_serverConnected, Qt::DirectConnection); // We connect the plugin manager to "aboutToDisconnect" instead of "disconnect" in order for the slot to be // guaranteed to be completed *before* the acutal disconnect logic (e.g. MainWindow::serverDisconnected) kicks in. // In order for that to work it is ESSENTIAL to use a DIRECT CONNECTION! Global::get().pluginManager->connect(sh.get(), &ServerHandler::aboutToDisconnect, Global::get().pluginManager, &PluginManager::on_serverDisconnected, Qt::DirectConnection); } void MainWindow::openUrl(const QUrl &url) { Global::get().l->log(Log::Information, tr("Opening URL %1").arg(url.toString(QUrl::RemovePassword).toHtmlEscaped())); if (url.scheme() == QLatin1String("file")) { QFile f(url.toLocalFile()); if (!f.exists() || !f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { Global::get().l->log(Log::Warning, tr("File does not exist")); return; } f.close(); QSettings *qs = new QSettings(f.fileName(), QSettings::IniFormat); qs->setIniCodec("UTF-8"); if (qs->status() != QSettings::NoError) { Global::get().l->log(Log::Warning, tr("File is not a configuration file.")); } else { qSwap(qs, Global::get().qs); Global::get().s.load(); qSwap(qs, Global::get().qs); Global::get().l->log(Log::Warning, tr("Settings merged from file.")); } delete qs; return; } if (url.scheme() != QLatin1String("mumble")) { Global::get().l->log(Log::Warning, tr("URL scheme is not 'mumble'")); return; } int major, minor, patch; int thismajor, thisminor, thispatch; MumbleVersion::get(&thismajor, &thisminor, &thispatch); // With no version parameter given assume the link refers to our version major = thismajor; minor = thisminor; patch = thispatch; QUrlQuery query(url); QString version = query.queryItemValue(QLatin1String("version")); if (version.size() > 0) { if (!MumbleVersion::get(&major, &minor, &patch, version)) { // The version format is invalid Global::get().l->log(Log::Warning, QObject::tr("The provided URL uses an invalid version format: \"%1\"").arg(version)); return; } } // We can't handle URLs for versions < 1.2.0 const int minMajor = 1; const int minMinor = 2; const int minPatch = 0; const bool isPre_120 = major < minMajor || (major == minMajor && minor < minMinor) || (major == minMajor && minor == minMinor && patch < minPatch); // We also can't handle URLs for versions newer than the running Mumble instance const bool isFuture = major > thismajor || (major == thismajor && minor > thisminor) || (major == thismajor && minor == thisminor && patch > thispatch); if (isPre_120 || isFuture) { Global::get().l->log(Log::Warning, tr("This version of Mumble can't handle URLs for Mumble version %1.%2.%3") .arg(major) .arg(minor) .arg(patch)); return; } QString host = url.host(); unsigned short port = static_cast< unsigned short >(url.port(DEFAULT_MUMBLE_PORT)); QString user = url.userName(); QString pw = url.password(); qsDesiredChannel = url.path(); QString name; if (query.hasQueryItem(QLatin1String("title"))) name = query.queryItemValue(QLatin1String("title")); if (Global::get().sh && Global::get().sh->isRunning()) { QString oHost, oUser, oPw; unsigned short oport; Global::get().sh->getConnectionInfo(oHost, oport, oUser, oPw); ClientUser *p = ClientUser::get(Global::get().uiSession); if ((user.isEmpty() || (p && p->iId >= 0) || (user == oUser)) && (host.isEmpty() || ((host == oHost) && (port == oport)))) { findDesiredChannel(); return; } } Global::get().db->fuzzyMatch(name, user, pw, host, port); if (user.isEmpty()) { bool ok; user = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Connecting to %1").arg(url.toString()), tr("Enter username"), QLineEdit::Normal, Global::get().s.qsUsername, &ok); if (!ok || user.isEmpty()) return; Global::get().s.qsUsername = user; } if (name.isEmpty()) name = QString::fromLatin1("%1@%2").arg(user).arg(host); recreateServerHandler(); Global::get().s.qsLastServer = name; rtLast = MumbleProto::Reject_RejectType_None; bRetryServer = true; qaServerDisconnect->setEnabled(true); Global::get().l->log(Log::Information, tr("Connecting to server %1.").arg(Log::msgColor(host.toHtmlEscaped(), Log::Server))); Global::get().sh->setConnectionInfo(host, port, user, pw); Global::get().sh->start(QThread::TimeCriticalPriority); } /** * This function tries to join a desired channel on connect. It gets called * directly after server syncronization is completed. * @see void MainWindow::msgServerSync(const MumbleProto::ServerSync &msg) */ void MainWindow::findDesiredChannel() { bool found = false; QStringList qlChans = qsDesiredChannel.split(QLatin1String("/")); Channel *chan = Channel::get(0); QString str = QString(); while (chan && qlChans.count() > 0) { QString elem = qlChans.takeFirst().toLower(); if (elem.isEmpty()) continue; if (str.isNull()) str = elem; else str = str + QLatin1String("/") + elem; foreach (Channel *c, chan->qlChannels) { if (c->qsName.toLower() == str) { str = QString(); found = true; chan = c; break; } } } if (found) { if (chan != ClientUser::get(Global::get().uiSession)->cChannel) { Global::get().sh->joinChannel(Global::get().uiSession, chan->iId); } qtvUsers->setCurrentIndex(pmModel->index(chan)); } else if (Global::get().uiSession) { qtvUsers->setCurrentIndex(pmModel->index(ClientUser::get(Global::get().uiSession)->cChannel)); } updateMenuPermissions(); } void MainWindow::setOnTop(bool top) { Qt::WindowFlags wf = windowFlags(); if (wf.testFlag(Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint) != top) { if (top) wf |= Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint; else wf &= ~Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint; setWindowFlags(wf); show(); } } void MainWindow::setupView(bool toggle_minimize) { bool showit = !Global::get().s.bMinimalView; switch (Global::get().s.wlWindowLayout) { case Settings::LayoutClassic: removeDockWidget(qdwLog); addDockWidget(Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, qdwLog); qdwLog->show(); splitDockWidget(qdwLog, qdwChat, Qt::Vertical); qdwChat->show(); break; case Settings::LayoutStacked: removeDockWidget(qdwLog); addDockWidget(Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea, qdwLog); qdwLog->show(); splitDockWidget(qdwLog, qdwChat, Qt::Vertical); qdwChat->show(); break; case Settings::LayoutHybrid: removeDockWidget(qdwLog); removeDockWidget(qdwChat); addDockWidget(Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, qdwLog); qdwLog->show(); addDockWidget(Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea, qdwChat); qdwChat->show(); break; default: break; } updateToolbar(); qteChat->updateGeometry(); QRect geom = frameGeometry(); if (toggle_minimize) { if (!showit) { Global::get().s.qbaMainWindowGeometry = saveGeometry(); Global::get().s.qbaMainWindowState = saveState(); Global::get().s.qbaHeaderState = qtvUsers->header()->saveState(); } else { Global::get().s.qbaMinimalViewGeometry = saveGeometry(); Global::get().s.qbaMinimalViewState = saveState(); } } Qt::WindowFlags f = Qt::Window; if (!showit) { if (Global::get().s.bHideFrame) { f |= Qt::FramelessWindowHint; } } if (Global::get().s.aotbAlwaysOnTop == Settings::OnTopAlways || (Global::get().s.bMinimalView && Global::get().s.aotbAlwaysOnTop == Settings::OnTopInMinimal) || (!Global::get().s.bMinimalView && Global::get().s.aotbAlwaysOnTop == Settings::OnTopInNormal)) { f |= Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint; } if (!graphicsProxyWidget()) setWindowFlags(f); if (Global::get().s.bShowContextMenuInMenuBar) { bool found = false; foreach (QAction *a, menuBar()->actions()) { if (a == qmUser->menuAction()) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { menuBar()->insertMenu(qmConfig->menuAction(), qmUser); menuBar()->insertMenu(qmConfig->menuAction(), qmChannel); } } else { menuBar()->removeAction(qmUser->menuAction()); menuBar()->removeAction(qmChannel->menuAction()); } if (Global::get().s.bEnableDeveloperMenu) { bool found = false; foreach (QAction *a, menuBar()->actions()) { if (a == qmDeveloper->menuAction()) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { menuBar()->insertMenu(qmHelp->menuAction(), qmDeveloper); } } else { menuBar()->removeAction(qmDeveloper->menuAction()); } if (!showit) { qdwLog->setVisible(showit); qdwChat->setVisible(showit); qtIconToolbar->setVisible(showit); } menuBar()->setVisible(showit); if (toggle_minimize) { if (!showit) { if (!Global::get().s.qbaMinimalViewGeometry.isNull()) restoreGeometry(Global::get().s.qbaMinimalViewGeometry); if (!Global::get().s.qbaMinimalViewState.isNull()) restoreState(Global::get().s.qbaMinimalViewState); } else { if (!Global::get().s.qbaMainWindowGeometry.isNull()) restoreGeometry(Global::get().s.qbaMainWindowGeometry); if (!Global::get().s.qbaMainWindowState.isNull()) restoreState(Global::get().s.qbaMainWindowState); } } else { QRect newgeom = frameGeometry(); resize(geometry().width() - newgeom.width() + geom.width(), geometry().height() - newgeom.height() + geom.height()); move(geom.x(), geom.y()); } // Display the Transmit Mode Dropdown, if configured to do so, otherwise // hide it. if (Global::get().s.bShowTransmitModeComboBox) { qaTransmitMode->setVisible(true); qaTransmitModeSeparator->setVisible(true); } else { qaTransmitMode->setVisible(false); qaTransmitModeSeparator->setVisible(false); } show(); activateWindow(); // If activated show the PTT window if (Global::get().s.bShowPTTButtonWindow && Global::get().s.atTransmit == Settings::PushToTalk) { if (qwPTTButtonWidget) { qwPTTButtonWidget->show(); } else { qwPTTButtonWidget = new PTTButtonWidget(); qwPTTButtonWidget->show(); connect(qwPTTButtonWidget, SIGNAL(triggered(bool, QVariant)), SLOT(on_PushToTalk_triggered(bool, QVariant))); } } else { if (qwPTTButtonWidget) { qwPTTButtonWidget->deleteLater(); qwPTTButtonWidget = nullptr; } } } void MainWindow::on_qaServerConnect_triggered(bool autoconnect) { ConnectDialog *cd = new ConnectDialog(this, autoconnect); int res = cd->exec(); if (cd->qsServer.isEmpty() || (cd->usPort == 0) || cd->qsUsername.isEmpty()) res = QDialog::Rejected; if (res == QDialog::Accepted) { recreateServerHandler(); qsDesiredChannel = QString(); rtLast = MumbleProto::Reject_RejectType_None; bRetryServer = true; qaServerDisconnect->setEnabled(true); Global::get().l->log(Log::Information, tr("Connecting to server %1.").arg(Log::msgColor(cd->qsServer.toHtmlEscaped(), Log::Server))); Global::get().sh->setConnectionInfo(cd->qsServer, cd->usPort, cd->qsUsername, cd->qsPassword); Global::get().sh->start(QThread::TimeCriticalPriority); } delete cd; } void MainWindow::on_Reconnect_timeout() { if (Global::get().sh->isRunning()) return; Global::get().l->log(Log::Information, tr("Reconnecting.")); Global::get().sh->start(QThread::TimeCriticalPriority); } void MainWindow::on_qmSelf_aboutToShow() { ClientUser *user = ClientUser::get(Global::get().uiSession); qaServerTexture->setEnabled(user != nullptr); qaSelfComment->setEnabled(user != nullptr); qaServerTextureRemove->setEnabled(user && !user->qbaTextureHash.isEmpty()); qaSelfRegister->setEnabled(user && (user->iId < 0) && !user->qsHash.isEmpty() && (Global::get().pPermissions & (ChanACL::SelfRegister | ChanACL::Write))); if (Global::get().sh && Global::get().sh->uiVersion >= 0x010203) { qaSelfPrioritySpeaker->setEnabled(user && Global::get().pPermissions & (ChanACL::Write | ChanACL::MuteDeafen)); qaSelfPrioritySpeaker->setChecked(user && user->bPrioritySpeaker); } else { qaSelfPrioritySpeaker->setEnabled(false); qaSelfPrioritySpeaker->setChecked(false); } } void MainWindow::on_qaSelfComment_triggered() { ClientUser *p = ClientUser::get(Global::get().uiSession); if (!p) return; if (!p->qbaCommentHash.isEmpty() && p->qsComment.isEmpty()) { p->qsComment = QString::fromUtf8(Global::get().db->blob(p->qbaCommentHash)); if (p->qsComment.isEmpty()) { pmModel->uiSessionComment = ~(p->uiSession); MumbleProto::RequestBlob mprb; mprb.add_session_comment(p->uiSession); Global::get().sh->sendMessage(mprb); return; } } unsigned int session = p->uiSession; ::TextMessage *texm = new ::TextMessage(this, tr("Change your comment")); texm->rteMessage->setText(p->qsComment); int res = texm->exec(); p = ClientUser::get(session); if (p && (res == QDialog::Accepted)) { const QString &msg = texm->message(); MumbleProto::UserState mpus; mpus.set_session(session); mpus.set_comment(u8(msg)); Global::get().sh->sendMessage(mpus); if (!msg.isEmpty()) Global::get().db->setBlob(sha1(msg), msg.toUtf8()); } delete texm; } void MainWindow::on_qaSelfRegister_triggered() { ClientUser *p = ClientUser::get(Global::get().uiSession); if (!p) return; QMessageBox::StandardButton result; result = QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Register yourself as %1").arg(p->qsName), tr("

You are about to register yourself on this server. This action cannot be undone, " "and your username cannot be changed once this is done. You will forever be known as " "'%1' on this server.

Are you sure you want to register yourself?

") .arg(p->qsName.toHtmlEscaped()), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No); if (result == QMessageBox::Yes) Global::get().sh->registerUser(p->uiSession); } void MainWindow::qcbTransmitMode_activated(int index) { switch (index) { case 0: // Continuous Global::get().s.atTransmit = Settings::Continuous; Global::get().l->log(Log::Information, tr("Transmit Mode set to Continuous")); return; case 1: // Voice Activity Global::get().s.atTransmit = Settings::VAD; Global::get().l->log(Log::Information, tr("Transmit Mode set to Voice Activity")); return; case 2: // Push-to-Talk Global::get().s.atTransmit = Settings::PushToTalk; Global::get().l->log(Log::Information, tr("Transmit Mode set to Push-to-Talk")); return; } } void MainWindow::on_qmServer_aboutToShow() { qmServer->clear(); qmServer->addAction(qaServerConnect); qmServer->addSeparator(); qmServer->addAction(qaServerDisconnect); qmServer->addAction(qaServerInformation); qmServer->addAction(qaServerTokens); qmServer->addAction(qaServerUserList); qmServer->addAction(qaServerBanList); qmServer->addSeparator(); #if !defined(Q_OS_MAC) // Don't add qaHide on macOS. // There is no way to bring the window back (no 'tray' for Mumble on macOS), // and the system has built-in hide functionality via Cmd-H. if (qstiIcon->isSystemTrayAvailable()) qmServer->addAction(qaHide); #endif qmServer->addAction(qaQuit); qaServerBanList->setEnabled(Global::get().pPermissions & (ChanACL::Ban | ChanACL::Write)); qaServerUserList->setEnabled(Global::get().pPermissions & (ChanACL::Register | ChanACL::Write)); qaServerInformation->setEnabled(Global::get().uiSession != 0); qaServerTokens->setEnabled(Global::get().uiSession != 0); if (!qlServerActions.isEmpty()) { qmServer->addSeparator(); foreach (QAction *a, qlServerActions) qmServer->addAction(a); } } void MainWindow::on_qaServerDisconnect_triggered() { if (qtReconnect->isActive()) { qtReconnect->stop(); qaServerDisconnect->setEnabled(false); } if (Global::get().sh && Global::get().sh->isRunning()) Global::get().sh->disconnect(); } void MainWindow::on_qaServerBanList_triggered() { Global::get().sh->requestBanList(); if (banEdit) { banEdit->reject(); delete banEdit; banEdit = nullptr; } } void MainWindow::on_qaServerUserList_triggered() { Global::get().sh->requestUserList(); if (userEdit) { userEdit->reject(); delete userEdit; userEdit = nullptr; } } void MainWindow::on_qaServerInformation_triggered() { ServerInformation *infoDialog = new ServerInformation(this); infoDialog->show(); } void MainWindow::on_qaServerTexture_triggered() { QPair< QByteArray, QImage > choice = openImageFile(); if (choice.first.isEmpty()) return; const QImage &img = choice.second; if ((img.height() <= 1024) && (img.width() <= 1024)) Global::get().sh->setUserTexture(Global::get().uiSession, choice.first); } void MainWindow::on_qaServerTextureRemove_triggered() { Global::get().sh->setUserTexture(Global::get().uiSession, QByteArray()); } void MainWindow::on_qaServerTokens_triggered() { if (tokenEdit) { tokenEdit->reject(); delete tokenEdit; tokenEdit = nullptr; } tokenEdit = new Tokens(this); tokenEdit->show(); } void MainWindow::voiceRecorderDialog_finished(int) { voiceRecorderDialog->deleteLater(); voiceRecorderDialog = nullptr; } void MainWindow::qmUser_aboutToShow() { ClientUser *p = nullptr; if (Global::get().uiSession != 0) { QModelIndex idx; if (!qpContextPosition.isNull()) idx = qtvUsers->indexAt(qpContextPosition); if (!idx.isValid()) idx = qtvUsers->currentIndex(); p = pmModel->getUser(idx); if (cuContextUser) p = cuContextUser.data(); } cuContextUser = p; qpContextPosition = QPoint(); const ClientUser *self = ClientUser::get(Global::get().uiSession); bool isSelf = p == self; qmUser->clear(); if (self && p && !isSelf) { qmUser->addAction(qaUserJoin); qaUserJoin->setEnabled(self->cChannel != p->cChannel); qmUser->addSeparator(); } if (Global::get().pPermissions & (ChanACL::Kick | ChanACL::Ban | ChanACL::Write)) qmUser->addAction(qaUserKick); if (Global::get().pPermissions & (ChanACL::Ban | ChanACL::Write)) qmUser->addAction(qaUserBan); qmUser->addAction(qaUserMute); qmUser->addAction(qaUserDeaf); if (Global::get().sh && Global::get().sh->uiVersion >= 0x010203) qmUser->addAction(qaUserPrioritySpeaker); qmUser->addAction(qaUserLocalMute); qmUser->addAction(qaUserLocalIgnore); if (Global::get().s.bTTS) qmUser->addAction(qaUserLocalIgnoreTTS); qmUser->addAction(qaUserLocalVolume); qmUser->addAction(qaUserLocalNickname); if (isSelf) qmUser->addAction(qaSelfComment); else { qmUser->addAction(qaUserCommentView); qmUser->addAction(qaUserCommentReset); qmUser->addAction(qaUserTextureReset); } qmUser->addAction(qaUserTextMessage); if (Global::get().sh && Global::get().sh->uiVersion >= 0x010202) qmUser->addAction(qaUserInformation); if (p && (p->iId < 0) && !p->qsHash.isEmpty() && (Global::get().pPermissions & ((isSelf ? ChanACL::SelfRegister : ChanACL::Register) | ChanACL::Write))) { qmUser->addSeparator(); qmUser->addAction(qaUserRegister); } if (p && !p->qsHash.isEmpty() && (!p->qsFriendName.isEmpty() || (p->uiSession != Global::get().uiSession))) { qmUser->addSeparator(); if (p->qsFriendName.isEmpty()) qmUser->addAction(qaUserFriendAdd); else { if (p->qsFriendName != p->qsName) qmUser->addAction(qaUserFriendUpdate); qmUser->addAction(qaUserFriendRemove); } } if (isSelf) { qmUser->addSeparator(); qmUser->addAction(qaAudioMute); qmUser->addAction(qaAudioDeaf); } #ifndef Q_OS_MAC if (Global::get().s.bMinimalView) { qmUser->addSeparator(); qmUser->addMenu(qmServer); qmUser->addMenu(qmSelf); qmUser->addMenu(qmConfig); qmUser->addMenu(qmHelp); } #endif if (!qlUserActions.isEmpty()) { qmUser->addSeparator(); foreach (QAction *a, qlUserActions) qmUser->addAction(a); } if (!p) { qaUserKick->setEnabled(false); qaUserBan->setEnabled(false); qaUserTextMessage->setEnabled(false); qaUserLocalNickname->setEnabled(false); qaUserLocalMute->setEnabled(false); qaUserLocalVolume->setEnabled(false); qaUserLocalIgnore->setEnabled(false); qaUserLocalIgnoreTTS->setEnabled(false); qaUserCommentReset->setEnabled(false); qaUserTextureReset->setEnabled(false); qaUserCommentView->setEnabled(false); } else { qaUserKick->setEnabled(!isSelf); qaUserBan->setEnabled(!isSelf); qaUserTextMessage->setEnabled(true); qaUserLocalNickname->setEnabled(!isSelf); qaUserLocalMute->setEnabled(!isSelf); qaUserLocalVolume->setEnabled(!isSelf); qaUserLocalIgnore->setEnabled(!isSelf); qaUserLocalIgnoreTTS->setEnabled(!isSelf); // If the server's version is less than 1.4.0 it won't support the new permission to reset a comment/avatar, so // fall back to the old method if (Global::get().sh->uiVersion < 0x010400) { qaUserCommentReset->setEnabled(!p->qbaCommentHash.isEmpty() && (Global::get().pPermissions & (ChanACL::Move | ChanACL::Write))); qaUserTextureReset->setEnabled(!p->qbaTextureHash.isEmpty() && (Global::get().pPermissions & (ChanACL::Move | ChanACL::Write))); } else { qaUserCommentReset->setEnabled(!p->qbaCommentHash.isEmpty() && (Global::get().pPermissions & (ChanACL::ResetUserContent | ChanACL::Write))); qaUserTextureReset->setEnabled(!p->qbaTextureHash.isEmpty() && (Global::get().pPermissions & (ChanACL::ResetUserContent | ChanACL::Write))); } qaUserCommentView->setEnabled(!p->qbaCommentHash.isEmpty()); qaUserMute->setChecked(p->bMute || p->bSuppress); qaUserDeaf->setChecked(p->bDeaf); qaUserPrioritySpeaker->setChecked(p->bPrioritySpeaker); qaUserLocalMute->setChecked(p->bLocalMute); qaUserLocalIgnore->setChecked(p->bLocalIgnore); qaUserLocalIgnoreTTS->setChecked(p->bLocalIgnoreTTS); } updateMenuPermissions(); } void MainWindow::qmListener_aboutToShow() { ClientUser *p = nullptr; if (Global::get().uiSession != 0) { QModelIndex idx; if (!qpContextPosition.isNull()) idx = qtvUsers->indexAt(qpContextPosition); if (!idx.isValid()) idx = qtvUsers->currentIndex(); p = pmModel->getUser(idx); if (cuContextUser) p = cuContextUser.data(); } cuContextUser = p; qpContextPosition = QPoint(); bool self = p && (p->uiSession == Global::get().uiSession); qmListener->clear(); if (self) { qmListener->addAction(qaListenerLocalVolume); if (cContextChannel) { qmListener->addAction(qaChannelListen); qaChannelListen->setChecked(ChannelListener::isListening(Global::get().uiSession, cContextChannel->iId)); } } else { qmListener->addAction(qaEmpty); } } void MainWindow::on_qaUserMute_triggered() { ClientUser *p = getContextMenuUser(); if (!p) return; MumbleProto::UserState mpus; mpus.set_session(p->uiSession); if (p->bMute || p->bSuppress) { if (p->bMute) mpus.set_mute(false); if (p->bSuppress) mpus.set_suppress(false); } else { mpus.set_mute(true); } Global::get().sh->sendMessage(mpus); } void MainWindow::on_qaUserLocalMute_triggered() { ClientUser *p = getContextMenuUser(); if (!p) { return; } bool muted = qaUserLocalMute->isChecked(); p->setLocalMute(muted); if (!p->qsHash.isEmpty()) { Global::get().db->setLocalMuted(p->qsHash, muted); } else { logChangeNotPermanent(QObject::tr("Local Mute"), p); } } void MainWindow::on_qaUserLocalIgnore_triggered() { ClientUser *p = getContextMenuUser(); if (!p) { return; } bool ignored = qaUserLocalIgnore->isChecked(); p->setLocalIgnore(ignored); if (!p->qsHash.isEmpty()) { Global::get().db->setLocalIgnored(p->qsHash, ignored); } else { logChangeNotPermanent(QObject::tr("Ignore Messages"), p); } } void MainWindow::on_qaUserLocalIgnoreTTS_triggered() { ClientUser *p = getContextMenuUser(); if (!p) { return; } bool ignoredTTS = qaUserLocalIgnoreTTS->isChecked(); p->setLocalIgnoreTTS(ignoredTTS); if (!p->qsHash.isEmpty()) { Global::get().db->setLocalIgnoredTTS(p->qsHash, ignoredTTS); } else { logChangeNotPermanent(QObject::tr("Disable Text-To-Speech"), p); } } void MainWindow::on_qaUserLocalVolume_triggered() { ClientUser *p = getContextMenuUser(); if (!p) { return; } openUserLocalVolumeDialog(p); } void MainWindow::openUserLocalVolumeDialog(ClientUser *p) { unsigned int session = p->uiSession; UserLocalVolumeDialog::present(session, &qmUserVolTracker); } void MainWindow::on_qaUserDeaf_triggered() { ClientUser *p = getContextMenuUser(); if (!p) return; MumbleProto::UserState mpus; mpus.set_session(p->uiSession); mpus.set_deaf(!p->bDeaf); Global::get().sh->sendMessage(mpus); } void MainWindow::on_qaSelfPrioritySpeaker_triggered() { ClientUser *p = ClientUser::get(Global::get().uiSession); if (!p) return; MumbleProto::UserState mpus; mpus.set_session(p->uiSession); mpus.set_priority_speaker(!p->bPrioritySpeaker); Global::get().sh->sendMessage(mpus); } void MainWindow::on_qaUserPrioritySpeaker_triggered() { ClientUser *p = getContextMenuUser(); if (!p) return; MumbleProto::UserState mpus; mpus.set_session(p->uiSession); mpus.set_priority_speaker(!p->bPrioritySpeaker); Global::get().sh->sendMessage(mpus); } void MainWindow::on_qaUserRegister_triggered() { ClientUser *p = getContextMenuUser(); if (!p) return; unsigned int session = p->uiSession; QMessageBox::StandardButton result; if (session == Global::get().uiSession) result = QMessageBox::question( this, tr("Register yourself as %1").arg(p->qsName), tr("

You are about to register yourself on this server. This action cannot be undone, and your username " "cannot be changed once this is done. You will forever be known as '%1' on this server.

Are you " "sure you want to register yourself?

") .arg(p->qsName.toHtmlEscaped()), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No); else result = QMessageBox::question( this, tr("Register user %1").arg(p->qsName), tr("

You are about to register %1 on the server. This action cannot be undone, the username cannot be " "changed, and as a registered user, %1 will have access to the server even if you change the server " "password.

From this point on, %1 will be authenticated with the certificate currently in " "use.

Are you sure you want to register %1?

") .arg(p->qsName.toHtmlEscaped()), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No); if (result == QMessageBox::Yes) { p = ClientUser::get(session); if (!p) return; Global::get().sh->registerUser(p->uiSession); } } void MainWindow::on_qaUserFriendAdd_triggered() { ClientUser *p = getContextMenuUser(); if (!p) return; Global::get().db->addFriend(p->qsName, p->qsHash); pmModel->setFriendName(p, p->qsName); } void MainWindow::on_qaUserFriendUpdate_triggered() { on_qaUserFriendAdd_triggered(); } void MainWindow::on_qaUserFriendRemove_triggered() { ClientUser *p = getContextMenuUser(); if (!p) return; Global::get().db->removeFriend(p->qsHash); pmModel->setFriendName(p, QString()); } void MainWindow::on_qaUserKick_triggered() { ClientUser *p = getContextMenuUser(); if (!p) return; unsigned int session = p->uiSession; bool ok; QString reason = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Kicking user %1").arg(p->qsName), tr("Enter reason"), QLineEdit::Normal, QString(), &ok); p = ClientUser::get(session); if (!p) return; if (ok) { Global::get().sh->kickBanUser(p->uiSession, reason, false); } } void MainWindow::on_qaUserBan_triggered() { ClientUser *p = getContextMenuUser(); if (!p) return; unsigned int session = p->uiSession; bool ok; QString reason = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Banning user %1").arg(p->qsName), tr("Enter reason"), QLineEdit::Normal, QString(), &ok); p = ClientUser::get(session); if (!p) return; if (ok) { Global::get().sh->kickBanUser(p->uiSession, reason, true); } } void MainWindow::on_qaUserTextMessage_triggered() { ClientUser *p = getContextMenuUser(); if (!p) return; openTextMessageDialog(p); } void MainWindow::openTextMessageDialog(ClientUser *p) { unsigned int session = p->uiSession; ::TextMessage *texm = new ::TextMessage(this, tr("Sending message to %1").arg(p->qsName)); int res = texm->exec(); // Try to get find the user using the session id. // This will return nullptr if the user disconnected while typing the message. p = ClientUser::get(session); if (p && (res == QDialog::Accepted)) { QString msg = texm->message(); if (!msg.isEmpty()) { Global::get().sh->sendUserTextMessage(p->uiSession, msg); Global::get().l->log(Log::TextMessage, tr("To %1: %2").arg(Log::formatClientUser(p, Log::Target), texm->message()), tr("Message to %1").arg(p->qsName), true); } } delete texm; } void MainWindow::on_qaUserLocalNickname_triggered() { ClientUser *p = getContextMenuUser(); if (!p) return; openUserLocalNicknameDialog(*p); } void MainWindow::openUserLocalNicknameDialog(const ClientUser &p) { unsigned int session = p.uiSession; UserLocalNicknameDialog::present(session, qmUserNicknameTracker); } void MainWindow::on_qaUserCommentView_triggered() { ClientUser *p = getContextMenuUser(); // This has to be done here because UserModel could've set it. cuContextUser.clear(); if (!p) return; if (!p->qbaCommentHash.isEmpty() && p->qsComment.isEmpty()) { p->qsComment = QString::fromUtf8(Global::get().db->blob(p->qbaCommentHash)); if (p->qsComment.isEmpty()) { pmModel->uiSessionComment = ~(p->uiSession); MumbleProto::RequestBlob mprb; mprb.add_session_comment(p->uiSession); Global::get().sh->sendMessage(mprb); return; } } pmModel->seenComment(pmModel->index(p)); ::TextMessage *texm = new ::TextMessage(this, tr("View comment on user %1").arg(p->qsName)); texm->rteMessage->setText(p->qsComment, true); texm->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true); texm->show(); } void MainWindow::on_qaUserCommentReset_triggered() { ClientUser *p = getContextMenuUser(); if (!p) return; unsigned int session = p->uiSession; int ret = QMessageBox::question( this, QLatin1String("Mumble"), tr("Are you sure you want to reset the comment of user %1?").arg(p->qsName.toHtmlEscaped()), QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No); if (ret == QMessageBox::Yes) { Global::get().sh->setUserComment(session, QString()); } } void MainWindow::on_qaUserTextureReset_triggered() { ClientUser *p = getContextMenuUser(); if (!p) return; unsigned int session = p->uiSession; int ret = QMessageBox::question( this, QLatin1String("Mumble"), tr("Are you sure you want to reset the avatar of user %1?").arg(p->qsName.toHtmlEscaped()), QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No); if (ret == QMessageBox::Yes) { Global::get().sh->setUserTexture(session, QByteArray()); } } void MainWindow::on_qaUserInformation_triggered() { ClientUser *p = getContextMenuUser(); if (!p) return; Global::get().sh->requestUserStats(p->uiSession, false); } void MainWindow::on_qaHide_triggered() { hide(); } void MainWindow::on_qaQuit_triggered() { bSuppressAskOnQuit = true; this->close(); } void MainWindow::sendChatbarText(QString qsText) { qsText = qsText.toHtmlEscaped(); // Markdown::markdownToHTML also takes care of replacing line breaks (\n) with the respective // HTML code
. Therefore if Markdown support is ever going to be removed from this // function, this job has to be done explicitly as otherwise line breaks won't be shown on // the receiving end of this text message. qsText = Markdown::markdownToHTML(qsText); sendChatbarMessage(qsText); qteChat->clear(); } void MainWindow::sendChatbarMessage(QString qsMessage) { if (Global::get().uiSession == 0) return; // Check if text & connection is available ClientUser *p = pmModel->getUser(qtvUsers->currentIndex()); Channel *c = pmModel->getChannel(qtvUsers->currentIndex()); if (!Global::get().s.bChatBarUseSelection || !p || p->uiSession == Global::get().uiSession) { // Channel message if (!Global::get().s.bChatBarUseSelection || !c) // If no channel selected fallback to current one c = ClientUser::get(Global::get().uiSession)->cChannel; Global::get().sh->sendChannelTextMessage(c->iId, qsMessage, false); Global::get().l->log(Log::TextMessage, tr("To %1: %2").arg(Log::formatChannel(c), qsMessage), tr("Message to channel %1").arg(c->qsName), true); } else { // User message Global::get().sh->sendUserTextMessage(p->uiSession, qsMessage); Global::get().l->log(Log::TextMessage, tr("To %1: %2").arg(Log::formatClientUser(p, Log::Target), qsMessage), tr("Message to %1").arg(p->qsName), true); } } /** * Controlls tab username completion for the chatbar. * @see ChatbarLineEdit::completeAtCursor() */ void MainWindow::on_qteChat_tabPressed() { qteChat->completeAtCursor(); } /// Handles Backtab/Shift-Tab for qteChat, which allows /// users to move focus to the previous widget in /// MainWindow. void MainWindow::on_qteChat_backtabPressed() { focusPreviousChild(); } /** * Controlls ctrl space username completion and selection for the chatbar. * @see ChatbarLineEdit::completeAtCursor() */ void MainWindow::on_qteChat_ctrlSpacePressed() { unsigned int res = qteChat->completeAtCursor(); if (res == 0) return; qtvUsers->setCurrentIndex(pmModel->index(ClientUser::get(res))); } void MainWindow::on_qmConfig_aboutToShow() { // Don't remove the config, as that messes up OSX. foreach (QAction *a, qmConfig->actions()) if (a != qaConfigDialog) qmConfig->removeAction(a); qmConfig->addAction(qaAudioWizard); qmConfig->addAction(qaConfigCert); qmConfig->addSeparator(); qmConfig->addAction(qaAudioTTS); qmConfig->addSeparator(); qmConfig->addAction(qaConfigMinimal); qaTalkingUIToggle->setChecked(Global::get().talkingUI && Global::get().talkingUI->isVisible()); qmConfig->addAction(qaTalkingUIToggle); if (Global::get().s.bMinimalView) qmConfig->addAction(qaConfigHideFrame); } void MainWindow::qmChannel_aboutToShow() { qmChannel->clear(); Channel *c = nullptr; if (Global::get().uiSession != 0) { QModelIndex idx; if (!qpContextPosition.isNull()) idx = qtvUsers->indexAt(qpContextPosition); if (!idx.isValid()) idx = qtvUsers->currentIndex(); c = pmModel->getChannel(idx); if (cContextChannel) c = cContextChannel.data(); } cContextChannel = c; qpContextPosition = QPoint(); if (c && c->iId != ClientUser::get(Global::get().uiSession)->cChannel->iId) { qmChannel->addAction(qaChannelJoin); qmChannel->addSeparator(); } if (c && Global::get().sh && Global::get().sh->uiVersion >= 0x010400) { // If the server's version is less than 1.4, the listening feature is not supported yet // and thus it doesn't make sense to show the action for it qmChannel->addAction(qaChannelListen); qaChannelListen->setChecked(ChannelListener::isListening(Global::get().uiSession, c->iId)); } qmChannel->addSeparator(); qmChannel->addAction(qaChannelAdd); qmChannel->addAction(qaChannelACL); qmChannel->addAction(qaChannelRemove); qmChannel->addSeparator(); qmChannel->addAction(qaChannelLink); qmChannel->addAction(qaChannelUnlink); qmChannel->addAction(qaChannelUnlinkAll); qmChannel->addSeparator(); qmChannel->addAction(qaChannelCopyURL); qmChannel->addAction(qaChannelSendMessage); // hiding the root is nonsense if (c && c->cParent) { qmChannel->addSeparator(); qmChannel->addAction(qaChannelFilter); } #ifndef Q_OS_MAC if (Global::get().s.bMinimalView) { qmChannel->addSeparator(); qmChannel->addMenu(qmServer); qmChannel->addMenu(qmSelf); qmChannel->addMenu(qmConfig); qmChannel->addMenu(qmHelp); } #endif if (!qlChannelActions.isEmpty()) { qmChannel->addSeparator(); foreach (QAction *a, qlChannelActions) qmChannel->addAction(a); } bool add, remove, acl, link, unlink, unlinkall, msg; add = remove = acl = link = unlink = unlinkall = msg = false; if (Global::get().uiSession != 0) { add = true; acl = true; msg = true; Channel *home = ClientUser::get(Global::get().uiSession)->cChannel; if (c && c->iId != 0) { remove = true; } if (!c) c = Channel::get(0); unlinkall = (home->qhLinks.count() > 0); if (home != c) { if (c->allLinks().contains(home)) unlink = true; else link = true; } } if (c) qaChannelFilter->setChecked(c->bFiltered); qaChannelAdd->setEnabled(add); qaChannelRemove->setEnabled(remove); qaChannelACL->setEnabled(acl); qaChannelLink->setEnabled(link); qaChannelUnlink->setEnabled(unlink); qaChannelUnlinkAll->setEnabled(unlinkall); qaChannelSendMessage->setEnabled(msg); updateMenuPermissions(); } void MainWindow::on_qaChannelJoin_triggered() { Channel *c = getContextMenuChannel(); if (c) { Global::get().sh->joinChannel(Global::get().uiSession, c->iId); } } void MainWindow::on_qaUserJoin_triggered() { const ClientUser *user = getContextMenuUser(); if (user) { const Channel *channel = user->cChannel; if (channel) { Global::get().sh->joinChannel(Global::get().uiSession, channel->iId); } } } void MainWindow::on_qaChannelListen_triggered() { Channel *c = getContextMenuChannel(); if (c) { if (qaChannelListen->isChecked()) { Global::get().sh->startListeningToChannel(c->iId); } else { Global::get().sh->stopListeningToChannel(c->iId); } } } void MainWindow::on_qaChannelFilter_triggered() { Channel *c = getContextMenuChannel(); if (c) { UserModel *um = static_cast< UserModel * >(qtvUsers->model()); um->toggleChannelFiltered(c); } } void MainWindow::on_qaChannelAdd_triggered() { Channel *c = getContextMenuChannel(); if (aclEdit) { aclEdit->reject(); delete aclEdit; aclEdit = nullptr; } aclEdit = new ACLEditor(c ? c->iId : 0, this); if (c && (c->uiPermissions & ChanACL::Cached) && !