// Copyright 2010-2021 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license // that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the // Mumble source tree or at . #include "OverlayText.h" #include "Utils.h" #include #include #include #include BasepointPixmap::BasepointPixmap() : qpBasePoint(0, 0), iAscent(-1), iDescent(-1) { } BasepointPixmap::BasepointPixmap(const QPixmap &pm) : QPixmap(pm), qpBasePoint(0, pm.height()), iAscent(-1), iDescent(-1) { } BasepointPixmap::BasepointPixmap(int w, int h) : QPixmap(w, h), qpBasePoint(0, h), iAscent(-1), iDescent(-1) { } BasepointPixmap::BasepointPixmap(int w, int h, const QPoint &bp) : QPixmap(w, h), qpBasePoint(bp), iAscent(-1), iDescent(-1) { } OverlayTextLine::OverlayTextLine(const QString &s, const QFont &f) : fEdgeFactor(0.05f), qsText(s), qfFont(f), fXCorrection(0.0), fYCorrection(0.0), iCurWidth(-1), iCurHeight(-1), fBaseliningThreshold(0.5f), bElided(false) { QFontMetrics fm(f); fAscent = static_cast< float >(fm.ascent()); fDescent = static_cast< float >(fm.descent()); fEdge = qMax(static_cast< float >(f.pointSizeF()) * fEdgeFactor, 1.0f); } BasepointPixmap OverlayTextLine::render(int w, int h, const QColor &col, const QPoint &bp) const { BasepointPixmap img(w, h, bp); img.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter imgp(&img); imgp.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); imgp.setRenderHint(QPainter::TextAntialiasing); imgp.setBackground(QColor(0, 0, 0, 0)); imgp.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver); QColor qc(col); qc.setAlpha(255); imgp.setBrush(qc); imgp.setPen(QPen(Qt::black, fEdge, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin)); imgp.drawPath(qpp); imgp.setPen(Qt::NoPen); imgp.drawPath(qpp); img.iAscent = iroundf(fAscent + 0.5f); img.iDescent = iroundf(fDescent + 0.5f); return img; } BasepointPixmap OverlayTextLine::createPixmap(QColor col) { if (qsText.isEmpty()) { return BasepointPixmap(); } QRectF qr; if (qpp.isEmpty()) { qpp.addText(0.0f, fAscent, qfFont, qsText); qr = qpp.controlPointRect(); // fit into (0,0)-based coordinates fXCorrection = 0.0f; fYCorrection = 0.0f; if (qr.left() < fEdge) { fXCorrection = fEdge - static_cast< float >(qr.left()); } if (qr.top() < fEdge) { fYCorrection = fEdge - static_cast< float >(qr.top()); } QMatrix correction; correction.translate(fXCorrection, fYCorrection); qpp = correction.map(qpp); } qr = qpp.controlPointRect(); return render(iroundf(qr.right() + 2.0f * fEdge + 0.5f), iroundf(qr.bottom() + 2.0f * fEdge + 0.5f), col, QPoint(iroundf(fXCorrection + 0.5f), iroundf(fYCorrection + fAscent + 0.5f))); } BasepointPixmap OverlayTextLine::createPixmap(unsigned int maxwidth, unsigned int height, QColor col) { float twice_edge = 2.0f * fEdge; if (!height || !maxwidth) return BasepointPixmap(); if (qpp.isEmpty() || iCurWidth > static_cast< int >(maxwidth) || iCurHeight != static_cast< int >(height) || (static_cast< int >(maxwidth) > iCurWidth && bElided)) { QFont f = qfFont; QFontMetrics fm(f); // fit the font into a bounding box with padding float ps = static_cast< float >(f.pointSizeF()); float f_ad = static_cast< float >(fm.ascent() + fm.descent() + 1) / ps; float pointsize = static_cast< float >(height) / (f_ad + 2.0f * fEdgeFactor); if (fEdgeFactor * ps > 1.0f) { pointsize = static_cast< float >(height - 2) / f_ad; } if (pointsize <= 0.0f) { return BasepointPixmap(); } f.setPointSizeF(pointsize); setFont(f); fm = QFontMetrics(f); twice_edge = 2.0f * fEdge; if (!qpp.isEmpty()) { qpp = QPainterPath(); } // calculate text metrics for eliding and scaling QRectF bb; qpp.addText(0.0f, 0.0f, f, qsText); bb = qpp.controlPointRect(); qreal effective_ascent = -bb.top(); qreal effective_descent = bb.bottom(); float scale = 1.0f; bool keep_baseline = true; if (effective_descent > fDescent || effective_ascent > fAscent) { qreal scale_ascent = effective_ascent > 0.0f ? fAscent / effective_ascent : 1.0f; qreal scale_descent = effective_descent > 0.0f ? fDescent / effective_descent : 1.0f; scale = static_cast< float >(qMin(scale_ascent, scale_descent)); if (scale < fBaseliningThreshold) { float text_height = static_cast< float >(bb.height()) + twice_edge; scale = static_cast< float >(height) / text_height; keep_baseline = false; } qWarning() << QString(QLatin1String("Text \"%1\" did not fit (+%2/-%3): (+%4/-%5). Scaling to %6.")) .arg(qsText) .arg(fAscent) .arg(fDescent) .arg(effective_ascent) .arg(effective_descent) .arg(scale); } // eliding by previously calculated width if ((bb.width() * scale) + twice_edge > maxwidth) { int eliding_width = iroundf((static_cast< float >(maxwidth) / scale) - twice_edge + 0.5f); QString str = fm.elidedText(qsText, Qt::ElideRight, eliding_width); // use ellipsis as shortest possible string if (str.trimmed().isEmpty()) { str = QString(QChar(0x2026)); } qpp = QPainterPath(); qpp.addText(0.0f, 0.0f, f, str); bb = qpp.controlPointRect(); bElided = true; } else { bElided = false; } // translation to "pixmap space": QMatrix correction; // * adjust left edge correction.translate(-bb.x() + fEdge, 0.0f); // * scale overly high text (still on baseline) correction.scale(scale, scale); if (keep_baseline) { // * translate down to baseline correction.translate(0.0f, (fAscent + fEdge) / scale); } else { // * translate into bounding box correction.translate(0.0f, -bb.top() + fEdge); } qpp = correction.map(qpp); iCurWidth = iroundf(bb.width() * scale + 0.5f); iCurHeight = height; } QRectF qr = qpp.controlPointRect(); return render(iroundf(qr.width() + twice_edge + 0.5f), iroundf(fAscent + fDescent + twice_edge + 0.5f), col, QPoint(0, iroundf(fAscent + fEdge + 0.5f))); } void OverlayTextLine::setFont(const QFont &font) { qfFont = font; qpp = QPainterPath(); QFontMetrics fm(font); fAscent = static_cast< float >(fm.ascent() + 1); fDescent = static_cast< float >(fm.descent() + 1); fEdge = qMax(static_cast< float >(font.pointSizeF()) * fEdgeFactor, 1.0f); } void OverlayTextLine::setEdge(float ew) { fEdge = ew; qpp = QPainterPath(); }