// Copyright 2007-2021 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license // that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the // Mumble source tree or at . /// This file contains callback methods for receiving messages (based on Google's ProtoBuf) from the Server. /// Further details on what exactly is contained in the "message objects" that are parameters to all functions /// in this file, can be found in the src/Mumble.proto file. #include "ACLEditor.h" #include "About.h" #include "AudioInput.h" #include "AudioStats.h" #include "AudioWizard.h" #include "BanEditor.h" #include "Channel.h" #include "ConnectDialog.h" #include "Connection.h" #include "Database.h" #include "Log.h" #include "MainWindow.h" #include "GlobalShortcut.h" #ifdef USE_OVERLAY # include "Overlay.h" #endif #include "ChannelListener.h" #include "ServerHandler.h" #include "TalkingUI.h" #include "User.h" #include "UserEdit.h" #include "UserInformation.h" #include "UserModel.h" #include "Utils.h" #include "VersionCheck.h" #include "ViewCert.h" #include "crypto/CryptState.h" #include "PluginManager.h" #include "Global.h" #include #define ACTOR_INIT \ ClientUser *pSrc = nullptr; \ if (msg.has_actor()) \ pSrc = ClientUser::get(msg.actor()); \ Q_UNUSED(pSrc); #define VICTIM_INIT \ ClientUser *pDst = ClientUser::get(msg.session()); \ if (!pDst) { \ qWarning("MainWindow: Message for nonexistent victim %d.", msg.session()); \ return; \ } #define SELF_INIT \ ClientUser *pSelf = ClientUser::get(Global::get().uiSession); \ if (!pSelf) { \ qWarning("MainWindow: Received message outside of session (sid %d).", Global::get().uiSession); \ return; \ } /// The authenticate message is being used by the client to send the authentication credentials to the server. Therefore /// the server won't send this message type to the client which is why this implementation does nothing. void MainWindow::msgAuthenticate(const MumbleProto::Authenticate &) { } /// This message is being received after this client has queried for the ban list (probably by using the BanEditor). /// /// @param msg The message object containing information about the ban list void MainWindow::msgBanList(const MumbleProto::BanList &msg) { if (banEdit) { banEdit->reject(); delete banEdit; banEdit = nullptr; } banEdit = new BanEditor(msg, this); banEdit->show(); } /// This message is being received whenever the server rejects the connection of this client. /// /// @param msg The message object containing the information about why the connection was rejected void MainWindow::msgReject(const MumbleProto::Reject &msg) { rtLast = msg.type(); QString reason; switch (rtLast) { case MumbleProto::Reject_RejectType_InvalidUsername: reason = tr("Invalid username"); break; case MumbleProto::Reject_RejectType_UsernameInUse: reason = tr("Username in use"); break; case MumbleProto::Reject_RejectType_WrongUserPW: reason = tr("Wrong certificate or password"); break; case MumbleProto::Reject_RejectType_WrongServerPW: reason = tr("Wrong password"); break; case MumbleProto::Reject_RejectType_AuthenticatorFail: reason = tr("Your account information can not be verified currently. Please try again later"); break; default: reason = u8(msg.reason()).toHtmlEscaped(); break; } Global::get().l->log(Log::ServerDisconnected, tr("Server connection rejected: %1.").arg(reason)); Global::get().l->setIgnore(Log::ServerDisconnected, 1); } /// This message is being received when the server has authenticated the user and finished synchronizing the server /// state. The message contains the session ID (user ID) for this client that gets assigned to Global::uiSession. It /// also contains information about the maximum bandwidth the user should use and the user's permissions in the root /// channel. Furthermore the message may contain a welcome message that is logged to Mumble's console if present. /// /// @param msg The message object with the respective information void MainWindow::msgServerSync(const MumbleProto::ServerSync &msg) { const ClientUser *user = ClientUser::get(msg.session()); if (!user) { Global::get().l->log(Log::CriticalError, tr("Server sync protocol violation. No user profile received.")); Global::get().sh->disconnect(); return; } Global::get().uiSession = msg.session(); Global::get().sh->sendPing(); // Send initial ping to establish UDP connection Global::get().pPermissions = ChanACL::Permissions(static_cast< unsigned int >(msg.permissions())); Global::get().l->clearIgnore(); if (msg.has_welcome_text()) { QString str = u8(msg.welcome_text()); if (!str.isEmpty()) { Global::get().l->log(Log::Information, tr("Welcome message: %1").arg(str)); } } pmModel->ensureSelfVisible(); pmModel->recheckLinks(); // Reset the mechanism for using and recycling target IDs for setting up // VoiceTargets qmTargetUse.clear(); qmTargets.clear(); const int uniqueTargetIDCount = 5; for (int i = 1; i < uniqueTargetIDCount + 1; ++i) { qmTargetUse.insert(i, i); } iTargetCounter = 100; AudioInput::setMaxBandwidth(msg.max_bandwidth()); findDesiredChannel(); QString host, uname, pw; unsigned short port; Global::get().sh->getConnectionInfo(host, port, uname, pw); QList< Shortcut > sc = Global::get().db->getShortcuts(Global::get().sh->qbaDigest); if (!sc.