(c->uiPermissions & (ChanACL::Write | ChanACL::MakeChannel))) { aclEdit->qcbChannelTemporary->setEnabled(false); aclEdit->qcbChannelTemporary->setChecked(true); } aclEdit->show(); } void MainWindow::on_qaChannelRemove_triggered() { int ret; Channel *c = getContextMenuChannel(); if (!c) return; int id = c->iId; ret = QMessageBox::question( this, QLatin1String("Mumble"), tr("Are you sure you want to delete %1 and all its sub-channels?").arg(c->qsName.toHtmlEscaped()), QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No); c = Channel::get(id); if (!c) return; if (ret == QMessageBox::Yes) { Global::get().sh->removeChannel(c->iId); } } void MainWindow::on_qaChannelACL_triggered() { Channel *c = getContextMenuChannel(); if (!c) c = Channel::get(0); int id = c->iId; if (!c->qbaDescHash.isEmpty() && c->qsDesc.isEmpty()) { c->qsDesc = QString::fromUtf8(Global::get().db->blob(c->qbaDescHash)); if (c->qsDesc.isEmpty()) { MumbleProto::RequestBlob mprb; mprb.add_channel_description(id); Global::get().sh->sendMessage(mprb); } } Global::get().sh->requestACL(id); if (aclEdit) { aclEdit->reject(); delete aclEdit; aclEdit = nullptr; } } void MainWindow::on_qaChannelLink_triggered() { Channel *c = ClientUser::get(Global::get().uiSession)->cChannel; Channel *l = getContextMenuChannel(); if (!l) l = Channel::get(0); Global::get().sh->addChannelLink(c->iId, l->iId); } void MainWindow::on_qaChannelUnlink_triggered() { Channel *c = ClientUser::get(Global::get().uiSession)->cChannel; Channel *l = getContextMenuChannel(); if (!l) l = Channel::get(0); Global::get().sh->removeChannelLink(c->iId, l->iId); } void MainWindow::on_qaChannelUnlinkAll_triggered() { Channel *c = ClientUser::get(Global::get().uiSession)->cChannel; MumbleProto::ChannelState mpcs; mpcs.set_channel_id(c->iId); foreach (Channel *l, c->qsPermLinks) mpcs.add_links_remove(l->iId); Global::get().sh->sendMessage(mpcs); } void MainWindow::on_qaChannelSendMessage_triggered() { Channel *c = getContextMenuChannel(); if (!c) return; int id = c->iId; ::TextMessage *texm = new ::TextMessage(this, tr("Sending message to channel %1").arg(c->qsName), true); int res = texm->exec(); c = Channel::get(id); if (c && (res == QDialog::Accepted)) { Global::get().sh->sendChannelTextMessage(id, texm->message(), texm->bTreeMessage); if (texm->bTreeMessage) Global::get().l->log(Log::TextMessage, tr("To %1 (Tree): %2").arg(Log::formatChannel(c), texm->message()), tr("Message to tree %1").arg(c->qsName), true); else Global::get().l->log(Log::TextMessage, tr("To %1: %2").arg(Log::formatChannel(c), texm->message()), tr("Message to channel %1").arg(c->qsName), true); } delete texm; } void MainWindow::on_qaChannelCopyURL_triggered() { Channel *c = getContextMenuChannel(); QString host, uname, pw, channel; unsigned short port; if (!c) return; Global::get().sh->getConnectionInfo(host, port, uname, pw); // walk back up the channel list to build the URL. while (c->cParent) { channel.prepend(c->qsName); channel.prepend(QLatin1String("/")); c = c->cParent; } QApplication::clipboard()->setMimeData(ServerItem::toMimeData(c->qsName, host, port, channel), QClipboard::Clipboard); } void MainWindow::on_qaListenerLocalVolume_triggered() { Channel *channel = getContextMenuChannel(); ClientUser *user = getContextMenuUser(); if (!channel || !user) { return; } ListenerLocalVolumeDialog dialog(user, channel); dialog.exec(); } /** * This function updates the UI according to the permission of the user in the current channel. * If possible the permissions are fetched from a cache. Otherwise they are requested by the server * via a PermissionQuery call (whose reply updates the cache and calls this function again). * @see MainWindow::msgPermissionQuery(const MumbleProto::PermissionQuery &msg) */ void MainWindow::updateMenuPermissions() { ClientUser *cu = nullptr; Channel *c = nullptr; if (Global::get().uiSession) { cu = getContextMenuUser(); if (!cu) cu = pmModel->getUser(qtvUsers->currentIndex()); c = cu ? cu->cChannel : getContextMenuChannel(); if (!c) c = pmModel->getChannel(qtvUsers->currentIndex()); } ChanACL::Permissions p = c ? static_cast< ChanACL::Permissions >(c->uiPermissions) : ChanACL::None; if (c && !p) { Global::get().sh->requestChannelPermissions(c->iId); if (c->iId == 0) p = Global::get().pPermissions; else p = ChanACL::All; c->uiPermissions = p; } Channel *cparent = c ? c->cParent : nullptr; ChanACL::Permissions pparent = cparent ? static_cast< ChanACL::Permissions >(cparent->uiPermissions) : ChanACL::None; if (cparent && !pparent) { Global::get().sh->requestChannelPermissions(cparent->iId); if (cparent->iId == 0) pparent = Global::get().pPermissions; else pparent = ChanACL::All; cparent->uiPermissions = pparent; } ClientUser *user = Global::get().uiSession ? ClientUser::get(Global::get().uiSession) : nullptr; Channel *homec = user ? user->cChannel : nullptr; ChanACL::Permissions homep = homec ? static_cast< ChanACL::Permissions >(homec->uiPermissions) : ChanACL::None; if (homec && !homep) { Global::get().sh->requestChannelPermissions(homec->iId); if (homec->iId == 0) homep = Global::get().pPermissions; else homep = ChanACL::All; homec->uiPermissions = homep; } if (cu) { qaUserMute->setEnabled(p & (ChanACL::Write | ChanACL::MuteDeafen) && ((cu != user) || cu->bMute || cu->bSuppress)); qaUserDeaf->setEnabled(p & (ChanACL::Write | ChanACL::MuteDeafen) && ((cu != user) || cu->bDeaf)); qaUserPrioritySpeaker->setEnabled(p & (ChanACL::Write | ChanACL::MuteDeafen)); qaUserTextMessage->setEnabled(p & (ChanACL::Write | ChanACL::TextMessage)); qaUserInformation->setEnabled((Global::get().pPermissions & (ChanACL::Write | ChanACL::Register)) || (p & (ChanACL::Write | ChanACL::Enter)) || (cu == user)); } else { qaUserMute->setEnabled(false); qaUserDeaf->setEnabled(false); qaUserPrioritySpeaker->setEnabled(false); qaUserTextMessage->setEnabled(false); qaUserInformation->setEnabled(false); } qaChannelJoin->setEnabled(p & (ChanACL::Write | ChanACL::Enter)); qaChannelAdd->setEnabled(p & (ChanACL::Write | ChanACL::MakeChannel | ChanACL::MakeTempChannel)); qaChannelRemove->setEnabled(p & ChanACL::Write); qaChannelACL->setEnabled((p & ChanACL::Write) || (pparent & ChanACL::Write)); qaChannelLink->setEnabled((p & (ChanACL::Write | ChanACL::LinkChannel)) && (homep & (ChanACL::Write | ChanACL::LinkChannel))); qaChannelUnlink->setEnabled((p & (ChanACL::Write | ChanACL::LinkChannel)) || (homep & (ChanACL::Write | ChanACL::LinkChannel))); qaChannelUnlinkAll->setEnabled(p & (ChanACL::Write | ChanACL::LinkChannel)); qaChannelCopyURL->setEnabled(c); qaChannelSendMessage->setEnabled(p & (ChanACL::Write | ChanACL::TextMessage)); qaChannelFilter->setEnabled(true); qteChat->setEnabled(p & (ChanACL::Write | ChanACL::TextMessage)); } void MainWindow::userStateChanged() { if (Global::get().s.bStateInTray) { updateTrayIcon(); } ClientUser *user = ClientUser::get(Global::get().uiSession); if (!user) { Global::get().bAttenuateOthers = false; Global::get().prioritySpeakerActiveOverride = false; return; } switch (user->tsState) { case Settings::Talking: case Settings::Whispering: case Settings::Shouting: Global::get().bAttenuateOthers = Global::get().s.bAttenuateOthersOnTalk; Global::get().prioritySpeakerActiveOverride = Global::get().s.bAttenuateUsersOnPrioritySpeak && user->bPrioritySpeaker; break; case Settings::Passive: case Settings::MutedTalking: default: Global::get().bAttenuateOthers = false; Global::get().prioritySpeakerActiveOverride = false; break; } } void MainWindow::on_qaAudioReset_triggered() { AudioInputPtr ai = Global::get().ai; if (ai) ai->bResetProcessor = true; } void MainWindow::on_qaFilterToggle_triggered() { Global::get().s.bFilterActive = qaFilterToggle->isChecked(); updateUserModel(); } void MainWindow::on_qaAudioMute_triggered() { if (Global::get().bInAudioWizard) { qaAudioMute->setChecked(!qaAudioMute->isChecked()); return; } AudioInputPtr ai = Global::get().ai; if (ai) ai->tIdle.restart(); Global::get().s.bMute = qaAudioMute->isChecked(); if (!Global::get().s.bMute && Global::get().s.bDeaf) { Global::get().s.bDeaf = false; qaAudioDeaf->setChecked(false); Global::get().l->log(Log::SelfUndeaf, tr("Unmuted and undeafened.")); } else if (!Global::get().s.bMute) { Global::get().l->log(Log::SelfUnmute, tr("Unmuted.")); } else { Global::get().l->log(Log::SelfMute, tr("Muted.")); } if (Global::get().sh) { Global::get().sh->setSelfMuteDeafState(Global::get().s.bMute, Global::get().s.bDeaf); } updateTrayIcon(); } void MainWindow::setAudioMute(bool mute) { // Pretend the user pushed the button manually qaAudioMute->setChecked(mute); qaAudioMute->triggered(mute); } void MainWindow::on_qaAudioDeaf_triggered() { if (Global::get().bInAudioWizard) { qaAudioDeaf->setChecked(!qaAudioDeaf->isChecked()); return; } if (!qaAudioDeaf->isChecked() && bAutoUnmute) { qaAudioDeaf->setChecked(true); qaAudioMute->setChecked(false); on_qaAudioMute_triggered(); return; } AudioInputPtr ai = Global::get().ai; if (ai) ai->tIdle.restart(); Global::get().s.bDeaf = qaAudioDeaf->isChecked(); if (Global::get().s.bDeaf && !Global::get().s.bMute) { bAutoUnmute = true; Global::get().s.bMute = true; qaAudioMute->setChecked(true); Global::get().l->log(Log::SelfDeaf, tr("Muted and deafened.")); } else if (Global::get().s.bDeaf) { Global::get().l->log(Log::SelfDeaf, tr("Deafened.")); bAutoUnmute = false; } else { Global::get().l->log(Log::SelfUndeaf, tr("Undeafened.")); } if (Global::get().sh) { Global::get().sh->setSelfMuteDeafState(Global::get().s.bMute, Global::get().s.bDeaf); } updateTrayIcon(); } void MainWindow::setAudioDeaf(bool deaf) { // Pretend the user pushed the button manually qaAudioDeaf->setChecked(deaf); qaAudioDeaf->triggered(deaf); } void MainWindow::on_qaRecording_triggered() { if (voiceRecorderDialog) { voiceRecorderDialog->show(); voiceRecorderDialog->raise(); voiceRecorderDialog->activateWindow(); } else { voiceRecorderDialog = new VoiceRecorderDialog(this); connect(voiceRecorderDialog, SIGNAL(finished(int)), this, SLOT(voiceRecorderDialog_finished(int))); voiceRecorderDialog->show(); } } void MainWindow::on_qaAudioTTS_triggered() { Global::get().s.bTTS = qaAudioTTS->isChecked(); } void MainWindow::on_qaAudioStats_triggered() { AudioStats *as = new AudioStats(this); as->show(); } void MainWindow::on_qaAudioUnlink_triggered() { Global::get().pluginManager->unlinkPositionalData(); } void MainWindow::on_qaConfigDialog_triggered() { ConfigDialog *dlg = new ConfigDialog(this); QObject::connect(dlg, &ConfigDialog::settingsAccepted, Global::get().talkingUI, &TalkingUI::on_settingsChanged); if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { setupView(false); updateTransmitModeComboBox(); updateTrayIcon(); updateUserModel(); if (Global::get().s.requireRestartToApply) { if (Global::get().s.requireRestartToApply && QMessageBox::question( this, tr("Restart Mumble?"), tr("Some settings will only apply after a restart of Mumble. Restart Mumble now?