OverlayConfig 0 0 649 526 Form 0 1 0 0 6 QLayout::SetDefaultConstraint 0 0 0 Options Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop Enable overlay. This sets whether the overlay is enabled or not. This setting is only checked when applications are started, so make sure Mumble is running and this option is on before you start the application.<br />Please note that if you start Mumble after starting the application, or if you disable the overlay while the application is running, there is no safe way to restart the overlay without also restarting the application. Enable Overlay Qt::Horizontal 40 0 QLayout::SetDefaultConstraint Load an overlay preset from file Load… Save your overlay settings to file Save… Uninstall Overlay true 0 0 FPS and Clock Display QLayout::SetDefaultConstraint Display a frame counter in the overlay Show FPS counter Display a clock in the overlay showing the current local time (system time). Show Clock Set the overlay font. Font Set the overlay text color. Color Qt::Vertical 20 0 true 0 0 256 100 16777215 100 0 40 Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff 128 128 128 0 0 0 QPainter::Antialiasing|QPainter::TextAntialiasing 0 Layout 1 1 Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff 128 128 128 QPainter::Antialiasing|QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform|QPainter::TextAntialiasing Overlay Exceptions Overlay Exception Mode Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Horizontal Allowed launchers Add false Remove Allowed programs Add false Remove Allowed paths Add false Remove Blacklisted programs Add false Remove Overlay Installation 0 0 :/config_osd.png 0 0 Mumble has detected that you do not have the Mumble Overlay installed. Click the button below to install the overlay. Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter true Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Install Mumble Overlay Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Overlay Upgrade QFormLayout::ExpandingFieldsGrow :/config_osd.png Mumble has detected an old version of the overlay support files installed on your computer. To upgrade these files to their latest versions, click the button below. true Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Upgrade Mumble Overlay Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Vertical 20 40 PathListWidget QListWidget