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < sc.count(); ++i) { Shortcut &s = sc[i]; s.iIndex = Global::get().mw->gsWhisper->idx; } Global::get().s.qlShortcuts << sc; GlobalShortcutEngine::engine->bNeedRemap = true; } connect(user, SIGNAL(talkingStateChanged()), this, SLOT(userStateChanged())); connect(user, SIGNAL(muteDeafStateChanged()), this, SLOT(userStateChanged())); connect(user, SIGNAL(prioritySpeakerStateChanged()), this, SLOT(userStateChanged())); connect(user, SIGNAL(recordingStateChanged()), this, SLOT(userStateChanged())); qstiIcon->setToolTip(tr("Mumble: %1").arg(Channel::get(0)->qsName.toHtmlEscaped())); // Update QActions and menus on_qmServer_aboutToShow(); on_qmSelf_aboutToShow(); qmChannel_aboutToShow(); qmUser_aboutToShow(); on_qmConfig_aboutToShow(); updateTrayIcon(); // Set-up all ChannelListeners and their volume adjustments as before for this server QList< int > localListeners = Global::get().db->getChannelListeners(Global::get().sh->qbaDigest); if (!localListeners.isEmpty()) { ChannelListener::setInitialServerSyncDone(false); Global::get().sh->startListeningToChannels(localListeners); } else { // If there are no listeners, then no synchronization is needed in the first place ChannelListener::setInitialServerSyncDone(true); } { // Since we are only loading the adjustments from the database, we don't really want to consider the adjustments // to have "changed" by this action. Furthermore we are setting the volume adjustments before the listeners // officially exist. Therefore some code that would receive the change-event would try to get the respective listener // and fail due to it not existing yet. // Therefore we block all signals while setting the volume adjustments. const QSignalBlocker blocker(ChannelListener::get()); QHash< int, float > volumeMap = Global::get().db->getChannelListenerLocalVolumeAdjustments(Global::get().sh->qbaDigest); QHashIterator< int, float > it(volumeMap); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); ChannelListener::setListenerLocalVolumeAdjustment(it.key(), it.value()); } } Global::get().sh->setServerSynchronized(true); emit serverSynchronized(); } /// This message is being received when the server informs this client about server configuration details. This contains /// things like the maximum bandwidth, the welcome text, whether HTML in messages is allowed, information about message /// lengths as well as the maximum amount of users that may be connected to this server. /// /// @param msg The message object void MainWindow::msgServerConfig(const MumbleProto::ServerConfig &msg) { if (msg.has_welcome_text()) { QString str = u8(msg.welcome_text()); if (!str.isEmpty()) { Global::get().l->log(Log::Information, tr("Welcome message: %1").arg(str)); } } if (msg.has_max_bandwidth()) AudioInput::setMaxBandwidth(msg.max_bandwidth()); if (msg.has_allow_html()) Global::get().bAllowHTML = msg.allow_html(); if (msg.has_message_length()) Global::get().uiMessageLength = msg.message_length(); if (msg.has_image_message_length()) Global::get().uiImageLength = msg.image_message_length(); if (msg.has_max_users()) Global::get().uiMaxUsers = msg.max_users(); } /// This message is being received when the server denied the permission to perform a requested action. This function /// basically informs the user about this denial by printing a message to Mumble's console. /// /// @param msg The message object containing further details as to why and what Permission has been denied void MainWindow::msgPermissionDenied(const MumbleProto::PermissionDenied &msg) { switch (msg.type()) { case MumbleProto::PermissionDenied_DenyType_Permission: { VICTIM_INIT; SELF_INIT; Channel *c = Channel::get(msg.channel_id()); if (!c) return; ChanACL::Permissions permission = static_cast< ChanACL::Permissions >(msg.permission()); QString pname = ChanACL::permName(permission); if ((permission == ChanACL::Perm::Enter) && c->hasEnterRestrictions.load()) { Global::get().l->log( Log::PermissionDenied, tr("Unable to %1 into %2 - Adding the respective access (password) token might grant you access.") .arg(Log::msgColor(pname, Log::Privilege)) .arg(Log::formatChannel(c))); } else { if (pDst == pSelf) Global::get().l->log(Log::PermissionDenied, tr("You were denied %1 privileges in %2.") .arg(Log::msgColor(pname, Log::Privilege)) .arg(Log::formatChannel(c))); else Global::get().l->log(Log::PermissionDenied, tr("%3 was denied %1 privileges in %2.") .arg(Log::msgColor(pname, Log::Privilege)) .arg(Log::formatChannel(c)) .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target))); } } break; case MumbleProto::PermissionDenied_DenyType_SuperUser: { Global::get().l->log(Log::PermissionDenied, tr("Denied: Cannot modify SuperUser.")); } break; case MumbleProto::PermissionDenied_DenyType_ChannelName: { Global::get().l->log(Log::PermissionDenied, tr("Denied: Invalid channel name.")); } break; case MumbleProto::PermissionDenied_DenyType_TextTooLong: { Global::get().l->log(Log::PermissionDenied, tr("Denied: Text message too long.")); } break; case MumbleProto::PermissionDenied_DenyType_H9K: { if (Global::get().bHappyEaster) { bool bold = Global::get().s.bDeaf; bool bold2 = Global::get().s.bTTS; Global::get().s.bDeaf = false; Global::get().s.bTTS = true; quint32 oflags = Global::get().s.qmMessages.value(Log::PermissionDenied); Global::get().s.qmMessages[Log::PermissionDenied] = (oflags | Settings::LogTTS) & (~Settings::LogSoundfile); Global::get().l->log(Log::PermissionDenied, QString::fromUtf8(Global::get().ccHappyEaster + 39).arg(Global::get().s.qsUsername.toHtmlEscaped())); Global::get().s.qmMessages[Log::PermissionDenied] = oflags; Global::get().s.bDeaf = bold; Global::get().s.bTTS = bold2; Global::get().mw->setWindowIcon(QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(Global::get().ccHappyEaster))); Global::get().mw->setStyleSheet(QString::fromUtf8(Global::get().ccHappyEaster + 82)); qWarning() << "Happy Easter"; } } break; case MumbleProto::PermissionDenied_DenyType_TemporaryChannel: { Global::get().l->log(Log::PermissionDenied, tr("Denied: Operation not permitted in temporary channel.")); } break; case MumbleProto::PermissionDenied_DenyType_MissingCertificate: { VICTIM_INIT; SELF_INIT; if (pDst == pSelf) Global::get().l->log(Log::PermissionDenied, tr("You need a certificate to perform this operation.")); else Global::get().l->log(Log::PermissionDenied, tr("%1 does not have a certificate.