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::Yes) { bSuppressAskOnQuit = true; restartOnQuit = true; close(); } } } delete dlg; } void MainWindow::on_qaConfigMinimal_triggered() { Global::get().s.bMinimalView = qaConfigMinimal->isChecked(); updateWindowTitle(); setupView(); } void MainWindow::on_qaConfigHideFrame_triggered() { Global::get().s.bHideFrame = qaConfigHideFrame->isChecked(); setupView(false); } void MainWindow::on_qaConfigCert_triggered() { CertWizard *cw = new CertWizard(this); cw->exec(); delete cw; } void MainWindow::on_qaAudioWizard_triggered() { AudioWizard *aw = new AudioWizard(this); aw->exec(); delete aw; } void MainWindow::on_qaDeveloperConsole_triggered() { Global::get().c->show(); } void MainWindow::on_qaHelpWhatsThis_triggered() { QWhatsThis::enterWhatsThisMode(); } void MainWindow::on_qaHelpAbout_triggered() { AboutDialog adAbout(this); adAbout.exec(); } void MainWindow::on_qaHelpAboutQt_triggered() { QMessageBox::aboutQt(this, tr("About Qt")); } void MainWindow::on_qaHelpVersionCheck_triggered() { new VersionCheck(false, this); } void MainWindow::on_gsMuteSelf_down(QVariant v) { int val = v.toInt(); if (((val > 0) && !Global::get().s.bMute) || ((val < 0) && Global::get().s.bMute) || (val == 0)) { qaAudioMute->setChecked(!qaAudioMute->isChecked()); on_qaAudioMute_triggered(); } } void MainWindow::on_gsDeafSelf_down(QVariant v) { int val = v.toInt(); if (((val > 0) && !Global::get().s.bDeaf) || ((val < 0) && Global::get().s.bDeaf) || (val == 0)) { qaAudioDeaf->setChecked(!qaAudioDeaf->isChecked()); on_qaAudioDeaf_triggered(); } } void MainWindow::on_PushToTalk_triggered(bool down, QVariant) { Global::get().iPrevTarget = 0; if (down) { Global::get().uiDoublePush = Global::get().tDoublePush.restart(); Global::get().iPushToTalk++; } else if (Global::get().iPushToTalk > 0) { QTimer::singleShot(static_cast< int >(Global::get().s.pttHold), this, SLOT(pttReleased())); } } void MainWindow::pttReleased() { if (Global::get().iPushToTalk > 0) { Global::get().iPushToTalk--; } } void MainWindow::on_PushToMute_triggered(bool down, QVariant) { Global::get().bPushToMute = down; updateTrayIcon(); updateUserModel(); } void MainWindow::on_VolumeUp_triggered(bool down, QVariant) { if (down) { float vol = Global::get().s.fVolume + 0.1f; if (vol > 2.0f) { vol = 2.0f; } Global::get().s.fVolume = vol; } } void MainWindow::on_VolumeDown_triggered(bool down, QVariant) { if (down) { float vol = Global::get().s.fVolume - 0.1f; if (vol < 0.0f) { vol = 0.0f; } Global::get().s.fVolume = vol; } } Channel *MainWindow::mapChannel(int idx) const { if (!Global::get().uiSession) return nullptr; Channel *c = nullptr; if (idx < 0) { switch (idx) { case SHORTCUT_TARGET_ROOT: c = Channel::get(0); break; case SHORTCUT_TARGET_PARENT: case SHORTCUT_TARGET_CURRENT: c = ClientUser::get(Global::get().uiSession)->cChannel; if (idx == SHORTCUT_TARGET_PARENT) c = c->cParent; break; default: if (idx <= SHORTCUT_TARGET_PARENT_SUBCHANNEL) c = pmModel->getSubChannel(ClientUser::get(Global::get().uiSession)->cChannel->cParent, SHORTCUT_TARGET_PARENT_SUBCHANNEL - idx); else c = pmModel->getSubChannel(ClientUser::get(Global::get().uiSession)->cChannel, SHORTCUT_TARGET_SUBCHANNEL - idx); break; } } else { c = Channel::get(idx); } return c; } void MainWindow::updateTarget() { Global::get().iPrevTarget = Global::get().iTarget; if (qmCurrentTargets.isEmpty()) { Global::get().bCenterPosition = false; Global::get().iTarget = 0; } else { bool center = false; QList< ShortcutTarget > ql; foreach (const ShortcutTarget &st, qmCurrentTargets.keys()) { ShortcutTarget nt; center = center || st.bForceCenter; nt.bUsers = st.bUsers; nt.bCurrentSelection = st.bCurrentSelection; if (nt.bCurrentSelection) { Channel *c = pmModel->getSelectedChannel(); if (c) { nt.bUsers = false; nt.iChannel = c->iId; nt.bLinks = st.bLinks; nt.bChildren = st.bChildren; ql << nt; } else { ClientUser *user = pmModel->getSelectedUser(); if (user) { nt.bUsers = true; nt.qlSessions << user->uiSession; ql << nt; } } } else if (st.bUsers) { foreach (const QString &hash, st.qlUsers) { ClientUser *p = pmModel->getUser(hash); if (p) nt.qlSessions.append(p->uiSession); } if (!nt.qlSessions.isEmpty()) ql << nt; } else { Channel *c = mapChannel(st.iChannel); if (c) { nt.bLinks = st.bLinks; nt.bChildren = st.bChildren; nt.iChannel = c->iId; nt.qsGroup = st.qsGroup; ql << nt; } } } if (ql.isEmpty()) { Global::get().iTarget = -1; } else { ++iTargetCounter; int idx = qmTargets.value(ql); if (idx == 0) { // An idx of 0 means that we don't have a mapping for this shortcut yet // Thus we'll register it here QMap< int, int > qm; QMap< int, int >::const_iterator i; // We reverse the qmTargetsUse map into qm so that each key becomes a value and vice versa for (i = qmTargetUse.constBegin(); i != qmTargetUse.constEnd(); ++i) { qm.insert(i.value(), i.key()); } // The reversal and the promise that when iterating over a QMap, the keys will appear sorted // leads to us now being able to get the next target ID as the value of the first entry in // the map. i = qm.constBegin(); idx = i.value(); // Sets up a VoiceTarget (which is identified by the targetID idx) on the server for the given set // of ShortcutTargets MumbleProto::VoiceTarget mpvt; mpvt.set_id(idx); foreach (const ShortcutTarget &st, ql) { MumbleProto::VoiceTarget_Target *t = mpvt.add_targets(); // st.bCurrentSelection has been taken care of at this point already (if it was set) so // we don't have to check for that here. if (st.bUsers) { foreach (unsigned int uisession, st.qlSessions) t->add_session(uisession); } else { t->set_channel_id(st.iChannel); if (st.bChildren) t->set_children(true); if (st.bLinks) t->set_links(true); if (!st.qsGroup.isEmpty()) t->set_group(u8(st.qsGroup)); } } Global::get().sh->sendMessage(mpvt); // Store a mapping of the list of ShortcutTargets and the used targetID qmTargets.insert(ql, idx); // Advance the iteration of qm (which contains the reverse mapping of qmTargetUse) by two. // Note that qmTargetUse is first populated in Messages.cpp so we will not overflow the map // by this. ++i; ++i; // Get the target ID for the targetID after next int oldidx = i.value(); if (oldidx) { QHash< QList< ShortcutTarget >, int >::iterator mi; for (mi = qmTargets.begin(); mi != qmTargets.end(); ++mi) { if (mi.value() == oldidx) { // If we have used the targetID after next before, we clear the VoiceTarget for that // targetID on the server in order to be able to reuse that ID once we need it. We do // it 2 steps in advance as to not run into timing problems where the server might // receive this clearing message too late for us to recycle the ID. qmTargets.erase(mi); mpvt.Clear(); mpvt.set_id(oldidx); Global::get().sh->sendMessage(mpvt); break; } } } } // This is where the magic happens. We replace the old value the used targetID was mapped to with // iTargetCounter. iTargetCounter is guaranteed to be bigger than any number a targetID is currently // mapped to in this map. This causes the mapping for the most recently used targetID to appear last // in the qm map the next time this function gets called. This causes targetIDs to be sorted according // to the time they have been assigned for the last time so that the targetID that comes last in qm will // be the one that has been assigned most recently. This trick turns qmTargetUse (or rather qm) into // something similar to a RingBuffer inside this method. qmTargetUse.insert(idx, iTargetCounter); Global::get().bCenterPosition = center; Global::get().iTarget = idx; } } } void MainWindow::on_gsWhisper_triggered(bool down, QVariant scdata) { ShortcutTarget st = scdata.value< ShortcutTarget >(); if (down) { if (gsJoinChannel->active()) { if (!st.bUsers) { Channel *c = mapChannel(st.iChannel); if (c) { Global::get().sh->joinChannel(Global::get().uiSession, c->iId); } return; } } if (gsLinkChannel->active()) { if (!st.bUsers) { Channel *c = ClientUser::get(Global::get().uiSession)->cChannel; Channel *l = mapChannel(st.iChannel); if (l) { if (c->qsPermLinks.contains(l)) { Global::get().sh->removeChannelLink(c->iId, l->iId); } else { Global::get().sh->addChannelLink(c->iId, l->iId); } } return; } } addTarget(&st); updateTarget(); Global::get().iPushToTalk++; } else if (Global::get().iPushToTalk > 0) { SignalCurry *fwd = new SignalCurry(scdata, true, this); connect(fwd, SIGNAL(called(QVariant)), SLOT(whisperReleased(QVariant))); QTimer::singleShot(static_cast< int >(Global::get().s.pttHold), fwd, SLOT(call())); } } /* Add and remove ShortcutTargets from the qmCurrentTargets Map, which counts * the number of push-to-talk events for a given ShortcutTarget. If this number * reaches 0, the ShortcutTarget is removed from qmCurrentTargets. */ void MainWindow::addTarget(ShortcutTarget *st) { if (qmCurrentTargets.contains(*st)) qmCurrentTargets[*st] += 1; else qmCurrentTargets[*st] = 1; } void MainWindow::removeTarget(ShortcutTarget *st) { if (!qmCurrentTargets.contains(*st)) return; if (qmCurrentTargets[*st] == 1) qmCurrentTargets.remove(*st); else qmCurrentTargets[*st] -= 1; } void MainWindow::on_gsCycleTransmitMode_triggered(bool down, QVariant) { if (down) { QString qsNewMode; switch (Global::get().s.atTransmit) { case Settings::Continuous: Global::get().s.atTransmit = Settings::VAD; Global::get().l->log(Log::Information, tr("Transmit Mode set to Voice Activity")); break; case Settings::VAD: Global::get().s.atTransmit = Settings::PushToTalk; Global::get().l->log(Log::Information, tr("Transmit Mode set to Push-to-Talk")); break; case Settings::PushToTalk: Global::get().s.atTransmit = Settings::Continuous; Global::get().l->log(Log::Information, tr("Transmit Mode set to Continuous")); break; } } updateTransmitModeComboBox(); } void MainWindow::on_gsToggleMainWindowVisibility_triggered(bool down, QVariant) { if (down) { if (Global::get().mw->isVisible()) { Global::get().mw->hide(); } else { Global::get().mw->show(); } } } void MainWindow::on_gsTransmitModePushToTalk_triggered(bool down, QVariant) { if (down) { Global::get().s.atTransmit = Settings::PushToTalk; Global::get().l->log(Log::Information, tr("Transmit Mode set to Push-to-Talk")); } updateTransmitModeComboBox(); } void MainWindow::on_gsTransmitModeContinuous_triggered(bool down, QVariant) { if (down) { Global::get().s.atTransmit = Settings::Continuous; Global::get().l->log(Log::Information, tr("Transmit Mode set to Continuous")); } updateTransmitModeComboBox(); } void MainWindow::on_gsTransmitModeVAD_triggered(bool down, QVariant) { if (down) { Global::get().s.atTransmit = Settings::VAD; Global::get().l->log(Log::Information, tr("Transmit Mode set to Voice Activity")); } updateTransmitModeComboBox(); } void MainWindow::on_gsSendTextMessage_triggered(bool down, QVariant scdata) { if (!down || !Global::get().sh || !Global::get().sh->isRunning() || Global::get().uiSession == 0) { return; } QString qsText = scdata.toString(); if (qsText.isEmpty()) { return; } Channel *c = ClientUser::get(Global::get().uiSession)->cChannel; Global::get().sh->sendChannelTextMessage(c->iId, qsText, false); Global::get().l->log(Log::TextMessage, tr("To %1: %2").arg(Log::formatChannel(c), qsText), tr("Message to channel %1").arg(c->qsName), true); } void MainWindow::on_gsSendClipboardTextMessage_triggered(bool down, QVariant) { if (!down || (QApplication::clipboard()->text().isEmpty())) { return; } // call sendChatbarMessage() instead of on_gsSendTextMessage_triggered() to handle // formatting of the content in the clipboard, i.e., href. sendChatbarMessage(QApplication::clipboard()->text()); } void MainWindow::whisperReleased(QVariant scdata) { if (Global::get().iPushToTalk <= 0) return; ShortcutTarget st = scdata.value< ShortcutTarget >(); Global::get().iPushToTalk--; removeTarget(&st); updateTarget(); } void MainWindow::onResetAudio() { qWarning("MainWindow: Start audio reset"); Audio::stop(); Audio::start(); qWarning("MainWindow: Audio reset complete"); } void MainWindow::viewCertificate(bool) { ViewCert vc(Global::get().sh->qscCert, this); vc.exec(); } /** * This function prepares the UI for receiving server data. It gets called once the * connection to the server is established but before the server Sync is complete. */ void MainWindow::serverConnected() { Global::get().uiSession = 0; Global::get().pPermissions = ChanACL::None; Global::get().iCodecAlpha = 0x8000000b; Global::get().bPreferAlpha = true; #ifdef USE_OPUS Global::get().bOpus = true; #else Global::get().bOpus = false; #endif Global::get().iCodecBeta = 0; #ifdef Q_OS_MAC // Suppress AppNap while we're connected to a server. MUSuppressAppNap(true); #endif Global::get().l->clearIgnore(); Global::get().l->setIgnore(Log::UserJoin); Global::get().l->setIgnore(Log::OtherSelfMute); QString host, uname, pw; unsigned short port; Global::get().sh->getConnectionInfo(host, port, uname, pw); Global::get().l->log(Log::ServerConnected, tr("Connected.")); qaServerDisconnect->setEnabled(true); qaServerInformation->setEnabled(true); qaServerBanList->setEnabled(true); Channel *root = Channel::get(0); pmModel->renameChannel(root, tr("Root")); pmModel->setCommentHash(root, QByteArray()); root->uiPermissions = 0; qtvUsers->setRowHidden(0, QModelIndex(), false); Global::get().bAllowHTML = true; Global::get().uiMessageLength = 5000; Global::get().uiImageLength = 131072; Global::get().uiMaxUsers = 0; if (Global::get().s.bMute || Global::get().s.bDeaf) { Global::get().sh->setSelfMuteDeafState(Global::get().s.bMute, Global::get().s.bDeaf); } // Update QActions and menues on_qmServer_aboutToShow(); on_qmSelf_aboutToShow(); qmChannel_aboutToShow(); qmUser_aboutToShow(); on_qmConfig_aboutToShow(); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN TaskList::addToRecentList(Global::get().s.qsLastServer, uname, host, port); #endif } void MainWindow::serverDisconnected(QAbstractSocket::SocketError err, QString reason) { if (Global::get().sh->hasSynchronized()) { // Note that the saving of the ChannelListeners has to be done, before resetting Global::get().uiSession // Save ChannelListeners ChannelListener::saveToDB(); } // clear ChannelListener ChannelListener::clear(); Global::get().uiSession = 0; Global::get().pPermissions = ChanACL::None; Global::get().bAttenuateOthers = false; qaServerDisconnect->setEnabled(false); qaServerInformation->setEnabled(false); qaServerBanList->setEnabled(false); qtvUsers->setCurrentIndex(QModelIndex()); qteChat->setEnabled(false); updateTrayIcon(); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC // Remove App Nap suppression now that we're disconnected. MUSuppressAppNap(false); #endif QString uname, pw, host; unsigned short port; Global::get().sh->getConnectionInfo(host, port, uname, pw); if (Global::get().sh->hasSynchronized()) { // Only save server-specific shortcuts if the client and server have been synchronized before as only then // did the client actually load them from the DB. If we store them without having loaded them, we will // effectively clear the server-specific shortcuts for this server. if (Global::get().db->setShortcuts(Global::get().sh->qbaDigest, Global::get().s.qlShortcuts)) { GlobalShortcutEngine::engine->bNeedRemap = true; } } if (aclEdit) { aclEdit->reject(); delete aclEdit; aclEdit = nullptr; } if (banEdit) { banEdit->reject(); delete banEdit; banEdit = nullptr; } if (userEdit) { userEdit->reject(); delete userEdit; userEdit = nullptr; } if (tokenEdit) { tokenEdit->reject(); delete tokenEdit; tokenEdit = nullptr; } QSet< QAction * > qs; #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 14, 0) qs += QSet< QAction * >(qlServerActions.begin(), qlServerActions.end()); qs += QSet< QAction * >(qlChannelActions.begin(), qlChannelActions.end()); qs += QSet< QAction * >(qlUserActions.begin(), qlUserActions.end()); #else // In Qt 5.14 QList::toSet() has been deprecated as there exists a dedicated constructor of QSet for this now qs += qlServerActions.toSet(); qs += qlChannelActions.toSet(); qs += qlUserActions.toSet(); #endif foreach (QAction *a, qs) delete a; qlServerActions.clear(); qlChannelActions.clear(); qlUserActions.clear(); pmModel->removeAll(); qtvUsers->setRowHidden(0, QModelIndex(), true); // Update QActions and menues on_qmServer_aboutToShow(); on_qmSelf_aboutToShow(); qmChannel_aboutToShow(); qmUser_aboutToShow(); on_qmConfig_aboutToShow(); if (!Global::get().sh->qlErrors.isEmpty()) { foreach (QSslError e, Global::get().sh->qlErrors) Global::get().l->log(Log::Warning, tr("SSL Verification failed: %1").arg(e.errorString().toHtmlEscaped())); if (!Global::get().sh->qscCert.isEmpty()) { QSslCertificate c = Global::get().sh->qscCert.at(0); QString basereason; QString actual_digest = QString::fromLatin1(c.digest(QCryptographicHash::Sha1).toHex()); QString digests_section = tr("
  • Server certificate digest (SHA-1):\t%1
  • ").arg(ViewCert::prettifyDigest(actual_digest)); QString expected_digest = Global::get().db->getDigest(host, port); if (!expected_digest.isNull()) { basereason = tr("WARNING: The server presented a certificate that was different from the stored one."); digests_section.append(tr("
  • Expected certificate digest (SHA-1):\t%1
  • ") .arg(ViewCert::prettifyDigest(expected_digest))); } else { basereason = tr("Server presented a certificate which failed verification."); } QStringList qsl; foreach (QSslError e, Global::get().sh->qlErrors) qsl << QString::fromLatin1("
  • %1
  • ").arg(e.errorString().toHtmlEscaped()); QMessageBox qmb(QMessageBox::Warning, QLatin1String("Mumble"), tr("



    The specific errors with this certificate are:

    " "

    Do you wish to accept this certificate anyway?
    (It will also be stored so you " "won't be asked this again.)

