// Copyright 2005-2019 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license // that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the // Mumble source tree or at . #ifndef MUMBLE_MUMBLE_SERVERHANDLER_H_ #define MUMBLE_MUMBLE_SERVERHANDLER_H_ #ifndef Q_MOC_RUN # include # include # include # include # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef Q_OS_WIN #include #endif #define SERVERSEND_EVENT 3501 #include "Timer.h" #include "Message.h" #include "Mumble.pb.h" #include "ServerAddress.h" class Connection; class Database; class Message; class PacketDataStream; class QUdpSocket; class QSslSocket; class VoiceRecorder; class ServerHandlerMessageEvent : public QEvent { public: unsigned int uiType; QByteArray qbaMsg; bool bFlush; ServerHandlerMessageEvent(const QByteArray &msg, unsigned int type, bool flush = false); }; typedef boost::shared_ptr ConnectionPtr; class ServerHandler : public QThread { private: Q_OBJECT Q_DISABLE_COPY(ServerHandler) Database *database; protected: QString qsHostName; QString qsUserName; QString qsPassword; unsigned short usPort; bool bUdp; bool bStrong; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN HANDLE hQoS; DWORD dwFlowUDP; #endif QHostAddress qhaRemote; QHostAddress qhaLocal; QUdpSocket *qusUdp; QMutex qmUdp; void handleVoicePacket(unsigned int msgFlags, PacketDataStream &pds, MessageHandler::UDPMessageType type); public: Timer tTimestamp; int iInFlightTCPPings; QTimer *tConnectionTimeoutTimer; QList qlErrors; QList qscCert; QSslCipher qscCipher; ConnectionPtr cConnection; QByteArray qbaDigest; boost::shared_ptr recorder; QSslSocket *qtsSock; QList qlAddresses; ServerAddress saTargetServer; unsigned int uiVersion; QString qsRelease; QString qsOS; QString qsOSVersion; boost::accumulators::accumulator_set > accTCP, accUDP, accClean; ServerHandler(); ~ServerHandler(); void setConnectionInfo(const QString &host, unsigned short port, const QString &username, const QString &pw); void getConnectionInfo(QString &host, unsigned short &port, QString &username, QString &pw) const; bool isStrong() const; void customEvent(QEvent *evt) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void sendProtoMessage(const ::google::protobuf::Message &msg, unsigned int msgType); void sendMessage(const char *data, int len, bool force = false); #define MUMBLE_MH_MSG(x) void sendMessage(const MumbleProto:: x &msg) { sendProtoMessage(msg, MessageHandler:: x); } MUMBLE_MH_ALL #undef MUMBLE_MH_MSG void requestUserStats(unsigned int uiSession, bool statsOnly); void joinChannel(unsigned int uiSession, unsigned int channel); void createChannel(unsigned int parent_id, const QString &name, const QString &description, unsigned int position, bool temporary, unsigned int maxUsers); void requestBanList(); void requestUserList(); void requestACL(unsigned int channel); void registerUser(unsigned int uiSession); void kickBanUser(unsigned int uiSession, const QString &reason, bool ban); void sendUserTextMessage(unsigned int uiSession, const QString &message_); void sendChannelTextMessage(unsigned int channel, const QString &message_, bool tree); void setUserComment(unsigned int uiSession, const QString &comment); void setUserTexture(unsigned int uiSession, const QByteArray &qba); void setTokens(const QStringList &tokens); void removeChannel(unsigned int channel); void addChannelLink(unsigned int channel, unsigned int link); void removeChannelLink(unsigned int channel, unsigned int link); void requestChannelPermissions(unsigned int channel); void setSelfMuteDeafState(bool mute, bool deaf); void announceRecordingState(bool recording); /// Return connection information as a URL QUrl getServerURL(bool withPassword = false) const; void disconnect(); void run() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; signals: void error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError, QString reason); void disconnected(QAbstractSocket::SocketError, QString reason); void connected(); void pingRequested(); protected slots: void message(unsigned int, const QByteArray &); void serverConnectionConnected(); void serverConnectionTimeoutOnConnect(); void serverConnectionStateChanged(QAbstractSocket::SocketState); void serverConnectionClosed(QAbstractSocket::SocketError, const QString &); void setSslErrors(const QList &); void udpReady(); void hostnameResolved(); private slots: void sendPingInternal(); public slots: void sendPing(); }; typedef boost::shared_ptr ServerHandlerPtr; #endif