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target))); } break; case MumbleProto::PermissionDenied_DenyType_UserName: { if (msg.has_name()) Global::get().l->log(Log::PermissionDenied, tr("Invalid username: %1.").arg(u8(msg.name()).toHtmlEscaped())); else Global::get().l->log(Log::PermissionDenied, tr("Invalid username.")); } break; case MumbleProto::PermissionDenied_DenyType_ChannelFull: { Global::get().l->log(Log::PermissionDenied, tr("Channel is full.")); } break; case MumbleProto::PermissionDenied_DenyType_NestingLimit: { Global::get().l->log(Log::PermissionDenied, tr("Channel nesting limit reached.")); } break; case MumbleProto::PermissionDenied_DenyType_ChannelCountLimit: { Global::get().l->log(Log::PermissionDenied, tr("Channel count limit reached. Need to delete channels before creating new ones.")); } break; case MumbleProto::PermissionDenied_DenyType_ChannelListenerLimit: { Global::get().l->log(Log::PermissionDenied, tr("No more listeners allowed in this channel.")); } break; case MumbleProto::PermissionDenied_DenyType_UserListenerLimit: { Global::get().l->log(Log::PermissionDenied, tr("You are not allowed to listen to more channels than you currently are.")); } break; default: { if (msg.has_reason()) Global::get().l->log(Log::PermissionDenied, tr("Denied: %1.").arg(u8(msg.reason()).toHtmlEscaped())); else Global::get().l->log(Log::PermissionDenied, tr("Permission denied.")); } break; } } /// This message is not used (anymore). Thus the implementation does nothing void MainWindow::msgUDPTunnel(const MumbleProto::UDPTunnel &) { } /// This message is being received when the server informs this client about changed users. This might be because there /// is a new user or because an existing user changed somehow (this includes things like a changed ID, changed name, /// changed priority speaker status, changed channel, etc.). This function will match the local user representation /// (UserModel) to these changes. /// /// @param msg The message object containing the respective information void MainWindow::msgUserState(const MumbleProto::UserState &msg) { ACTOR_INIT; ClientUser *pSelf = ClientUser::get(Global::get().uiSession); ClientUser *pDst = ClientUser::get(msg.session()); Channel *channel = nullptr; if (msg.has_channel_id()) { channel = Channel::get(msg.channel_id()); if (!channel) { qWarning("msgUserState(): unknown channel."); channel = Channel::get(0); } } // User just connected if (!pDst) { if (!msg.has_name()) { return; } pDst = pmModel->addUser(msg.session(), u8(msg.name())); connect(pDst, &ClientUser::talkingStateChanged, Global::get().talkingUI, &TalkingUI::on_talkingStateChanged); connect(pDst, &ClientUser::muteDeafStateChanged, Global::get().talkingUI, &TalkingUI::on_muteDeafStateChanged); if (channel) { pmModel->moveUser(pDst, channel); } if (msg.has_hash()) { pmModel->setHash(pDst, u8(msg.hash())); } if (pSelf) { if (pDst->cChannel == pSelf->cChannel) { Global::get().l->log(Log::ChannelJoinConnect, tr("%1 connected and entered channel.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Source))); } else { Global::get().l->log(Log::UserJoin, tr("%1 connected.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Source))); } } } if (msg.has_user_id()) { pmModel->setUserId(pDst, msg.user_id()); } if (channel) { Channel *oldChannel = pDst->cChannel; if (channel != oldChannel) { pmModel->moveUser(pDst, channel); if (Global::get().talkingUI) { // Pass the pointer as QObject in order to avoid having to register ClientUser as a QMetaType QMetaObject::invokeMethod(Global::get().talkingUI, "on_channelChanged", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QObject *, pDst)); } if (pSelf) { if (pDst == pSelf) { Global::get().mw->updateChatBar(); qsDesiredChannel = channel->getPath(); } if (pDst == pSelf) { if (pSrc == pSelf) { Global::get().l->log(Log::SelfChannelJoin, tr("You joined %1.").arg(Log::formatChannel(channel))); } else { Global::get().l->log(Log::SelfChannelJoinOther, tr("You were moved to %1 by %2.") .arg(Log::formatChannel(channel)) .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source))); } } else if (pSrc == pSelf) { if (channel == pSelf->cChannel) { Global::get().l->log(Log::ChannelJoin, tr("You moved %1 to %2.") .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target)) .arg(Log::formatChannel(channel))); } else { Global::get().l->log(Log::ChannelLeave, tr("You moved %1 to %2.") .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target)) .arg(Log::formatChannel(channel))); } } else if ((channel == pSelf->cChannel) || (oldChannel == pSelf->cChannel)) { if (pDst == pSrc) { if (channel == pSelf->cChannel) { Global::get().l->log(Log::ChannelJoin, tr("%1 entered channel.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target))); } else { Global::get().l->log(Log::ChannelLeave, tr("%1 moved to %2.") .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target)) .arg(Log::formatChannel(channel))); } } else { if (channel == pSelf->cChannel) { Global::get().l->log(Log::ChannelJoin, tr("%1 moved in from %2 by %3.") .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target)) .arg(Log::formatChannel(oldChannel)) .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source))); } else { Global::get().l->log(Log::ChannelLeave, tr("%1 moved to %2 by %3.") .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target)) .arg(Log::formatChannel(channel)) .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source))); } } } if ((channel == pSelf->cChannel) && pDst->bRecording) { Global::get().l->log(Log::Recording, tr("%1 is recording").