    ") .arg(basereason) .arg(digests_section) .arg(qsl.join(QString())), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, this); qmb.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::No); qmb.setEscapeButton(QMessageBox::No); QPushButton *qp = qmb.addButton(tr("&View Certificate"), QMessageBox::ActionRole); forever { int res = qmb.exec(); if ((res == 0) && (qmb.clickedButton() == qp)) { ViewCert vc(Global::get().sh->qscCert, this); vc.exec(); continue; } else if (res == QMessageBox::Yes) { Global::get().db->setDigest(host, port, QString::fromLatin1(c.digest(QCryptographicHash::Sha1).toHex())); qaServerDisconnect->setEnabled(true); on_Reconnect_timeout(); } break; } } } else if (err == QAbstractSocket::SslHandshakeFailedError) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("SSL Version mismatch"), tr("This server is using an older encryption standard, and is no longer supported by " "modern versions of Mumble."), QMessageBox::Ok); } else { bool ok = false; if (!reason.isEmpty()) { Global::get().l->log(Log::ServerDisconnected, tr("Server connection failed: %1.").arg(reason.toHtmlEscaped())); } else { Global::get().l->log(Log::ServerDisconnected, tr("Disconnected from server.")); } #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 15, 0) // Qt 5.15 introduced a default constructor that initializes the flags to be set to no flags Qt::WindowFlags wf; #elif defined(Q_OS_MAC) Qt::WindowFlags wf = Qt::Sheet; #else // Before Qt 5.15 we have emulate the default constructor by assigning a literal zero Qt::WindowFlags wf = 0; #endif bool matched = true; switch (rtLast) { case MumbleProto::Reject_RejectType_InvalidUsername: uname = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Invalid username"), tr("You connected with an invalid username, please try another one."), QLineEdit::Normal, uname, &ok, wf); break; case MumbleProto::Reject_RejectType_UsernameInUse: uname = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Username in use"), tr("That username is already in use, please try another username."), QLineEdit::Normal, uname, &ok, wf); break; case MumbleProto::Reject_RejectType_WrongUserPW: pw = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Wrong certificate or password"), tr("Wrong certificate or password for registered user. If you are\n" "certain this user is protected by a password please retry.\n" "Otherwise abort and check your certificate and username."), QLineEdit::Password, pw, &ok, wf); break; case MumbleProto::Reject_RejectType_WrongServerPW: pw = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Wrong password"), tr("Wrong server password for unregistered user account, please try again."), QLineEdit::Password, pw, &ok, wf); break; default: matched = false; break; } if (ok && matched) { if (!Global::get().s.bSuppressIdentity) Global::get().db->setPassword(host, port, uname, pw); qaServerDisconnect->setEnabled(true); Global::get().sh->setConnectionInfo(host, port, uname, pw); on_Reconnect_timeout(); } else if (!matched && Global::get().s.bReconnect && !reason.isEmpty()) { qaServerDisconnect->setEnabled(true); if (bRetryServer) { qtReconnect->start(); } } } qstiIcon->setToolTip(tr("Mumble -- %1").arg(QLatin1String(MUMBLE_RELEASE))); AudioInput::setMaxBandwidth(-1); } void MainWindow::resolverError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError, QString reason) { if (!reason.isEmpty()) { Global::get().l->log(Log::ServerDisconnected, tr("Server connection failed: %1.").arg(reason.toHtmlEscaped())); } else { Global::get().l->log(Log::ServerDisconnected, tr("Server connection failed.")); } if (Global::get().s.bReconnect) { qaServerDisconnect->setEnabled(true); if (bRetryServer) { qtReconnect->start(); } } } void MainWindow::trayAboutToShow() { bool top = false; QPoint p = qstiIcon->geometry().center(); if (p.isNull()) { p = QCursor::pos(); } QScreen *screen = Screen::screenAt(p); if (screen) { QRect qr = screen->geometry(); if (p.y() < (qr.height() / 2)) top = true; qmTray->clear(); if (top) { qmTray->addAction(qaQuit); qmTray->addAction(qaShow); qmTray->addSeparator(); qmTray->addAction(qaAudioDeaf); qmTray->addAction(qaAudioMute); } else { qmTray->addAction(qaAudioMute); qmTray->addAction(qaAudioDeaf); qmTray->addSeparator(); qmTray->addAction(qaShow); qmTray->addAction(qaQuit); } } } void MainWindow::showRaiseWindow() { if (isMinimized()) { setWindowState((windowState() & ~Qt::WindowMinimized) | Qt::WindowActive); } show(); raise(); activateWindow(); } void MainWindow::on_Icon_activated(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason reason) { switch (reason) { case QSystemTrayIcon::Trigger: case QSystemTrayIcon::DoubleClick: case QSystemTrayIcon::MiddleClick: if (isMinimized()) { showRaiseWindow(); } else { showMinimized(); } default: break; } } void MainWindow::on_qaTalkingUIToggle_triggered() { if (!Global::get().talkingUI) { qCritical("MainWindow: Attempting to show Talking UI before it has been created!"); return; } Global::get().talkingUI->setVisible(!Global::get().talkingUI->isVisible()); Global::get().s.bShowTalkingUI = Global::get().talkingUI->isVisible(); } /** * This function updates the qteChat bar default text according to * the selected user/channel in the users treeview. */ void MainWindow::qtvUserCurrentChanged(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &) { updateChatBar(); } void MainWindow::updateChatBar() { User *p = pmModel->getUser(qtvUsers->currentIndex()); Channel *c = pmModel->getChannel(qtvUsers->currentIndex()); if (Global::get().uiSession == 0) { qteChat->setDefaultText(tr("
    Not connected
    "), true); } else if (!Global::get().s.bChatBarUseSelection || !p || p->uiSession == Global::get().uiSession) { // Channel tree target if (!Global::get().s.bChatBarUseSelection || !c) // If no channel selected fallback to current one c = ClientUser::get(Global::get().uiSession)->cChannel; qteChat->setDefaultText( tr("
    Type message to channel '%1' here
    ").arg(c->qsName.toHtmlEscaped())); } else { // User target qteChat->setDefaultText(tr("
    Type message to user '%1' here
    ").arg(p->qsName.toHtmlEscaped())); } updateMenuPermissions(); } void MainWindow::customEvent(QEvent *evt) { if (evt->type() == MB_QEVENT) { MessageBoxEvent *mbe = static_cast< MessageBoxEvent * >(evt); Global::get().l->log(Log::Information, mbe->msg); return; } else if (evt->type() == OU_QEVENT) { OpenURLEvent *oue = static_cast< OpenURLEvent * >(evt); openUrl(oue->url); return; } else if (evt->type() != SERVERSEND_EVENT) { return; } ServerHandlerMessageEvent *shme = static_cast< ServerHandlerMessageEvent * >(evt); #ifdef QT_NO_DEBUG # define MUMBLE_MH_MSG(x) \ case MessageHandler::x: { \ MumbleProto::x msg; \ if (msg.ParseFromArray(shme->qbaMsg.constData(), shme->qbaMsg.size())) \ msg##x(msg); \ break; \ } #else # define MUMBLE_MH_MSG(x) \ case MessageHandler::x: { \ MumbleProto::x msg; \ if (msg.ParseFromArray(shme->qbaMsg.constData(), shme->qbaMsg.size())) { \ printf("%s:\n", #x); \ msg.PrintDebugString(); \ msg##x(msg); \ } \ break; \ } #endif switch (shme->uiType) { MUMBLE_MH_ALL } #undef MUMBLE_MH_MSG } void MainWindow::on_qteLog_anchorClicked(const QUrl &url) { if (!handleSpecialContextMenu(url, QCursor::pos(), true)) { #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) && defined(USE_OVERLAY) // Clicking a link can cause the user's default browser to pop up while // we're intercepting all events. This can be very confusing (because // the user can't click on anything before they dismiss the overlay // by hitting their toggle hotkey), so let's disallow clicking links // when embedded into the overlay for now. if (Global::get().ocIntercept) return; #endif if (url.scheme() != QLatin1String("file") && url.scheme() != QLatin1String("qrc") && !url.isRelative()) QDesktopServices::openUrl(url); } } void MainWindow::on_qteLog_highlighted(const QUrl &url) { if (url.scheme() == QString::fromLatin1("clientid") || url.scheme() == QString::fromLatin1("channelid")) return; if (!url.isValid()) QToolTip::hideText(); else { if (isActiveWindow()) { QToolTip::showText(QCursor::pos(), url.toString(), qteLog, QRect()); } } } void MainWindow::context_triggered() { QAction *a = qobject_cast< QAction * >(sender()); Channel *c = pmModel->getChannel(qtvUsers->currentIndex()); ClientUser *p = pmModel->getUser(qtvUsers->currentIndex()); MumbleProto::ContextAction mpca; mpca.set_action(u8(a->data().toString())); if (p && p->uiSession) mpca.set_session(p->uiSession); if (c) mpca.set_channel_id(c->iId); Global::get().sh->sendMessage(mpca); } /** * Presents a file open dialog, opens the selected picture and returns it. * @return Pair consisting of the raw file contents and the image. Unitialized on error or cancel. */ QPair< QByteArray, QImage > MainWindow::openImageFile() { QPair< QByteArray, QImage > retval; QString fname = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Choose image file"), getImagePath(), tr("Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg)")); if (fname.isNull()) return retval; QFile f(fname); if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Failed to load image"), tr("Could not open file for reading.")); return retval; } updateImagePath(fname); QByteArray qba = f.readAll(); f.close(); QBuffer qb(&qba); qb.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QImageReader qir; qir.setAutoDetectImageFormat(false); QByteArray fmt; if (!RichTextImage::isValidImage(qba, fmt)) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Failed to load image"), tr("Image format not recognized.")); return retval; } qir.setFormat(fmt); qir.setDevice(&qb); QImage img = qir.read(); if (img.isNull()) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Failed to load image"), tr("Image format not recognized.")); return retval; } retval.first = qba; retval.second = img; return retval; } void MainWindow::logChangeNotPermanent(const QString &actionName, ClientUser *const p) const { Global::get().l->log(Log::Warning, QObject::tr( "\"%1\" could not be saved permanently and is lost on restart because %2 does not have a certificate.") .arg(actionName) .arg(Log::formatClientUser(p, Log::Target))); } void MainWindow::destroyUserInformation() { UserInformation *ui = static_cast< UserInformation * >(sender()); QMap< unsigned int, UserInformation * >::iterator i; for (i = qmUserInformations.begin(); i != qmUserInformations.end(); ++i) { if (i.value() == ui) { qmUserInformations.erase(i); return; } } }