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target))); } } } } // Handle channel listening for (int i = 0; i < msg.listening_channel_add_size(); i++) { Channel *c = Channel::get(msg.listening_channel_add(i)); if (!c) { qWarning("msgUserState(): Invalid channel ID encountered"); continue; } ChannelListener::addListener(pDst, c); emit userAddedChannelListener(pDst, c); QString logMsg; if (pDst == pSelf) { logMsg = tr("You started listening to %1").arg(Log::formatChannel(c)); // Since ChannelListeners are sent out in bulks (all in a single message), the fact that we received // a message that contains information about a ChannelListener of the local user means that we have // succecssfully told the server that we are listening to the respective channels. Even if this message // here has nothing to do with the actual initial synchronization, this means that we have been connected // to the server long enough for the synchronization to be done. ChannelListener::setInitialServerSyncDone(true); } else if (pSelf && pSelf->cChannel == c) { logMsg = tr("%1 started listening to your channel").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target)); } if (!logMsg.isEmpty()) { Global::get().l->log(Log::ChannelListeningAdd, logMsg); } } for (int i = 0; i < msg.listening_channel_remove_size(); i++) { Channel *c = Channel::get(msg.listening_channel_remove(i)); if (!c) { qWarning("msgUserState(): Invalid channel ID encountered"); continue; } ChannelListener::removeListener(pDst, c); emit userRemovedChannelListener(pDst, c); QString logMsg; if (pDst == pSelf) { logMsg = tr("You stopped listening to %1").arg(Log::formatChannel(c)); } else if (pSelf && pSelf->cChannel == c) { logMsg = tr("%1 stopped listening to your channel").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target)); } if (!logMsg.isEmpty()) { Global::get().l->log(Log::ChannelListeningRemove, logMsg); } } if (msg.has_name()) { QString oldName = pDst->qsName; QString newName = u8(msg.name()); pmModel->renameUser(pDst, newName); if (!oldName.isNull() && oldName != newName) { if (pSrc != pDst) { Global::get().l->log(Log::UserRenamed, tr("%1 renamed to %2 by %3.") .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target, oldName)) .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target)) .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source))); } else { Global::get().l->log(Log::UserRenamed, tr("%1 renamed to %2.") .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target, oldName), Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target))); } } } if (!pDst->qsHash.isEmpty()) { const QString &name = Global::get().db->getFriend(pDst->qsHash); if (!name.isEmpty()) pmModel->setFriendName(pDst, name); if (Global::get().db->isLocalMuted(pDst->qsHash)) pDst->setLocalMute(true); if (Global::get().db->isLocalIgnored(pDst->qsHash)) pDst->setLocalIgnore(true); if (Global::get().db->isLocalIgnoredTTS(pDst->qsHash)) pDst->setLocalIgnoreTTS(true); pDst->setLocalVolumeAdjustment(Global::get().db->getUserLocalVolume(pDst->qsHash)); pDst->setLocalNickname(Global::get().db->getUserLocalNickname(pDst->qsHash)); } if (msg.has_self_deaf() || msg.has_self_mute()) { if (msg.has_self_mute()) pDst->setSelfMute(msg.self_mute()); if (msg.has_self_deaf()) pDst->setSelfDeaf(msg.self_deaf()); if (pSelf && pDst != pSelf && ((pDst->cChannel == pSelf->cChannel) || pDst->cChannel->allLinks().contains(pSelf->cChannel))) { if (pDst->bSelfMute && pDst->bSelfDeaf) Global::get().l->log(Log::OtherSelfMute, tr("%1 is now muted and deafened.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target))); else if (pDst->bSelfMute) Global::get().l->log(Log::OtherSelfMute, tr("%1 is now muted.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target))); else Global::get().l->log(Log::OtherSelfMute, tr("%1 is now unmuted.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target))); } } if (msg.has_recording()) { pDst->setRecording(msg.recording()); // Do nothing during initial sync if (pSelf) { if (pDst == pSelf) { if (pDst->bRecording) { Global::get().l->log(Log::Recording, tr("Recording started")); } else { Global::get().l->log(Log::Recording, tr("Recording stopped")); } } else if (pDst->cChannel->allLinks().contains(pSelf->cChannel)) { if (pDst->bRecording) { Global::get().l->log(Log::Recording, tr("%1 started recording.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Source))); } else { Global::get().l->log(Log::Recording, tr("%1 stopped recording.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Source))); } } } } if (msg.has_priority_speaker()) { if (pSelf && ((pDst->cChannel == pSelf->cChannel) || (pDst->cChannel->allLinks().contains(pSelf->cChannel)) || (pSrc == pSelf))) { if ((pSrc == pDst) && (pSrc == pSelf)) { if (pDst->bPrioritySpeaker) { Global::get().l->log(Log::YouMuted, tr("You revoked your priority speaker status.")); } else { Global::get().l->log(Log::YouMuted, tr("You assumed priority speaker status.")); } } else if ((pSrc != pSelf) && (pDst == pSelf)) { if (pDst->bPrioritySpeaker) { Global::get().l->log( Log::YouMutedOther, tr("%1 revoked your priority speaker status.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source))); } else { Global::get().l->log(Log::YouMutedOther, tr("%1 gave you priority speaker status.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source))); } } else if ((pSrc == pSelf) && (pSrc != pDst)) { if (pDst->bPrioritySpeaker) { Global::get().l->log(Log::YouMutedOther, tr("You revoked priority speaker status for %1.") .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target))); } else { Global::get().l->log( Log::YouMutedOther, tr("You gave priority speaker status to %1.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target))); } } else if ((pSrc == pDst) && (pSrc != pSelf)) { if (pDst->bPrioritySpeaker) { Global::get().l->log( Log::OtherMutedOther, tr("%1 revoked own priority speaker status.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source))); } else { Global::get().l->log(Log::OtherMutedOther, tr("%1 assumed priority speaker status.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source))); } } else if ((pSrc != pSelf) && (pDst != pSelf)) { if (pDst->bPrioritySpeaker) { Global::get().l->log(Log::OtherMutedOther, tr("%1 revoked priority speaker status for %2.") .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source), Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target))); } else if (!pDst->bPrioritySpeaker) { Global::get().l->log(Log::OtherMutedOther, tr("%1 gave priority speaker status to %2.") .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source), Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target))); } } } pDst->setPrioritySpeaker(msg.priority_speaker()); } if (msg.has_deaf() || msg.has_mute() || msg.has_suppress()) { if (msg.has_mute()) pDst->setMute(msg.mute()); if (msg.has_deaf()) pDst->setDeaf(msg.deaf()); if (msg.has_suppress()) pDst->setSuppress(msg.suppress()); if (pSelf && ((pDst->cChannel == pSelf->cChannel) || (pDst->cChannel->allLinks().contains(pSelf->cChannel)) || (pSrc == pSelf))) { if (pDst == pSelf) { if (msg.has_mute() && msg.has_deaf() && pDst->bMute && pDst->bDeaf) { Global::get().l->log(Log::YouMuted, tr("You were muted and deafened by %1.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source))); } else if (msg.has_mute() && msg.has_deaf() && !pDst->bMute && !pDst->bDeaf) { Global::get().l->log( Log::YouMuted, tr("You were unmuted and undeafened by %1.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source))); } else { if (msg.has_mute()) { if (pDst->bMute) Global::get().l->log(Log::YouMuted, tr("You were muted by %1.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source))); else Global::get().l->log(Log::YouMuted, tr("You were unmuted by %1.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source))); } if (msg.has_deaf()) { if (!pDst->bDeaf) Global::get().l->log(Log::YouMuted, tr("You were undeafened by %1.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source))); } } if (msg.has_suppress()) { if (pDst->bSuppress) Global::get().l->log(Log::YouMuted, tr("You were suppressed.")); else { if (msg.has_channel_id()) Global::get().l->log(Log::YouMuted, tr("You were unsuppressed.")); else Global::get().l->log(Log::YouMuted, tr("You were unsuppressed by %1.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source))); } } updateTrayIcon(); } else if (pSrc == pSelf) { if (msg.has_mute() && msg.has_deaf() && pDst->bMute && pDst->bDeaf) { Global::get().l->log(Log::YouMutedOther, tr("You muted and deafened %1.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target))); } else if (msg.has_mute() && msg.has_deaf() && !pDst->bMute && !pDst->bDeaf) { Global::get().l->log(Log::YouMutedOther, tr("You unmuted and undeafened %1.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target))); } else { if (msg.has_mute()) { if (pDst->bMute) Global::get().l->log(Log::YouMutedOther, tr("You muted %1.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target))); else Global::get().l->log(Log::YouMutedOther, tr("You unmuted %1.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target))); } if (msg.has_deaf()) { if (!pDst->bDeaf) Global::get().l->log(Log::YouMutedOther, tr("You undeafened %1.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target))); } } if (msg.has_suppress()) { if (!msg.has_channel_id()) { if (pDst->bSuppress) Global::get().l->log(Log::YouMutedOther, tr("You suppressed %1.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target))); else Global::get().l->log(Log::YouMutedOther, tr("You unsuppressed %1.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target))); } } } else { if (msg.has_mute() && msg.has_deaf() && pDst->bMute && pDst->bDeaf) { Global::get().l->log(Log::OtherMutedOther, tr("%1 muted and deafened by %2.") .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target), Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source))); } else if (msg.has_mute() && msg.has_deaf() && !pDst->bMute && !pDst->bDeaf) { Global::get().l->log(Log::OtherMutedOther, tr("%1 unmuted and undeafened by %2.") .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target), Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source))); } else { if (msg.has_mute()) { if (pDst->bMute) Global::get().l->log(Log::OtherMutedOther, tr("%1 muted by %2.") .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target), Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source))); else Global::get().l->log(Log::OtherMutedOther, tr("%1 unmuted by %2.") .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target), Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source))); } if (msg.has_deaf()) { if (!pDst->bDeaf) Global::get().l->log(Log::OtherMutedOther, tr("%1 undeafened by %2.") .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target), Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source))); } } if (msg.has_suppress()) { if (!msg.has_channel_id()) { if (pDst->bSuppress) Global::get().l->log(Log::OtherMutedOther, tr("%1 suppressed by %2.") .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target), Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source))); else Global::get().l->log(Log::OtherMutedOther, tr("%1 unsuppressed by %2.") .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target), Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source))); } } } } } if (msg.has_texture_hash()) { pDst->qbaTextureHash = blob(msg.texture_hash()); pDst->qbaTexture = QByteArray(); #ifdef USE_OVERLAY Global::get().o->verifyTexture(pDst); #endif } if (msg.has_texture()) { pDst->qbaTexture = blob(msg.texture()); if (pDst->qbaTexture.isEmpty()) { pDst->qbaTextureHash = QByteArray(); } else { pDst->qbaTextureHash = sha1(pDst->qbaTexture); Global::get().db->setBlob(pDst->qbaTextureHash, pDst->qbaTexture); } #ifdef USE_OVERLAY Global::get().o->verifyTexture(pDst); #endif } if (msg.has_comment_hash()) pmModel->setCommentHash(pDst, blob(msg.comment_hash())); if (msg.has_comment()) pmModel->setComment(pDst, u8(msg.comment())); } /// This message is being received when a user was removed. This might be because the user disconnected or because /// of a kick/ban. The affected user might be the local user. /// This function will update the local user representation (UserModel) to match these removals and potentially inform /// the local user about a kick/ban. /// /// @param msg The message object containing further information void MainWindow::msgUserRemove(const MumbleProto::UserRemove &msg) { VICTIM_INIT; ACTOR_INIT; SELF_INIT; QString reason = u8(msg.reason()).toHtmlEscaped(); if (pDst == pSelf) { bRetryServer = false; if (msg.ban()) Global::get().l->log(Log::YouKicked, tr("You were kicked and banned from the server by %1: %2.") .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source)) .arg(reason)); else Global::get().l->log(Log::YouKicked, tr("You were kicked from the server by %1: %2.") .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source)) .arg(reason)); } else if (pSrc) { if (msg.ban()) Global::get().l->log((pSrc == pSelf) ? Log::YouKicked : Log::UserKicked, tr("%3 was kicked and banned from the server by %1: %2.") .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source)) .arg(reason) .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target))); else Global::get().l->log((pSrc == pSelf) ? Log::YouKicked : Log::UserKicked, tr("%3 was kicked from the server by %1: %2.") .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source)) .arg(reason) .arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Target))); } else { if (pDst->cChannel == pSelf->cChannel || pDst->cChannel->allLinks().contains(pSelf->cChannel)) { Global::get().l->log(Log::ChannelLeaveDisconnect, tr("%1 left channel and disconnected.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Source))); } else { Global::get().l->log(Log::UserLeave, tr("%1 disconnected.").arg(Log::formatClientUser(pDst, Log::Source))); } } if (pDst != pSelf) pmModel->removeUser(pDst); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(Global::get().talkingUI, "on_clientDisconnected", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(unsigned int, pDst->uiSession)); } /// This message is being received when the server informs the local client about channel properties (either during /// connection/login to the server or whenever these properties changed). /// /// @param msg The message object containing the details about the channel properties void MainWindow::msgChannelState(const MumbleProto::ChannelState &msg) { if (!msg.has_channel_id()) return; Channel *c = Channel::get(msg.channel_id()); Channel *p = msg.has_parent() ? Channel::get(msg.parent()) : nullptr; if (!c) { // Addresses channel does not exist so create it if (p && msg.has_name()) { c = pmModel->addChannel(msg.channel_id(), p, u8(msg.name())); c->bTemporary = msg.temporary(); p = nullptr; // No need to move it later ServerHandlerPtr sh = Global::get().sh; if (sh) c->bFiltered = Global::get().db->isChannelFiltered(sh->qbaDigest, c->iId); } else { qWarning("Server attempted state change on nonexistent channel"); return; } } if (p) { // Channel move Channel *pp = p; while (pp) { if (pp == c) { qWarning("Server asked to move a channel into itself or one of its children"); return; } pp = pp->cParent; } pmModel->moveChannel(c, p); } if (msg.has_name()) pmModel->renameChannel(c, u8(msg.name())); if (msg.has_description_hash()) pmModel->setCommentHash(c, blob(msg.description_hash())); if (msg.has_description()) pmModel->setComment(c, u8(msg.description())); if (msg.has_position()) { pmModel->repositionChannel(c, msg.position()); } if (msg.links_size()) { QList< Channel * > ql; pmModel->unlinkAll(c); for (int i = 0; i < msg.links_size(); ++i) { Channel *l = Channel::get(msg.links(i)); if (l) ql << l; } if (!ql.isEmpty()) pmModel->linkChannels(c, ql); } if (msg.links_remove_size()) { QList< Channel * > ql; for (int i = 0; i < msg.links_remove_size(); ++i) { Channel *l = Channel::get(msg.links_remove(i)); if (l) ql << l; } if (!ql.isEmpty()) pmModel->unlinkChannels(c, ql); } if (msg.links_add_size()) { QList< Channel * > ql; for (int i = 0; i < msg.links_add_size(); ++i) { Channel *l = Channel::get(msg.links_add(i)); if (l) ql << l; } if (!ql.isEmpty()) pmModel->linkChannels(c, ql); } if (msg.has_max_users()) { c->uiMaxUsers = msg.max_users(); } bool updateUI = false; if (msg.has_is_enter_restricted()) { c->hasEnterRestrictions.store(msg.is_enter_restricted()); updateUI = true; } if (msg.has_can_enter()) { c->localUserCanEnter.store(msg.can_enter()); updateUI = true; } if (updateUI) { // Passing nullptr to this function will make it do not much except fire a dataChanged event // which leads to the UI being updated (reflecting the changes that just took effect). this->pmModel->toggleChannelFiltered(nullptr); } } void MainWindow::msgChannelRemove(const MumbleProto::ChannelRemove &msg) { Channel *c = Channel::get(msg.channel_id()); if (c && (c->iId != 0)) { if (c->bFiltered) { ServerHandlerPtr sh = Global::get().sh; if (sh) Global::get().db->setChannelFiltered(sh->qbaDigest, c->iId, false); c->bFiltered = false; } if (!pmModel->removeChannel(c, true)) { Global::get().l->log(Log::CriticalError, tr("Protocol violation. Server sent remove for occupied channel.")); Global::get().sh->disconnect(); return; } } } /// This message is being received because the local client received a text message that should be displayed to /// the user - which is what this function does. /// /// @param msg The message object that contains information about the received text message void MainWindow::msgTextMessage(const MumbleProto::TextMessage &msg) { ACTOR_INIT; QString target; // Silently drop the message if this user is set to "ignore" if (pSrc && pSrc->bLocalIgnore) return; const QString &plainName = pSrc ? pSrc->qsName : tr("Server", "message from"); const QString &name = pSrc ? Log::formatClientUser(pSrc, Log::Source) : tr("Server", "message from"); bool privateMessage = false; if (msg.tree_id_size() > 0) { target += tr("Tree"); } else if (msg.channel_id_size() > 0) { target += tr("Channel"); } else if (msg.session_size() > 0) { target += tr("Private"); privateMessage = true; } // If NoScope or NoAuthor is selected generate a new string to pass to TTS const QString overrideTTS = [&]() { if (!Global::get().s.bTTSNoScope && !Global::get().s.bTTSNoAuthor) { return QString(); } const QString plainMessage = QTextDocumentFragment::fromHtml(u8(msg.message())).toPlainText(); if (Global::get().s.bTTSNoScope && Global::get().s.bTTSNoAuthor) { return plainMessage; } const QString prefixTTS = Global::get().s.bTTSNoScope ? plainName : target; return tr("%1: %2").arg(prefixTTS).arg(plainMessage); }(); const QString prefixMessage = target.isEmpty() ? name : tr("(%1) %2").arg(target).arg(name); Global::get().l->log(privateMessage ? Log::PrivateTextMessage : Log::TextMessage, tr("%1: %2").arg(prefixMessage).arg(u8(msg.message())), tr("Message from %1").arg(plainName), false, overrideTTS, pSrc ? pSrc->bLocalIgnoreTTS : false); } /// This message is being received when the server informs the client about the access control list (ACL) for /// a channel or multiple channels. It seems like this message will only be received after having queried it. /// /// @param msg The message object holding the ACL and further details void MainWindow::msgACL(const MumbleProto::ACL &msg) { if (aclEdit) { aclEdit->reject(); delete aclEdit; aclEdit = nullptr; } if (Channel::get(msg.channel_id())) { aclEdit = new ACLEditor(msg.channel_id(), msg, this); aclEdit->show(); } } /// This message is being received when the server informs the local client about user information. This message will /// only be received after being explicitly queried by the local client. /// /// @param msg The message object with the respective information void MainWindow::msgQueryUsers(const MumbleProto::QueryUsers &msg) { if (aclEdit) aclEdit->returnQuery(msg); } /// Pings are a method to check the server-client connection. This implementation does nothing. void MainWindow::msgPing(const MumbleProto::Ping &) { } void MainWindow::msgCryptSetup(const MumbleProto::CryptSetup &msg) { ConnectionPtr c = Global::get().sh->cConnection; if (!c) return; if (msg.has_key() && msg.has_client_nonce() && msg.has_server_nonce()) { const std::string &key = msg.key(); const std::string &client_nonce = msg.client_nonce(); const std::string &server_nonce = msg.server_nonce(); if (!c->csCrypt->setKey(key, client_nonce, server_nonce)) { qWarning("Messages: Cipher resync failed: Invalid key/nonce from the server!"); } } else if (msg.has_server_nonce()) { const std::string &server_nonce = msg.server_nonce(); if (server_nonce.size() == AES_BLOCK_SIZE) { c->csCrypt->uiResync++; if (!c->csCrypt->setDecryptIV(server_nonce)) { qWarning("Messages: Cipher resync failed: Invalid nonce from the server!"); } } } else { MumbleProto::CryptSetup mpcs; mpcs.set_client_nonce(c->csCrypt->getEncryptIV()); Global::get().sh->sendMessage(mpcs); } } /// This messages is only sent by the client if it wants to instantiate a context action. Thus this implementation /// does nothing. void MainWindow::msgContextAction(const MumbleProto::ContextAction &) { } /// This message is being received if the server wants to instruct the client to add or remove a given context action. /// /// @param msg The message object with further details about the respective context action /// /// @see MainWindow::removeContextAction void MainWindow::msgContextActionModify(const MumbleProto::ContextActionModify &msg) { if (msg.has_operation() && msg.operation() == MumbleProto::ContextActionModify_Operation_Remove) { removeContextAction(msg); return; } if (msg.has_operation() && msg.operation() != MumbleProto::ContextActionModify_Operation_Add) return; QAction *a = new QAction(u8(msg.text()), Global::get().mw); a->setData(u8(msg.action())); connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(context_triggered())); unsigned int ctx = msg.context(); if (ctx & MumbleProto::ContextActionModify_Context_Server) qlServerActions.append(a); if (ctx & MumbleProto::ContextActionModify_Context_User) qlUserActions.append(a); if (ctx & MumbleProto::ContextActionModify_Context_Channel) qlChannelActions.append(a); } /// Helper method for removing a context action. /// /// @param msg The message object instructing the deletion of the action with further information about it /// /// @see MainWindow::msgContextActionModify void MainWindow::removeContextAction(const MumbleProto::ContextActionModify &msg) { QString action = u8(msg.action()); QSet< QAction * > qs; #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 14, 0) qs += QSet< QAction * >(qlServerActions.begin(), qlServerActions.end()); qs += QSet< QAction * >(qlChannelActions.begin(), qlChannelActions.end()); qs += QSet< QAction * >(qlUserActions.begin(), qlUserActions.end()); #else // In Qt 5.14 QList::toSet() has been deprecated as there exists a dedicated constructor of QSet for this now qs += qlServerActions.toSet(); qs += qlChannelActions.toSet(); qs += qlUserActions.toSet(); #endif foreach (QAction *a, qs) { if (a->data() == action) { qlServerActions.removeOne(a); qlChannelActions.removeOne(a); qlUserActions.removeOne(a); delete a; } } } /// This message is being received in order to set the version information of this client. /// /// @param msg The message object with the respective information void MainWindow::msgVersion(const MumbleProto::Version &msg) { if (msg.has_version()) Global::get().sh->uiVersion = msg.version(); if (msg.has_release()) Global::get().sh->qsRelease = u8(msg.release()); if (msg.has_os()) { Global::get().sh->qsOS = u8(msg.os()); if (msg.has_os_version()) Global::get().sh->qsOSVersion = u8(msg.os_version()); } } /// This message is being received if the client has queried for the list of all users. /// /// @param msg The message object containing the user list void MainWindow::msgUserList(const MumbleProto::UserList &msg) { if (userEdit) { userEdit->reject(); delete userEdit; userEdit = nullptr; } userEdit = new UserEdit(msg, this); userEdit->show(); } /// This message is only sent by the client in oder to register/clear whisper targets. Therefore /// this implementation does nothing. void MainWindow::msgVoiceTarget(const MumbleProto::VoiceTarget &) { } /// This message is being received as an answer to the request for certain permissions or if the /// server wants the client to resync all channel permissions. /// /// @param msg The message object containing the respective information void MainWindow::msgPermissionQuery(const MumbleProto::PermissionQuery &msg) { Channel *current = pmModel->getChannel(qtvUsers->currentIndex()); if (msg.flush()) { foreach (Channel *c, Channel::c_qhChannels) c->uiPermissions = 0; // We always need the permissions of the current focus channel if (current && current->iId != static_cast< int >(msg.channel_id())) { Global::get().sh->requestChannelPermissions(current->iId); current->uiPermissions = ChanACL::All; } } Channel *c = Channel::get(msg.channel_id()); if (c) { c->uiPermissions = msg.permissions(); if (c->iId == 0) Global::get().pPermissions = static_cast< ChanACL::Permissions >(c->uiPermissions); if (c == current) { updateMenuPermissions(); } } } /// This message is being received in order for the server to instruct this client which version of the CELT /// codec it should use. /// /// @param msg The message object void MainWindow::msgCodecVersion(const MumbleProto::CodecVersion &msg) { int alpha = msg.has_alpha() ? msg.alpha() : -1; int beta = msg.has_beta() ? msg.beta() : -1; bool pref = msg.prefer_alpha(); #ifdef USE_OPUS static bool warnedOpus = false; Global::get().bOpus = msg.opus(); if (!Global::get().oCodec && !warnedOpus) { Global::get().l->log(Log::CriticalError, tr("Failed to load Opus, it will not be available for audio encoding/decoding.")); warnedOpus = true; } #endif // Workaround for broken 1.2.2 servers if (Global::get().sh && Global::get().sh->uiVersion == 0x010202 && alpha != -1 && alpha == beta) { if (pref) beta = Global::get().iCodecBeta; else alpha = Global::get().iCodecAlpha; } if ((alpha != -1) && (alpha != Global::get().iCodecAlpha)) { Global::get().iCodecAlpha = alpha; if (pref && !Global::get().qmCodecs.contains(alpha)) pref = !pref; } if ((beta != -1) && (beta != Global::get().iCodecBeta)) { Global::get().iCodecBeta = beta; if (!pref && !Global::get().qmCodecs.contains(beta)) pref = !pref; } Global::get().bPreferAlpha = pref; int willuse = pref ? Global::get().iCodecAlpha : Global::get().iCodecBeta; static bool warnedCELT = false; if (!Global::get().qmCodecs.contains(willuse)) { if (!warnedCELT) { Global::get().l->log(Log::CriticalError, tr("Unable to find matching CELT codecs with other clients. You will not be " "able to talk to all users.")); warnedCELT = true; } } else { warnedCELT = false; } } /// This message is being received in order to communicate user stats from the server to the client. /// /// @param msg The message object containing the stats void MainWindow::msgUserStats(const MumbleProto::UserStats &msg) { UserInformation *ui = qmUserInformations.value(msg.session()); if (ui) { ui->update(msg); } else { #ifdef USE_OVERLAY ui = new UserInformation(msg, Global::get().ocIntercept ? Global::get().mw : nullptr); #else ui = new UserInformation(msg, nullptr); #endif ui->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true); connect(ui, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(destroyUserInformation())); qmUserInformations.insert(msg.session(), ui); ui->show(); } } /// This message is only ever sent by the client in order to request binary data that otherwise /// wouldn't be included in the normal messages (e.Global::get(). big images). Thus this implementation does /// nothing. void MainWindow::msgRequestBlob(const MumbleProto::RequestBlob &) { } /// This message is being received when the server wants to inform the client about suggested client configurations /// made by the server administrator. These suggestions will be logged to Mumble's console (if unmet). /// /// @param msg The message object containing the suggestions void MainWindow::msgSuggestConfig(const MumbleProto::SuggestConfig &msg) { if (msg.has_version() && (msg.version() > MumbleVersion::getRaw())) { Global::get().l->log(Log::Warning, tr("The server requests minimum client version %1").arg(MumbleVersion::toString(msg.version()))); } if (msg.has_positional() && (msg.positional() != Global::get().s.doPositionalAudio())) { if (msg.positional()) Global::get().l->log(Log::Warning, tr("The server requests positional audio be enabled.")); else Global::get().l->log(Log::Warning, tr("The server requests positional audio be disabled.")); } if (msg.has_push_to_talk() && (msg.push_to_talk() != (Global::get().s.atTransmit == Settings::PushToTalk))) { if (msg.push_to_talk()) Global::get().l->log(Log::Warning, tr("The server requests Push-to-Talk be enabled.")); else Global::get().l->log(Log::Warning, tr("The server requests Push-to-Talk be disabled.")); } } void MainWindow::msgPluginDataTransmission(const MumbleProto::PluginDataTransmission &msg) { // Another client's plugin has sent us some data. Verify the necessary parts are there and delegate it to the // PluginManager if (!msg.has_sendersession() || !msg.has_data() || !msg.has_dataid()) { // if the message contains no sender session, no data or no ID for the data, it is of no use to us and we discard it return; } const ClientUser *sender = ClientUser::get(msg.sendersession()); const std::string &data = msg.data(); if (sender) { static_assert(sizeof(unsigned char) == sizeof(uint8_t), "Unsigned char does not have expected 8bit size"); // As long as above assertion is true, we are only casting away the sign, which is fine Global::get().pluginManager->on_receiveData(sender, reinterpret_cast< const uint8_t * >(data.c_str()), data.size(), msg.dataid().c_str()); } } #undef ACTOR_INIT #undef VICTIM_INIT #undef SELF_INIT